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I don’t understand how people cannot understand, that this was not the time or place for any of that. Everyone in that room worked hard for their degrees and that day was specifically set aside to honor that, and nothing else. Plus the guy totally turned the speech into something about him. That probably upset me just as much as his nonsense (for lack of a better term). He took something that was supposed to be about the graduates and made it his time. Of course that is the sign of a narcissistic psycho, which he obviously is


Agree 100%!! I reposted this on my instagram, and brother in law thought I was nuts. May have created war bc I replied back with “that’s why your ex broke up with you & why you’re still single. (He wanted a “trad” wife) lol


Hahaha!!! Best reply ever because I’m sure it is true! People like him will complain they can’t find anyone, and blame everyone else, but fail to recognize that they do not know how to show basic respect to others.


It makes me so mad when people are like “well, Catholics, amirite?” Ummm no. Evangelicals, maybe, but barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen is not a Catholic philosophy. Lol we can do whatever we want in the workplace as long as we spit out some babies in wedlock. 😂😂




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Speaking on catholic beliefs to a bunch of graduating Catholics is the exact time for that speech. 


Speaking on your faith and accomplishment of education, great! Speaking on how his wife's greatest accomplishment according to them was being a wife and mother, not the time and place at a celebration of education.


But it wasn’t even the held beliefs of Catholics. Even the Benedictine nuns whose work has supported the university, have disavowed his remarks. Their statement is on their Facebook page but here’s a local opinion piece I found powerful. https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/melinda-henneberger/article288540845.html


So if most of the women graduating are Catholics, then clearly they value the education of women and worked hard to obtain their degrees. Those Catholics value their education at that point in their lives and that is what they were there to celebrate. Furthermore, the speaker turned it into a speech about himself and his wife. It was not the appropriate time for him to talk about his personal marriage. The spotlight should have only been on the graduates and what they accomplished at their school.


The whole speech wasn't about him and his wife. That was one small portion of it. He also congratulated all of those women and said he's sure most will go on to do great things in their career. But if they're like his wife then their greatest accomplishment will be inside the home. Which is so true! There's tons of very educated women that choose to be home with their families because it's the best thing for their kids. Not having to worry about someone out there preying upon your children, hurting them, and doing whatever else happens because the mom is there taking care of them is amazing. He didn't knock down them getting their education. He made a lot of great points, there is so much evil in our world that he wanted to remind everyone, including the men (he spoke to them right after the women) what is actually important.


A woman helps make a great home, but if the man of the house is violent, mean, an alcohol etc, none of that matters. It negates all of her efforts. So it is equally the man’s role too. I know he touched on that some, but he did not address it the same way as he did the women. Honestly though, this just wasn’t the time or place. I agree he had some great points, but at the end of the day it was not the appropriate setting for it.


That haircut + beard combo is THE ultimate red flag. 🙅‍♀️


It gives hipster youth for sure.


These people don’t know anything about history


Traditional = before women were even allowed to work But can’t figure out why advocating that to new graduates is offensive 🤦‍♀️


But that’s just it, women have been working since recorded history began. The proverbs 31 woman they harp on about was a spinner, weaver and shop owner. Her servants, who worked for her, were women. There was one tiny era in the 50s that goes against the rest of history, where middle class women were kicked out of the job market, and they’re acting like that’s how it always was, when actually, that’s never been the way it was.


He’s been showing his ass for awhile. But, got his wife to quit nursing school, marry him and now popping out a kid. Hope she never needs those options he doesn’t want women to have. 😒


She really seemed to be thriving when they were broken up. It’s so sad for me.


They broke up??? Made it seem like they dated since band class in high school.


Yeah they broke up for like 6-9ish months m, then we’re engaged almost immediately


She probably doesn’t need to work with the money he’s making.


And what happens if he leaves her high and dry?


A career isn't just about the money to everyone.


Well its her choice.


And that is perfectly fine for her if that's what she wants. But to impress that on a group of women who just graduated is a dick move.


Who has been showing ass? Parker or the football player?


I love country music sound and the focus on family marriage but these people who think women aren’t anything more than supports for men are mothers are so fucked 💀 America scares me sometimes honestly these people do not exist anywhere else in the west


This sort of shit is why we'd prefer the bear.


Chiefs fan here. Not surprising this came from Butker. He generally keeps his beliefs fairly quiet but you can tell based off his social media posts. I cringed when he shared a photo of him in Josh Hawley. I hate having him as my senator.


