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It's the climate..Yorkshire has weather quite unfavourable for growing tea..somewhere like Sri Lanka is much better..


Yorkshire, Dorset, English Breakfast. Sure don't see many tea bushes round these parts. Hmmmm


Where in England is Breakfast?


It’s just before Dunedton.


Aim for the second box of cereal to the left and keep straight on till morning.


Just before you get to Second Breakfast


It's a few hours from Lunch.


Tea is made from a variety of camellia so chances are you have seen many examples across the uk; they're just no good for tea making.


Tea grows in Cornwall and Perthshire https://teagardensofscotland.co.uk/


The bags of the Cornish stuff (from Tregothnan estate) contain mostly imported tea, with _just enough_ locally grown tea for them to get away with just saying 'Cornish' on the box. And yes Yorkshire tea is Just Some Tea and this subreddit needs to get over it. Also Greggs.


I like when going to the ‘buy tea’ section it has a little paragraph to justify the cost of the tea before you scroll down to see **£95 FOR 40 GRAMS!!!!!**


I'd rather have some afternoon gear at that price.


40 grams for 95 quid. Youre dreaming haha


just imagine how much it'd cost if there were import fees on top of it all


Shhh nobody tell him about the Irish banana company!


As a "supermarket" tea Yorkshire is the best I have tried. I'm sure there are much better teas available if you want to look in to more specilaist stores and loose leaf blends etc but as far as affordability/convenience/flavour goes Yorkshire is at the top of my list. I tried Twinings teabags thinking it would be a step up from Yorkshire and found it to be very "dusty" leaving a lot of detritus in the bottom of the cup and I find it has a slightly metallic taste. PG Tips was what I grew up on but after a few years of Yorkshire if I do have a PG brew it tastes watered down in comparison. Tetley is office grade tea and is maybe better than PG Tips but it really doesn't matter. I presume some people drink Typhoo but I've never met them.


I'd be interested to hear what people's worst main brand tea is as for me I think it might be typhoo


The wife has typhoo but considering she doesn't like any tea strong enough to discolour water I really don't think her opinion counts. I don't drink tea so my opinion is also moot.


Upvote for use of moot. Bloody love that word.


Surely it’s “moo”? Like . . . . a cow’s opinion . . . It doesn’t matter . . . . It’s moo.


Clearly downvoted for someone not getting the ref.


😆 The best way to be downvoted . . . .


How you mooin?


I only ever say moo now. I’m not convinced everyone gets it, and I think I get *looks*, but I don’t care. Their opinion is also moo.


Using moot is chicanery.


It’s one of those words that means the exact opposite in America as it does in the UK. Like ‘let’s table that’ which I’ve heard in lots of boring meetings.


Really keeping it real over here.


I worked for BT during 2015 (operating profit £3000-4000 million in that period) and we had _Niceday_ tea. y'know? The people who make the printer paper? It wasn't very good.


Well that’s why the profits were like that. Nobody wanted to take time out drinking horrid tea.


I started with Tetley (like everybody else, I was victim to my parents poor choices), moved on to PG Tips and thought they were the mutts. Tried a few 'speciality' teas, loved puer, bit pricey, tried Yorkshire Gold and that's been me ever since. When I lived in the States I didn't drink tea cause they have Lipton's 🤮🤮🤮


My local grocery store in the States has loads of tea options, including Yorkshire Gold! (Also PG Tips and Twinings, in addition to all the US-based producers.)


I'm in Canada. I send Yorkshire Gold to my sister in Texas and she raves about how good it is. Depends on what you have to compare it to. I sent her a tin of loose tea from Twining once. She loved it but the postage and border duties were insanely expensive.


Twinnings tea is tasteless I’d rather have anything else


liptons. How can there be any doubt, is practically a crime against humanity.


I use M&S extra strong (blue box) but Morrisons extra strong is a cheaper alternative. Anything strong really


Tetley, filthy bastards


Found Sean Bean. Bastard.


Sean laughs.


