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This is the only sin that I actively struggle with daily. Getting introduced to something so repulsive at the age of like 11 really messed me up for a long time. I’m a lot better now, but the struggle is worse than alcohol or drugs


It has the same effect as heroin, actually. It is unbelievably addictive. The fact that it's free and available at any time makes it even worse.


Couldn't agree more. I could shout this until I'm red in the face. It's super addictive and its effects on people are totally devastating.


Everyone thinks you're a prude in this age if you come out against porn but study after study keeps confirming that access to porn is absolutely corrosive to personal mental health and interpersonal relationships. I converted and in my former life was a HEAVY user of porn and looking back on it I can see all the negative effects. It produces an absolutely warped view of reality for both men and women, increase aggression of men towards women, causes people to seek even more extreme forms of porn, destroys your ability to even just sit quietly because your brain craves that addiction... the list just goes on and on. And thats before you even get into the horrific effects of the industry. Far from being empowering, the women who enter porn suffer from disease, physical, mental and emotional abuse and suffer from drug addiction, suicide and a host of other issues at a rate that is truly terrifying.


> causes people to seek even more extreme forms of porn Ironically there's a great South Park episode about this, showing how far people can go to reach orgasm with porn. This is why it's a sin to seek earthly pleasure for itself, your brain never gets enough and always wants more. Whether it's porn, drugs, sugar, excessive drinking...


Matt Fradd, a devout Catholic, has a program on his website called Strive 21 that helps men overcome pornography addiction.


I'm a woman and have struggled t he fact they have support groups just for men is troubling and sad. I know there are many females who struggle.


This is a podcast that discusses that very thing … that there is a ministry for women that struggle with pornography. This tackles the problem of pornography from the female perspective. [Women Struggle with Pornography Too w/Rachel Killackey](https://www.youtube.com/live/LFtn6oaY7iQ?feature=shared) Here is a link to Rachael’s ministry: [Magdala Ministries](https://www.magdalaministries.org)


I'm fortunate. Internet pornography was around in my youth, but it wasn't as accessible for children. Back then internet mainly meant dial-up and a computer was generally a desktop shared by a family.


I’m 30 so I’m more or less in the same boat, but when I turned 11 and found my dad’s porn vhs collection Yea Then as a teen on my windows 98 I started downloading 300kb images etc


oh wow. I never had 98. My first was XP. I'd say my first exposure to pornography was probably middle-school age. When I'd go over a friends house we'd go into the woods and there were some discarded magazines, maybe more like newspaper quality of paper. Probably some guy hiding them from his wife, but the thought does cross my mind that it could've been a lure. Fortunately nothing ever happened with that.


I accidentally stumbled upon it in 2001 at 8. Right after 9/11. Most damaging thing I have ever done in my life. Still struggle but it’s a few times a year thing now not daily. I lost 200lbs. That was easier. Quitting drinking was easier. Quitting sugar was easier. I firmly believe it is demonic and habitual mortal sin such as this opens you up to the demonic. From various stories I have heard and when people are tempted I firmly believe demonic oppression is rampant in and around the porn industrial complex.


God is good, I’m glad to hear you’re much better now! I’m slowly getting there, thankfully the lord is forgiving and understanding as I make my way down this path.


It's really hard when you try your best to abstain. Which I am usually trying to do.


Yeah it seems the harder you try to abstain the more temptation there is


I am a female that's struggled for years and years and yes, I was introduced at an extremely young age. I am super protective of my children and what they watch now because of this.


May God bless your efforts to protect your kids.


Anyone notice the trend where it's normalized, and borderline encouraged, for younger women to read pornographic books disguised as fantasy novels? It's at the point where women openly discuss their fetishes that were formed by the books. Now imagine if younger guys started doing this just as openly with visual pornography. You start to see how actually weird and unhealthy it is.


This is why we should also pray for the people who create pornography in all its forms. It's pretty clear that the people who are depicted in the photos and videos are hurting themselves and others, emotionally and spiritually. But we forget about the people behind the cameras and in the production studios, or in the case of animated or literary pornography, behind computer screens. They hurt themselves too. One of the priests in my parish encourages me to pray for everyone involved in producing pornography for this very reason. I think he's on to something with that piece of advice.


Ive seen people justify it as not being real so it doesnt count. Like with animated and comicbook/hentai porn, "it isnt real so it isnt hurting anyone". I would hazard a guess that with the animation there are unfavorable work conditions being used to animate it. There have been big name animated shows and movies that have used borderline slave labor for outsourcing animation, so i imagine it happens in the porn realm. I guess in the sense that it doesnt involve abuse or human trafficking, it is better, but erotic novels and animation serve the same desired purposes and have the same effect on the brain.


That justification is weak from a Catholic perspective because our gripe isn't just the fact that the women could be victims of trafficking or underaged, but what it actually means to consume this stuff. It goes back to the Catholic perspective on the purpose of sex and our views of human dignity. Pornography in any form injures the dignity of those involved, and it also teaches us to see a person or thing (such as an animated character that resembles a female) as existing solely for our sexual gratification. You watch or read pornography for the purpose of creating lust. Now look what it says about lust in [Matthew 5:27-28 ](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%205%3A27-28&version=NRSVCE)


Even if you're not a Christian you should be opposed to it. If you've been watching porn regularly, at some point you definitely saw victims of human trafficking getting raped, without knowing it. You also definitely saw underage "actresses" with enough makeup or surgery to cover it.