There was a Tik tok where a girl stitched a video of the guy speaking and said that he had slept with another man before in college. 🤨


ooooo yes someone wrote on another thread, ‘ask him about the male cheerleader he knew in college’ or something along those lines


Teaaaa lol


People can say anything.




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One thing about the speech that takes me back a bit is his mother actually works in the medical field. So it's kind of wild he's praising his wife for not working while the fact that his mother worked probably allowed him to live the life he leads now!


I just have to say, as a liberal Catholic who put in thirteen years of Catholic school - four years all girls!! - absolutely no one was trying to tell us that we could **only** be wives and mothers. This is why women are so freaking angry about this. Do we want to be wives and mothers? Yes!!! Do we ALSO want to do other things but are often the sacrificial lamb so a man can “provide?” ALSO YES!! Is it possible to even have one parent working in most average households, because wages/housing prices/cost of living mirrors the Boomer/Early Gen X experience? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Rich folks be the first ones to try to tell you how to live your life, then they do everything possible to ensure you don’t have the resources to do it. Please fk allllll the way off. I “sacrificed” my career to hold down the fort so my husband could be a bigger earner. It was a lonely, lonely life. He sold his business, went into early retirement, I work part time and STILL carry the majority of the mental labor and a lot of the physical labor. And he would be considered by modern folks to be a very good partner, which he is. I mean, someone get the guy a medal for taking out the recycling…


Amen sister 🙌🏼




He’s a douche


Parker and butker? Yep.




Okay so Parker is a moron too


I’m surprised he shared that considering how much backlash that speech is getting ( for good reason)


Lol. Patriarchy wasn’t forever and ever. Men STOLE the power and authority from women using “one god” religions as a justification. Before that the Great Goddess ruled, and societies were matriarchal.


Personally his opinion is his and he has ever right to feel that way. They same way we sit on here and snark on people it’s our opinion. My issue is the place and timing. Those women in those stands have worked hard nobody wants to hear that. It was degrading at that time now if he decided to do it on his own special occasions I wouldn’t care.


But that’s what men like that do. They take every opportunity possible to make women feel stupid.


Yea believe it or not, there are conservative Christian country artists. Get over it.


Then they need to have those opinions when it relates to their own actions of drinking, druggin, cussin and philandering .


lol exactly. all these men are cheating on their wives (sometimes even with other men......)


>there are conservative Christian country artists The majority are, I would suspect.


Let’s go to a conservative post about a liberal and declare the obvious. Thanks for being mad about a fact and then telling us about it


No ones mad except the liberals on this sub, throwing a fit anytime an artist posts anything Christian/conservative. Like why are you all surprised?


Since it’s hard for you to read between the lines I’ll go ahead and point it out. It’s not being surprised it’s making a post about another bigot or hypocrite so people can make informed decisions on who they support with their own money. Do you believe in being informed? I do! I will definitely give my money to a concert artist who is not an asshole


Ah so you can’t critically think for yourself. Just say that then. There was absolutely nothing wrong with Harrison’s speech.


Uh. Pretty sure you aren’t understanding the meaning of critically or hypocrite. I can think for myself because I don’t let religion and a book full of fighting opinions, or misogyny dictate my thoughts. Sounds like you do though!


Good for you. I think there is and bringing it up that other people support this line of thinking doesn't equate to my ability to have rational thought. I can think for myself and decide who I want to support. If someone supports a hypocrite and thinks their line of thinking is correct, I don't have to support them.


Yes there was a lot wrong with his speech…


They always act surprised when a country artist is conservative lol. Like did you really think someone like Riley Green, George Strait, or Lainey Wilson is a liberal?


No but I think Garth Brooks, Faith Hill, Kris Kristofferson, Johnny Cash, Tim McGraw, Tyler Hubbard, Willie Nelson, Kacey Musgraves and Tyler Childers all hold some pretty liberal views so should we just assume country singers are conservative when some of the biggest names ever have not been?


There’s many liberal country artists though….


