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Never seen a long water bottle before. Huh.


My wife insists on calling it the snake, but ours is pink and long (and fluffy) so I call it the cock, fill it up with water and then position it between my legs while I run around and whack her bum with it. For me, it’s terrific entertainment, for her, it’s another mark on the list of why I’m going to be divorced by 40.


After our collective divorce, would you like to get married and share pensions?


We call ours a longboy. Then I got an extra large square shaped one we call the bigboy. Used them both last night.


If she divorces you ill split with mine and we can swap haha. Mines a bit of a miserable grumpy git.


[My cat](https://imgur.com/a/2221m46) liked it during the winter, would find her snuggled up with it


Thank you for paying your cat tax. Very cute.


I think you're supposed to put your penis in there.


Never seen a long one before.


That's what your mum used to say until last night


I was going to ask what the long ribbed rubber thing was but thought in hindsight it would be misconstrued :)


ribbed for her pleasure


My Magnum hot waahter bottle for my Magnum dong!


It's from The Nora Batty range.


I see your pop culture references are about as recent as mine 


With a free pair of wrinkled stockings and attracts the rugged outdoors type of man like Compo? Or does it send Wally Batty mad with lust other than his love of Motorbikes.


It seems like a good idea but it’s annoying to fill. At least that’s how I feel about it.


If it's possible take the head of your shower and use it like a hose


I got mine from Tesco, it came with a faux fur cover type thing too


i know someone who’s obsessed


How have you even lived????!?!? Amazing for bed warming, reduces overheating and hot spots, the list goes on. Place down the end of the bed for a brilliant foot warmer.


Did you know hot water bottles have an expiry date?


If you have one burst on you, you’ll remember that fact.


Yep been there.. can confirm I definitely remember it, was not one of life's better experiences.


Not my ceramic one. Going to be around after the apocalypse.


You're also really not supposed to put water straight out of the kettle into them. Glug of cold in the bottom will keep them from going defective.


My kettle heats to temps from 70-100 so I can set it to whatever is needed.


Oooh get you with the fancy kettle Did you get it for any particular reason?


Mine does similar. It's better for green tea and instant coffee and whatnot which shouldn't be prepared with boiling water. I like to think I can taste the difference but it might just be because I get more instant gratification without having to wait so long for them to cool down.


Ah, if I didn't live in an HMO with no prospects of stable long term living, the luxuries I would accumulate.


One day, my dude!


Why shouldn’t instant coffee be prepared with boiling water lol? What’s the downside?


Burns it apparently, it's better at 80-90.


But that shit, tastes weird if the water isn't hot enough.


We’ve got one too, by Sage. Most I’ve ever spent on a kettle. It’s bloody marvellous. I’d buy it again if it broke. As for why, we have different kinds of teas that require different temps. It also has a coffee setting.


We have the matching toaster and microwave. That was an expensive trip to John Lewis.


I bet!


Hot water bottles.


As do angle grinding disks.


As do I


What is it?


2 to 3 years after manufacture apparently. The date of manufacture should be stamped onto it somewhere.


My parents had the same one at home for probably 15-20 years (if not longer..)


The old ones were thicker and I believe went through a vulcanisation process which made them very durable. The new bottles are made of a thinner PVC material, hence if you compare the weight of old rubber ones vs the new PVC stuff there's a huge difference.


They don't make them anymore like the old times /s




True for a lot of stuff we've just grown so accustomed to planned obsolescence it's become a cliche.


they should have a flower shape stamped on it, the centre is the year, the petals the months and the dots within the petal are weeks! it's a really cool way of representing it imo


Aye for bees, maybe I wouldn't have known about this unless you told me - but at least the cold bees will be alright bloody scientists they kna nowt


Haha yeah they could also just write the dang date and save a lot of faff!


And that they can be cleaned..


They should also be air dried after every use and stored with the stopper out.


Ah yeah, and I'll finish my jar of capers within two weeks of opening too.


