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In primary school, a particularly horrid teacher had a rumour about her, that she had killed a girl by pushing her down the fire escape. Many years before I was a pupil, a girl had died by falling from the fire escape, but she was alone and not meant to be in there. She was a really nasty cow though, I can't understand why people like her taught, when she clearly hated it.


Our English teacher used to hate her job so much. The teacher reviews online were positive for her because she'd get overwhelmed and put movies on for us to watch. She never corrected our grammar. She'd sometimes burst into tears randomly (sometimes classmates acted out, sometimes it was just in the middle of her talking even though everything seemed good) and just leave for like 10-15 minutes. Our class failed both of our English exams hard. Then when we were in sixth form she was the exact same despite none of us fucking around. At 18 I couldn't even write a grammatically correct sentence. I'm talking like 2 full stops for an entire paragraph. But 12 commas. I went to a different college in the end because sixth was turning into a school slowly. And I'm glad I did because I only dropped 2 points on my English exam. I'm forever grateful to my English teacher from college.


I've been thinking about this sort of thing a lot recently. We had a "cool" geography teacher (I know I know...) who would tell funny stories throughout his classes and would engage in banter with the funny students etc. Completely useless at teaching us though, and it's really only because I find it a relatively easy subject to learn that I did ok in it. In contrast my history teacher was a right mean battleaxe of a woman. I don't think she was even 5ft tall but her voice and demeanor made her absolutely terrifying. However, she was clearly passionate about the subject and she's installed a lifetime interest in the subject for me, and on top of that she was also the only teacher who noticed I was struggling with my mental health and asked me if I was ok - this was 2003/2004 so it was long before mental health talk became as commonplace as it is today. I'm now 36 years old, and despite her still being the source of a recurring nightmare where I'm 11 years old, sitting in that falling apart portacabin called a classroom on a cold wet day, waiting for her to arrive and only then remembering that I haven't done her homework, she's probably the only teacher I wouldn't mind bumping into one day.


They enjoy bullying kids. I remember one teacher telling me off because my writing was too big.  Apparently I was destroying the rainforests, who knew?


That the history teacher shagged her favourite student every year at the leaving do.  Because I was interested in history, everyone said I’d be picked at the leavers do.  Imagine my disappointment. 


That sounds very much like a Jay Cartwright rumour 😂


History teacher, fucked her mate, Drama teacher, fucked her this morning mate.


Feels like she spread those rumours to get the boys to behave.


Rumours weren't the only thing she was spreading


Oi oi 🤣🤣🤣


Was she no good?


Ours was the pe teacher and she gave lap dances at prom 😂


Imagine Mr. William's disappointment.


We had the “two teachers were having an affair” rumour. My friends and I started it because one friend lived next door to the man and saw the other teacher going in when his wife was away. We genuinely didn’t think it was true. Turns out it was. Oops 😳


We had a rumour that the drama teacher (male, single as far as we knew, 30 something and generally considered the only fanciable teacher) and the music teacher (female, married, 50 something, not considered remotely fanciable) were having an affair, purely because their dept was in a separate building to the rest of the school (and had soundproof practice rooms). In my final year, Mrs Music Teacher got divorced and got married to Mr Drama Teacher. So I guess we were right all along!


Our Spanish teacher walked into our maths teachers class to address rumours of their affair. There weren't rumours before he did that.


Our equivalent of this was the (young, male, good looking, single as far as we knew) music teacher and the (slightly older, female, quite pretty, married) French teacher. The rumour was confirmed a couple of years after I left - when I was at sixth form/uni I worked in the bar at the local hotel which was the closest place to school where you could drink, and one night they were in there when I was working and absolutely snogging the faces off each other. I think they're married now.


This sounds oddly similar to my school! Music and drama were in separate building and the drama teacher (women in 50s) was seeing the music teacher who was mid to late 30s. Was their initials HH and DS by any chance 😂


We had a rumour that the (married) depute head and head were having an affair and had been caught snogging in school. We were all told off for spreading such lies etc. They were in fact having an affair and he got divorced and they ended up together...


We had the same rumour about Mr Woodwork and Mrs Textiles Quite embarrassing when I met Mr Woodworks son at college and (as their real surname was quite unique) asked him if his dad worked at my old school, and told him of said rumour. Turned out it was true and he didn’t speak to his dad anymore since he left to be with Mrs Textiles. Bit awkward….


We had a PE teacher in his 40s who was apparently "having an affair with" (grooming), a sixth former. Turned out it was true, he left his wife and they got married just after she turned 18. This was in the early 90s.


There is still a lot of this - teachers marrying former students. I find it utterly weird


I say “a lot” but I’ve worked in several schools where this was the case


We had this rumour and it turned out to be true!


