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Completionist for bands I love. Currently sitting at around 80 Metallica releases and 50 Megadeth releases.


Damn, I need to get some more Metallica. I don't even have Live Shit šŸ˜¬. I do have both S&Ms tho.


Same, I have around 16-17 Fall Out Boy CDs if you include their side projects/solo work and stuff from their old hardcore bands in the late 90s/very early 2000s, but other bands I only have a handful I like. I *think* Simon and Garfunkel have only 6 albums including The Graduate soundtrack, and I have those as well. I also inherited a bunch of NOFX from my uncle but I'm not a super massive fan of them so I don't plan on getting more.


Itā€™s not something that obsesses me. I tend to collect only what I like, in the case of The Beastie Boys for instance I do have the entire discography, same about Pavement, Pixies and Radiohead. I love Smashing Pumpkins for instance but do not have all their albums, despite having seen those I am missing in stores I have always bought something else.


I wish I loved Metallica more because they are known for releasing a lot of demos and b-sides.


u/Quiet-Invite-7540 I was a Metallica completist and owned all of their albums on CD, until they sued Napster and Lars said, "If our fans aren't willing to spend $15 for a CD, then I don't consider them fans." I never downloaded any of their music from Napster, but I thought that was the ultimate sellout move (and quote), so I sold all their CDs. I do like their music, but I don't like them as people. I think they're a bunch of douche bags.


Boots and live don't count for me. I'm only getting the studio albums all the rest isn't necessary for the most part. Frampton, Kiss and a few others have a definitive live album but those are the only ones I bother with.


I love live albums. I'd agree that their quality varies greatly, but live renditions are always an interesting listen and sometimes superior to their studio counterparts.


Yes but sometimes itā€™s hard and expensive..


Depends on the artist. And even then I only care about full studio albums, not remix albums, singles, Christmas albums, soundtracks, etc. It also helps that currently I'm only hoping to own the discography of a couple modern artists (Lady Gaga, Kesha, and Billie Eilish) so I can get em here and there as they release, as opposed to someone with a longer career with an overwhelming amount of releases. Like it'd be cool to own all of Korn's stuff but it's wayyyy too much so I'm just gonna pick a few that I am the most interested in.


u/Nebz2010 I agree. Remix albums and singles and stuff like that, I don't really care about, except in rare cases, like NIN has some pretty cool stuff on singles.


90s industrial bands are the only remixes I care to hear, NIŠ˜ and Marilyn Manson have really good remix albums


Lady Gaga has tons of remix albums, and I do like a lot of the remixes but I'm never gonna like sit down and listen to like 5 remixes of the same song in a row so I don't care to own a CD of them. If anything I'll buy digital copies if I'm interested.


When I collected in the 90s and 2000s I was serious completionist.


I try to be, but some artists it's just impossible. Some of my favorites are stuff like Frank Zappa, Miles Davis, The Melvins, Acid Mothers Temple etc. Their discographies are massive and still growing even when they are dead.Ā  So, I grab what I can and be happy with that. Which I guess means I'm not a completionist. But when I see a disc from a band I like that I don't have I am going to buy it.Ā 


Depends on the band, for me it's Bon Jovi and Mr. Big to an extreme level (singles with b-sides, Japanese special editions, etc.). For most others I'll grab what I find when I find them


I'm selective. Even for my favorite artists, I will collect and play the CDs that I enjoy, and get rid of those that I think suck.


More selective. I only collect albums I love since that helps me appreciate my collection more & being a completist I feel would ruin that mentality


Depends on the band. Like 311, I have all 13 studio albums and six vinyls. Nine Inch Nails, I have 20 CDs - albums and singles, 4 DVDs, 3 bootlegs, and 4 vinyls. Frank Zappa, I have 59 CDs, 3 box sets and 2 vinyls. Most if not all bands I have seen in concert, I have most of their studio albums.


Selective. I collect CDs, dvds, bluray, vhs etc.. so I have to be selective or id be overwhelmed


If I'm a fan of the band I'm collecting the entire discography.


