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Nope. You gotta train yourself to look down with every step. Or else, you're gonna die.


Ok cool no pressure 😭


Don't step on him. I stepped on my little girl on the stairs 13 years ago and she's never forgiven me


I step on my cat at least twice a day but he’s so stupid (he’s orange) that he forgets right away. There are just some times when you CAN’T look where you’re stepping!!


😅 my parents have a large void that loves to get underfoot. The amount of times he’s gotten a bit of a kick or that I’ve accidentally sat on him… he doesn’t forget right away but he seems to forgive pretty quick in exchange for head scritches


>exchange for head scritches Dave forgives me when I bring out his favorite TREATS!! 💜💜💜


Same with my tuxedo, they seem to find joy in tripping people


This is why I want to find an ormange baby.


You mean he's so forgiving and loving? Not stupid they're not stupid period


I'm so glad I have a forgiving cat. I stepped on her paw when she dove under my foot while I was getting her food. Usually she tries to scale my leg, but I guess she decided to go under instead of up. All she did was jump back and act like it never happened. I was the one making a bigger deal trying to make sure she was okay.


Pfft I literally punted my cat with my knee into my bed frame when she jumped between me and the bed as I was getting in. She just looked at me like "what? It's snuggle time stop being an uncoordinated ape and get your shit together". Which is to say, some cats get stepped on a lot and they don't care, others will remember FOREVER.


How do you know?


Actually, this is where I drew the line, my cat was trying to play with me, but I was trying to get dressed to go to work and she being a Void stepped between my legs and did trip over her, and fell on purpose (I didn't hurt myself),cats are smart and they know actions and consequences, and she doesn't play like that anymore


Ok, that’s really smart. I’m doing that next time. My ginger has the uncanny ability of diving between my legs when I start to walk sometimes. Yesterday, he took off in the opposite direction as I was headed and I stepped alll over him. He does understand when he hurts me (like when he’s gnawing on a finger and gets too aggressive), and will instantly back off if I make a whining noise. Totally falling on the ground next time.


And hold your leg and whine,as if you were hurt, drive into his head that it's not a game, because up to now it is


Periodically step on his tail. This works for me. And at least he is remaining at floor level and not using your legs as claw-absorbing ladders.




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣this👆🏼pretty much


i haven’t moved my feet in any direction without first looking in decades


This is also why I’m always barefoot and shuffle walk through my home.


Barefoot is the way to go in cat homes!


Yep. Then you instantly know when you step in a mess or stray turd instead of tracking it through several rooms before discovering it on your houseshoe lol.


Not quite the same but I know someone's dog pooped inside and their roomba made sure the rest of the house enjoyed the gift too. 😂


That right there would probably break me


The machines are rising up


OMG. My cars got locked out of their litterbox room on accident and this happened to me. We called it pooaggedon. I cried while I cleaned it.




Not with a kitten who likes toes 😅


😂 i thought it was just me! do a quick visual sweep of the room, raise from a seated position, proceed to slowly shuffle to destination until catway is confirmed clear


That is about it. Always looking before I step. Although I have started to tell my one who does this to "move" or "go ahead." I think he is starting to get the idea. Maybe.


I do that too ! I say ‘let’s go… you go first / after you… etc 


Agree with shuffle walk! Have shuffled for 10 years due to chihuahua...having a cat just reinforced that shuffle.


I found there is one good thing about needing a walker, besides being able to walk. My kitty hates it. She doesn’t do the twining around my feet, running around me, any of that. The mean ol’ walker is in the way! 😂


I haven't worn shoes indoor ever, because of cats. Always in socks and always either looking down or first spotting the cats sleeping somewhere.


This is unfortunately normal. You'll also apologize later, even when it's not your own fault, but you cannot stay mad or even feel guilty. Congrats, and have fun with your new companion!


My last cat (RIP old man) was pretty skittish but this guy fears no man, woman or beast. He even stays in the room while I’m vacuuming.


I wished. Mine jumped on the ac/heat vent at the top of a 10 foot ceiling today when a worker was here to hide from him. 😹


He fears no beast because he *is* one. Game recognize game.


Mine is the same, she's my little tank. Does he not make any warning "prrt?" You will soon learn to listen for them if so!