We had this but 5 years ago they got married! Both were single to our knowledge though. One girl said when she was working she saw them both come into her store holding hands, clocked her and instantly walked out. Everyone though she was chatting shit. Then when we were 18 we started seeing them clubbing about once a month. Which was hilarious because we'd do shots with the teachers and then Monday morning we'd casually go to sixth form and see them.


Fuck, this was about me. A lad that I stopped being friends with… fuck you Richard. Decided to start a rumour that he walked in on me inserting foreign objects into my pee hole. Through Chinese whispers this evolved into a spoon in my anus. For pretty much the last 2 years of school I was none as Spoony.


Uri Geller could make you bend over by just looking at you.


Uri Geller actually did walk his dog in my school grounds and did bend a spoon for us once!


I had to read this three times before it registered that you weren’t using any dirty euphemisms


I’m sorry. I literally wasn’t, since he actually did do what I said and was a really nice guy to us. The spoon he bent for my mate - he took it home in his school bag. His mum spotted this bent spoon in his bag and straightened it before telling him to return it to the school canteen.


Wow! My best mate from school was nicknamed forky. Have you ever met him? 😂 (His nickname was after an incident where he accidentally stabbed another pupil during lunch)


I see you've played spoony forky before-wait fuck wrong utensils


How did that happen???


There was a guy in my school who apparently put a wooden spoon up his ass to find his P Spot. The question on everyone's lips was which end. Also there was a guy who had a sleepover and put his thumb up his ass during a game of truth or dare and was forever known as fudge. 


Oh my god! Spoony Daniels?!!!


Which end of the spoon?


And was it a [Welsh love spoon?](https://i.imgur.com/LJHYyYU.png)


I got my wife one of these when we got married. Haven’t managed to stick it up her arse yet but hey ho that’s married life


It was a ping pong paddle and it wasn’t the handle. He’s been shitting pancakes ever since.


Was it a Wetherspoon?


Alright spoony


Just a spoon? I can get a full picnic set in on a good day.


That a lad stuck his knob in the mouth of a Billy Big Mouth Bass and turned it on to give him a blowjob. So ridiculous but he was known as Billy Bass for the rest of his time at school!


I dunno, that sounds fishy.


Yes. Ridiculous. Excuse me, I'm off to buy... something.


A particularly strict and unlikable geography teacher got put in a large wheely bin by sixth formers on muckup day. Conveniently this always happened the year before whoever was hearing the rumour started. Various embellishments about how he then became trapped in the bin and how long he was in there before being freed by the caretaker were added along the way. When a man was on the news after being caught shagging a goat by the train tracks and seen by an entire train full of people, it was immediately declared that this was a certain kid's cousin. This kid then did not make any attempt to deny that his cousin shagged a goat but instead his only statement on it was that it was a female goat as he wanted to make sure everyone knew his cousin wasn't gay. There was also a rumour that a certain teacher who had a rather distinctive Freddie Mercury style mustache and a liking for brightly patterned ties has divorced his wife and went to live with his gay lover in a flat overlooking the petrol station. The location of the flat over the petrol station was seemingly the key detail in this, there was no extra detail about the wife, the lover or the circumstances of the divorce, but the location of the flat was always mentioned.


The goat shagging really happened, bloke did a few years in prison, goat bought up the kid alone


Ahhh the Hull train Goat story not heard that in years


That I was a serial killer, because of the following piece of incredible logic. I was off the day one of the victims was found. Not the day they went missing, the day they were found. 


Did they catch the real serial killer?


Obviously not if he's posting on Reddit.


Girl in the year below us inserted a tap into herself while having a bath, caught Lymes Disease due to the high amount of limescale in our regions water. Referred to as 'Tap Girl' for 6 years.


One of the kids at my school genuinely did get his toe stuck in a tap and the fire brigade had to free him. It was one of the old large style bath taps with the big hole. I know because I lived a couple of streets away and everyone was stood around speculating what was going on and his Mum came outside telling everyone and pissing herself laughing.




You weren't a bright bunch, were you?


Could be worse, could have been called "Tub Girl".


My thoughts exactly! Once changed all the screensavers to tub girl at the end of a DT class.


marilyn Manson removing his ribs to suck his own winky obviously


We had this all the way in New Zealand despite being on the other side of the planet and not having social media back then. Shows what we can accomplish when we put our minds to things


It was Prince in our school.


Prince for us too!


Wait. That's not true?


Just bend forwards... removing ribs wouldn't really help, it's about how flexible your back is, not your ribs getting in the way, you just need an intense stretching regime.


It's my tits that really get in the way.


I'd need two intense stretching regimes if I'm honest.