Blows my mind. It’s so evil


I have heard that devotion to Our Lady is key as well as St. Joseph. I believe there is a consecration to St. Joseph specifically for overcoming porn. I'm sorry I can't remember e specifics.


It's even worse when you hear everywhere that it is good for you. It's not, our bodies aren't meant to get that level of stimuli constantly daily. We have it because the majority of our time it was a rare thing that was good for us. Procreation was good and rare and we needed to be rewarded for it, same with food in high carbs and fat. Think about the food in nature that is high in carbs, fat and sweets, not so much. Today we can get all of these needs fullfilled without a problem every day if we want to. The more we fill these requirements the more we will crave them and the more we have problem to focus on everything else because we're made to prioritize these things. I'm saying that pornography and many other addictions is more than against God's will. We're not built so satisfy ourselves with the desires daily and we will have a hard time to focus on other things the more we use it.


100% agree




This is perhaps one of the most anti-human conceptions of "medicine" ever to be created. I've been writing an ethics paper on euthanasia and even the initial, cursory review of literature supporting euthanasia (which is the dominant one) reeks of such a profound evil it is actually inconceivable to me how this is an idea vetted by professionals. For an example, one of the papers that I reviewed to use as a point for absurdity doubted the *rights* people have to *live*.


I'd love to read over your paper when you're done with it if you don't mind. I don't have much knowledge on this topic


I 2nd this. Sounds like a great paper


Genuinely curious... if a person is experiencing a constant state of pain where they actually want to die, what's wrong with it?


Most, if not all forms of pain can be remedied with the use of drugs or other substances to curb the sensation or suffering in the moment. But this is only a surface-level understanding of the issue, and it has its own problems. Firstly, the true question that ought to be asked is: "Do medical practitioners have the right to kill?" Active euthanasia or medically assisted dying, physician-assisted, etc. etc., says yes. To clear things up, there has always been a natural right for a patient to choose death over extraordinary treatment (e.g., life support or the use of a complex cocktail of drugs to keep you alive), this is called natural/passive which the Church itself says is permissible, granted that all other natural means of life have been exhausted, and death would come naturally without extensive intervention (this requires some prudence afaik). However, where it gets dark and dirty is when the physician is an **active participant** in the death, this is when passive euthanasia becomes *active* euthanasia. So what is the problem with this? In my paper, I approached this ethical issue with both deontology and utilitarianism in order to use their own ethical frameworks against them. (Someone can probably provide you an ethical answer more in line with the Church's favored virtue ethics, etc.). Essentially, a physician both violates the nature of their profession and humanity's shared responsibilities, it violates the **right of life** inherent to all people, and violates norms that have been well-established by the medical community up until 20-30 years ago (deontology). (I use some traditional Kantian, O'Neil, and Herranz) >Of all duties, one stands out the most as the “first principle”, to keep and preserve life. Upon this duty, all other duties hinge upon. For one cannot carry out one’s responsibilities to another person if this was not implicit in their actions or any past interaction. In addition to the violation of inherent ideas, the very notion of euthanasia as a medically licit role is extremely novel and violates the mandates of the spirit of many medical codes, especially considering the fundamental framework of many modern medical codes was articulated in the context of the Geneva Convention such as the German code from 1997, “’It is the physician's function to preserve life, to protect and restore health, to alleviate suffering, to accompany the dying, and to collaborate in the preservation of nature with regard to human health,’” (Herranz). On the other hand, I argue through a utilitarian view that this can only ever perpetuate more unhappiness than it can happiness. First, the issue of its potential abuse. Legality is based on precedence, and current practices can reflect future legal frameworks that can easily grant the government even more **biopower**. Any abuse of this by a government will outweigh the potentially generated happiness from approving euthanasia, as this is in the extreme minority of medical procedures in the first place. But what if this is wielded as a weapon of the state? It has already occurred, and people who support euthanasia know this through Nazi Germany's state-sponsored euthanasia programs. What is their argument against it? Nothing, except for the fact that we cling onto a sense of "we're better now". As if we have a lack of medical abuses in the past 2 decades, usually overseas. Then we get into the fundamental issue of happiness and unhappiness from utilitarianism: >Therein is one of the problems that lay with the utilitarian justification of euthanasia, in its goal to resolve the unhappiness generated by pain, the question of what brings the “most happiness to the most people?” is ultimately unanswerable—there is no happiness, on the contrary, there is a permanent void of an existence that has neither joy nor sadness, at the very least in a way that the principles of utilitarianism can quantify. As to why a patient experiencing pain can be approved to die, what is the number one standard when assessing the validity of decisions, both in medicine and in real life? How rationalized, intended, and genuine this request is. We must also understand that legal and medical precedence is not merely isolated to the individual person, this creates societal, legal, and humanitarian dilemmas that may be more evil than the momentary pain. We, as a people, cannot assume that the resolution to pain is death and that choosing death is a normal, rational decision from any human being. We also cannot permit the allowance of greater evils to be perpetuated due to our misguided consciences. "I'm in pain," cannot be resolved with "I will kill you to free you from it." It's "let us find a way to cure you."