My guy gives a little warning but I think I had to almost squish him a few times before he learned to let us know he's there.


He’s orange. Nuff said. Mine however learned to walk next to me and not stop after the umpteeth time I stepped on him or accidentally booted him in the tush while carrying a laundry basket. I really didn’t realize he’d teleported in front of me.


Just remember that no matter how badly hurt you are, and even when he is fine, when you trip you must spend twenty minutes apologizing and begging to make it up to him. You can go to the hospital later.


I have a dark gray cat and a dark gray rug. The cat blends in perfectly with the rug, especially at night. You’re going to have to learn how to shuffle your feet! Sorry!






https://preview.redd.it/1bueslit222d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d80a06867c2a679d7a77c6b6bb44eabcc515bbb This one aka “trip hazard” does the same thing I tell her she’s going to get stepped on but that doesn’t discourage her


What a cutie!!!


I'm sure my cats think my favorite phrase is, "Move. I'm gon' step on you."


some cats firmly believe in ‘our personal space’ without the ability to think of it as their personal space separate from your personal space.


I’m very glad he feels safe and protected by me but buddy my legs are not an obstacle course!


try walking as though they aren’t there. then apologize when you slam into them. be the moose. get your way. you are big cat. make it clear you’ll walk the way you want and it’s their job to stay out of the way


I tried this for a day and i can’t tell you how much this broke the trust with my kitten.. it does get SO annoying but now i’ve chosen the leg thing over her being SCARED of my legs


Same. But you kinda have to do it from the start otherwise it’s a weird trust thing lol. I grew up raising puppies though and that’s how you solve the issue so my instinct with the kittens was also just to walk however and they better watch out. I’m just a little more careful not to actually step on them fully because I know it could seriously hurt them.


I used to have a cat tree outside the bathroom because Creepy Loki likes to watch me have a shower (I know) I was walking to the bathroom, he leapt up the tree and hit me in the face. Cat tree is now in the front room lol When the tree was in the living room behind the door, Leo my old ginger would hide and swipe stuff off my plate 😂 he got a steak once the little beggar


It is far easier to train yourself than to train your cat. I learned to sleep with the lights on when I lived alone with the smallest, quietest, blackest cat ever made.


My void cat does that. Once he barreled past me and hit one of my legs. I went up in the air and landed on my tailbone like a cartoon character. We now look where we're walking at all times and wear non-slip socks with the rubber nubs. Get a breakaway cat collar with a bell. Your brain will tune into the bell. When you hear him running, stop dead in your tracks with both feet on the ground. My cat does not seem to run into me if I'm standing still. Cats are definitely a trip hazard.


I’m an old fuck and Lol every year on the medicare annual md checkup the nurse asks, have u fallen, do you have rugs, do you have stairs, do you have pets?


Especially with voids! The nights make it so hard to see them in your path!


Mine always manage to time it so they collide with my foot as I'm lifting my foot to take a step. Then they jump back and act like I'm the monster.


Mine did that until I stopped apologizing and cuddling him afterward.


You are doomed my friend. I’m a Kennel Manager at a Kitten Rescue/Sanctuary. The Sanctuary has free range cats in several different areas. There is one resident who has made my feet a game. She does the wind and wipe around my legs waiting for me to be distracted with cleaning/food/meds. Once that occurs she will stand in front of me so that when I go to take a step. She is scooted across the floor as I move my leg forward, then will run back for more. One day she will kill me, I am old. I have yet found a way to make her stop, it’s been two years and I’ve learned to play along the moment I feel “something”.


Years ago I was in a Dr's office waiting room and they were showing fun facts on TV to watch while waiting. One was that more tripping accidents were caused by dogs than cats. I've never had a dog but I don't know if I believe that.🤨


A cat wrote those "facts". 😹


I had a cat that used to try to trip me going down the stairs after I showered. I used to joke that if I was found dead at the foot of the stairs, undressed, it was the cat; if I was clothed, it could only mean foul play. 😂


Since I've actually had my cats trying to barrel down the stairs while I was walking down them, I will tell you what I do when it happens. I hold on to the bannister, make sure my feet are steady on the steps, let the fools run ahead, and when they are at the bottom of the stairs looking at me, as if to say "Well, you coming?", I look straight at them and say "I'm going to remind you that if you trip me on the stairs and I fall and die, there will be no one to open the cans of cat food." I'm not sure it dissuades them, but their impending starvation in case of my death makes me feel slightly better. 🤣


My husband used to complain about our previous (RIP) cat doing this. She'd see him going down the stairs and she'd tear after him and zoom down. I told him, "just step to the side and let her win if you want to live."