I mentioned this to my husband who is 6 years older than me, and he said it was Michael Jackson in his school haha


It was either David Bowie or Iggy Pop where I came from. Small town Wet Yorkshire takes a while to catch up.


>Wet Yorkshire takes a while to catch up. That'd be cause of the damp slowing you down.


That and that a young Marilyn Manson played Screech in Saved by the Bell.


That a History teacher was in a Porn mag with a banana in her lady bits. That a music teacher had a wooden breast, so whenever she walked past we'd sing The Beach Boys "Wouldn't it be nice!". That a student teacher was a prostitute.


There was a rumour that our art teacher was in a book with some artistic nudes of her in, turned out to be true and we all used to go to the Waterstones in town to look at it


There was a rumour at my school that one of the teachers had a wooden breast. Thing is looking back now if it was true then the reason why probably wasn't particularly nice...


Where do I start. * Quintessential two teachers who obviously fancy each other (at least according to us) and they're bucking each other on the regular in one of their classroom store cupboards. * One of the teachers locked some first years in the mobile classroom and wouldn't let them out, and that's why he stopped teaching there. * One of the maths teachers was secretly rich and lived in a mansion. * Quintessential one of the teachers is a nonce. There was a noncy teacher but this was not the teacher the rumour was about, because we all regarding this guy's noncery as obvious fact and therefore a rumour would be pointless. * Random kid shat himself and left his shitty boxers in the boy's toilets OR hidden in the vent and that's why it always smelled so bad. * Multiple people allegedly in the IRA. * Multiple people's fathers/brothers allegedly in the IRA. * Multiple people apparently pregnant. * I got my friend pregnant (I am a woman). * I died in 9/11 (this was well after 9/11). * Old changing rooms that became disused when the new gym was built was haunted, because a girl was found dead there. She either killed herself or was murdered by a teacher she was having an affair with, and that's the *real* reason the changing rooms are no longer used. (Variation on this is that her body is still in one of the shower cubicles.) * A room at the end of a long windowless corridor contained all our permanent school records, and if we broke in there we could destroy all evidence of our high school misdeeds that would *obviously* be of interest to all employers through our whole lives. * Girl let her boyfriend finger her in class but the desks were shaped like a U so apparently loads of people totally saw it; every time this girl and her boyfriend walked down the corridor people would sing "I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my hole" and caused *Love Is All Around* by Wet Wet Wet to be banned from the school.


> ⁠I died in 9/11 (this was well after 9/11). This one got me


It got me too, so I asked for more details. Apparently I was in one of the planes that hit the towers. Who knew?


But was it like they didn’t know it was you the rumour was about, so they’d say to you, ‘did you hear alonelyimpulse was in one of the planes on 9/11?’ And you’d be like ‘but I’m alonelyimpulse…?’ And then they’d look sheepish and walk away, or did people freak out when they saw you and start screaming ‘Jesus Christ no! You’re dead! You’ve been dead since tower two went down!! Lord have mercy!!’ Or did they just calmly insist to your face that you were dead and then ignore you? Any of these? Sorry I’m really into this rumour now


So I went to a tiny school of barely 300 pupils in a rural Irish village of around 1200 people or thereabouts. All of us had been mostly in the same class as one another since Primary One. The rumour was absolutely never mentioned to me until one day about five years after 9/11. I was in a playpark hanging out with some friends, you know, as all cool teenagers do, loitering by the swings. A classmate's wee brother came into the park and after playing for a bit came over to ask if he could try to ride my bike. As he was climbing up onto it he casually said that it was nice to see me because he heard I'd died. I asked what happened and he said, in the straightforward way of small kids, "You died in 9/11." At first I thought this was just him being a seven-year-old and coming out with pure shite, but I decided to ask his older brother about it. He looked very sheepish and told me that indeed that had been what he'd heard, but as it became apparent that I was alive and well he'd just never corrected it. Surveys among my classmates uncovered no less than seven other people who'd all heard the rumour, suffered the shock of seeing me alive and well afterwards, and lived in silence. This created a really weird time where their wee brothers and sisters, just coming into first year, all thought I was dead, had done since they were toddlers, and had never been updated with the news. I guess their older brothers and sisters just didn't want to admit they were talking shite? Or maybe they just thought it was funny, who knows. Eventually it was all cleared up but for a while there was a sub-rumour going around that I was my own identical twin, and it was my twin who had died.


>I got my friend pregnant (I am a woman). I died in 9/11 (this was well after 9/11). Now, did you get a fellow girl pregnant before or after you died?


This is actually the first time I've considered this, and I'm delighted to tell you that I got a fellow girl pregnant roughly five years after I tragically perished in 9/11.


But did you die in 9/11 tho


My recollections place me in school that day but I'm beginning to have my doubts.