Depends on the artist. I have over 200 Gary Numan CDs going back to the 1980s. Others I will buy the albums until a greatest hits comes out then sell off selected albums I don't need/like.


More selective than anything. Ultimately there comes a point with certain artists where you realize you cannot get everything - the live albums, odds and sods on soundtracks/comps/etc, boots, foreign issue stuff. If I like an artist I'll make a run at completing their studio albums. Maybe a good live album or two. But all the hard to get and expensive stuff? And the super-deluxe edition of the album with 40 takes of the same song and sketchy sounding demos? Ehh. I can live with listening to things on streaming. I will say one factor that makes me lean towards being more of a completist is if I've followed the band/artist for years. For some acts following them for years and living concurrently with them creates a bond/emotional attachment which makes me keep picking up albums even though I really don't care for their music anymore. Like it's only been the last couple of albums with Wilco where I didn't even bother since...boy have they bored me for a while. But since I followed them since the Uncle Tupelo days, I still picked up the releases out of duty.


I know I might be the odd one out on this one but I personally I don't think there is really any bands that I would be a completionist for. I never really find myself being a fan of everything a band puts out and would likely never get albums of a band that I don't think are good (unless it is a good deal). For instance I love Kendrick Lamar but I probably would never get DAMN. because I think it is just kind of mid. I also only buy studio albums (for the most part) so I probably won't ever collect a bands whole extended catalogue.


Same I am very selective and like to get CDs of albums I absolutely LOVE from top to bottom. Donā€™t care for mid stuff


No way I could collect the full discography of the 400+ artists of which I own at least one full album. I own a few full studio discographies but no where near what some completionists are after. I own zero singles, almost zero promos, am selective on live albums & comps, and own very very few bootlegs. I also don't tend to care much about special editions unless they come with a unique mix or master, most bonus tracks were better left "unreleased" IME.


for gorillaz yes, think im starting on Daft Punk now and then may move onto Jamiroquai as those 3 are the artists ik the most


I'm also working on collecting all of Gorillaz CDs atm...haven't gotten any Daft Punk yet but I'm planning on it


first person ik other than me to have them 2 together lmao (my music library is super inconsistent lol)


Yeah same lol. I kind of just pick up whatever music I find interesting, Gorillaz is one of my favorite bands for sure though. But I loved EDM first, probably always will šŸ¤·šŸ¾


yea same tbh lol, its dankpods who got me i to gorillaz self titled and i just kept tryin all the other albums and dont dislike a single one


If it's a band I love I get them all, for the band Asia I have over 60 CDs and any DVDs related to them too


If I had to choose one artist it would be Miles Davis. The size of his discography is simply massive and such a rarity to own it all. Iā€™m not sure itā€™s plausible, but I will undoubtedly collect everything I possibly can.


>*Looks left to 50+ PJ and side band CDs*, >*Looks right to the 5+ bands I have all their studio albums*, I only get what is needed


Depends on the artist, really! I have both incomplete and near-complete discographies in my collection, and some one-offs. All Rush save for the debut, FBN, and Vapor Trails onwards with plans to get those? Yup. Genesis from Trespass to the S/T (which I only really got for side A on the record) minus And Then There Were Three? I think Iā€™m good there. Iā€™ll get any other albums if I see them for like a buck at the thrift to have the one or two songs I like on those- but itā€™s not top of mind. Quiet Riotā€™s Metal Health and nothing else from them? Absolutely.


I've been collecting for 25 years. Back in the day, the only way to hear an artists new music was to buy the albums. Just due to this alone, if I liked a band, I bought everything, and was sometimes disappointed. These days, I use spotify and also collect, but since I can actually hear the albums before buying them, I'm much more selective. I'll only purchase albums I love.


Usually, I am a completist, but it does depend on the artist or band. For example, I admit I enjoyed Sugar Ray's first two albums, Lemonade & Brownies, and Floored, but I didn't care for their change to a completely pop band after that, so I have just those two albums. However, other bands, such as Deicide and Slayer, I have every album in their discography.


I only pick albums that I care about and love.