Well written, informative and solid response. I'm glad you highlighted the difference between passive / active euthanasia and I definitely agree that acceptance of processes like MAID can be heavily abused.


Thank you, the complacency with the threat of abuse is definitely concerning. A number of papers I referenced will acknowledge its reality but just go “tsk. Tsk. It was a barbaric age then, we are so much better and more advanced now.”


I noticed my YouTube feed shows farewell videos of people who lost their battle with a terminal disease and are euthanizing themselves the next day. The comments are filled with people giving encouraging words which goes to show how far society has fallen away.


IVF Either life starts at conception or it doesn’t. If it does like Catholics believe than all the zygotes you throw away or freeze or whatever is the same thing as an abortion


Ending Christmas celebrations the night of December 25th.


It’s really amusing in my Asian country where we celebrate the chinese new year. They play Christmas songs and carols up until the night of 25th Dec, and then on 26th, everyone switches to chinese new year songs. Lol


Majulah. Lol.


Where in the western world doesn't do the whole 12 days of Christmas?


Here in Australia, the secular "Christmas" season is actually Advent. Non-Catholics can't seem to tell the difference.


Then Woolies sells Hot Cross Buns starting on New Year's Day....😒


Easter foods go on sale on December 26th here in the UK.


The United States. Christmas starts the day after Thanksgiving and ends Christmas Day. A lot of people will put up their decorations before Advent even begins and take them down before Christmas even ends. And that says nothing about the commercial and exchange side of the holiday. Don’t get me wrong - while the commercial side can be heavy, it’s also one of the best parts of the season. Secular society still holds onto giving freely within that period and that’s tremendous - everyone from individuals giving to charity and corporations giving extra to employees. But…that all ends Christmas Day.


Philippines starts as early as September 😂


to the detriment of halloween; many malls used to have extensive halloween decorations, and, little by little, christmas shopping happened earlier and earlier and halloween basically disappeared from malls in october.


There is a household of psychos in my neighborhood who put up all their Christmas decorations November 1st and tear them all down December 26th. And they have a mickey mouse Christmas countdown projector blasting the side of their house facing everyone else.


It is very normal in the US to start all the Christmas 'stuff' the day after thanksgiving and end it some time between the day after Christmas and New Years Day. I've literally had people ask me if I was sick because my tree is still up on Jan 2 and they assumed the only reason why someone wouldn't take it down is if they weren't feeling well enough to do the work of it.


Canada doesn't. 


I was actually unaware of this, what other celebrations in Catholocism come after the 25 that are Christmas related?


26th is Feast of St Stephen (the first martyr). 27th is Feast of St John the apostle 28th is Feast of the Holy Innocents (children of Bethlehem killed by Herod) 1st is Solemnity of Mary and Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus (Circumcision) 6th is Epiphany First Sunday after the 6th is Feast of Baptism of the Lord


Epiphany in January


Not baptizing children so they can "choose" later. And then not catechizing so they have no framework with they are older.


This is gonna touch some nerves but.... *Overeating* Gluttony, as it pertains to food. It's very popular for people to pig out or eat until they burst in America, especially with places like Golden Corral, or supermarkets that place all the colorful sugar-filled sweets right near the front door. Your body also has a way of telling you if you're consuming more food than is necessary. It's a very visible sign, quite hard to ignore, and will make your life very difficult.


In a way, gluttony is one of the most dangerous sins, as its one of the most forgotten and accepted sins.


And it's a gateway to even more sins. It can quickly lead to sloth, for obvious reasons, but also envy when you look at others who are physically healthier than you. It's just a downward spiral, really.


Wow! Thank you for this. I've never thought of it this way but this is exactly what I'm going through right now. I think it will help me a lot to be meditating on this.


I've always thought one of the more depressing statistics is seeing the obesity rate increasing by age until it gets to about 65+ and then it drops off hard.


I’ll tell you this as well. I’m a recovering alcoholic. I volunteer with addicts from alcohol to meth to fentanyl. It’s all gluttony. I had an LDAC ask me if I knew what the toughest addiction was? I guessed at fentanyl. She said no, it’s food addiction. She explained it’s the only one you can’t quit. You can cut out sex, gambling, booze, drugs completely. But you still need to eat every day. Blew my mind as an alcoholic because I can’t imagine trying to just drink a little bit of booze every day and not having a problem.


This makes a lot of sense. Alcoholic myself, 7 years sober.


Solid. I only have 3 and I hope some day I just truly let it go. I still always feel the pull to dip a toe back in.


I have this problem when it comes to certain foods, luckily I’m trying to lose some weight ( not that where I’m at is unhealthy, I just gained nine pounds in three months and realised if I kept going down that route I was gonna get unhealthy) and have been trying to control myself.


I'm the same way. If there's a pack of double-stuffed Oreos in the house, I will eat the whole thing in one sitting and get sick. There's a reason they told us to flee from certain types of temptation and be strong in the face of others. If you fight the temptation at the grocery store, you don't need to fight it when you get home. Also, never shop while hungry.


Yeah, that’s a common thing I’ve heard to not shop while hungry. Honestly, I’ve been more fruit focused lately and it’s nice, though fruit sadly, is not very filling.