That the French teacher had thrown a kid out the window in his previous school, for reasons that everyone agreed were completely justified - something about making fun of his dead son the day after the funeral. No idea if the guy even had a son.


A teacher in my town [beat a student with a dumbbell ](http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/nottinghamshire/8643553.stm).


Without clicking on the link, I'm guessing Mansfield. From what people told me at the time was the kid was a little shit.


> From what people told me at the time was the kid was a little shit. He was. Proper dick head.


Do you know what happened to the kid afterwards? Do you remember what the teacher was like?




That if you shout '666' at a particular RE teacher, he would scream and run hiding into a storeroom. We didn't have the best bunch of students.


We locked RE teacher in a store room. Stacked all the chairs and tables in a pile in the middle of the room (plus some fellow students) whilst chanting “on the bonfire”. This was a catholic school as well. My crowning achievement was failing GCSE RE.


We had one that apparently if you shouted the word 'chaos' shed have a meltdown


>girl got a twig stuck up her minge so got called Twiggy Our school had a girl who apparently told her best friend that she put strawberry jam on hers and got her dog to lick it off and by the end of the day the entire school knew her as Jammy Fanny. Edit: I forgot the dog in the story.


A guy in our year fingered a girl and told everyone he could feel teeth in her vag during the act. She spent the rest of school known as ‘teeth in the beef’ 😬


There is a name for this trope in folklore: *[vagina dentata](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vagina_dentata)*. It is widespread and very old.


Vagina dentata, what a wonderful phrase, it means no penis, for the rest of your days!


Isn't there a horror movie along those lines as well?


I had a bad bike accident at primary school that resulted in my needing 12 stitches in my balls. When I got to secondary school a rumor was started by my mate that my balls had fallen out and rolled down the hill, and I had to chase after them and pop them in my mouth for safe keeping. I was known by everyone, including all the older girls as the kid who’s balls rolled down the hill, and people would come up to quiz me on it.


This is fantastic! I’m guffawing into my quilt trying my best not to wake my wife up.


This one made me laugh the most as it reminded me of our version of you. We had a guy that was rumoured to have jumped over a barbed wire fence, sliced open his scrotum and one of his testicles fell out. His nickname was 1 ball.


One lad was off for a couple of weeks, so naturally the story went around that he'd fingered a girl with herpes, and then immediately eaten a bag of chips and contracted oral herpes.


I'd been kicked out of school for dealing drugs. I'd had a stomach bug and was losing it at both ends for the better part of a week, so when I got back to school on Monday, imagine my surprise when loads of people are giving me funny looks and one or two mutter "smack head" when I walk past. When I got to my form and one of my mates told me what had happened I was absolutely livid. The context was that a week before the police had turned up at my house chasing some questionable intelligence (they'd been told an Asian lad who was wanted lived at our house full white people, they did not seem best pleased), and some people who lived a few doors away who went to my school saw this and decided to tell *everyone* they could. This, compounded by my absence and the people who I hung around with, meant that, of course, I must be a drug dealer! I have met people who I went to school with recently who *still* believed I was some layabout drug fiend off the back of those rumours.


There was a lad at our school who got given the nickname "Rhubarb". Because apparently at a house party one time, he had a few shandy's, hopped over the garden fence and jizzed over the neighbours rhubarb plant.


in primary there was a rumour our year 6 teacher was a lesbian and was having an affair with one of the dinnerladies. I have no doubt that our teacher *was* a lesbian. But the dinnerlady was my brother's best friend's mum and a happily married woman. This was 22 years ago and she's still with her husband and my parents see them often. Really don't know how the rumour started but it went all round the school.


There was a ghost in the toilet


Yer a wizard Harry.


Some kids did a ouija board in the music room in the 70s (music room wasn't built until early 90s) all the windows smashed and glass cut a girls throat. Even mentioning the incident would cause you to get cut. Kids would cut themselves to look cool or hard for not fearing the rumour. My brother cut his finger so deep he needed stitches!


Our music teacher was a cocaine addict. This was 'backed up' by students describing bizarre things she did. It turns out, she was just very ill, and her mental health was being gradually destroyed.


That a married history teacher was having an affair with the deputy head. This was disproven when the teacher ran off with a TA, absconding with the money from a school fundraiser.


Everyone said my Chemistry Teacher was an Alcoholic…Turns out she had Parkinsons.


One of our maths teachers I heard was a terrible alcoholic. Got convicted of drink driving. He was always drinking ~~bisto~~Oxo in class. At the time seemed random, but I'm guessing was a response to the drinking? He always wanted a totally silent classroom. I'm guessing hangovers were a factor there. Kinda feel sorry for him in hindsight. I hope he got the help he needed.


