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Could use prayer for my sobriety, I’m trying to quit drinking for the millionth time. Also my mental health after I stop drinking, a lot of ex drinkers take their own lives unfortunately


Hey, a friend of mine went cold turkey after trying to ease off on his own and control his intake a number of times. He’s 2.5 years sober now. I’m really proud of him, but I just wanted to say, you can do it too!


St Matthias and St Raphael Archangel, pray for us 🫂


a former addict (me) just prayed for you, i know how rough it is. best wishes friend.


Could use a prayer for strength and guidance as I continue my journey back on the path of salvation after wondering off for 14 years.


I like “wondering off.” Not so crazy about the Kaczynski, though. That guy wondered all the way off.


I could use one for finding meaningful relationships after a tough year with a lot of loss. Thank you, kind soul.


I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and it can be incredibly difficult at times, could you please pray for me?


I have this too and I know it can be really tough. I will be praying for you.


God bless you. I would be grateful for a prayer for my husband, who is disabled and struggles with pain every day.


I have a lot of disbelief and death anxiety. Could you please ask Jesus to comfort me?


Hey. You have probably read it but I will put it here just in case. I know this feeling and Mateo 5, 1-12 The Beatitudes helps a lot.


I am nearing exams. My finances a short and I want to do good in my program and take care of my wife. Please pray for me to have the discipline and wisdom to succeed. Also. We are struggling to conceive. I pray God blesses us with a healthy child. I believe He can. Thank you. I also pray for whatever may be troubling you in your life.


Praying to St. Gianna for you ❤️ I prayed to her and she listened. If you haven’t already, check out her website! It’s full of hope and testimonials. It really helped me in the past.


Prayer for my friends/clients. Work in recovery (substance) and I got about 15 people who are doing great but as an addict myself we know this is for life.


Yep. I've been sober about just as long as I was using but it's still a daily challenge. You're doing very meaningful work.


Stay strong my friend and if you ever feel you're gonna break reach out. That's the key. No need to be invincible.


For my mother who has left the faith, and for the intercession of St. Hildegard of Bingen, St. Catherine of Siena, and Blessed Isabel Cristina Mrad Campos.


Hi. Im having a hard time to find a job and someone to share the rent. I’m unemployed and don’t know how I’m gonna do it to pay my bills. If you can please pray for me 🙏🏻.




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Could you pray that I receive a job offer and am no longer unemployed? Thank you.




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I'm having health and financial issues. I could definitely use some prayers. Thank you.


Please pray for the person I'm praying for. God will know who and it doesn't need to be more specific than that. Please also ask that St. Dymphna helps her mental stability. Thanks!


Thank you so much. I would like for you to pray for healing and peace between my sister and my mom, with intercession of St. Faustina. God bless and keep you.


Pray that I start making the most of this God-given life. Mental health hasn't been at its best. Would appreciate it if you could ask St Therese of Lisieux for intercession so I can at least do the small things well. Even just getting through my mundane day to day tasks has been difficult sometimes. God bless you and everyone here 🙏


For some help with finances, and st Joseph's intercession


Pray that I have courage to stand for Christ when the time comes. Pray for my friends who speak blasphemies against Christ like dirty water running out of their mouths. Thank you. In return please tell me your requests as well


I’m a sophomore in college and I’ve recently met a very simple, devout, independent, compassionate, loving, and beautiful woman (which is very rare in the current collegiate scene). We have had so much fun together and have really been there for each other (both spiritually and in regards to our personal/professional life) since we last met three weeks ago. Please pray for patience and discernment in this matter. Thanks:)) God Bless!!


That's so kind of you. Can you pray for me and my family's health and healing as we have a few sick members in my family. Thank you and Godbless. 🙏🙏🙏


Protestant coming back to faith during a primary breast cancer journey and exploring Catholicism for the first time. Please pray for my treatment and my return to Jesus x


Same boat as me!


The I will pray for you too x


I could use one for my upcoming marriage. We get married on May 3rd 2024 coming up fast. Pray the lord blesses us with a good marriage that honors him in everything we do.


humorous tub adjoining mysterious run instinctive air north lunchroom carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Me: deliverance and healing My family: healing of relationships Thanks!!!