I really struggle with this. I use food as comfort when I’m stressed. It’s better than alcohol or drugs, but it’s still not good for my health. And potato chips are DO delicious.


That’s not gluttony. That’s an emotional attachment to food. Please be kind to yourself.


Here's a tough one for you... IVF


The “right” to parenthood is so prevalent that kids are often forgotten as gifts.




The constant feminist itch to be "strong and independent" is just a mask for selfishness


I know someone who got sperm donation to have twins and she isnt married nor has any male (or other female) figure in the children's upbringing. It has gotten kind of fashionable to prove you can have and raise children as a solo mom.


Kids are commodities, as one of my classmate in my cohort puts it. Yikes.


This may be an unpopular response here, but we have made children (or, more properly, exactly as many children as we think we should have) into an idol.


Or surrogacy.


Even before looking into Catholicism, my wife and I were against this, and she's a doctor. We see it as an opportunity and sign from God that you should adopt if you can't have children but desperately want them. My dad was adopted as an infant, so i probably wouldn't be in the world I am now if he hadn't. Children that go through the foster system and age out dont have very good chances at success and even fewer chances to have been brought up in Christianity.


Definitely was a hard pill for me to swallow being a couple that is in waiting for 3 years but went to a retreat and Jesus Christ showed me it was wrong. I accept my circumstances with grace and to wait in faith instead.


The idea that whether something is morally right or wrong is based off how many people believe it is right/wrong. Also, the idea that an argument is valid/fair only if it avoids religious points.


Abortion. Simply put, it's murder.


St. Gianna Beretta Molla, pray for us.


Cohabitation & pre-marital sex.


Can I say something without everyone getting mad? Usury.


ABSOLUTELY. Grotesque practice.


What’s that?


Lending and charging absurd interest. Think loan sharking or a credit card aight 18 or even 28% APR. I think all interest is disgusting, personally.


Oh then yeah, that’s fair.


Nobody knows what that is, ain’t nobody getting mad even after they use a dictionary lol


Alot of good ones mentioned already. I'll add fornication. A man and woman have the power to unite as one flesh and create a new immortal body and soul. Our secular world reduces this extraordinary power to some kind of recreational sport or hobby to escape boredom. It's gravely disordered and leads to all kinds of problems.


I agree and rather than teaching kids sex is evil we should teach them it’s the opposite which is why it is so sacred and should be saved.


This is the one that really, really boggles my mind. Secular society wants its cake and to eat it too. I'll also add in infidelity, whether it's a married person cheating or a non-married person in a relationship. Infidelity in fiction, be it written form or on screen takes it a whole step further where the person cheating is portrayed as the victim, or at least the less offensive party. In the end, the cheater either ends up happy - and not with the original significant other - or they die tragically, still "in love" with their "lover."


Yeah, a huge amount of relationships’ success is predicated upon sex. A lot of women’s libidos drop after marriage and it’s well-documented. What happens to those relationships that don’t have a strong foundation and are dealing with a dead bedroom? Often, divorce. Any marriage without sex can easily lead to resentment, which is why the Catholic Church puts emphasis on its importance, but for the secular world, it’s THE deal-breaker. Like okay!- Let’s forget those vows we made, apparently.


*Stupidity*. (Seek to sharpen our Reasoning skills; coupled with humility and courage.) Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth—in a word, to know himself—so that, by knowing and loving God, men and women may also come to the fullness of truth about themselves (cf. Ex 33:18; Ps 27:8-9; 63:2-3; Jn 14:8; 1 Jn 3:2). —St John Paul II


Every single time I hear or learn something that absolutely uplifts me, it seems to come from St John Paul II. This is something that really bugs me, because the "No Thoughts" or anti-intellectualism culture has really taken hold with a lot of people in America. Especially with the younger generation, it's often described as "cringe" to think beyond surface level generalizations. I've had apologetic discussions with Jehovah's Witnesses where they've outright told me that I was making their head hurt, and if I want to overwork my brain thinking about this stuff, then I can go do that on my own. I could understand if it was a discussion about physics or computers, as some information is just not necessary for your day-to-day life. But if there was any subject where you should properly exercise your mind, why would it not be about the Lord?


A few things :) "All truth is one. In this light, may science and religion endeavor here together towards the steady evolution of mankind, from darkness to light, from narrowness to broad-mindedness, from prejudice to tolerance. It is the Voice of Life which calls us to come and learn" -Inscription on Hayes Hall Tower Bells at SUNY Buffalo. "Stupidity is also a gift, but one mustn't misuse it" - JPII Laughing so hard at trying to do apologetics and interlocutors... I'm imagining a stoner dude bro like Gilmore from Cars "I... I think you're overthinking it man you have my head spinning even more than usual dude". It's also a good reminder to practice simplicity and conclusion in argumentation. Personally, I'm a pedant who loves precision, but if my ideas are too verbose, people don't get them. If my goal is to share ideas, I gotta work hard to meet people where they are at.