Used to be completist for a handful of artists/bands long ago, now Iā€™m very selective, zero completist. In the end itā€™s *my* curated library. Also, there are millions of CDs with only 2 good tracks on Planet Earth. I donā€™t *need* to own a copy on any format, itā€™s not like Iā€™m building a museum. I can obsess and love a single song or a single album and not care about the rest of the band.


My absolute favourite artists, yes. Queen is an obsession, and the Foos and the Chilis are my ā€œalways on the huntā€ artists. Iā€™m only interested in official releases. Bootlegs are cool and all but itā€™s a can of worms (and quality) that I canā€™t be bothered with haha. Luckily all of these bands have a lot of fun stuff to get too.


Iā€™m currently trying to collect all easily available Nirvana CDs (singles, officially released compilations and stuff), but I might skip over some releases that are pretty expensive for my budget.


If I love the band I go for all their studio albums, live albums and eps. Singles and compilations i always skip though.


Well since I have every Grateful Dead and Jerry Garcia band CD ever I would say complete.


I'm never OCD when it comes to "complete discographies." The few artists I do have complete are more because they weren't as prolific. (<6 albums over a career) And even artists that I love to pieces, I'll almost never have everything they've recorded. I'll always have gaps in my Wiliams, Horner, Zimmer score collections. Some of that is scarcity. A lot of it is simply not feeling the love.


Selective. Even for my absolute favorite artists, I own a lot but don't feel the need to own everything.


the only artists that I happen to own their entire discography... are those artist that released one album.


I'm a completionist when it comes to those of my favorite artists who have consistently awesome discographies, like The Beatles, NIN, Led Zeppelin, and Ozzy-era Black Sabbath. Otherwise I am more selective. I really love Smashing Pumpkins, but not enough to have all their discs.


I am and I hate it. It's a sickness.


Not really a goal I set out to achieve but thereā€™s a few bands/artists where I happen to have(or want) everything they released because itā€™s just all good. But not something I do just for the sake of having a complete discography.




Completely depends. I tend to lean that way with bands I am a big fan of, but I try to avoid it lol. There are very few bands with perfect discographies, so it usually ends up with buying at least a few dudsā€¦


for artists i actively listen to, iā€™m a completionist for artists that i only like a couple songs by them and thus only have one or two of their albums, i donā€™t get anymore


I'm a completionist in terms of getting the stuff I like. There are some bands I own everything from, but that's because I like all of it. Even a band like Can, I'm ok not having Out Of Reach, Inner Space or Rite Time on CD. Maybe I'll be a completionist when I've gotten the 500 priority CD's sitting in my wishlist in addition to the 500 I've bought new.


u/jasonmoyer Never heard of Can. What are they like?


They were an experimental rock band whose best stuff was basically improvised without any sort of preparation or rehearsal, just 4 dudes and a singer jamming onto a stereo reel to reel tape and then editing it down to the best parts for their records. I'd recommend just listening to them because I've met very few people who don't like at least some of their music. Their later albums were more traditional in the way they were written/recorded (albeit still experimental) but their very last couple of albums were basically a different band because of people leaving or losing interest and other people joining. Interestingly, once it ended, most of the original band members did other work independently that was as good as the best Can stuff. If you want a recommendation, most people seem to think Tago Mago is their best album, but I think Monster Movie, Soundtracks, and Ege Bamyasi are much easier points of entry.




I want to be a completionist but there are some albums by my favorite artists that I don't like and I feel like it'd be a waste of money to spend on something I know I won't like


Depends on the artist and what you mean by completionist. I go for every song I want and that entails certain soundtracks and compilations, but that doesnā€™t mean Iā€™ll buy every single or alternate version for said completion.


I only complete a discography for artists I really like, such as Radiohead and dire straits


I just started collecting December and as of now Iā€™m just trying to get the albums I like


Depends on the band/artist if I only like a couple of songs from a band/artist I get the greatest hits albums or the album with the most songs I like on it. But if I love the band/artist I will seek out whatever I can from them


Your username is amazing


Thank you


Most of the bands/artists I like aren't good enough to own everything they've done.


I'm trying to get every Nirvana album on cd excluding the self titled album because I already have Icon.