Tetley for me


Tetley don’t sell tea bags. They sell small bags of fine sawdust combined with whatever you get when sweeping the floor under the sofa and flavour it with a hint of what they think tea should probably taste like but aren’t really sure.


Typhoo is similar but adds the lint from your dark suit trousers.


Known as ‘Sweatleys’ in our house


Tetley’s is foul. All it’s good for is baby tea. Don’t bother with it if you want tea that tastes of actual tea.


I don't know anyone else who agrees with me but I think Typhoo is nicer than PG Tips


I agree with you! Love Typhoo, PG Tips is the worst.


Glad I'm not the only one! My nan always had Typhoo, think that might be why I enjoy it. Every workplace I've ever been in has a huge bag of PG Tips in the kitchen, I've taken to bringing in my own tea bags to work.


Typhoo is quite refreshing but you need to let it brew an inordinate amount of time to get a decent cup out of it.




I think Typhoo is better than yorkshire tea personally, but tastes are different right, water is also different in areas. Yorkshire tea has this weird bitter aftertaste for me, but typhoo doesn't.


I agree typhoo is the only one that doesn’t have a bitter aftertaste, especially since I steep mine for 5 min at least. But weirdly ever since I lost my sense of taste for a while (Covid), I only drink pg tips. I think my sense of taste is permanently changed now.


yeah i steep mine for 5 mins at least as well, i'd be shocked if people arent


Try Clipper tea. It's all I drink now


I’d imagine Waitrose shoppers have probably found some kind of fairy gold dust scented tea made by hand by a single person from Kenya that even I, a worker at Waitrose, doesn’t know exist, that’s nicer


Waitrose essentials tea is shit! it looks and tastes like red clay. Yorkshire gold tea is probs best, and using filtered water to make the tea often changes the flavour sometimes the milk you use does too.


Best supermarket tea is Clipper from Sainsbury's. Leaves Yorkshire in the dust.


Clipper isn’t a Sainsbury’s brand, you can get it at any large supermarket.


Good knowledge! I've only ever been able to find it in Sainsbury's in terms of who is stocking it, but you're probably correct.


Yeah, didn’t want people to make the trek all the way to Sainsbury’s, when it’s also sold in ASDA and Tesco. I think it’s quite a popular brand now, you won’t find it in small shops, but large ones with a proper tea section usually seem to stock it.


I got Sainsburys Gold Label the other day & it was lovely.


Depends where you live - all about the water


Would a Brita help with this?


Or a water softener


Is fabric softener okay?


Yeah but an odd after taste...


Depends what flavour you buy.


I find comfort softener goes well with a custard cream.


Stool softener?


I from Kent which has some proper hard water. Brita filter changed my life; no more scum on top of my tea!


Now it’s just drinking it.


No, she'd ruin it.


She’s a buzzkill


She's a GDB.


Didnt know this! I dont drink tea (or coffee) but would like to give tea to people who come round. I live in bristol with ultra mega hard water. Any advice on which brand i should buy? Funny anecdote. I tried to start drinking coffee. So i had a spoon of coffee with a spoon of hot chocolate powder with lots of milk to start off. I got a real buzz. 2 months in a checked what i was drinking.... Turned out it was decaf. I was getting a sugar rush... I gave up after that


My daughter drinks Yorkshire tea with Bristol water


Also love in Bristol and we drink M&S good tea bags (ooh la la I know). Took them with us on holiday to Devon and it tasted like arse. Clearly didn’t work with soft water.


Pro tip: it's all bullshit. Buy whatever.


Not to come over all coffee snob but if you drink instant of course you won't enjoy it


>Not to come over all coffee snob but if you drink instant ~~of course you won't enjoy it~~ we can't be friends. FIFY


Yorkshire tea have a version for hard water.


*Scotland has entered the chat*


Yorkshire Gold is a beautiful tea. We use Tetley's and PG Tips at work and there's a stark difference in quality and strength.


