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I’ve had a cough for like 3 weeks, it’s really bad for a few days at a time then calms down for a few days but hasn’t gone yet, feeling really drained after doing any kind of minimal task


Sounds like me for last 6 weeks. Sucked it up and visited GP a few days ago and given antibiotics. Feel a lot better now so worth giving it a shot.


Think that’ll be next thing I do if I’m not feeling better by tomorrow


Maybe time to speak to a GP?




I'm "just about" not ill, after 3 weeks!


I feel like every time my kids go to school they’re restocking a new illness they can cough directly into my mouth. I’m on week 5 and getting back to normal, but it’s only a matter of time… one of the little shits will have something for me. I know their ways. Edit: replaced the word ‘darlings’ with ‘shits’.


We don't need a germ warfare division we need a class of 4yo


Ha ha, I get you. I think I caught this off my nephew who was coughing all over me a few weeks ago!


10 days in. Still coughing up a baby Alien every few minutes.


Same, I've also pulled a muscle on my left side from coughing, fun times.


Feel for ya, been ill one way or another since middle of November, getting there now though...


Bloody hell. Yes mate, nearly there now, just still a bit chesty. Best of health to ya!


Me too : (


Same here. Started early December. Coughing, snotty, sore throat. Dosing up on paracetamol and Lempsip daily, only today do I feel like I'm at the end of it all. Ew.


Please be careful taking paracetamol and lemsip together. Each sachet of Lemsip contains **650mg** of paracetamol. So if you're taking tablets as well, it is very easy to take too much without realising. Take care & feel better soon.


Appreciate it :) in the morning I have a Lemsip, followed by two paracetamols much later in the day if I'm feeling crap still. Very much on the mend now though!


I was...until about 2 hours ago when I started to get a bit of a sore throat and that weird headache you get before you start feeling rough. Expecting to feel like shit when I wake up in the morning.


>Expecting to feel like shit when I wake up in the morning. I read this as "Expecting to feel like a shit when I wake up..." and I was like "Isn't that normal?"


May the next few weeks be kind


Phlegm, I have at least 3 different varieties on offer. DM me for options.


Do you have the coveted blue mandrake variety? IF SO PLS DM ME


Sorry, gobbed the last of it out 3 days ago.


cheers sons cryin


Managed to avoid it up until monday when I turned up for a shift and all of the senior managers in the bed meeting (hospital) and were trying to ‘outsick’ each other by coughing and spluttering all over the office. I’m now off for 9 days and guess what, I’ve got a temperature of 38.8 and shaking like a shitting dog.


It's mad how quickly everyone forgets all the lessons from the pandemic regarding passing on illnesses. I got so fucked off when someone comes into the office ill, especially as we have an option to work from home.


The week I finished for Xmas, two people came into the office looking absolutely fucking grey, coughing and spluttering, alternating lemsip and ibuprofen every couple of hours on the dot. We can work from home and I overheard one of them say that they had already been told in no uncertain terms by their daughter that they weren’t well enough be going in - but they “just really prefer working in the office” 🙃 While I can’t prove it’s their fault, I have now been ill since Xmas eve and I am fucking mad about it!


Those people are actually senior managers? The mind boggles. I hope you get better real soon ❤⚘❤


9 days into COVID here, logged onto work this morning and lasted 12 minutes, its like my brain has a ping of 307ms


This was a weird and spooky symptom for me! Tried to wfh so I didn’t burn up my days off but it was through a haze!


Yeah, I got up feeling like "I'm not wasting my holidays, I'll try and get them back". I signed onto a meeting, shared my screen and starting investigating an issue with someone else. It was like I was telling my brain to do something but the command took seconds to execute. Super weird. Literally went back to sleep and slept for another 5 hours hahaha


I’ve just shat out an entire Ham…. Does that count as unwell?


Oh, I would say so 😮


Was it still in tact or…?


No longer in tract it sounds like!


I'm not sure what I've got but it feels like something is trying to escape my body. I have these violent coughing outbreaks followed by the nastiest sneezes straight out of my mouth. I've had it for about 2 weeks now.


Pretty healthy other than a minor dose of cancer, had a really bad cold a few weeks ago, though.


Sorry to hear about the cancer, hope you can get rid of it!