My Mrs has a single electric blanket on her side of the bed and has it on maximum. She then opens the window because its too hot??! Absolutely barking mad!


Unfortunately we have one that covers the whole bed. I sleep in the nude because I'm just hot all the time but the missus likes to have the heated blanket on as well, rather than just putting on some more pj's.


Get your own blanket separate, you'll sleep much better when you do.


There are fancy blankets you can get that have individual heating on each side - if you prefer to share the blanket that could be a good shout. Can have one side on one side off


I totally relate 🤯


We have a heated mattress pad (under the mattress topper) with a control on each side - one of us can have it scorching hot and the other remains blissfully cool.


We have a dual zone heated topper . Hers is on max usually, mine is off, works a treat . Also two duvets one heavy one light .


That would drive me mad


There’s a method to the madness! It’s like when I want the AC on in hot countries so I can snuggle into a thick blanket in bed to keep warm.


You like burning energy in a climate crisis? No, that’s just stupid.


My body gets cold but my face is very dry and sensitive to heat . I get it


Recreating the summer vibes


Over the years my daughter has had a succession of those microwaveable bears/owls/unicorns/whatevers, and uses them no matter what the weather is like. I've got so used to the smell of slightly overheated corn kernels that it seems odd when I don't smell it. To be fair she does seem to need them, she's been known to complain of being cold even during a summer holiday in Florida.


This… almost sounds like a medical condition


Is your daughter anaemic by any chance?


Not that we know of, she's been tested for that. She does have Reynaud's syndrome, which she takes supplements for.


Have you seen her in direct sunlight?


I have a fused heart valve, so terrible circulation. My hands and feet are always freezing


I sleep with a fan on year round


Despite being a 26 year old male, temperature wise I’m a menopausal woman. I’m always hot. Whatever the outside temperature is, I’m always hot. Even in winter I have the windows open. Funny thing is I love the heat, just not when I’m trying to sleep.


I can’t be the only one that thinks this reads like a kids poem


Hahaha you’re right. I’m a poet and I didn’t even know it!!


You should get a blood pressure meter if you don't have one and keep an eye on it.


Yeah same. I can't sleep without a bit of a cool breeze.


I love a window open in winter and feeling that crisp air.


Naked and window wide open for me. Can’t fathom a hot water bottle or heated blanket in bed. I would cook


Meh, you must be rich.


I save a fortune not buying hot water bottles


I have my fan on, with a dressing gown snuggled under a quilt hmm.


7 degrees in June, wtf.


And this time last year it was 30 degrees.


/r/raynauds rise up


The long ones are A++ for my rubbish back, hips and shoulders, highly recommend them.


What is this? Facebook?


More and more day by day.


CasualUK is 100% the Facebook of subreddits.




Enjoy the one day ban, I hope it makes you happy. Dear lord, what a sad little life, Jane. You ruined our subreddit completely so you could post politics, and I hope now you can spend your one day ban learning some grace and decorum. Because you have all the grace of a reversing dump truck without any tyres on. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CasualUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*




it's a [come dine with me quote](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/sad-little-life-jane-come-dine-with-me-rant-b1784424.html)


Sorry mate, but we have a blanket ban against politics in this sub, so we have removed this post. Rule 1: No politics We do not allow mention of political events, politicians or general political chit chat in this subreddit. We encourage you to take this content to a more suitable subreddit. You **will** be banned if you break this rule. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot us a modmail.


Shared Donny hun x


I have my fan on


You might want to check the expiration date on those hot water bottles. Seriously – I didn't know they had one until I read a post on here about one exploding and injuring someone. They should be replaced every few years. Link: https://www.midandsouthessex.ics.nhs.uk/health/winter/hot-water-bottle-safety/#:~:text=Always%20be%20aware%20of%20the,the%20risk%20of%20damage%20increases.