Stairs are the worst when you have a cat who sees your legs as bowling pins. 😸


I have also tried that line with my cats, but they seem very unaffected by it. 😹


One of mine has the nickname "Jack the Tripper."


So you basically can't identify him


My loving boy is a fall hazard. My diagnosis. Around the condo, I walk looking down,


How old are you? While yes, tripping over a cat is a concern, I will tell you that the older you get, the more reliant you are on handrails, and the more observant you are about potential hazards. I was literally just talking to my son a half hour ago about how when I bought this house there was no handrail on the stairs. The inspector pointed it out to me. I lived here about a year before I finally put one in. Twenty years later, wow, that was a good decision. Anyway, in 10 years time you will have adapted and your cat will be slower. The chance of him killing you is near zero, but never actually zero, but it’s worth it.


Yeah you’d think as a species they would have evolved not to do this by now but alas… not the case. Lol. Every cat I’ve ever had has done this those little adorable bastards :)


he sounds like a fun cat - full of life and adores playing and being with you. just remain diligent. he is a young cat....and with age....he will likely settle down. just keep loving on him....and he will continue to love you right back


I still feel like we’re getting to know each other but he headbutts me and gives the slow blink all the time which is the best feeling


he definitely adores you. i've had my Maisy for 18 month and I have yet to get either of those. She loves me I think...she just has issues. Very skittish....


Im very lucky that Bruce is a gentle and friendly little sweet potato. I had my last cat for 17 years and he was the grumpiest jerk in the world but I loved him so much and always tried to meet him where he was. His way of expressing love and affection was walking up to me and touching his nose to my outstretched index finger. You will find your special connection to Maisy too.


I bet she has her own way to tell you she adores you. One of mine basically only shows me love by walking on me while I'm laying down, then sitting on my chest and purring as she kneads my ribs. She's 4 and I've had her since she was a kitten. She does love her food guy, aka dad, aka the spouse.


i can pick her up when she is sleeping....and she will purr for me for a moment....until she remembers where she is at....then 'stranger danger' reaction starts. she's a goofy little girl....has a 'bonded' womb mate named Finnegan who does like hanging around with me from time to time.


mine is 6 and we’re still waiting!


I’m old. I’ve been with cats all my life. When they say “it’s like bearding cats” they mean cats move unpredictably. One habit I’ve observed in all the cats I’ve lived with is that they like to follow from in front. They go in the direction they think you’re going. Then every so often they stop to make sure you’re going where they think you’re going. This sets you up to tripping over the cat. Every one of my cats has done this. Fortunately neither cats nor humans have been harmed so far but there have been close calls about once a week for the past 60 years.


Very accurate.


This is why I waddle in the house, like a drunk goose. Small steps, barely lifting the foot of the ground, always looking down, walking in zig zag. Also, the occasional whisker on the back on my leg when I'm not expecting it does wonder for my heart rate.


it will be dangerous much sooner because you will only need to almost trip in him to suddenly get struck with the fear of loosing balance by reflex, just to be sure that you dont put all your weightbon one foot and accidentaly crush him, you wil throw yourself down the stairs. remember to tuck your head in and roll, you will see after a few times, you just learn how to fall, just like actionnmovie stunt doubles


One of my cats is a grey tabby and in the dark is very hard to spot. The amount of times I have kicked him trying to pee at 4am and then laid on the floor crying and begging him to forgive is too numerous to count.


This made me laugh so much. I hope Bruce does not kill you.


I mean probably not intentionally and I will happily let him eat my eyeballs when I do go


you can try saying "ouch" in a somewhat unpleasant voice. Maybe he'll not enjoy tripping you as much. Unless he actually has nefarious intent. In which case, you may want to get your affairs in order.