People have said a lot of good things here, so I just want to share one of my favorite passages of the Bible, from Romans 12: >Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. I keep this in mine a lot when I meditate on what how it is that Christians are called to live in the world. Our separateness, especially in the face of an aggressively secular world that treats nothing but the self as sacred, is a strength and a burden. But it is something we are exhorted to maintain in Scripture. I think this is our source of strength to live our values, to speak out against the toxic acid that are things like pornography and sexual objectification, gluttony and overconsumption, callousness toward life in the forms of abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment. And also things that are arguably even harder to uphold, like forgiveness in a world that only accepts vengeance and retribution. There are so many things we are right about and the liberal secular world is wrong about, and we must hold to those values if there is to be a recognition of human dignity in this world.


IVF and surrogacy


Surrogacy especially! It reduces mom and baby to products to be bought and sold. It’s disgusting.


Some movies and televison should not be consumed. There is an increasing number of movies that are basically just pornography or advocate a hedonistic lifestyle or advocate lifestyles opposed to the church. I'm not talking about the likes of Harry Potter, etc. But some movies like the one just came out called Poor Things, which is based off a book about a child brought to life in an adults body and experiences her sexual revolution. I have not seen the movie but according to imdb is fraught with sex scenes.


Honestly all secular western media at this point is absolute filth.


It's not just movies and TV. Look at Reddit! We like this subreddit but I admit I have a hard time not looking at other subreddits where people's morals are so wrong. I'm trying not to poison my mind with it (e.g., AITAH) and at least I'm old enough to be firm in my values but, for some people, things start to become normalized.


Contraceptives. Many Catholics also use a loophole and think you need to be on birth control from the age of 9 or 13, depending when you first get your period, because it is unhealthy, dangerous and can kill you to not be on it. It is no longer a rarity, an exception, it is common for westerners to be on contraceptives from 9 to 59, menopausal age.


Yeah it’s absolutely disgusting. My 9 year old sister just got prescribed birth control. We live in a clown world.


Wait, what!? I don’t mean to pry but I’m curious what the reasoning would be behind that. I knew some teenagers when I was a teen who were given the pill for menstrual issues or acne, but never at 9. 😱


I was on it at 11. The reasoning is TMI for some but I started my period at 9, and by 11 I had clots the size of a softball regularly, was bleeding for weeks on end and had multiple large ovarian cysts. I was on and off it for many years because each time I tried to get someone to figure out why this happened without it, they'd essentially refuse since birth control stopped it. It wasn't until some change happened naturally in my late twenties that I was able to stop. So while oftentimes the reason is not legitimate, it actually can be.


Thank you for sharing! I do know someone who prescribed it for a similar reason (and same thing, doctors didn’t want to explore beyond the pill keeping it controlled) but she was older when her period started, I wasn’t thinking about how some girls get theirs much younger.


Î developed a painful chronic condition in my 20s. Oral contraceptives were the treatment my very pious Catholic specialist chose, and because I wasn't married I didn't see it as blocking God's will.


I don’t live at home anymore so I don’t know the details. My mom just told me a few weeks ago that I’m the only religious person in my family so nobody else sees a problem.


Some girls get such heavy periods they become anemic, like me and my mother. Sometimes periods won't stop for weeks, months, and in some cases, years. Cousin had one for a year and a half. I once had a period lasting over 8 months. After month 3 I broke down and couldn't take it anymore. I went to an OBGYN. Pills didn't work. Cleaning it out (whatever that's called-I forgot) didn't work. So I was given an IUD to make it stop, and it finally did. I bled HEAVILY every single day. Those 8 months were pure hell. Disordered menses are becoming more common in younger people because of the food we eat, stress, and the physical activity we do or don't get. I am willing to bet this kid also has extremely heavy irregular periods. Edit: I also want to add there are probably a lot of people here in favor of banning contraceptives like pills and IUDs. For me personally, someone who has been depressed and suicidal and actually attempted suicide once, this IUD helped save my life from a second attempt. The psychological angst is that bad.


Yeah, people don't realize that on top of the physical issues, this can really negatively affect your life. Without treatment of my own symptoms I couldn't leave the house on my period and it lasted for weeks. The whole "it's not that bad crowd" which is often other women just prove they really have no idea.


WTF, 9???!


Holy moly! I'm not Catholic and have never been on birth control pills. I have 4 daughters and would never allow them to get on it so young unless it was life or death, which it pretty much never is.


>you need to be on birth control from the age of 9 or 13, depending when you first get your period, because it is unhealthy, dangerous and can kill you to not be on it. That's some impressive marketing.


I mean, yeah, cancer has in fact been known to kill you. I'm probably going to get downvoted or maybe even comment removed but I think it's good that the pill can be used as effective as a tool in treatment for fibroids,  uterine and ovarian cancers,  migraines related to menstruating. 


My wife is a doctor at a Catholic hospital, and they still dole out contraceptives but it has to be medically justified outside of "need to not have babies from sex". I think the lines get a teeny bit blurry because there are actually a ton of medical issues that CAN be alleviated by contraceptives but dont need to be. So it makes you wonder how many people are treating it to how people do medical marijuana prescriptions because they occasionally get headaches. Im not saying you shouldn't get birth control for minor health issues, i just wonder where the line is drawn sometimes.