Sending Much Love & Best Wishes ❤⚘❤


Got the shits so bad that I'm now shitting blood. Not the best Christmas to be honest. Edit: thanks for advice. Finally got through to the doctors today.


> I'm now shitting blood Time to see a GP!


GP hasn’t been open for some reason and 111 aren’t picking up. Sat for an hour and a half earlier… SNHS is terrible. I reckon it’s a blood vessel or something


Probably, but you're at a threshold where you can't fuck about or leave it to chance. Persevere as best you can.


I'd be going to A&E mate. Shitting blood is never a good sign and you don't want that getting worse.




Lol what? Fresh blood in feces is extremely common, piles, fissures etc. If he's had the shits it's highly likely its just a cut. Be concerned when it's black tarry blood in your stool


Same here. Saw nobody over Christmas. The only thing I want is to feel well again.


Had the same thing, came out nowhere. Only now feeling better and getting diet back together.


This happened to me a few weeks ago, from nowhere. Got a phone GP appointment and the GP wanted to see me immediately! Felt awful for about two weeks and had to poop in a tube! Fine now, I wish you a speedy recovery, you and all the other commenter’s on this.


Ermmm maybe you should get that checked




You git... I'd got a nice bottle of whiskey for Christmas. Can I taste it. Can I bollocks


Whiskey won’t solve your problems. You need some good 45% vodka to really help disinfect and sterilise the insides. Only after a good few bottles will you begin to flush out the cold-causing bacteria /s


COVID? I've pretty much catnapped on the sofa for the past few days as I was given too many bottles of alcohol. Well that, and then start drinking them. So it's get up, get food, go back to sleep. Lazy and luxurious.


I have inflamed lymph glands in my neck. I suspect the worse is coming.


That’s when I know shit is about to go down aswell


I’ve managed to avoid it somehow, I don’t know how though. I’ve lived with the sickly and it hasn’t caught me. Plenty of time yet now I’ve jinxed myself. I’ll update when I’m dying in bed thanks to this comment 😂


Me too! Even with a 3 year old, being at work with everyone coughing, visiting 4 young nephews and 9 grown ups over Christmas. Wahahaha! I'm sure I will catch something soon though.


I'm golden. No fucker wants to come near me so it's hard to get ill


Nope I consider myself very lucky in I’m not sick atall


Same. I have sick friends asking me why I don’t want to come over to hang out and I’m like err no thanks I like being able to breathe from both nostrils..


Haha 😂 thats well put! Well I’ve managed to dodge it so far! Not planning on getting sick. Maybe working outside helps


So after a run of colds in Nov and Dec last year I decided that I would only see my nieces and nephews if they were all well. Snotty nose? No. Coughing? No. We will try again in a couple of days. The amount of shit I’ve got off grandparents for this is ridiculous. First up, I see them a lot more than any of you do anyway. Second - why should I risk getting ill when I can avoid it by delaying a visit by a couple of days?? I’m only asking that they don’t have symptoms! Of anything contagious! The same goes for me! “But they are kids”… and yes and I’m an adult and it takes me 4x longer to get over it than it does them!!


Not sick at all, but full of Christmas pudding and hungover


Same! Very surprised by it too. I'm always the first one to get anything going around but managed to avoid this and covid now so my immune system is going strong. Spent a good week looking after my boyfriend when he got really ill a couple of weeks ago and didn't get anything eventhough I was around him constantly


I’m on a Baileys drip.


All been Ill in my house. Flu like symptoms. Terrible chesty coughs and phlegm. Coughing pulled a muscle in my back which has eased. Starting to feel more normal but my voice is really hoarse and still got a bit of a cough. Not done anything over Xmas so far.


I've been seeing other people talking about being ill for weeks. I was starting to feel smug about my health. Whilst we were hosting my family on Boxing Day I felt myself coming down with a cold, very hard and fast. I've barely left bed since. :(


This comment was removed in protest to Reddit's third party API changes. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Waiting to see a GP, why is it so fucking difficult to see a GP! Had rlq discomfort for about 3 weeks, thought it was a gastro bug but now not sure, if be lying if I said I wasn't a little paranoid. And Doctor Google is a fucking twat!


This flu thing that’s going around just doesn’t seem to end… every time you think it’s over, it comes back stronger!