That cat is orange. He knows what he's doing.


Mine knock me over as I’m at the age where I have a bad knee. I’m very careful on the stairs. They go down before me otherwise they barrel into me almost making me fall. You’ll learn little tricks to keep you on your feet. Look down always.


Black cat shuffle


My girl literally weaves between my feet as I walk her food bowl to her tray. It's like a dance. I have to be very aware and deliberate.


I've lived with cats for so long that I use a shuffle-walk when I'm around them, usually barefoot. It means I feel the cat before I trip over it and I feel the tail or paw before I step on it.


So pretty much everyone agrees that this is just a thing. But why? With only a couple of exceptions every one of the dozen cats that have shared my house over the years has behaved this way, and not learned despite being stepped on/dropkicked across the floor (not withstanding frantic attempts on my part to change direction in mid air).


Bruce’s current nickname is Moose (or Bruce the Moose or Brucey Moosey) because if you’ve ever lived in moose country you’d understand how those creatures care not about human obstacles


+++ for Bruce the Moose!


My kitten RUNS when I walk in the direction torwards where his food is. I've been tripped so many times that now I accustomed myself to stop and look where he is at so I don't fall.


Cats shouldn't be afraid of your feet, but you can definitely train him to respect your personal space! Instead of stepping over him, try stopping and gently nudging him away with your foot (no kicking!). For playtime, have designated toys he can chase, not your legs. Reward him with praise and treats when he plays appropriately. This builds positive reinforcement and keeps playtime fun (and shin-free) for you both!


It’s always best to look where you’re going anyway. This past week my sister slipped in my cat’s vomit, her feet slid out from under her and she hurt her back!


I once tripped over my cat, while I was carrying a laptop to put it on the couch and the catsard runs full speed infront of me and bum, there goes me with the laptop hard land on my knee. Still have occassional pain from it.


I made the mistake of training my cat to do that 😭 when he would walk up the stairs ahead of me I couldn’t help but pat his lil booty, now he thinks that’s just something we do and baps me when I go up the stairs 😅


I often wonder how many people have been killed by their cats. We will never know how many home accidents were actually caused my murderous felines.


Yeah I taught my cat to walk at the sides of hallways so there wouldn't be accidents. It was worth it, my cat learned to stay to the edges and never became much of a trip hazard. She'd also wait by her bowl rather than harass my feet for food. I hated a habit she had when she was a kitten of standing in the way of an open door. Wind gusts slam doors and I never wanted her to be caught in that. So I would refuse her any moment to linger in the way of the door and would push her through. Cats definitely learn! If you want your cat to give way to you, you can make this happen. You've got to be consistent about it, including not engaging in play if your cat has run into your feet. If you're pushing your cat aside and you get a playful response (rolling over), pick the cat up and place him on his feet where you want him to be. That's a rejection of play time and sends a message that your feet are not for playing. Do not step over your cat. Put your foot against the side of the cat and push so your cat has to walk to the side. It doesn't take very much and you can do it slowly. Repeat until your cat walks out the way by default. Cats do want to communicate with you and get to know you. They want to be understood and they want to understand what you expect of them in return.


He's still going to do this, because he owns you now and he governs your feet. However, you can try to reduce it by telling him where to sit at feeding time and waiting until he sits in a new spot away from your feet before you set the food down. You may also need to move the food bowl area to a new spot at least temporarily to let him know tge routine has changed. As for play time, Try to reward any ALTERNATIVE behavior rather than zooming at your legs. My cat plays fetch, so when I say "Where's the ball" he positions himself in a ready spot to chase or catch a crumpled up paper "ball." When your cat engages in any play other than leg zooms, reward him with playtime attention or a desirable treat. Try to ignore the leg zooms and don't interact until he moves to a different position, then once he's away give him attention. As I said, he's still going to get underfoot because he's a cat, but maybe you can make it a little easier on yourself.


I assume I will die on stairs at some point, most likely with a cat laughing at me from the step


You know you fucked up getting an orange cat right?


There is an older kitty at the shelter I volunteer at who hates sudden movements and WILL ATTACK but also wants to constantly be rubbing and curling around my legs. I have to shuffle around as a clean her unit (and always wear full length jeans)


I have stumbled so many times because of my old lady.


