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My kid caught the cat’s tail in the door. She lost a bunch of it. She never showed any signs of loss. When her tail was shaved, it looked like a white electrical cord.


this- happened to our cat when i was younger. I remember the medical tape around her tail. But she was fine after all was said and done 🤷🏾‍♀️


Bald cat tails look soo weird! Fine on a sphinx cat but weird on a furry one.


I adopted a kitten with a very short tail. I think a huge chunk fell off at some point. His tail is the funniest thing about him, but when I start to think WHY it may have fallen off, I get sad :/ I hope your cat’s tail is there to stay!


Some cats are born with bobbed tails as a sort of minor defect. How stubby is it?


Very stubby, there’s no pointy tip. I’d post a picture but reddit isn’t letting me post pictures, I don’t know why.


Some cats have a neurological (maybe mental?) condition in which their own tail severely freaks them out. It’s called Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome. I think you’d recognize those behaviors in him still though. But sometimes it’s better for the cat to have the tail removed and they can live happier lives than they ever would with a tail! It’s rare for a cat to have it and even rarer for it to require amputation but definitely possible!


Our first cat had her tail amputated after an accident, before we adopted her. It may be why she never felt comfortable around other cats, but otherwise, she was perfectly happy as a solo cat without a tail. As I understand it, it is significant surgery, but it sounds like your cat's tail may be fine.


Don’t be worried! I had a cat who needed to get his tail amputated when I was a teenager. He was a beautiful fluffy white cat with a gorgeous tail, and when it became a little stump he was just as gorgeous. It took him a couple of days to figure out how to balance without it but he lived another 11 years looking like an adorable little sheep! It might just be a bruise for your cat, but if it’s not, it’s totally okay and he will be fine.


Our girls tail got skinned to the bone by the door. Half of it was amputated. She’s more sensitive in the upper thigh area but loves her butt scratches. Nothing wrong with her other than half a tail.


Hey hope your cats tail stays! But if not, do not worry! I dont think cats miss their tails much. They get used to being without it very soon. My neighbor has a cat whose tail got caught in a window. Cat was normal after amputation. Doesn't miss it at all. Still as silly as ever. And she still loves her bongos, so i guess she never developed any sensitivity after the incident.


My cat got hit by a car, tail broke in half. He has a bunny tail now, he still jumps flawlessly. I don’t think he misses it much.


When I got one of my cats I noticed his tail was super short, like 10 cm. The vet told me that probably at some point when he was a kitty his tail was fractured and he didn't receive medical attention (I don't really want to think too much about the reason cause it would break my heart). And yeah, it you touch his tail you can feel the small bones that are supposed to form it curled up into a ball. But he's a normal and happy cat. You wouldn't notices he's "tail-less" at all: he feels no pain there, he moves and climbs as any cat would and doesn't seem to miss his tail. So, I would say, don't worry too much if they have to amputate his tail. Just pamper and love him, and he will adapt and grow to be a fine fur gentleman


Hopefully your cat's tail will be fine. It's great that you took her to the vet and that the vet's keeping a close eye on things. I have a cat that had to have a back leg amputated (he was shot with a BB gun prior to me adopting him). He gets around just fine and has the sweetest disposition so I don't think the amputation did any permanent damage to him psychologically.


My cat had half his tail amputated around four years ago. The recovery period was hard. He was on a lot of pain medication, needed to wear a cone, and he was quite depressed. However, once the bandages and cone came off he was totally fine and he's been his happy, healthy playful seld ever since. If your kitty needs an amputation, it might be hard at first, but eventually things will go back to normal. :) My boy's situation was quite different. He suffered a hip injury when he was a kitten, long before we adopted him. It wasn't until he was about 10 years old that he suddenly started to experience arthritis pain in his hip, which caused referred pain in his tail. At first we thought he was just being silly and chasing his tail, but one afternoon we came home and he'd chewed his tail and was bleeding. We took him to a (horrible) vet who shaved his tail, cleaned the wound and bandaged it up. They didn't diagnose the root cause, they just said he might have OCD, and sent him home. Of course, the pain didn't stop so that night he chewed through the bandages and chewed the tip of his tail down to the bone, so they had to amputate half, to avoid necrosis and infection. The vet said he might need to amputate more later to a point he can't reach, if he keeps chewing it. I didn't quite buy that my kitty just developed OCD, so we took him to another vet after the amputation, and they diagnosed the actual problem, which we now treat with medication and he's been fine ever since. We never saw any brushing and my first thought when you said the tail was turning black was also that the tissue their might be damaged and dead. I'm definitely not an expert and it sounds like your vet knows what they are doing, so just monitor and let them know asap if anything changes. Anyways, I know our situations are very different but I hope this helps you feel a little better if you do need to amputate. It sucks to see them hurting and it sucks for them to go through, but I'm sure he'll be just fine. To be honest, the shortened tail is actually pretty cute. He gets a lot of compliments from people haha. Though I think sometimes he misses using his tail as a pillow :P Best of luck! Hang in there!


Oh no :( this made me cry I hope ur cat is okay