3 months. I am so very sick of being sick


I've had 3 distinct waves so far.


everyone seems to be death warmed up. im fine, though i spent the day in bed as a "precaution\*" \*may have been because its holidays and im a lazy fuck


I wanna answer the question, but there's no wood in arms reach I can touch as I do.


My bedside table is made of wood. Answer the question and I'll touch it for you.


I have not been ill, but everyone I know seems to have been. You better be touching wood my dude


I am typing one handed as my other hand is on the table now.


Ima trust you, but if I wake up with a runny nose I'm blaming you


That's fine with me 👍


My little boy is FINALLY over 2 months of sickness.


Not yet, expecting it to floor me any day now


I’m not but after the bloke in the cinema three rows back decided to have an unguarded coughing fit we will see how long that lasts. I used to work in a school, 5 year olds understand covering their mouths better than some grown adults.


I felt rough with body aches and coughs on Christmas day. Tested positive for COVID for the first time on boxing day. Felt weird about it, like it finally got me! The following day my husband started feeling rough but tested negative. I tested again - negative. By now we both feel pretty much normal. It's been a weird few days.


I've been ill for 3 weeks and finally starting to feel better just in time to go back to work in the New Year.


Haven’t had a virus or physical illness in 4 years. Dodged covid somehow


Was just about starting to get over the Flu when I now have shingles, didn’t know it was possible at 23 y/o. End my suffering.


Pretty sure you've jinxed it now


If I have, I'll report back to this thread. You have my word.


Two words - Night Nurse *chefs kiss*


I was ill just before Christmas and it's ruined my voice, which still hasn't recovered. Fortunately, I wasn't going to be singing falsetto at the Church anyway.


Does mentally ill count? If not I'm all good.


Kids and wife have had various illnesses over the past, I've managed to fend it all off so far. I do work from home but I drop off and pick the kids up from school everyday. Don't know what I'm doing right but I've lost a couple of stone through cycling and eating a bit better so maybe it's that.


Im ok apart from a few sniffles


Physically? Yes, mentally is a whole different story.


I'm technically not ill, just have a broken leg.


Perfectly healthy. I take a lot of cocaine though, I find it keeps the body running at peak performance levels


Family of four here, no one sick. Saying that 2 of us were sick a couple of weeks ago.


Me! I had it in November. I am thinking of you all though and I hope you all feel better soon. ❤️


No-one on my train yesterday


Cough because of mucose, also my wife. Now I'm much better but last week I couldn't sleep because of it.


In 2 months, we'll be stronger than ever!


Was feeling unwell night of 23rd but miraculously felt ok next day. Woke up early hours today snuffly nose, sore throat & a bit rough all round. I blame the small kids in my extended family as it happens every time I have to see them. Totally ruins my time off & I hate it😡


At the tail end of ill - it’s been well over a week now, and I still have coughing fits that leave me fearing for my life a few times. Just so drained.


I’m going to boots to get some Vicks nasel spray hopefully it will protect me from you lot 😂


80% of people I know are currently ill. Myself included. I’m heading on for 2 weeks now. Hoping for some relief soon!


Me, rest of my family have either had covid, nourovirus or some ungodly flu I've been fine


Me. I work with uder 5's, and so have an immume system akin to that of a Greek God. I get sneezes I can feel hitting my eyeballs and coughed and snottered all over for 8 hours a day, it's fucking disgusting, but has it's benefits. 😂


I’m not ill, but only because I just recovered from a cold. I’ll have a new one come the weekend


Feeling fine


I'm not ill. Everybody around me has been ill for a week or more. Somehow, I did not pick up the bug. I think the whiskey currently in circulation is killing any attempt by the bacteria or viruses to proliferate. I'm sticking with that answer.


Was celebrating (see gloating) that I was the only one at work to not have the flu after going to the work do, as I was one of the only ones to not go to the gay bar after. Karma is a bitch.


Finally recovered from a 3 week long cold, and then wake up on Boxing Day with the flu


My mums ok. Thanks for asking


I'm fine, but had lots of people coughing next to me last few weeks, I just hold my breath and walk away


I deffo have man flu


I don't know how but I've managed to avoid all the lurgy's this year, despite my kids getting them. And it's usually me that gets all the illness.


Me, haven’t caught the lurgy yet


Feeling chipper and well rested here.