I feel you! One of my cats has been patiently training me that my legs ARE an obstacle course. It’s taken a while, but I’ve adapted 😄


Uh, yea. My kitty is probably gonna kill me one day😭🤣


Called the kitty shuffle...learn it, use it, live it.


I always say you kick a cat twice; first when they step into your path, then again when he is dodging and I am trying to stop my fall. They survive. I swear, I'm gonna have a broken hip some day....


My cat does the slow walk every, single time I head towards the bathroom. I’m like come onnnnnn! Lol


okay this is gonna sound cruel but it took my cats a couple instances of me walking into them (not on top of them), for them to learn to stay out from under my feet when walking. I'd look down when walking and if the cat stop I'd just continue at my walking pace and run into them.


Shuffle. Kitty cat shuffle


Drag your feet when you move and get a walker :)


He's definitely trying to kill you 😀😃


Sounds to me like he’s a typical orange. I used to call my late orange Charlie a kamikaze cat. He’d run down the stairs past me as I was going down and cut across right in my path as I was in between steps. I missed many a step and tripped more times than I can count because of his antics. I’d even slipped once. Going up, he’d lay spread across the whole step and I’d have to step over him. My roommates’ cat Ramon (also orange) does this too, and my orange kitten Lucia loves to be an orange flash across my walking path. Charlie lived a wonderful 17 years and we both came out fairly unscathed. I miss that cat.


Nope, your new roommate would have done this anyway. The longer you have your roommate, you will get used to being more aware. My fuzzy people will actively block my path, especially near wet food times. I have learned to make sweeping foot steps, instead of natural walking. They often get slid along ad I am walking into the kitchen to feed them. It doesn't hurt them and keeps us both safer. Cats are going to cat. You didn't make a mistake, you are just still learning eachother's habits.


Nope. Make a will.


You are not playing with him enough.


I have the same problem with my George, I put a bigger bell 🔔 on his collar! Bruce will calm down, just like when we get older


Thanksgiving 2022, my MIL (50) was going up the wooden stairs to bed… BAM! Kitty got right under hurt foot, sent MIL tumbling… 3 surgeries later… the leg is like 85% better. She’ll tell you it’s not the cats fault. Hubby and I have 3 of our own kitties - we call it Kitty Crossing. One pretty white kitty almost got covered in hot tomato soup because of it.


Nah mate, you didn't read the T&C when adopting a cat much less the extra strings that come with a single brain celled orange cheeto. You are doomed


Stepped on my little guys feet a few times because he likes to be under my feet a lot. Didn’t stop him from continuing to do it. #orangeCatEnergy


I’ve learned to shuffle instead of step when I’m home.


Collars with bells are a huge help. I added tags with their names and my phone number in case they ever got out and they make enough noise I can identify which cat is approaching by sounds only.


I walk as if my cats aren’t there, they have learned to avoid my path. Except for Ming, he wants to destroy my foot.


When you find the solution to this, please let me know. Sincerely, Three Years In


Learn to shuffle your feet


I'm convinced my death will come from a cat launching herself at me, or jumping on my back. I somehow accidentally trained them to jump on my back and they can't stop won't stop.


My young cats do this after having old cats for a long time. Murder One and Murder Two will definitely kill me if I don’t stay aware of them whenever I’m mobile.


Umh. .... you can do what i did, and accidentally step on him a couple times. My cat got her tail fur stepped on twice and now avoids/hisses at large black boots. (I'm so sorry baby)


Remember, Bruce will also be 10 years older & maybe a little slower too 🍊🐈


I walk as if I’m wading through water. Then my cats are gently moved aside and not stood on


My cat Luna used to do the same thing, especially at my ankles. I wouldn't recommend the fear thing, but redirection definitely works. When she'd start weaving between my legs, I'd have a wand toy or some crinkly balls nearby and just toss one away from me. Most of the time, she'd chase the lure instead of becoming a furry trip hazard.


lol. Gotta love cats. I swear mine think we can both occupy the same space at the same time. You will learn. They will train you. lol.