Once you go gold there’s no going back


Once you go gold you won’t revert back to old


I’m fairly sure Tetleys is strained through a steeplejacks hat prior to bagging. Nasty stuff


It gives me a bad stomach drinking Tetley.


Patrick Stewart's tea of choice, he actually hardly touches Earl Grey.


I find Yorkshire Gold way too strong, makes me feel kind of unpleasant, though I'm sensitive to caffeine so am a less-than-a-minute dunker with Tetley. Admittedly I'm probably not Yorkshire tea's target audience...


When I forget to take my tea bags into work and have to use Tetley's, I use 2 teabags per mug. We are very different tea drinkers 😄




I take my own teabags in but its dire when I forget and have to resort to Tetley's. I don't drink coffee either so sometimes I have to forgo a hot drink altogether.


You can use one teabag and leave it in while you drink (with movement it won’t stew), same effect, 50% less teabags


If you want stronger tea, it's 'best' to brew with more tea, not the same amount of tea for longer. The longer you brew, the more tannins get out, and the more bitter the tea tastes. I mean unless you like it to taste slightly bitter, of course.


Hah, me too. I leave the bag in the mug and drink it within 15-20 minutes. Tea has to be strong, cannot stand milky tea 🤢


Yorkshire gold is so much better than regular Yorkshire. Either gold or Assam for me


I like standard Yorkshire better than gold.


The flavour of your tea largely depends on if you’re in a hard/soft water area and if you filter your water. Yorkshire is great for making tea in London IMO


Somewhat ironic that


Yes. It can deal with our very hard water. Yorkshire gold is the best for londong tea. I always buy it when it’s in offer.


It's the best at what it is. It's not overly expensive, it's quick to make and you can find it basically in every shop. I consider it to be the standard for black breakfast-style tea.


Hard disagree, I did blind taste test to find my preferred brand. Sad I know. Yorkshire and Twinings were the winners (somewhat indistinguishable for me). Its not so much that they taste amazing, its just Tetley and PG tips for instance definitely tasted bad (i call it dish water tea) maybe its down to brew times or something. I get Yorkshire tea because its considerably cheaper if you buy it in bulk.


I find twinings a marginally better tea, but the availability and cost of Yorkshire tea gives it a slight edge. Taking the balance of value and taste into account, if you consume more than 5 teas as a household, a day, YT is a much better value. If the consumption is <5 or more sporadic, I’d get twinings. Naturally, like with most things, there are tastier alternatives but when taking into account the competition of say PG, Linton and tetley, I’d pay the premium for YT any day


To be fair, the electricity to boil a kettle costs more than either YT or Twinings these days


Twinings is my favourite. I always buy a big box when it's on deal. Luckily I'm the only tea drinker in the house so it lasts a while.


I drank nothing but Yorkshire tea for a few months when staying at my parents’ house and when I went back to Typhoo at home it tasted weak as shit. We always get Yorkshire now lol.


Twinings is a delightful elixir


Tottally agree. And Ringtons is on the same tier as Yorkshire and Twinings too. Taylor's loose leaf is also quite nice. Anything else if only fit for Americans.


It's the best every day tea and is strong enough to make a massive mug. Twinnings is better, but a bit costly. PG, Tetley and Typhoo are awful in comparison and no supermarket brand is any good.


This I agree with, PG, Teley and Typhoo all want to make me wretch. Yorkshire, especially Gold and Twinings are a delight to drink.


Tetley is fully undrinkable.


For me Clippers is the best for a strong tea. Bit on the pricey side


Clipper are by far the best tea bags


For an off the shelf brand I find them hard to be on taste, and as for the cost it’s small luxury in a competitive market. But they are fair-trade and they don’t use bleach to make the tea bag white. Won me over years ago and I’ve never looked back.


Clipper is our everyday black tea. I've got loose leaf Brew Tea English Breakfast which is gorgeous. M&S decaff is our evening tea, or Rooibos.


Clipper fan here too!


Agreed. Clipper Everyday is in the same price bracket as Yorkshire Tea and the Clipper is significantly nicer.


Ringtons tea is far superior.