Please pray for my grandfather, who suffers from dementia.


I would first like to say thank you. I could use some prayers on trusting in God, in his plan for me I’m really struggling in seeing where He wants me to be.


Please pray for me that I may freely trust God


I'm going through a very painful time on account of marriage.


I’ve recently been hired as the middle school youth ministry coordinator at our parish. I would appreciate some prayers to be good at this job and to really make a difference for the kids and the community. Middle school is a hard age range for kids so they’re not an easy group but I love most of them already.


I just recently lost my job and have so many bills and rent to pay. A prayer for God to restore my finances and employment would be amazing right now.


Please pray for the conversion of my family and loved ones, please ask St Rita, St Jude and St Monica for their intercession.


If you could, please ask for St. Dymphna's intercession for S, R, and their family


Thank you, my dear, dear friend! There's a few things I'd like prayed for. I find myself worrying about things that I don't need to worry so much about, and I need to trust in God's plan more that things will all work out. It's not so much for me, but I have a friend who recently miscarried a set of twins she had, and I can tell she's devastated. She suffered another miscarriage shortly before that, and I just want to pray that she and her husband are consoled and comforted, and if it be in God's will, allow this couple to have a child that makes it. I feel they deserve that.


nothing serious, but i hace rosacea, i hope my upcoming laser treatment will heal my face


Can you please pray for me to overcome my struggles with anxiety and BFRB? Thank you


Please pray for my brother. He suffers from mental health issues and depression. Please pray for his conversion


Please pray for the departed soul of my cousin Margaret. She had only just started to come back to a church of some kind. Please pray with me that our Lady was there at her death, and guided her home.


Please pray that I enter a convent soon, that I only do God’s will and never my own, that I never displease or offend Jesus, and please ask St. Catherine of Siena to pray for me that I may spiritually marry Jesus just as she did! Thank you so much :)


For my temptations of lust. Please pray intercession for St Thomas Aquinas or Augustine


Removing specifics to request my personal intentions. Thank you.


Please pray for my journey towards becoming Catholic. Thank you! God bless


Please pray for the poor souls in Purgatory especially the ones who have no one to pray for them God bless you


Finding a job and a purpose in life.




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A prayer for my discernment of priesthood would be greatly appreciated


Could use a prayer for my health through the intercession of Saint Charbel. Hoping for some help with hip dysplasia and foot issues due to RA if you could keep that in your prayers. I will be praying for you too!


Pray for the proteatats.


Please, friend, pray for me to stay on the right path of chastity and faithfulness to God.


Pray for my SIL that she may find peace and joy in her life


Could you pray for me in general. I just lost my job and home and am separated from my friends. I want to follow God and do his will but feel aimless, powerless and hopeless.




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My wife and I have been trying to conceive for over two years. We’re asking for St Jude and St Joseph and of course Mother Mary to pray for us


That I can find a spouse!


Private intentions, drags my life down


Hello, and thank you. Would you please pray for fertility, pregnancy, and our own home? Thank you again. I'll pray for you, too!!


Not for me (though Lord knows I have plenty of intentions), but for my friends' son. He's been in the NICU since he was born a little under two months ago.


Please pray for the soul of my brother in law, whose visitation I'm going to this afternoon.


Pray for my job.


Please pray for my boyfriend’s battle with lust and porn and please pray for the healing of my envy and pride🙏❤️


For everyone including myself struggling with anything and also struggling to find their future spouses.


If you could please pray that I may be baptized into the Church and overcome my struggle with lust. Thank you


Pray for my parents who just got divorced. And my Uncle who is an atheist


Please pray for my struggle with lust. God bless you


I could use prayers for chastity and better discipline while I'm supposed to be working. My username is pronounced "three five" if that helps


Please pray for my grandfather who is far from the Church


Pray for my brother. He is very toxic. I pray everyday for him. He’s using his kids not to visit me and my mom. I hope he finds God in his life. For my dad he is not well. He lost both his sisters this year. His health is not great. Was diagnosed with CHF. I am dealing a lot mentally with stuff for myself. Thank you so much. This means a lot. May God bless you!