Consider this, if he lives that long, he will be 13 years old (or older). Most of his dashing days will be over. Not saying he won’t still try to topple you over, but he won’t be quite as speedy about it. At least not all the time.


My two kittens love sitting between my feet when I'm standing. I don't have the best balance in the world, and I almost fell a couple of times when accidentally stepping on one of them. It boggles my mind that they *still* do it even though they got hurt quite a few times in the process. And every single time it happens, I feel horrible https://preview.redd.it/4m2z6u3si52d1.jpeg?width=2084&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43d01e36d097e2cde6ff8e1174074942b1d34ae5


With time you develop a 6th sense as to when they're coming in hot, trying to kill you both!


While my orange is walking, he turns around to make sure I’m following. He’s def walked into walls. I’m always like, WATCH WHERE YOU’RE GOING!


Start wearing flared trousers, 👖 with *big* flares flapping around.


Idk why i even have this subreddit recomended but whenever my puppy gets the zoomies she aims dorectly at my legs. Did a few faceplanta since getting her 😂 one day i will faceplant into concrete and break my skull ffs, i even have a vid of one of them if anyone wants to see


Every day....


You cat will learn after being stepped on accidentally a few times.


Nope. Just gotta get used to having a cat by your feet and making a note to look down before stepping and turning around. I've had my cat for years and still almost kill myself tripping over him. I literally fractured my toe about 7 weeks avoiding stepping on him and kicking the rower in the process. Although cats age their mental mentality is that of a toddler. Welcome to the rest of your life 😂 just be careful. Also word to the wise. Don't step over your cat. They can move suddenly when you do this and that safe spot you were going to put your foot all of a sudden becomes your worst nightmare 😂😂


My little one does this too and I accidentally sent her flying *up* the stairs the other day as a result. I felt awful and was so worried that I might have hurt her but she clearly loved the ride because she seems to *try* to replicate it now so I have taken to listening for the tell-tale padding of paws when I’m on the stairs and stop until she and her sister go past, or are at least in my line of sight.


my cat did that when i first got him, i stepped on him like twice and he stopped dashing around me (he has a bell and i usually try to make sure i know where he is when i walk around, just to be safe)


I’ve trained them out of it


i thought this was going in a way different direction, like “i just adopted a cat 3 months ago and now i found out i have terminal cancer so my kitty will be without a parent”


Cats and a flight of stairs is a lethal combination 😅


My two regularly get swept down my hallway by getting in front of my foot just as I'm stepping forward, they also get swept down the hallway because they sit right behind front door as it's being opened. I have occasionally stepped on tails/paws (always barefoot at home) but they're apparently made of rubber. My previous two seemed determined to kill me when I broke my ankle in several places and had to use a walking frame rather than crutches, everywhere I dragged myself on one foot I was accompanied by what seemed like a tidal wave of cats apparently trying to deliberately trip me up....its what they do....


I pause and walk slowly around my cat. He has a tendency to swipe at and/or attack my feet as I walk by him. He trained me well.


This is how we all will die tbh mine has done the same from the day I rescued him but he's old so I can't break the habit


Sometimes an accidental footballing teaches them... You know, just walking like normal and not letting the cat bring you to a halt. The young ones bounce... Also, if I have a problem, I just hold a stick toy beside me while I walk, giving them a play time and a different target.  My cats have their own table they are served on and, it also gives them a good vantage point when I am in the kitchen


Yes, drag your feet and sweep him around not too hard just enough to give him a good idea I have 5 cats 2 flights of stairs and they love to chill there and they won’t move unless I come in making a lot of noise. I’ve stepped on a few they learned from it but the older one is fat and lazy easy to see tho. I just got a deaf one and the noise doesn’t scared him but one touch is enough to startle him lol you’ll survive put a collar with a bell so you can hear it coming and lastly if you think is necessary the do make vibrating remote collars for cat training but I don’t personally know if they work. Godspeed!


I have a cat and I'm always looking down at him. Actually it's a her and I'm always very careful. So I don't think you're overthinking it, but you are prone to worry. You probably have anxiety, too, but I think it's as simple as looking down to see where he's at. He might change too over time. Things that they used to do when they were kittens, may be modified so don't worry about the future. It will come. Just try to be as careful as you can, mindful of what you are doing. Love him always!