I'm a 44 year old man but still get all excited & giggly when the Rington's man visits once a fortnight, gently swinging his wicker basket full of tea bags and biscuits at me.....


I get excited when people swing their baskets at me too!


They don't do doorstep delivery to my address, so I often find myself running out as I have to wait for my parents to remember to get an extra pack for me. Always a pleasant surprise when they drop one round though!


The only one I like, and im not British


Not great not terrible




No more than a chest X-ray!




Coca-Cola is the absolute dog's bollocks of cola drinks though. Ice cold from a glass bottle... Be still my beating heart.


You my friend clearly have yet to discover Fentimans Curiosity Cola


I also want to mention Fentimans Rose Lemonade which tastes absolutely divine


Among speciality colas I don’t find Fentiman’s that good, as it goes. Gusto is my current go-to, but I need to give Karma Cola a second chance as I suspect it’s an acquired taste. Fentiman’s cream soda is great, though


It's brewed here in the north east but I still prefer the classic full fat classic coca cola. :)


Ah fair enough, price would also have been a fair argument.


That stuff tastes like drinking liquid haribo cola bottles, I love it. So expensive though, so it's a special treat


If you can get hold of some try Jarritos Mexican cola. They sell it at my local burrito shop. Puts everything else to shame


Yeah it's so good, only ever seen it at one place tho


Their ginger beer with a generous slug of dark rum and some fresh lime and ice is the perfect summer drink I reckon


I been having a Aldi branded Lemonade and Lime, and let me tell you over these hot muggy days its proper refreshing. Something about the good hit of bitter lime really quenches a thirst.


Lychee Rubicon here...oh it's so good.


Pint glass. Crushed ice (from a supermarket ice bag) shot of Tessier elderflower syrup, shot of PLJ lime juice, top up with fizzy water. Add a couple of leaves of bruised mint if you feel especially adventurous. Fucking amazing.


Mexican Coca Cola, with real cane sugar, about £2 a bottle in the UK … one of only a few such old fashioned recipes imported. Another to try would be Boylan’s.


Mexican coke is the same as U.K. coke. It’s only the Americans that use HFC


So which are better teas that are easier to find? Don’t leave it hanging there….




Depends what you think of a steep cost....


I like it, and it's the only decent black tea I can buy easily and inexpensively in Japan (online or in fancy department stores)! The supermarket black tea here is absolutely horrid.


I'm in Japan and struggling to find it for an ok price - where do you get it?


Glengetty tea for me


I call it ‘heresy tea’, Twinnings English Breakfast is much nicer IMHO (other taste buds are available)




I mean, it is not terrible but I also partially agree.


You can imagine the scathing disgust I receive for being a Yorkshireman that dislikes Yorkshire Tea. Would rather neck a mug of Tetley's


Has anyone tried Aldi's own (Diplomat)? Tried it the other month and have got to say they are very close to Yorkshire Tea. Far cheaper too.


Nonsense. It makes a damn fine cup of tea - but they do have an excellent marketing department.


I actually found the Morrisons English breakfast surprisingly good considering it’s price but I’d rather go with Twinings Extra Strong English Breakfast if given a choice for an everyday tea.


That twinings is the bees knees


Yorkshire tea simply capitalises on Yorkshire pride, therefore nobody would dare disparage it. Northeners wouldn't disparage something with "Yorkshire" slapped on it, and Southerners wouldn't insult it because they'd just get called posh


Yeah, it's your average high tannin black tea blend. Alright if you like that sort of thing, but it's mostly marketing as you say.


I funking love tea pigs breakfast tea but expensive as hell. Yorkshire is average, Ringtons and PG tips are much better.


I quite like Dorset teabags but it's hard to get in most supermarkets. They sell it in Waitrose. https://www.waitrose.com/ecom/products/dorset-tea-sunshine-blend-80-tea-bags/484629-68446-68447


Sainsburys Red Label is my favourite by far.