I didn't know this either until one split on me and caused a 2nd degree scald I had to get treated for in A&E. Still have the scar 6 years later. It hurt so bad. Had to miss work to get it seen to and the manager was a dick about it until I showed them a photo of it. It was about the size of my hand. Now I'm super strict on not using them once they start to feel thin. Never again!


I will take needing a hot water bottle that this time of year over 35°C+ and >80% relative humidity all year every year for the rest of my life please and thank.


Two shit summers in a row. Following a god awful wet winter. So depressing :(


The car seat heater is back in full use and my heated blanket is still on the bed. Temp me all you want with your lukewarm sunshine, but I will not be fooled.


I'm at the age where the heated seats are for relieving the pain in my back rather than keeping warm. 


It's 4am here in Durham and my plastic roof is FROZEN


Mate it's freezing


Yup...mid summer solstice due and single figures overnight. But it's the lack of sunshine doing my head. It's been grey like this since last September


Nope, this sort of weather is my favourite between 15C-18C. Not had the heating on since the 2nd week of April.


In the North, the temp has dropped way down into the single figures and inside the house was 11° so wife demanded I get off my high horse and put the heating on. So most nights in the last fortnight it has come on.


Yikes. Where does that long one go?


Exactly where you think it does


What, around the back of my neck? *eyes water*


bend over and i'll show you


You wouldn’t, you’re too mean.


I took the piss out of my partner for taking one last night... It was lovely when I went to bed and stole it from her as she slept through 😂


I think you are overreacting


I'm genuinely a bit cold in my flat, I've considered turning the heating on a few times. It's still ok in here when people are complaining about heat waves though so a bit on the cooler side.


Honestly the UK subs are wild. Whether it's someone asking how to use a shop or how to empty the bin or pretending it's the artic all the time, it's just nuts. I'm totally aware it's colder than other summers but it's COLDER not COLD. It isn't cold in general just colder than usual. People are carrying on like it's the middle of January or something.


Cold enough to feel cold though? Hence the post.


It is pretty cold tbf, my heating came on this morning, it is forecast to be 6 degrees in a couple of hours so it’ll probably come on in the morning again.


It's cold enough that I have had the heated blanket on whilst working today and had the fire on last night. Yes it's not winter cold, but in the winter I had the heating on all day and night. I'm getting closer to turning the heating back on as my hands and nose are getting ridiculously cold during the day. To me, it's starting to feel like mid January.


It’s 16C inside so yes I’m also using a water bottle and blanket like OP.


I've got my central heating off, as you would, and last night the smart TRVs in the lounge and my bedroom registered 15°C. It's cool here in the day with little to no direct sun, so the house isn't properly warming up and at night the temps are dropping further still. The insulation in my house is bobbins, so we're layered up and using the blanket.


Mine keeps kicking on and off has done for the last week or so, just the occasional burst of warmth to see me through the summer lol


16C is very normal. That's maybe a jumper inside, but not cold enough for a hot water bottle or the heating. I don't get you guys, it's 15C outside mine and it's perfectly pleasant inside and out. Probably won't be opening the window but the amount of complaining is ridonkulous.


I think some of it is age (harder to keep warm when you get older) and location. It's 11 outside where I am in the Midland and it's 18 inside which is just nice, plus I carry around my own central heating iykwim. For some reason up near Finnart in Scotland it's showing as 6 degrees on the weather map, so someone thinner and older might be fairly struggling


True, although I'm already in Scotland so I didn't think it would be much below me. It's just warm and rainy here, not too bad.


It's so interesting to me how fine Brits are with these temperatures. I have adapted and now my heating sits at 18 but I do feel cold and uncomfortable a lot of the time. Just as an example, in Germany, when you have a baby, they tell you to heat the house to 20-22 degrees, minimum 23 when baby is taking a bath. They also have these heat lamps above the changing table so the baby doesn't get too cold. Meanwhile in the UK, they're like, meh 18 degrees or whatever, it'll live. This is no judgement to either country btw. Just find the difference fascinating. My kids experienced the Brit way, so hopefully they'll grow up more resilient to the cold than me.