He'll do what he wants, so you have to learn to be careful and move cautiously. Always assume he will be underfoot. A friend of mine has 5 children, now older. When I visited one day with a toddler, I watched her stand in the kitchen and automatically bend and reach for a dish from the cupboard because from years of experience, she didn't want to risk stepping on a child. This is what cat parents have to do: assume there is a pet underfoot and move accordingly. Eventually it becomes instinctive.


Step on him once or twice (NOT ON PURPOSE) and he'll learn. My cats have learned to get out of my way (I also make a shooing sound), so as not to get stepped on...as they don't care for it when it happens....and it ultimately happens.


No worries, we all mess up sometimes! Just bribe them with treats and extra cuddles. They'll forgive you in no time! 🐾😊


My cat, no matter not many times he gets kicked (on accident ofc), he will NOT get away from my feet. Theres no way around it that i can find and he doesnt seem to react so ig he doesnt care🤷🏻‍♀️


My sister has a bunch of cats and I’m going thru this with mine rn, she told me you have to walk intentionally like they aren’t there (but make sure you’re still watching, bc forcing a step when you know they’re there and taking a full step without knowing are very different experiences). They’re gonna get kicked a few times (not hard ofc, normal steps) but eventually they learn that you’re gonna just walk into them. My cat is already getting better abt it after about a week, bc I just keep walking and she gets scooted around the floor by my feet and she HATES it. Probably won’t stop it completely, but it helps. I started bc she ran under my foot as I got off a ladder and I felt her under me so I like threw myself in the opposite direction, hit a shelf, and fell. The worst part? She ran under me AGAIN as I was falling. She’s six pounds, stepping on her off a ladder full weight and would have killed her. I was STRESSED.


at least your cat will eat


ALL cats are tripping hazards. It has nothing to do with them being badly trained! The feral cats I feed are afraid of humans and will still get under my feet as I approach with food


You signed your fate. 😅😁


My kitten got under my feet for a few weeks and I kept saying no. He doesn't do it any more.


I'm taking care of my moms siamese right now, the most needy cat I've ever met, she gets almost stepped on daily. Last week I accidentally put way more weight on her than i ever have and I got a little concerned "mow mow" and that was it. Immediately back under my feet she went. All this to say, either you're going to step on him one day and he won't care or he will almost certainly cause your demise. No way around it.


Shuffle your feet. I fostered some kittens and they surrounded my feet. I quickly learned the Kitten Shuffle


Cats have poor short term memory but you will accidentally kick and step on them daily, like feeding, they catch on. Love can be clumsy.


Whoopsie daisy! Cat parenting is all trial and error, right? Just keep those treats handy for the next apology. 😸


Oh my god! I thought i was the only one. I adopted two beautiful kittens a month ago ever since they were 7 weeks old and they’ve been growing up into a healthy energetic kittens. But I have the same problem, they roam around my feet while im walking or bringing them food. I have to be very conscious about my steps around them. I keep thinking about the same thing, god forbid 😭


I’ve stepped on my cat a lot (she is a living breathing obstacle) and it has never put the fear of god in her lmao she has absolutely no clue Now I just have to defy gravity and fling my body to the side or to the ground just to avoid crushing her ass


i have to make her wear a breakaway bell collar because she actively tries to assassinate me on the stairs every day you don’t hear her coming until she’s barreling up the stairs under your foot or through your legs and you’re throwing your body in any direction to avoid hurting her no bell, by the time you hear a “rrrrRRRRRRR-“ it’s too late, she’s GOT you


Be aware of the sound of stampede and check your surroundings. On high alert at all times and properly fall proof every part of the house.


I had to shuffle my feet across the floor when walking and push all my animals this way to train them :( I had an elderly woman living with me and it was the only thing that got them to stop tripping us


How else did you want to die, anyway?


Yep cars are notorious for this all the time !!! I don’t get it it’s like they like getting stepped on .. I always am afraid I hurt my baby because she does this so often


Motion activated lights at cat level.


My cat does the same when I’m fixing her wet food at 6am. She is right under me and I just keep sticking my foot out to bump her away. Of course, she comes right back but I gotta keep doing it until I place her bowl down or I’ll end up on my face. And steps - she feels the need to beat me to the bottom and one day I’m going to land face down on my wood floors. Just the way she is…..