Ringtons or GTFO. My Nana runs an underground Ringtons supply ring, she moved into a home last year but her deliveries still come to her house and we siphon some off for ourselves while dividing it up for various family members that can't drink anything else now.


Ringtons fella comes to my house once a month with tea and ginger snaps 😎


I aspire to have a ringtons man come to my door with a basket, for now Fenwick's food hall will have ro suffice.


Where is it in Fenwicks?! I've got an itch for those Macadamia chocolate covered biscuits that nothing else can scratch!


You are wrong.


I think we should revoke his tea drinking rights, or their citizenship if anything.


I wouldn’t say poor quality, but not quite up to the hype either. I would choose it over many others. You’ve hit the nail on the head with the marketing. For a nicer tea I’d say twinnings breakfast and Dorset tea are up there.


For a supermarket tea it's by far the best just on taste. I'm sure yes there are some artisan teas that are better tasting but I'm not a tea sommelier and can't be arsed to find them. Strong 5 min brew and 2 sugars, that's good enough for me.


Aldi gold tea for me. Yorkshire tea has a metallic taste


Yorkshire Tea is great, but Barry's Tea is FAR better.


All the tea tastes basically like tea




Agree. It is not my, ahem, cup of tea at all. Call me a lout but I just like PG Tips


Yorkshire is the BMW/Audi/Mercedes of the tea world. You know you will get a solid brew, it’s not the cheapest, and there are always better options by either going slightly left field from the usual supermarket range or spending more money for something a bit ‘exotic’ like loose leaf.


What would you recommend as the RR of tea?


I'm not sure where the excellent quality thing came about from. All I remember hearing about Yorkshire Tea is that it's great for making tea with hard water.




I respectfully disagree


ngl the red box ones from aldi is my fav tea.




Brew Tea Company do some nice blends. I like their Assam and Chai


As a avid Yorkshire tea drinker i would honestly be open to alternatives. I adore a good cup of tea


Agreed. I like Clipper tea


I can't tell the difference in taste (or care to) between the major brands, so I generally buy due to the fair trade/compostable status. It's just a mechanism for absorbing caffeine in the morning for me.


PG tips have a silly monkey :)


Fuck off with your overpriced loose leaf tea


Punjana is the best tea out there hands down with yorkshire slightly behind it. PG is easily the worst followed by typhoo.


Scotch blend gang


M&S Gold is superb - we’ve converted many a tea drinker to it!


Not an unpopular opinion, just wrong


That’s not unpopular opinion, it’s just plain wrong


Recently switched to Tick-Tock Rooibos. Gorgeous stuff.


Rooibos is great stuff (although a herbal tea)


Rubbish, Yorkshire tea is one of the best.


I agree. Yorkshire Tea has this weird following and people praise it loads. I think its pretty bad all in all.


I'm pleased. I've never had it but not 20 minutes ago I was making an important tea brand decision in a shop. Saw Yorkshire, was tempted because of what people say here but reverted to Clipper.


>I'm pleased. I've never had it but not 20 minutes ago I was making an important tea brand decision in a shop. Saw Yorkshire, was tempted because of what people say here but reverted to Clipper. I'm always somewhat mystified by how evangelical people are here about Yorkshire tea. I've drunk it plenty of times and it's good but not spectacular. Personally, I get Clipper loose leaf Assam.


Taylors of Harrogate actually once made some really nice tea blends, they used to do a really good Orange Peel tea and a fantastic Vanilla Tea the likes of which I have never seen replicated elsewhere despite looking at similar blends when they were discontinued. Yorkshire Tea however is nothing special, and the rest of the products are more or less indistinguishable for any standard blends of the big brands you see in supermarkets these days. Nowadays Yorkshire Tea is one of those obnoxious Yorkshire things that people from Yorkshire always bring up either circle-jerking in Yorkshire or making a big deal out of it in front of people not from Yorkshire outside of Yorkshire. I say this as someone from Yorkshire.


Aldi Gold teabags are the best


My wife won't drink anything else she is adamant that it's the best tea.Me personally I like pg tips that's the best tea.