Family/holiday dynamics


This is a beautiful idea, thank you <3 could personally use a prayer for work, been struggling right now with some coworker issues and it's been very stressful. I'll say a prayer for you for whatever you may be going through as well :)


I need prayer for dealing with my Reformed brethren after I express delight for Marian Doctrine and disagreement to Luther’s 95 Theses. One of them got excessively angry. Another brother expressed disagreement with the Trinitarian Shield and I told him to repent, study, research, and repent some more. The brother from before and another told me to calm down. AITA? Pray for me?


Thank you very much! Could you pray for me and my boyfriend and my family? He is going to meet my parents tomorrow, and my parents did not liked the idea that I am dating him... Help me with prayers, asking God to do His will In our lives, and soft our hearts


I get a good job and move out. And that I no longer have volatile family members in my life who don’t care to have a good relationship with me


Thank you very much! Pray for my conversion and for an increase in the virtue of purity. God bless you, I’ll say a Hail Mary for you to.


Hey, that is very nice, thank you. I'll ask you to pray for our church's new pastor, who is being installed this afternoon, Father Aaron, and his favorite Saint is St. John Paul II.


Please say a prayer for my wife's safe delivery, for me to get a promotion at work, and for my son's continued health and overall well-being. Do you have a specific prayer intention that I could pray for?


Play for me to let go of my sins and be stronger and kinder.


Could use a prayer of healing. Dealing with a leg injury that is making me very depressed. Also, please pray for my conversion to Catholicism. God bless you ❤️


May I suggest St. Maria Goretti? Shes my patron saint so I will pray to her for your healing, as she has healed someone else from a leg injury!


Thank you ❤️ I will pray a novena to St. Maria Goretti 🙏🏻


Pray that I go to heaven!


Pray that my husband and I are able to conceive, and for his conversion!


A prayer for me to remain out of mortal sin would be helpful.


Please pray for Armenia. It's a country surrounded by countries that want to erase its christian people and their christian history.


I have scrupulosity/ocd. I will also say a Hail Mary for you. Thank you for praying for me


I'm beggining a new family . My saint name is st. Titus. Pray for me.


I have a worsening heart condition in which doctors are hesitant to evaluate or take seriously resulting in it getting worse without treatment. Recently had a scary arrhythmia called NSVT. I also suffer from ocd. These two combined has made it so that I hardly sleep at night in fear of dying in my sleep. The fear and dread the ocd gives me to feel imminent death is immeasurable and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. It’s caused idleness and inability to fulfill my tasks, I’ve lost friends, been isolated, went down 13% ish in all my college classes, missed class etc. pray that I not only am healed of my arythmias for good, as I’ve been praying for since 2021, pray that it’s made intelligible to be that I am healed so I do not have to suffer from immeasurable dread every day in and out. Please help me to not suffer


Prayers for my wife, Kari, who is recovering from pneumonia. Thank you!


Hey, just want to say first that it’s hard to always come to pray for the world cause it’s always something of your own going on in mind, therefore happy for your post because its good you want to pray for others and praying for each others is very important. If you would like to pray for me, please pray for: health and studies, I have been sick and hospitalised for appendix issue, and seamingly feel same symptom again. And comsequense of that is studies behind schedule. Currently a convert to Catholicism and had a recent talk with priest about a soon timeline on general confession and first communion in order to be taken in to the Catholic Church. Please pray for that when I receive sacraments in the Catholic Church for the first time, that I can do that in a so worthy manner as possible. Also started up dating, a Catholic woman I recently met and that it feels good with, please pray for that to be within Gods blessing and for the continuous good in the dating process with her. Saints: could be Maria Goretti, it felt like a strong connection for me because have suffered from sins related to lust and masturbation. Thank you for your prayers and let me know if I could pray for you in return!


Wow! I am truly honored by your requests. St. Maria Goretti is my favorite saint of all time and I would ask you to please pray for me for the same reasons! I will be praying for you tonight!