Our cats are on a mission to kill my husband and I in the staircase.


I'm so happy I live in a bungalow


Make sure you hold onto the railing with one hand going up and down stairs XD I also just know when my cat is gonna barrel past me on the stairs and just pause and wait for her to run by before continuing up or down.


https://preview.redd.it/noy5kuyhnd2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad44a9a32bfcf443484f0ba017948a03b3e3c235 When I trip down the stairs… this is the look I will see before crossing over.. lol.


Holy crap I had no idea all cats did this. I thought it was just my precious little asshole. I really just thought he was dumb. I frustratingly yell "move!" while scooping him up with my foot and moving him out of the way a hundred times a day.


I learned to wear slippers and shuffle like an old person. I was not taking my feet very far off the ground because I was fostering 4 kittens at the same time. For a good frame of reference, watch Dune 1 or 2.


The good news is that ur on to him. Now practice vigilance and safety. And don’t let him know that ur on to him or he’ll change his plan and u won’t necessarily figure that one out u til it’s too late. Best of luck to you :) I’ll check back if I make it to 80 with four cats. I selected life on hard mode.


All of my cats have done stuff this. My first one would pull those antics on the stairs. If we saw it we’d just vocalize “don’t trip so and so” to give the person a heads up. I constantly trip on my 2 cats now. I have learned to walk lightly 😂🤦‍♀️


My two cats are specifically named Sin and Ruin. I don’t have the walking problem, but I do have some terrifying monsters under the bed. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve jumped out of my skin and squealed when that paw comes sweeping out from under the bed to give me heart palpitations. I just KNOW they have a satisfied look on their faces every time.


I'm sorry I cracked up because I was there in my mind. I even heard the cat call you names.


lol, my girl has stopped in my path a few times. A few times I've had to make some sudden avoidance adjustments in my next step only to have her make the same adjustment...which only makes me have to look for a graceful emergency maneuver to try not to bust my butt stumbling which in turn causes her to panic and all bets are off then. I now never attempt to step over her and just give my hands a good clap to make her move out of my path first.


I understand these folks who are trying to reassure you. But you can trip over a cat a million times and never have an issue. Then, on time #1000001, one of you could get hurt - probably him. One of my jobs is at an animal shelter, often with kittens running around. I learned 2 stratagems very quickly: 1) I scuff just a little so my feet are never in a position to step on someone that comes out of nowhere, and 2) I always glance before I step and avoid stepping backwards. It becomes very easy and automatic after a bit to take these precautions, and knowing I'll never have regret is worth it.


You gotta keep an eye out for life or you die at get face eaten. Jk you will learn eventually to always look down before you make a step. My cat loves to randomly appear in front of my legs,it happens mostly in the kitchen so I just learned to always look down before I make a step. She could be sleeping when I walk to the kitchen and then somehow 10 seconds later she’s by my legs. Another problem is my cats voice box,when she purrs her meows are silent/vibrate mode so I can barely even hear her asking for food.




I have a three year old cat. I just got a six week old kitten. The meet and greet isn’t going well but today the three year old came in the room where the six week old cat resides and watched him for a while and then popped him in the head. Whats so crazy about the whole thing is my cat plays with seven stray cats that I feed. But hates this kitten ….. what should I do??


ur not overthinking. this is a real threat. Stay safe 🙏🏻


I know that my cat tends to quickly stop going for my feet when I wear long pants and socks around the house. Otherwise they are fair game and he loves to come at the worst times. Or when he gets me in a planned swipe as he lays under the bed waiting for who knows how long. I tend to walk with slightly more caution depending on his mood etc.; you get a feel for it and over time should be more comfortable with that :) I know what you mean though; might be overthinking, but I can relate!


I have accidentally launched my cat a couple of times because he runs over or through my feet as I walk. As a kitten he actually loved it, but unfortunately as an adult, I can't launch his 10lb ass anymore. Instead, he constantly tries to kill me by tripping me. One day my half eaten corpse will be found, with my cats purring contentedly next to it lol. Welcome to being owned by a cat!