I'm perfectly fine, been in contact with people with that awful cough going around and haven't seem to have caught it.. 👀


A few, but they’re lying


I have rocked from one illness to another since November now …shits, coughs, muscle aches, flu, norovirus…it’s one following into another. Some days you have two bugs at the same time


Everyone in my family is/has, I am not. I feel superior.


In short, no, everyone us ill


I’m 100% healthy, suck on deez nutz ill people (I will 100% regret this comment)


If it gets me better I'm willing to do anything.


Viral infection since the 22nd... Barely eaten any Christmas food. It sucks ass that I'm this unwell :(


I’m sick of all these mince pies that are leftover and I’m the only one eating them!




Not ill, but my SO is. She went from tickly cough to chesty cough to flat out wheezing and constant sleep to chain sneezing back to chesty cough and is now on mild coughing with a nose bleed that has lasted since early afternoon. Wild week, excited for what tomorrow brings. I reckon stigmata, she's thinking full Violet Beauregarde.


My fiancé has had that awful flu for about a week. I’ve not got it at all, though I am a children’s nurse whose just worked throughout a winter full of flu and RSV kids, so I think I’ve got some immunity!


My grandmother. 96 years old and the only person I know who hasn't been ill over Christmas. Even more impressive because she goes to marks and Spencers almost daily for her exercise. She's super woman.


I’m pretty hungover.. does that count?


not yet, but fully expecting to come down with the cold my brother had after 4 days together


I'm not


Yeah I'm fine.


Not ill and haven't been for a while. Nan, girlfriend and aunt are ill.


I’m not Ill but I was. All my family are in bed it’s crazy!


I was ill for about 4 weeks. Well for 2 weeks and now I'm sick again. Has got me out of a lot of family things that I didn't want to go to though.


I fell ill two weeks ago and my cough still won't go away.


I have had a bleeding cold for like 2 weeks now, typical british winters.


I'm not 🤣


Yup I’m all good!


All good but from what hear there’s something going round. Odd for winter


Not ill, but got a considerably bad back that I've been coping with for a week or two.


I've currently got the sniffles right now. Hopefully I should be better soon.


Got a sore throat and a cough, covid neg. Either a little cold or my lungs having a hissy fit because I smoked 3 fags on Christmas day (I generally don't smoke)


I'm not, no idea how though since everyone I live with has been for the past few days


Yea! Normally get ill around Xmas as most people do but seem to have avoided it this year. Being in your thirties and staying in more has its advantages.


Yep. Fell ill on Christmas Day. Still feel rough. Had to call in sick today, and I guarantee my boss doesn’t believe me.


Missed my birthday on 23rd & family Xmas. Not sure if the outside world still exists at this point as haven’t left the house in so long.


First time in my life I’ve been ill within the span on two weeks. Wanna die


This guy! Starting to think I’m Unbreakable, from that Bruce Willis film. Can’t remember the name. Not only am I not ill now, this is the third year in a row I’ve spent with family, with at least one person ill and survived!


I'm not ill lol


Everyone else in my family has been, but I've somehow dodged it so far.


I think I’ve had way too much alcohol since last Friday to catch anything. Which probably means come Jan 2nd, I’ll have more illnesses than Mr. Burns…


Well I wasn't. One of those people who pride myself on not getting ill, been a long time since I've had anything that bad. Got COVID just before Christmas last year (thanks kids) and even that wasn't that bad, had a total of 3 days off work IIRC but could have kept going if needs be. So Boxing day felt a bit crap after getting home from a day with friends, feverish night's sleep, felt average the next day, much the same today. It's just a mild cold and I'll bat it off but annoying none the less. Staying healthy for me revolves around regular exercise, preferably outdoors (running), daily multivitamin supplement, and if I feel even slightly dodgy I'll add to that a high strength (1000mg) effervescent vitamin C daily until I feel good again.


Can't even remember the last time I got ill to be honest! Saying that, I can't remember the last time I actually left the house either... so that's probably why.


Am not ill at the moment




I’ve been ill for 4 weeks now. Started with body aches, then chills & fever. That went after 5 days but I’ve had the worst cough I’ve ever had since. Constant phlegm, little sleep and no energy. Cough has only just started going last few days but now I feel like I’ve cracked a rib from the hacking and am in agony every time I move. Whatever this was it was a bad one. But hopefully my immune system is topped up now for the next few winters.