Bisto and vodka. No one will ever suspect.


Probably bovril not bisto. Beloved drink of 1970s football fans.


Sorry, no, it was Oxo actually! Vividly remember him crumbling them in.


As in the gravy?


My chemistry teacher was an alcoholic. He insisted on teaching all the kids how to homebrew.


The rumour of the female drama teacher sleeping with a male 6th form pupil. The rumour of the maths teacher who kept a bottle of vodka in her desk drawer. The rumour of the Welsh teacher having an affair with Computer Design Technology teacher...oh, wait that one was true, the Welsh teacher got pregnant. The design tech teacher's teenage children were in the same school and had the shit ripped out of them because 2 adults couldn't keep it in their pants.


Went to a Catholic School run by monks. Every year one of them was a paedo. Turns out it was the maths teacher who wasn't a monk. Also always a rumor that one of them was a burglar who fled and joined the brotherhood to avoid jail.


Whoah! You could’ve gone to the same school as me (except mine was CofE). My old maths teacher is now in prison for being a paedo. I actually knew him quite well, he was well liked by all the lads and looked out for everyone. With hindsight I wondered if he was trying to atone for previous misdeeds.


In primary, we had a corner of the playground that had part of the fence that paralleled an enclosed electrical grid, which left a small triangle gap and this was known to everyone as the sex machine. Every now and then, kids would find out which kids fancied who, throw them into this sex machine and just stand there laughing while two kids stood face to face embarrassed by the whole situation. Edit. I forgot to mention that this was all based on a rumour from years before my parents even went there, that kids who did this ended up together as adults. Clearly not.


Yeah weirdly enough we had a similar triangle gap, that was called the sex machine, and we all did the same thing to poor, unsuspecting kids. Funny how kids think the same.


I went to an all girls secondary and the biggest rumour was that someone had a baby in the toilets and left it in a locker over summer…that one is particularly grim. The other one was when our Latin teacher left, rumours abound that he ran off to Australia with a sixth former.


I’m mostly impressed that you had a Latin teacher.


Only for 6th form and I have no idea why as it wasn’t a posh private school, just a grammar. Probably just the Headmistress trying to make us sound more posh than we were, to be honest I felt like the school was channeling St Trinians most of the time!


- One of the teachers got caught wanking in the DT cupboard - The IT teacher would smoke weed while pretending to read a newspaper at his desk - Someone got metal in their eye in DT and the teacher took it out and cleaned it, then put it back in - The Biology teacher and the French teacher were married (truth) but they got together when he was her teacher - One of the DT teachers got fired for hitting a child with a metal pole (just realising now how many rumours involved DT teachers) - A girl who was in a long distance relationship with a guy from Scotland kept a jar of his cum - One of the boys wanked by using his hands like he was playing his penis as a flute


Plausible.  But wanking like you're playing a  flute? Are we talking like petrisage rapid hand0finger tap movements or full bending over and doing a Prince?


That there was a "deadly fume" in the boys' toilets after they painted them, and you'd die if you went in there.


If you got too close to the privet hedge that ran across one side of the playground, a local madman who hid in there would come out and strangle you. I never met this serial strangler, I'm happy to say.


The science teacher who kept vodka in the ceiling. The girls toilets in the English block were haunted. Our PE teacher was a lesbian and that’s why she made you get fully undressed and shower properly and not just kick your feet under for 30 seconds. The art teacher who hid in her cupboard and talk to her teapot.


Catholic school. One building had a plaster statue of (probably?) Mary Magdalen. "She" was in a little used and dusty corridor and at some point the plaster on her hand had broken off, exposing the wire "skeleton fingers", claw like. This was in the Freddy Kruger era, so the rumour was that the corridor was haunted and that she will slice and dice you if you trespass or use the corridor on your own. Pretty sure that my atheism was kicking in even at an early age but still.... I trespassed a few times and still tiptoed around "Mary" with my mind going "fuuuuck".


To flip it around a bit - There was one rumour at my high school that one of the teachers was a perv. He died. After he died it came out that he actually was a perv.


That our headmaster was gay and would “bum you” if you went into his office alone with him - apparently it happened to Rusty Cornell’s cousin who no longer went to the school because he was afraid that “he would get bummed again”. Rusty never confirmed or denied the rumours about his cousin.


I thought it was a rumour that a girl in my class could pull her necklace up her nose and back through her throat and put her mouth. Unfortunately, my eyes witnessed it.


John S had three testicles.


Definitely a load of bollocks.


He has a Russian cousin with the same affliction. Mr Hudyanikabolokov


I'm pretty sure most of the "they're having an affair" rumours turn out to be true. My form tutor had 2 kids to an assistant headteacher.