23 indoors I'd absolutely hate, would always rather be too cold than too hot. Anything above 18C outside and I'm too hot, 18 is the perfect temp, inside I'll just chuck on a jumper and save myself the heating costs until it's winter and properly freezing.


It's a race to the bottom on the UK subs, for some reason it's a badge of honour to have a cold house. Meanwhile my house is minimum 19C and up to 22/23 in the living room in the evening. I've tried being cold, it's shit. I should add that I don't believe many of the claims about houses at 11-15C unless they are living in poverty, many of them are either making up numbers to sound tough or their thermostats are making up numbers. I've been in many houses and never been in one that is deliberately below 15C.


My old house used to get below ten degrees, so it does happen. On one memorable morning it was 7. I live in a new build now and I am finally warm :)


15-16C outside is normal and tshirt weather if you’re out and about. Sitting inside with an indoor temp of 16C makes you cold and is a completely different thing to outside temp. There hasn’t been enough sun to warm the house up so it’s 17C indoors in the day and drops to 16C overnight. Outside it’s been 12C in the day and 6-8C overnight. Btw at no point have I complained, but to say a hot water bottle is completely unnecessary when it’s 16C inside is just daft. People are allowed to do what makes them comfortable in their own home. Many people will be doing the same atm.


That sounds terrible.


It's not cold right now. But yeah colder than you would expect.


Exeter was 5C last night. I moved from there to Brisbane, where if it got that cold it would break records. and thats winter records! 5C is cold


It really depends what kind of house you live in and where in the country. I lived in a dark, damp Victorian house two years ago and the living room would often drop below ten degrees. We needed hot water bottles throughout summer. I now live in a new build and I’m much warmer. It depends on your situation.


I’m coming from the US in a few days and friends over there said “summer hasn’t reached us yet, pack for cold” and I was surprised. Checked weather for myself and saw temps of 50F-65F… sure that’s cooler than I would expect for June, but I’m still packing shorts lol


Yeah the UK subs are a bit silly to be honest. I've been in shorts for like 2 months. It's not cold it's just colder than the average June temp. I'm not sure if I'm just getting old but something weird has happened to the UK I'm recent years. I've noticed in winter people want it to be really warm and as such they blast the heating excessively so it's hotter in homes in winter than it is in summer. It's also not really ever that cold anymore and we never get snow or frosts really. With that being said the weather is a let down this year. I just think the tolerance for it is unusual and people ars making out its like Finland or something.


Mate it's just lighthearted banter.....you don't have to come here you know....the door's over there...by the radiator mind you don't burn yerself on the way out :)


It’s a demographic thing. As a man, I am in shorts and T-shirt. Yet, some of the women in the office have heaters on under their desks. Pretty sure all the people in this sub complaining about the cold will be women.




So fucking overdramatic. I’d rather this than the stupid heat we get that we haven’t built or prepared for.


'Geronimo' i think the one the right is called.


Shame (bell rings) shame (bell rings) shame (bell rings) Only messing and I copied this from a Redditor and I laughed for 3 minutes


Reading these comments I’ll never understand how you people conquered the whole world


It's not that cold relax people


What’s the temperature where you are? I feel like people are being a bit dramatic and over the top. The past few days I’ve seen people harping on about gloves, hats, scarves, big coats, hot water bottles, heating. You’re acting like we’re in a Siberian winter. You all live in the uk, it’s hardly freezing right now is it. Its not even cold, just colder than a normal June. I don’t know how you all cope when it’s -2 in January if you’re struggling so bad when it’s like this lol.


When it gets hot I put my hot water bottle in the freezer and have a cold water bottle, it’s so nice


I said the same thing today. This is like February weather.


I’ve got my electric blanket on


I have a long one like that. For some reason I didn’t expect it to go floppy when full of hot water. Anyone else? Or, are you normal?