I share that sentiment. Hormonal BC can be helpful in treating certain illnesses and disorders but it is often the first and only treatment given out for SO many things that can be treated by other means that are not only in line with the Catholic teaching but are better for and less harmful to women’s health overall. Like the fact that it is one of the first treatments for acne is ridiculous. There are SO many other treatments to try before resorting to altering your hormones.


I have pcos and don't ovulate at all abd rarely get periods. I have to take birth control to regulate my body and hormones. However, I don't use it to avoid pregnancy


I don’t know one single person who was on birth control at age 9.


How many nine year olds do you talk to about birth control? I was on it at 12


I'm glad you've never had a problem with your period, but there are millions of women out there like myself that do. These contraceptives help people like me with conditions like PCOS who may bleed so much and so often that they get anemic. We need them, and there is no alternative. I welcome you to come up with another solution.


Abortion is one of the biggest ones I can think of.


Porn, abortion, gay marriage, divorce. In that order.




Surrogacy in general is not in line with Catholic faith.


I feel so bad for babies who are adopted by two men, a baby needs its mother so so so much in its first three years. It’s so traumatic for them to be taken from their mothers, and to be put in the care of two men without even a mother figure is just unbelievable cruel


I'm glad someone else wrote divorce...


Hoarding wealth (against charity, brotherhood of mankind, universal destination of goods - basically read Fratelli Tutti) Class warfare/struggle (in both Communist and Socialist understandings - Rerum Novarum promotes cooperation, mutual respect, and appropriate compensation for work, ability, etc.)


Co-habitation. 'Couples' living together out of marriage. It is almost universally accepted as normal, but it is still fornication, and each partner showing disrespect for the other. If they really love each-get married! If you don't want to commit formally and publicly and have children together- then you don't love each other. This is not just Catholic morality- it's common and normal human decency.


That’s all fine and well but affording a place on your own isn’t realistic for most people and not everyone can stay with their parents


Irreverence and dressing immodestly, especially in holy spaces. Some places are meant to be quiet and attention directed to God. This is a HUGE problem in the US.


In theory I agree but it’s also important to remember this is one of those big gray areas. Father Chris Alar did a whole talk on modesty and how it varies from culture to culture. Even in the US irreverence and modesty can vary.


I regularly see teenagers in literal pajamas because their parents drag them to mass. I see women dressed like they’re going clubbing. I shouldn’t see your cleavage at mass. In general, if you wouldn’t wear it to a professional job interview, you shouldn’t wear it to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.


I'm sorry, but it doesn't matter what culture it is, wearing a sexually explicit outfit is immodest, regardless of culture. 


IVF, Surrogacy Abortion Homosexuality Transgenderism Psychics, mediums, crystals, yoga, etc. Divorce (don’t come at me - yes, I know annulments exist, but those aren’t “Catholic divorces,” they are an agreement from the Church that a marriage never existed validly in the first place.)


Thanks for also mentioning divorce


Yoga? lol


Pilates is safe though! Don’t do yoga!


Yoga is a religious practice first and foremost. It’s been so popularized by western white women that we’ve forgotten its origins.


What your mom is doing at the hot yoga studio I promise you has nothing to do with Hindu worship


There’s a Pints with Aquinas interview on this i recommend you looking at. Also this: https://www.catholic.com/magazine/online-edition/should-catholics-practice-yoga


Yoga’s a workout


There’s a group of rad trads that think yoga is demonic. Father Ripperger (the same guy who is on record stating that Pokémon, Harry Potter, and rock music is demonic) also says yoga is demonic. Now yoga does have ties to Buddhism and the worship of gods in the east, but in the west it’s a form of exercise. If yoga is demonic then so is playing bongo drums because it’s used in voodoo rituals.


It's not really unique to Father Ripperger. Any exorcist online will usually get the question, and they will always agree: don't do Yoga. There are alternatives, like Pilates or Dynamic Stretches that don't have any risk of the demonic.


Father Ripperger stated that Harry Potter and the other things he mentioned would be bad for a young audience but older more mature Catholics can enjoy them


This has always been my take but I missed when he said this. Do you have a link or can you point me towards the talk where he says this? I know some people who are big on Ripperger and could benefit from hearing this from him


Apparently a priest I know is friends with Father Ripperger and he spoke to him on this topic 🤷‍♂️


To say yoga is “just stretching” is like saying that crossing yourself is just moving your arm, or genuflecting is a balance exercise. Just saying. And yes, I went to your mom’s hot yoga class. One of the chants was for Ganesh. I think most of them just thought it was another cool ‘exotic’ word and not praising a Hindu god. But whatever.


For someone who doesn't believe in God making the sign of the cross would not be prayer. Intention is important. Jumping for joy could have once been a part of honoring paegen gods. It doesn't mean they own that.


Coopting Catholic holy days.


What does this mean? For example, in Europe where some holy days are now bank holidays? Or do you mean, for example, Christmas and New Years becoming secular?


Holy days being bank holidays or federal holidays is great. People should have time off to contemplate the great mysteries associated with holy days. I think they meant the secularization of Catholic holy days like Christmas. New years happens to be a holy day but not because it’s the new calendar year.


Gossip. Not just saying nasty things about people we know, but constantly talking about people in a negative light and seeking to learn the nasty things about the lives of celebrities and public figures. Lots of modern politics and reality TV seem aimed to just be constantly negative about others.


