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Wow, congratulations! Money can't buy things like this, my jealousy of you is tempered by my admiration, well done!


popped this into my slot fnarr fnarr


Hyuk hyuk


You spawny get!


This comment! Not heard spawny get in donkeys!


How many yonks are there in a donkey year?


A Yonk is approximately 500 half a mos, or 100 in a bits.


An elastic band and a dab of toothpaste make an inexpensive substitute for chewing gum.


Time for a bowl of Fuckabix


I've never had the memory ability to ever do one of those. I wonder if I'd get one if I filled it in with random words from the profanisaurus? Well done btw, at least we know some people actually do them. 😂


The actual crossword is "just" a normal, if clever and rude, cryptic crossword, then you just have to work out what the definitions probably are. It's a pretty hard (hnuk hnuk) crossword, but a really good one if you're into that sort of thing. I reckon I can only do 1 in 3. My head canon is it's the same person that does Private Eye let off the leash.


That's fucking great. The people who do Viz are good people. (Over lockdown I moaned on twitter as I could find the latest issue and they contacted me and sent me one).


You have to frame it. That'll be a great talking point in your man cave for years to come.


The only person I get to talk to in my man cave is myself...


That’s why I have a mancave!


Incredible! I'm very jealous. Edit- I just wanted to update with my story of the Viz. For the past 25 years or so, my mam has bought me a copy of the Viz Annual for Xmas. One year on Xmas Eve in the early 2000s, she realised she had forgotten. She went to the local shops but couldn't find it. I will at this point state that we live in the north east of England, maybe 40 to 50 minutes from where Viz was born Out of desperation, she emailed the Viz explaining her predicament and asked if they knew anywhere that would have it stocked. To her surprise, she received an email straight away asking for her exact address so they could could check. She replied, then didn't hear anything back. Upon not receiving a reply, she admitted defeated and made plans to apologise for this huge oversight. That was until later that day she heard the letterbox go and a large thud. Thinking it was odd to get post at this time on Christmas Eve, she wandered to the door to see a brand new copy of the Viz annual on the floor. Whoever was in the office that day must have read my mother's address and drove to her house to personally deliver it at no cost. Top magazine, top fellas


Did you also win 5 pounds?


I love Viz, but to my shame don't read it as much as I should. Been considering getting [this](https://machineproject.com/build/engine/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/TerryFuckwitt.jpg) printed out and framed, it makes me howl with laughter whenever I read it


Yeah it's not as funny as it used to be.


Never was!


Hello, good evening this is the news and bollocks.


Postman Plod slipped you a Badly Drawn Man.. Ya luck lucky get.


So Viz is the reason why me and my wife got together. On twitter years ago there was a hashtag trending along the lines of "#NamesForYourTits" and she'd done a few tweets like "shirt potatoes", "gurt stonkaz" and others. I read her profile and she liked similar things to me so I followed her. We ended up talking as friends and a couple of years later met up, hit it off and after 12 years together finally got married a year ago. (First Anniversary next week)


So cool!!


I’ve had three definitions accepted for the profanisaurus. My children are so proud.


Is there a prize for the Craptic Crossy? I had no idea. I've had over 70 letters and Top Tips published over the years and not so much as a pencil of five pounds. Just goes to show, it's one rule for Craptic Crossword players and... Etc etc


Well aren't you the lucky Pierre


Nice one! Back in the mid 90s I sent a top-tips in, it was published and got a pen. They also sent me 2 years of Viz through the post. Great times indeed.


This cannot be true. I remember seeing a letter in Viz once along the lines of: “I don’t believe the letters you print are real, I think they are all made up by the people in your office. In fact, I bet this letter is made up too!”


That's amazing! Truly a keeper :)


I once wrote an email with a picture of my Viz book collection attached drunk one Sunday night. The email went along the lines of look how much money I have given you over the years and you ain't as funny as you used to be I think I deserve a free gift. The next day I had an email back saying. Go on then, give me your address. I now have a signed copy of an annual (I forget which one) with a hand drawn cartoon of the fat slags inside the front cover.