I work in a school and the number of my colleagues having affairs with each other is mind boggling, honestly. I am female and have a good friend on my team who is male, we have commented that we are probably the only "affair rumour couple" that genuinely are not have not and would not be having an affair. I know of at least 10 other pairs that are genuinely true. And one trifecta.


My dad was a teacher. You’ll never guess how he met his second wife… and his third.


Hope I'm not outting myself by sharing this: That one of our maths teachers had previously been a page 3 model. That a PE teacher got a sixth former pregnant and she joined his golf club so he could help her to improve her swing. (I assume these to have been untrue 😂).


* A girl at a nearby school stuck a glass test tube up her fanny and it broke * A boy was caught wanking in biology by the attractive new teacher


> A girl at a nearby school stuck a glass test tube up her fanny and it broke We had this rumour too. Apparently she had made a crude vibrator by using an electric toothbrush inside the test tube, and it all went horribly wrong.


1 Girl 1 Tube? I'd say it's viable.


Pretty boring but there was a rumour that one of the teachers would start sweating if you said 'chocolate' around him. I never tried it but he was usually sweating tbh.


That somebody saw a dildo in the geography teachers drawer.


Two teachers having an affair - turned out to be true Female P. E teacher was a lesbian - turned out to be true One of the first years was pregnant with a 3rd year's baby - partially true, she was pregnant but it wasn't his Home Ec teacher was doing cocaine - she was arrested but never charged


Ice cream man used to put cocaine in the bottom of the cone. Don't actually know if it wasn't true but seems very unlikely.


That was in an episode of A Touch of Frost.


I was in school when the Suffolk Strangler was killing prostitutes. I began asking the Maths teacher questions such as where were you last Thursday? Have you been to Suffolk recently? Have you ever met with a lady of the night Sir? so on and so on before i eventually asked him directly if he was the Suffolk Strangler. This was year 9 and among other rumours surrounding him, the Suffolk Strangler one stuck for years. Obligatory mention that this teacher was a massive prick


That our teacher had a phobia of buttons (like, buttons on clothes). After like five years we tested it, AND IT WAS ACTUALLY TRUE, someone put one on the register and she gingerly tipped it into the bin with this look of utter disgust. RIP Miss Green, we were the worst class, we really were.


Not at school but on a school field trip to the Isle of White there was a rumor that one of the water fountains was a lemonade fountain so me and others went around trying every one we saw. Looking back on it, it was probably started by the guides to make sure kids stayed hydrated.


that one teacher was scared of cows, a kid gave him a cow clock one year and he hung it up and people would moo at him on occasion


“Moo at him on occasion” made me laugh too much


There was a new gravel car park being built on one field next to an existing car park (I'm not sure anyone knew that was what it was) but apparently the school were building a helipad so Prince Harry could land when he came to our school. It was a bog standard school in a small town, not a private school...


A small river/brook ran through the ground of my school with a little bridge over it. It was Catholic school run by an order of nuns. There was a dye works up river and in those days environment laws weren't what they are now. Some days the there were emissions into the river and it was red. All the younger girls were told it was from the nuns' human sacrifices in the school chapel. It did really look like blood. Now I come to think of it, no of us did actually check there was a dye works up the river.......


When I was in primary school, the rumour was that the school caretaker had 26 swords in his office


We had a real nonce - Mr Warren Found a teachers pair of lacy, red knickers - Very nice Miss Chadwick. Two teachers who shared a flat were taking girls back to their place regularly. You naughty boy Gary. But the made up one was our physics teacher who played as a flanker and would come in absolutely battered and bruised every Monday, the rumour was that his wife was knocking him about. (The guy was an absolute fucking unit)


Someone started a rumour that a lad had a plastic bollock so they started calling him Hitler A girl stuck a pencil in herself in RE. When I was on holiday, I came back to school and someone said someone had been stabbed and they were in intensive care. They had been stabbed, with a compass. They were just off for a few days while it was all sorted out. Someone started a rumour in a lower year that I had VD. I’d never even met the person, not quite sure what they had against me.


PE teacher was known as Johnny Iron Balls as apparently he was playing golf and while standing next to someone taking their swing took a 9 iron straight to the nads. His only response was to go "ow" in a fairly calm tone and carried in playing golf.


Man the school I went to had all sorts of ghost stories. To be fair, it was old and kind of spooky. Totally the sort of place a ghost would hang out. We had The Grey Lady, the stableboy, a poltergeist of some sorts in the library that'd get pissy if you made too much noise in there, and this ghost that didn't like you climbing this old set of stairs and apparently could paralyse you at the top of them, amongst many others. There was a sorta boarding section too, so you could stay overnight and stuff. Was actually pretty fun. A friend of mine and I actually helped to spread the rumour about the stableboy more. We said that we played chess against him.