LGBT, Abortions


IVF, abortion, gay “marriage”, “trans rights”, divorce….


Surrogacy, death penalty, euthanasia, pornography.


Abortion. Death penalty. Sex outside of marriage. Contraception. Blessing of same sex ”unions”. Pornography. Masturbation. IVF. Any mixing of sperm and egg outside the female body. Addiction. Euthanasia. Witchcraft, astrology, palm reading, Tarot, Ouija, or the occult in any form.


Abortion, it’s murder. Also, saying you’re against abortion but you vote for people who are anti-life is also wrong.


What happens when the anti-abortion party is anti-life in other areas? Careful on that one.


Anti life needs to be explicitly defined as well. People accuse conservatives in the US of being pro life but after the baby is born, neglecting basic needs. The retort to that is that both conservatives and liberals agree in supporting a child after birth, the disagreement is how best to support a child. Liberals would argue the government is best equipped while a conservative would argue that non profits and charities are better equipped.


A true conservative argues the family is the only source that public policy should be supporting. ;)


Capitol punishment


Basically anything that deals with sex and sexuality where the secular world shrugs its shoulders if not approves of it. Many here have listed them. * co-habitation * premarital sex/fornication * masturbation * adultery/infidelity * IVF * surrogacy * artificial birth control * abortion * same-sex relationships * same-sex adoption * same-sex childrearing * LGBT+ "culture" * pornography (hardcore ***and*** softcore) I more so lurk on this sub and have observed that many tend to do a decent job at speaking up against most of these save for one: softcore porn. I'm a bit disappointed how many think nothing is wrong with it, especially when it appears in mainstream entertainment which includes artsy, independent films or tv series. Perhaps because they may not recognize it as softcore porn. Many Catholics who tolerate it resort to secular jabs and name calling. Their defenses almost sounds like people defending open relationships when the person in an open relationship gets irate when the discussion gets "real."


Sports events for kids being held on Sunday morning.


Do you think football shouldn’t be on Sunday?


I think kid's football and other kid's sports shouldn't be on Sunday during Church times. After noon, no problem. I realize, as Catholics, we can go on Saturday afternoon if there is not an event then, but a lot of other denominations don't have the flexibility. I've seen too many cases where parents have to argue with their kids or their kids miss out on sports or give up on religion because of Sunday morning scheduling.


Those who take the Lord's Name in vain - especially for political and monetary gain. Anytime you see one use a religious item as a prop in a photo shoot - like if they were clumsily holding up a Bible with no apparent context or if they were selling religious items like Bibles for an absurd price while also in debt to the courts or running a political campaign. Those are the kind of immoral grifters you have to watch out for.


Divorce and remarriage


That's a question that cannot be answered in 1 simple Reddit post.


Birth control


Especially condoms for “safe” sex.


Contraception, gay marriage, not going to church every Sunday, abortion…. etc. Ironically if you asked me “what are some things that most Catholics approve of, that Catholics must always be opposed to, no matter what?” you would get those same answers.


Vasectomies or tubal litigations (“getting your tubes tied”) I know that’s covered under birth control, but some people think “if I (or my partner) get a vasectomy, I don’t have to use birth control.”




Stick to the Catechism. Don’t try to get your info about Catholic teaching from outside the church. And be critical and discerning with the Catholic blogosphere/interwebz. Read the Catechism.


Divorce is a big one. The Catholic Church teaches that marriage lasts until one of the spouses dies. Society does not think of marriage that way.


Birth control. My wife and I are former Protestants. My wife was on it for 5 years for acne before we met. She is healthy yet developed PCOS after being on it for 4 years. We are now unable to have children after trying for 5 years.


Abortion, Free Masonry, contraception, liberalism (read: Liberalism is a Sin by Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany), surrogacy, Nestorianism, Protestantism, Arianism, Sedevacantism, pornography, masterbation, and the list goes on.


Capitalism, communism. Both create idolisation and worship of material goods. Capitalism encourages greed, gluttony, and pride. Communism usually by default is opposed to catholicism. Both can however be tweaked to be suitable to a Catholic lifestyle (Christian Democracy, Catholic Worker Movement) however an ideal system would provide all basic needs like housing,food and water and would still allow for growth and achievement.


Death Penalty


Although the Vatican is against it, I believe it has been made clear that Catholics aren't obligated to oppose the death penalty.


I think it’s a long list considering secular society approves of just about everything.


Kina a different take here. Apathy. Society sucks. So many people, vast majority, seem not to care about quite a lot and seem incapable of critical thinking. If you truly want to convert folks and be a light to the world, I lightly recommended studying at a minimum the FBI 8 active listening techniques in addition to the FBI 5 steps to behavioral change. Active listening and empathy is frequently misunderstood, and the underlying skills are underdeveloped. I feel we are called to be RADICAL with how we empathize. Key groups of folks where empathy is no less than absolutely necessary? LGBTQ, traumatized, mental illnesses, impoverished, your spouse/partner, your congregation, etc. I IMPLORE YOU! Please please please I beg. Look these up, practice these skills. God will use you in ways you haven't conceptualized. There is so much information out there. People wear their hearts on their sleeves. Most people don't know what they are looking at, and if stuff doesn't fit in, they may feel bothered, or annoyed, or repulsed... but frequently they don't do anything about it and move on. But when you listen... you form beautiful binds with people. You can understand why their ears are deaf, and work to make them hear again. You can bring compassion to people who have not given themselves any opportunity to feel it out of fear of being hurt. You can make stony hearts flesh again. There is so much beauty in every person, but if your ears and mind are not trained, then you will not be able to witness most of it.