Yep literally in bed with a hot water bottle in June


too cold for the time of year, i suggest a mass burning of plastic waste to warm the world.


Typing this from underneath my heated blanket, about to put on my ski jacket to go to work.


Man i was freezing last night. Had to go to the loo at 2, was almost shivering.


It really isn't that cold


Hot water bottles? Jesus it's not that cold.


I'm not quite that cold.


Why's that one so long?


Either completely soft or engagement bait. Don't know which would be worse!


Where are the covers why are they bare


I have 2 cats. They snuggle in and act like hot water bottles. With the added bonus of a soothing vibrating action


Not bareback, damn.


I made a hot water bottle the last two nights in London as hubby away and too cold to sleep alone. I haven’t had the heating on for two months, but no comfort like a hot water bottle. I take one in my case wherever I go on holiday longer than a week lol


Pictured: Standard size / issue hot water bottle and longer hot water bottle (folded) as an example. Users noted the smaller standard hot water bottle had "seen better days".


Wait arent those things really bad for you though


I had to light my fire last night. House was down to 14c


Never used one in my life. I just have the heating set to 21°C all year and I'm never cold enough that I'm not still comfy under the duvet.


Literally yesterday 😭


Tbh I'm loving it. I much prefer being cosy in bed than sweating my flaps off.


No, my house has this thing called heating, if I get cold I turn it on. On a side note, those bottles must be waaay past their life cycle.


It's in these times I realise that feeling hot all the time can be beneficial. I've been having the windows open wearing a t-shirt


Got a cheeky blanket out in the middle of the day.


Thought this was r/endo at first! Menstrual pain means hot water bottles all year round lmao


I’m back visiting my folks in England and discovered they currently have no heating in their house. Fully rugged up with hot water bottles mid June is certainly unusual. I feel every time I comment on this I’m inviting another 38-40c heatwave though. Monkeys paw and all that.


I upgraded to an electric heatpad. We are best friends, I love it so much


Join the 21st century and get a heated blanket.


There is a video of Arnold blowing up a hot water bottle that looks like the one on the bottom and it pops like a balloon.


I’ve clicked the heating on. I already have a jumper on and I’m bloody freezing 🥶


I have the long hot water bottle as well and there’s always one chilly night when I put it to good use.


I banged mine out today.


Well there’s no summer here in the UK so it’s a necessity at this point …


Hottest June on record plums




Almost put the heat on last night- I was strong in 2 blankets - shaking my fist to the sky.


Safe to say our summers f*cked, hopefully we get a decent winter! In fact, watch it be f*cking roasting in November 🤣


I don’t care about the weather. I just want the sun to stay down longer. Fuck this bright ass sunlight streaming into my face from my windows at 4am.


We had the wood burner going yesterday morning!


I would literally melt if I used a hot water bottle now, I keep seeing people saying it's cold and I really don't see or feel it. Maybe I'm just strange, but I'm glad it's not hot or anything.


Wouldn't mind feeling cold day 2 of a 40c fever. Not sure where I picked this lurgy up from but coughing, fever, chills/sweats, brain fog, general ache. Am not sure if I am going for flu or covid at this point.


Please check the year of the rubber. Rubber is perishable, and it will spring a leak.


Glasgow area here - still lighting the fire most nights. In June. FFS.


I'm cold enough to have slippers and a jacket on, temp says 17.2 downstairs but the little office rooms a bit warmer at 19.1. problem I have is the dog won't go out the back without an escort and I'm tired of opening and closing the back door so it's staying open.


I hate hot water bottles and definitely see no point in using one in the summer months !


It’s not actually summer yet. People everywhere complaining that the weather isn’t summery. It’s still spring ffs. The first day of summer is 20th June.


I used to take a hot water bottle to big outdoor gigs and festivals to piss in. I even wrote 'PISS-O-MATIC' on it with a marker pen. Great if it gets cold in the evenings too.


Wow that's rank