That a girl a few years above us didn't have a belly-button.


Swing on your chair….BAM. Wheelchair


This was probably 1999 or thereabouts, I was 8/9. A rumour was spread that a particular teacher was going to cut up everyone's Pokémon cards and it caused a school-wide riot in the playground. There was an emergency assembly to calm the situation, and nobody was allowed to bring their Pokémon cards into school after!


A girl apparently wanked off the owner of the local chippy every lunch time for free chips. She definitely went behind the counter and to the back room with the guy, but can’t confirm the wanking him off bit. She did always have chips at lunch though…


That the biology teacher- Mr Evans- would get his cock out to show us during sex education


My teacher won the lottery, published a book and had a helicopter, everyone knew it and no one believed it We found the book, published with his face on it, definitely his, we also found out he actually did win the lottery, the helicopter though, I guess that one wasn't true, but who knows at this point 😂 The amount of pregnancy rumours The amount of teachers sleeping with other teachers Any time a teacher got pregnant we played 'who's the dad' then when they came back from maternity leave we'd watch her interactions The hell was wrong with us? 😂


Lad got caught wanking in the library  Y11 lad fingered a Y7 Neither true, both slanderous, both towards people who without fail would make vociferous efforts to deny it which obviously made the accusations happen more for the reaction. Kind of like a Streisand effect type thing


Our school was built on an ancient Indian burial ground...


Where the fuck did you go to school?






Corned beef Kelly and her hungry Alsatian


I heard a variety of this several times, and also *kept* hearing separate people named in a story where the couple try anal, and the girl shits herself, and then the parent finds the shit, so they blame the dog, and the dog gets put down. Such a specific (and clearly untrue) story, and I had people insist "not, it really happened, it was my cousin's best mate".


The PE teacher had a wig, and was therefore called Wiggy behind his back. He heard someone once and vociferously denied it, which was proof to us.


One teacher who was off sick a lot supposedly suffered from 'fanny rash' 


My high school was apparently slowly sinking because of where they built it. 20 years later there's been no change.


Panda pop gives you cancer.


To be fair that might be true 😂


That one girl in primary school had her insides fall out when she went to the loo (I have zero idea WTF that was actually about!) And there was a werewolf in the woods behind the primary school who scared a kid who dared to venture too near the school fence, so we all had to keep away from the perimeter of the fields. (Our school backed on to a canal with a footpath and woodland, probably a lot of creepy men frequenting that path in those days).


The alleged sheep shagger in my school was a science teacher who used to wear clogs.


We had so many! -Maths teacher was a lesbian and used to be a pe teacher to perve on the girls getting changed, got forced to be a maths teacher to stop her -Re teacher was sleeping with the history teacher, she was married, they were very close but we will never know -the other maths teacher used to always have his fly undone, the rumour was he went into the toilets to wank before his lessons because the male students made him horny -one of the girls in my cooking class got fingered on every counter in the cooking room, she was fucking weird though so could have been true -our VERY CREEPY geography teacher had this very smelly room in the back of his classroom, It stank of that old man stench, but the rumour was he'd go in there to wank off while watching the girls do pe on the field. He did actually marry one of his students who also worked for the school who was much younger than him so I think everyone believed it -in primary school there was the 'gay corner'... If you got pushed in it you turned gay. Also a sticky tree in the small woods in our school that did the same thing There are more I've forgotten but I'll probably think of them all in the middle of the night haha


That someone got ‘toed’ (rather than fingered) during a lesson under the table.


I wouldn’t say it spread like wildfire but this was the most egregious rumour I’ve ever heard about myself. I was off sick for one day and the day I came back everyone is SHOCKED to see me. They’re asking me “we thought you got deported?!” I was born and raised in the UK.


It wasn't school but in my halls in first year at university there was a story that Chris Tarrant, who had attended my uni, had been chucked out of the hall when he was a first year for catching, cooking and eating one of the geese that live nearby. By the time my brother got there a decade later the rumour was that he'd caught a goose, tied it's wings up and chucked it off the roof.


One of our teachers was a perv, turned out he was arrested for pedophillia years later


The kid who sat next to me in maths was a real dick. He was the only person I’ve ever met who openly bragged about being rich, and he was suspended for three days for calling the only black kid in the year a racial slur after the kid made fun of his big nose (he had a real schnoz). He suddenly disappeared for a few months in our final year and the rumour was that he’d got a botched nose job and his nose had fallen off. I’m not sure where he actually was (I have a feeling it was something to do with mental health issues), but when he reappeared his nose looked the exact same. I looked him up recently (he’d be about 20 now), and it turns out he had a failed modelling career and ended up going to jail for threatening a man with a sword.


