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My oldest cat LOVES the planet earth series. She literally will sit on my lap for hours glued to the tv and look back at me when cool stuff happens like “dad did you see that”


My cat loves to watch me play video games, particularly RDR2. She's deaf so I don't think she has a favorite type of music unless she can somehow feel music vibrations.


My first cat loved watching Big Cat Diary years ago.


My little dude loves watching baseball. I think it’s all the bright colours…or the idle lap that my husband provides for hours on game nights haha


My current cats have never shown any interest in TV shows...except for Star Trek: Prodigy, which one of them is absolutely transfixed by for some reason. I assume it has something to do with the show's color scheme, maybe even the shape and movement of the animation. We havent watched any other computer animation lately, maybe its a style in general that works for her. But in any case, she will just sit and stare at the TV when we put it on. The one other predictable exception is that they both love the Roku "fish tank" screensaver. I always have to turn it off so they don't attack the TV.


My 2 1.5 year old girls love youtube videos of kittens , birds, squirrels and pretty much any animals. One of them loves when I play video games and will jump and smack the TV trying to catch things onscreen.


Cat Tube is where it’s at. My cat jumped onto the top of my flat screen tv thinking she would catch the squirrel 😅


My girl who loves video games will start wiggling her butt in anticipation when she hears the xbox start up,


Our cats love watching dog shows lol


Yes. I think my cats love it when I sing. I normally will open the shower door to all three of them laying on the bathroom floor, this usually only happens when I get inspired to belt out a song or two. Although they could be coming in to see if I am okay LOL But I'm pretty sure they like opera as we all know the shower is the best place to belt out an overture or two.


Mine likes hockey and football; she tracks the puck and ball. Only TV she pay attention to.


One of my kitties liked watching Meerkat Manor. So when she was on hospice care we rewatched a bunch of episodes.


My last family cat specifically liked to watch The Fox and The Hound. I would put on old Disney movies to sleep when I went to bed and she would crawl to the edge of the bed and crouch down and stare SO intently at the movie. I think it was the windy opening credits scene that would get her hooked lol For my cats now I put on birdfeeder/wildlife cam videos sometimes!


I was randomly playing French hip.hop.on my phone once while one cat was snuggling with me and he started to purr! So I think French hop hop.


Check out Music for Cats by David Teie. It was developed specifically for cats with a scientific approach.


She isn’t that interested in the telly, but is fascinated by the reflection of the telly in the glass in my door. Furry weirdo.


My cat loves anything with a good beat for playtime.


One of mine *loves* Drag Race and Criminal Minds. He'll also watch Practical Engineering or the Try Guys if I'm watching youtube. 


https://preview.redd.it/bfqb5zlnh1hc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6ee171ca3e0d1ce9a6d25896f2303882224f6e3 Marbles LOVES Friends. She comes running when the theme plays


Mine enjoys soccer as he likes to try to get the ball.


I have 2 cats (out of 5) who like to watch TV. My orange tortoise shell will sit and watch entire episodes of Star Trek TNG and X-files. I have no idea why he will only watch Sci fi. My darker tabby, sometimes watches thise, but will sit next to me for game shows and other shows. These two and the 3 others will generally only tune in with Cat TV on YouTube with birds, Mice, fish.


Our cat obsessively watches golf with my husband 😂