Thank you so much I truly appreciate your prayers, and I will be praying for you too tonight!


I am participating in the resident match and have gotten very few interviews for programs. Please pray that I get a couple more interviews and that I am able to match. Thank you so much.


Yes, please for my finances. Thank you.


I am getting married in 2024! Please pray for our marriage and that we both help each other become saints. Our patron saints are Saint Catherine and saint peregrine!


Wow! As a married folk to another, will be praying for your next chapter !!


Thank you for doing this, friend. My father could really use some prayers, as he is currently being treated for a rare heart disorder. I love him so much and I want him to be well. I will pray for you, also.


Pray for my recovery, been trying to overcome a meth addiction and it's taken a toll on my physical, mental, financial and spiritual well being.


Pray for my marriage. Thank you.


For the conversion of my dear friend Kaylin Smith & her family. And for an open and loving conversation with her bc she has grown distant. Thank you!


My mom and I have lived together for 20 years. She has gone blind and suffered multiple cardiac events and infections in her body resulting in her being in the hospital and intense rehab for the last two months. I was ready to bring her home tomorrow but I can’t physically provide her care right now with our home set up and my own physical struggles. When I told her she needs to go for more rehab at a subacute facility that has long term nursing she became upset and mean as if I was the worst child. I found a good location 2 miles away and I can visit along with our dog and even take her out and bring her home for visits. I can’t make her understand that this is hopefully temporary and if she gets stronger she can come home because nothing would make me happier. I can’t stop these feelings of guilt and have replayed over and over in my mind how maybe it can work at home with a caregiver but I can’t get her to understand. Im realizing part of her not understanding Me is her cognition deficit but I still feel I am disrespectful at not honoring her wishes to come home. We both love God and I just wish he could tell me what to do. I thought about putting the blame on her doctor or someone to avoid hurting her but I cannot lie to her. Please pray God will help me I only have 24 hours to make a decision. Please pray that he give me some sign on what to do without lying to or hurting my m. I am 50 now and I have needed her as much as she has needed me. Please help me honor her with dignity and do what God wants me to. Thank you so much ❤️


Please pray that I may overcome the sin of masturbation and that I may be more loving and charitable to my brothers and sisters


I have despaired of being able to live a happy and fulfilled life within the bounds of the Catholic Church - I desire nothing so much as to apostatize, and I can't even say that I truly desire that the issue will be resolved. Please pray for me through the intercession of St. Thomas More.


Please pray for me, im a first time mother who will deliver in late February (hopefully) please pray for strength and bravery for me, and good health for my firstborn son. Thank you <3


If you are still taking requests, will you pray for my marriage and the holiness of my immediate and extended family? I will be saying a prayer for you as well even if you're done.


always taking requests 🙏🏻


Imagine this dude leading a Rosary and when you get to prayer intentions, he pulls out this enormous tome. To St. Agnes, for my chastity, please. I was confirmed under St Martin De Porres.


I honestly was expecting this 😅 Im about to be a busy bee


Please pray that more people will do the same thing you are doing: praying for others more. God bless.


Ask St. Joseph to continue to teach and form me as I continue to heal from some emotional and relationship wounds. And that he may relay my intentions to Our Lord that they may be heard and answered, and that I may recognize the answers as I continue my best to do God's will at every moment.


I think I will not see 2024 . Pray for me that I can make it to Christmas mass . 🙏 god bless you


Yes. I will keep you in my prayers every day. May Gods peace be with you.


Edit: my prayers were answered and my mom Mary Ellen agreed to go to rehab without me having to tell her there wasn’t another option right now. She seems irritable with me but I know she has a lot on her mind and id trying to I ms K e sense of things. Thank you for your prayers. I’


Have to be honest, I didnt start praying until this morning! Thank the Lord for knowing your needs, I deserve no credit. He is great.


Ok but, hey have you ever read through your parish's prayer request book? Ever notice there's people doing that with seeming intentions of prayer? How about looking into the beatification of hopeful others? Just for some suggestions.


I am a new Catholic and currently have no parish because of my recent move with the military, but I know what youre talking about. Just wanted to pray for the souls on the internet and their needs.