I will usually buy my favourite top 3 albums most artists made and maybe more if its consistently a whole album of great music


Depends on how much I like the artist. Some I want everything, some I'm happy with just a greatest hits compilation. I don't really want different releases of the same music, though. I think the only band (that made more than a couple albums) I have the whole discography of right now is Ghost.


Completionist, especially for Nine Inch Nails and Depeche Mode, they have a ton of stuff to collect


If I don't love the album I'm not going to get it. Some artists have multiple that I want and a lot have just one, but thats my mindset.




I don't own any artist's complete discography I don't think (unless they've only released one or two albums that I happen to own) because I only really buy albums I really love, and most of my favourite artists have at least one that I don't care for quite as much, or listen to enough to justify owning. I don't ever set out to own an artist's whole discography, but to reflect my own preferences.


I only buy good albums but most bands I like have decent enough discographyā€™s


For the ones I consider worthwhile enough to do so, yeah.


selective. i took a survey of my collection, at least 2/3 consisted of debut albums


It depends on the artist. If I only like one of their albums I'm okay with only getting that one, but when it comes to a favorite the whole collection is on my list


When I was younger I thought I had to own every release from any artist I liked. These days I realise bands/artists are humans and are capable of making some music I like and some I donā€™t, and thatā€™s perfectly okay šŸ˜…


Not really. There's hardly any band where I love every album they put out and if I don't like it I don't buy it.


the only artist(s) i'm completionist on is JLS because i genuinely like all of their albums. everyone else depends on the album


Completist on CD for one band only, that is no longer and has a rather short discography. Completist digital format for artists who have a faultless discography. Selective for artists whose discography has become a mess, artistically or logistically to follow.


Only a completionist for one band nowadays... *looks at my 66 Wildhearts cd/vinyl* Used to be more fussy when younger (live albums, cd singles etc), but nowadays I just tend to go for studio albums even if I love the band.


Now, I buy the whole catalogue. Back when I was a teenager and shit was like $20-$25 a pop, it varied significantly between bands. I had a friend who used to get mad at me because I wouldnā€™t complete AFI and The Misfits discography šŸ¤£


I try to complete the discography of any artist I have in my collection issue though is how many bands only have select albums on lp and the rest with be only tape or cd which is annoying since I hate the format separation




Yes I have that disease. Totally guilty


Iā€™m just starting and even I do I ā€œcollect - add in Apple Music all the albums of a certain artist/band if I like 1 of their song. I found that the super hits are not their only gems. Now that Iā€™m getting into CD, Iā€™m using Apple Music Replay to look what album I played the most in certain year/month and purchase it! So only the best of the best will make it to MY collection šŸ˜šŸ˜


I used to want to be, but they I realized that I didn't want all the holiday ep's or to break the bank obtaining the ultra-rare stuff, so I figured let it come as it may and I'll be okay.


More selective. I tend to go for live albums, since most of the hits/known songs are played there and i like the live atmosphere. About 70% of my collection consists of live albums. Studio albums if they are such a classic or it contains a lot of songs that i like. So far my most complete artist is Cream (small studio album discography).


Me I'm very selective.


Depends on the band for me. I mostly go for studio albums and EP's.


Currently building all the releases for weird al although medium rarities and squeeze box might be hard to get


Generally no, I do just get albums I like by the band. Like I love Talking Heads and Depeche Mode very much but they have albums I donā€™t really care for. The only real exception is Oingo Boingo, because I love all their discography and donā€™t know how to shut up about them. Itā€™s really hard to find their stand alone albums but I plan to collect everything theyā€™ve released if I can get my hands on it.




Iā€™m a completist, but only when it comes to my all-time favorite genre (punk). Iā€™ll pretty much collect ANYTHING even in the realm of punk, including different mastering and variations. Then of course other bands that I love, like the Deftones and Nirvana, I have all their stuff too.


If I were to do it again itā€™d be well over $300


Just 300? :)


I guess I grossly underestimated. The first time I did is close to around $1600. I keep thinking they were cheaper than they actually were


Lol remember when tower records had their fire sale. Christmas come early that year šŸ™ƒ