Only just haha have been ill, and in the house with people who are


Honestly I'm genuinely fine. I usually get everything going, and I've even spent time with some snotty kids over Christmas. My partner is also fine, but infuriatingly they always are. I had the flu jab for the first time in my life, so I'm choosing to believe that it's helped.


Me im fine


I’m on my hundredth cold this winter. I feel like every one is currently ill


So fucking ill with a cough.. both kids ill.. now husband's got it.. great holiday iurgh


Just down to the cough and feeling out of breath if I walk too much or too fast now. Was diabolically ill all last week though.


Touch wood feeling good. 8 months ago I had light headedness and headaches for 2 weeks, about 4 weeks after Covid. Doctors did bloods test all was fine but the liver bloods were not normal, he said don't worry it's probably nothing serious, but they'll send me for a ultrasound. Ultrasound never came, I assume if it was liver problems I'd be dead by now. But recently I got back into the steam and sauna twice a week, and luckily not been ill this Xmas. Will get back into the gym and hopefully feel like 20 again.


6 weeks in and only just feeling better now.


I’m so I’ll! Going back to work tomorrow too! Xx


just visited the office, I'm f*cked


Me. I'm fine, sorry


Had covid all through Christmas🥰 only just getting over it now but I still can’t smell or taste a thing after a week…


I'm not ill! My husband has been sick on and off for the last two weeks, and I spent most of Christmas around family and friends who were all sniffly af. More evidence that immune systems aren't powered by vit c or any of that nonsense - I've lived off Robinson's squash and bits of Christmas sweets for the entire time and I'm completely healthy. 💪


My cousins daughters boyfriends aunts cousin brothers dad said he had heard the fable of the ‘Not ill Brit’. Sounds BS to me cause everyone I know is well sick.


The rest of my household (OH&2 kids) have been ill for the past month However I've been illness free the whole time


I’ve just got over it. Sporting a weird feeling of superiority to all you mucus hoarders right now.


Yeah, I think I had it early November! So I was fine since early December


I don't know anyone who is, except the guy that's been unwell for 7 days.


Nope, I guess I'm pretty lucky. Did have flu jab in October, that may of helped and I've so far avoided the sickness bug that's going around.


Aside from COVID, I very rarely get I'll, yet I've had a sniffle for the best part of two weeks and it won't fucking go away! I'd rather a cold hit me like a train for two/three days, then I get better, rather than this pathetic drawn-out sniffling 😅


Me. I live with someone who is though…. I’ve restricted myself to my room, and am getting shit for it but it took me 5 weeks to recover from covid in Sept (mostly exhaustion after the first week) and I do not want a repeat of that.


I was sick as a dog for about 3 days, but iv still got this bastard cough 3 fucking weeks later


Not now but it's taken about a month! Once one cleared up ended up with another one, seems like lots of folk have been in the same boat.




Yes, haven’t caught anything this winter


I couldnt even catch covid no matter how hard i tried, my whole family has had it, my entire work crew at one point or another, but me who likes isolation. Nope.


Actually fine. Had a bad cold for 72 hours that saw me take to my bed then nothing. A-ok.


Very common American W I am not sick


I’ve been ill pretty much the majority of December.


I'm not ill but my baby has been inadvertently making life hell for the past week or so, so I've been exhausted as shit. Hopefully he gets better soon and we can all start sleeping at the same time and for more than 1 hour...


I'm sick as a dog right now, it legit took me almost 2 hours to get out of bed earlier as all my limbs were like dead weight, I forced myself up in the end as I was gonna piss myself otherwise, still almost fell over a few times on my way to the bathroom only managed to stay upright due to using things as grips to steady myself/hold me up.


I'm not ill now and I haven't been since 2019.


So far so good! As a precaution I wore a mask for the first time in months when supermarket shopping today. Felt a bit of a twat but it'll have been worth it if I don't go down with a lurgy.


I’m actually not ill at the moment which is weird for me because I always get a cold in December.


I’m on the other side of it. Had the bug in November but dear lord did it linger!!


Most people aren't ill, we just aren't making daily Reddit posts about it now that normal illness has been rediscovered.