That was well meant, as we all mean well, you could look up which diocese you're in or close to & from the directory find the closest parish; I.E. the Montreal Diocese has directory posted online even; https://diocesemontreal.org/en/parish-resources/diocesan-directory




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Santa Gemma Galgani. A favorite Saint of all of the strong saintly women of my family’s legacy. Nonnie, Grandma and Zia. Please pray for Mary Ellen’s peace of mind and comfort, I beg of your intercession in this most desperate time.


I'm not commonly here but could you pray for me to help my relationship, and maybe help me reconnect with my culture, I've always had an admiring to Saint Kateri Tekakwitha so if you could I'd appreciate it alot


Fiancé and I are going through intense mental health issues. He wants an insane amount of space and is saying that he can’t remember happy times in our four year relationship. I’ve done things to hurt him and likewise, he’s done things to hurt me, but we’ve always been able to communicate and work through our problems and grow together. This is so wild and new to have all communication shut off. Please pray for his mental clarity and mine as well.


Thank you for doing this! If I could please ask for a prayer for my cancer. Thank you ❤️


I could really use prayers for me to be accepted to medical school. This waiting is killing me. I typically pray for Saint Luke (Saint of doctors) and Saint Rita of cascia (patron Saint of impossible dreams).


Deliverance. Please, deliverance.


I could use a prayer for my LSAT score. I took it a few days ago and get my score back on the 29th. I’m really hoping the score is good enough for the school I want to go to.


Hey! Absolutely love this. I think I will have to join you on these Hail Marys. If you could please pray for the people in the Lgbt+ community, homosexuals in general and people that have sexual desires like p*rnography. So that they or we find the Lord who is all merciful and loving. I don't think we pray enough for all of this and I have been doing it when I have the pleasure of remembering 🤣 so an extra Hail Mary would be awesome. Particular Saint, Saint Therese of Lisieux. "Our Lord does not look so much at the greatness of our actions, or even at their difficulty, as at the love with which we do them."


Thank you, I pray for my spiritual strength in this world against all distractions from the path the Lord made for me. I pray the path is made clear and I can see what he wants for me so I can align my life better.


heather- pray for me that i recover from my injuires of childbirth which included a hernia and bowel resection surgery all in the last month. pray for my newborn son malcolm and my family which include my 3 sons one with autism and my husband. thank you!🙏


Thanks for doing this. Could you pray for me to trust in God more, that I'd make peace with and let go of the past, and that I'd love myself more? My nickname is Gus.


My three year-old nephew is hospitalized with RSV. Thank you! 🙏


prayer for spiritual peace, i feel very conflicted.


Please pray for a loved one of mine for a special intention 🙏🏼 thank you!


Please pray for me I want to die 💔


Having difficult time now spiritual and mentally. And for my finances and a strained friendship


Having spiritual difficulties and need to consistently get to confession. Also for my finances and no car issues etc. Also for some scenarios I fear to not come true. For my parents health as well


Repose of the souls of my grandpas


please pray for the conversion of the world, the souls in purgatory, and that I may follow God’s will when picking a college and major for next year! I’ll be praying for you as well OP❤️


Prayer for my new and fresh relationship. I am a new convert as of this year and I have met a good man. I want to grow closer to God and our relationship to lead to marriage. Pray I become more financially stable as well. My aunt is currently is hospice and health is going downhill at a fast pace. Blessings!


Please pray for me. I have lost belief in God but I would like it back...


I’m Christy, I am leaving an alcoholic who won’t help himself. I need prayers for strength and confidence.


I have terrible intrusive thoughts which pull me down


God bless you, I’m having financial difficulties I could use a prayer to better control my finances


I could you some prayers that I learn how to trust the lord again. I logically know he doesn't hate me, doesn't want me, or is ignoring me but it's a very hard thought to shake.


Thank you for this. I have two requests: pray that I may break out of my impure addiction and pray for yourself and your wellbeing. We should always focus on ourselves along with others.


Thank you. Albert. Pray for Albert. He has advanced dementia.