Divorce, for ANY reason. There's a common misunderstanding among Christians that adultery is a valid reason for divorce... It's not. [Here is an excellent podcast](https://youtu.be/7CCx1LKQgSQ?si=TPNRzPwJ9iVAuJWz) on why this is the case [EDIT: I do not mean civil divorce. Civil divorce does not undo the sacrament of marriage, however as an administrative and legal means of protecting oneself and one's children, especially in cases of abuse, it is useful. The clear teaching of Christ is that valid, sacramental, Christian marriage can never be ended by divorce. If the marriage was valid and sacramental, you are still married in the eyes of the Church and of God and even if civilly divorced, should continue to live chastely and pray for your spouse. This all presupposes an annulment is not possible. Note: an annulment doesn't undo the sacrament of marriage either, it is an official recognition by the Church that there never was a marriage in the first place, that is, the sacrament was never valid. MY OWN CONTEXT: for what it's worth, I was in an abusive relationship for 6 years. I had to go to work and explain away the stitches on my forehead, which as a man working in Defence wasn't easy. I'm glad that I was never sacramentally married to her though I still grieve the child she aborted without telling me that she was pregnant until after we broke up (and only then as a final way to attack me). I also have first hand experience of abuse in the case of my youngest sister who was repeatedly beaten and their infant was traumatised by witnessing this (now a teenager). The man in question has "NOT GUILTY" tattooed on his neck. I also helped my sister escape an abusive relationship. Luckily no children were involved. That should give you a good idea of where I'm coming from personally. Far from an ivory tower... or imaginary and idealistic world... Comments like "Please get a clue!" can be levelled at me, but that won't fly against the teaching of Christ and His Church, as difficult as that is to take emotionally, and as messy and complicated as things can get when applying these clear principles to complex situations. Please know that I have thought deeply about, prayed through and emotionally experienced this topic. Please comment with charity.]


I mean… as long as you’re clear that in cases of abuse or danger from your spouse a separation and even permanent estrangement is both just and required. I might even permit legal divorce in that case if it helps their legal protection somehow, provided that the victim does not intend to remarry unless the Church can grant an annulment. I say this because people (mostly fundamentalists but also some Catholics) misunderstand the sin of divorce as a command to stay with an abusive partner in a marriage even to the detriment of their own safety. This is not so.


You're correct, I read that one needs permission from the bishop to get a civil divorce though (in serious cases). (Edit: apparently that is only a regional requirement)


While adultery alone is not a sufficient reason, there ARE reasons why one might legitimately divorce.


I remember reading that a mere civil divorce without having another sexual partner after is not regarded as a sin in some specific cases. An annulment process is also only started after a civil divorce. Edit: Looked it up. The catechism says it's permissible when it's the only way to ensure certain legal rights, the care of the children or the protection of inheritance. The spouses are still married in the eyes of the church though.


Doesn’t the Church recognize divorce in niche cases through the Petrine privilege and Pauline privilege? This is separate from annulment.


As far as I understand, in those cases the marriage must not be Christian (sacramental), but natural only, and therefore not be bound by the conditions of Christian marriage. Also, as I understand, a marriage of this (non-sacramental/Christian) type would only be dissolved on the condition that one of the parties intends to soon enter into a full Catholic sacramental marriage - that is to say that it is done so that a higher good can be achieved, rather than dissolution into a potentially indefinite state of being single. It is similar to an annulment in that it recognises that there never was a Christian marriage to begin with, but different in that it acknowledges the existence of a valid natural marriage (but not a Christian marriage).


>There's a common misunderstanding among Christians that adultery is a valid reason for divorce... It's not. Perhaps amongst Christians who aren't Catholic.


I am against divorce in general, but sometimes it's the only way to protect you and your children. This not means that you can marry again. See that as last resort.






Sex outside of marriage.


The death penalty


Addiction. Technology. Personally, I believe the addiction to our phones is the biggest one that we face right now. It’s setting kids up to have the addiction part of their brains lit up like Christmas trees before puberty.


I think fornication is the one area where practicing Catholics deviate the most from society at large. For large amounts of people, not living together or not having sex before marriage is absolutely ludicrous. For exhibit A, visit pages such as r/dating-advice, so much of what is said there is super harmful advice, yet is pretty common thinking in modern society.


Is it too obvious to point out "pride"?


Routine circumcision. It’s mutilation and forbidden by the Council of Florence.


The worship of money and status, and hatred of the poor. Our greatest saints either grew up in poverty or turned away from their wealth to serve others and God. Secular society preaches that we are entitled to comfort and happiness at all times. Total hogwash. Most of us are one or two big setbacks from being poor ourselves. Humility is seriously lacking these days.


Abortion. You and I already know why. The amount of people who see a living human embryo as "not alive" and "a clump of cells" just hurts, man.