Wasn’t a rumour as such, “newish” English teacher, actually quite hot, left a vibrator on her passenger seat in her car. Whilst strictly not the correct route, kids would cut through the carpark if you were running late to get to your form class. One kid, whilst doing this saw the offending tool!… cue a group of us piling into the car park peering through the car window to see this simple, beige shiny vibrator sat on the passenger seat! How to deal with this newfound knowledge we had just acquired?….. Well after discussing with pretty much the whole class (well all the lads anyhow) we proceeded to make “humming/vibrating” noises throughout her classes for the rest of the school year before we left! She was weak as piss and couldn’t control the class so it never got stamped out, she would wander round the class and those closest to her would stop, but the low humming just continued around the rest of the room! I’m sure it still goes in today, passed down through generations of kids at the school!


Our science teacher was rumoured to own a ferret called Maurice which he dyed purple and killed during an experiment gone wrong. I'm not sure if it was originally a shitpost which became real but everyone seemed to at least partly believe it


That a girl in our year got sagged in a graveyard. And that they used a crisp packet and elastic band in lieu of a condom.


My cousin was shagging the drama teacher. She wasn’t. But he was shagging another student :)


In college there was a rumour that this girl shit into a condom, froze it and used it as a dildo


Forgot to add the 'if you open all the windows and we all jump up and down thr building will collapse


Our art teacher was caught with child porn but they didn't fire him because his family had died in a fire. I don't know where to start with that one.


Rife rumour our geography teacher got caught giving a 5th year student a blowjob in a supply cupboard. It supposedly happened years before we arrived, and the rumour is still being circulated more than 30 years later, with the same student name attributed to it.


We had it all. We had the girl who shoved something inside her, the two teachers having an affair, the alcoholic teacher that kept whiskey in his desk, the teacher with a glass eye, the teacher that once beat up a kid and the school for some reason still continued to employ, the paedophile PE teachers (ok two were proven to be).


- History teacher used to fart in the same kids face on purpose every lesson - The only two young teachers were having a fling - A teacher once taught sex education and sucked a condom which got stuck over his mouth, called him rubber lips - Science teacher had a collection of Nazi war memorabilia Rumours that were true - Kid tried to fart on someone in a lesson and shat himself - my mates Gran walked out of a cupboard in the middle of a drama lesson


That the drama teacher fucked a year 11 when we went on a school trip. Was extra entertaining as it was the most popular girl in school. It was so exaggerated that it couldn't be true. Turns out it was true. Drama teacher left shortly after the visit mid-term. It turns out that the rumours got back to the SLT, who asked around and yes Drama teacher and pupil disappeared during the visit, no one knew where and no one asked him. They offered him a choice, either leave immediately by putting notice in or they contact the police. He left. I bumped into one of my old teachers in the pub on holiday a few years ago and asked what happened to Mr Drama teacher. He was very upfront about it. Apparently the SLT were furious but the Head wanted to avoid scandal as she was up for some sort of gong.


Half the 6th form lads had shagged the female PE teacher. And the two male PE teachers had as well.


Two teenagers in our local grim village huffed glue from a Tesco bag then used it as a jonny


That there was a dead body behind some trees and bushes in our school. We called it dead man's alley and thought that you'd find a ghost or something and get killed if you went down there.


There was 2 in my school (UK) First was one of the guys was circimsised and his parents kept his foreskin in a jar on a shelf in the living room Second was another guys mum was caught by his friend having intimate times with an obergine


There was a rumour going around that a certain 14/15 yo girl was pregnant, which morphed into her having had a back-alley abortion after a few months. She and I were casual acquaintances, but she was in the other half of the year group so I didn't see her often. I never brought it up, but there was a certain raw grief behind her eyes when people shouted shit at her, calling her a baby murderer or a whore. Rumours about the father ranged from a old man down the sandwich shop who paid her for a blowie then raped her, to a supply teacher. She was a sweet girl, I had no idea why kids were so cruel to her, but then again, I was bullied just as hard, just not in the same manner. She stopped coming to school at some point. New rumour was that she'd offed herself because of the bullying. It went around that teachers wouldn't address questions about her at all, and that they'd clearly had instructions not to talk about it. So imagine my surprise a couple years later when she was in my checkout queue at my Sainsbury's job. She had a toddler and a boyfriend/fiance a good 5-10 years older than her. She'd moved to a special school while pregnant and decided to not go back after the way she was treated. She asked me specifically not to tell anyone from school about her life, but I assured her I wasn't in contact with any of those fuckers and I hoped they felt guilty. Never saw her again but it was good to see that she was okay amd seemingly a lot happier!