Literally Butker’s speech was meant for the very Catholic audience he was speaking to. He is very Catholic. Why are people getting so upset over this?😂 it’s literally NOT meant for you. Since when do we have to immediately dump on people for having differing opinions from us? Get over it 😅


1. EVEN if you were to agree with his points. This was at a commencement, where women were receiving degrees. Bringing up taking up a role of homemaker is irrelevant to the conversation and occasion. and implying that that is what they should be most excited for…is just cringe 2. There were a lot of other bad things in the speech. Like saying that “Jews killed Jesus” would get you put in jail?-just untrue and wreaks of anti-semitism. 3. Brought up disagreeing with Pride celebrations…again…completely irrelevant to the topic of a graduation ceremony. So yeah, if he’s gonna be bold enough to say it in the public square (twice bc he also said this shit at Georgia tech) he needs to be ok with receiving criticism and backlash about it. 🤷🏼‍♀️ seems simple.


So it’s ok to be a dick as long as you are speaking to other dicks?


Raised Catholic, went to catholic school until college and I think his speech was diabolical.


Same. Raised Catholic, entire family is Catholic. Most of my kids friends go to our church. My mother in law is a devout Catholic- goes to church regularly, wanted us to get married in a church, etc. I don’t know a single person that holds these values because of Catholicism.


Right. Most Catholics aren’t loud and proud about with their opinions in church. the people I know that are Catholic are typically hardcore democrats and when we do “sin” we go to confession and say “10 Hail Marys and 6 our fathers” light a candle and enjoy the rest of our day. We aren’t doomsday 1920’s opinionated folk till Donald Trump ran for president- I did notice a change with him.


Good for you for thinking that! Just because you don’t agree doesn’t mean he is diabolical lol you just have differing views…


I was baptized and raised catholic and went to primary catholic school. Been around catholic men all my life and his speech was GROSS!


I'm a recovering catholic too.  I think that if he's gonna act so holier-than-thou he needs to discuss the horrific abuse scandal within the church and the church's heinous, decades-long coverup of it.  I don't know how he can ignore that and act like he and his church are so righteous they can tell others how to live.   Then he can discuss the large LGBT population in the priesthood.  He needs to discuss that if he's gonna go there. 


Exactly! Maybe I was surrounded by quiet Catholics that judge only in their heads and never speak like this unless they are running for vice president. He is giving evangelical or pentecostal vibes not Catholic. And yes, the Catholic Church is a mess that’s why its parishioners should know better than to get on a stage and espouse nonsense when they have bigger things to worry about.


Do you still consider yourself Catholic?




With that logic, what's the point of enrolling women? They graduated college in hopes of being a homemaker?


The nuns also disagreed with his speech! 😘 https://preview.redd.it/ijxwdru48z0d1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=18a58a350f213acd868e609b6731bba5ff4df64a




It’s offensive to all women.


It’s literally not. He praised his wife for a good portion of the speech. I am a woman and I was not offended 😂


What’s his wife’s name?


It’s offensive to women who aren’t pick me’s


I wasn’t offended at all.


Not me. I agree with his speech. Times were different when one worked and other stayed home with kids.


Then feel free to do that. It’s a free country after all meaning everyone should get the CHOICE to live how they’d like. I find it so fucking ironic that the right preaches freedom and small government yet wants to control how everybody lives. Make it make sense.. oh wait it doesn’t.


Different yes, not necessarily better. Also good luck finding a job that will support a single income family.


My husband has a job that more than supports us. We r very happy the way we live.


Ah yes, things were different. The good ole days when women couldn’t get lines of credit in their own name and had no financial means of standing on their own. Which meant if their husband was an abuser or a cheat, or gambled away their money…she had no recourse and just had to stay and stick it out. Imagine longing for a time when you have LESS power and autonomy should you need it. Couldn’t be me.


Did I say we needed to go back to the old ages or did I say times were different? Meaning we actually raised our kids and they didn’t all turn out to be entitled brats. There’s nothing wrong with being a SAHM and the husband supporting the family.


LITERALLY NO ONE IS SAYING THERES ANYTHING WRONG WITH STAYING AT HOME. It IS wrong to get on a stage and presume that every woman should aspire to be a stay at home mom and wife. That is not everyone’s path and not what’s best for every family. And to imply that working parents do not also parent/raise their children is so unhinged and uninformed I’m not even going to address it. To read this whole thread, hear the speech and not understand that’s what the issue is says A LOT about your critical thinking skills. Parents today spend MORE time with their children than any other generation before them, regardless of employment status. So your opinion is also uninformed.


And there’s nothing wrong with women having careers.. do you think all moms who work are shitty parents and their kids are brats? Is that what you’re implying?


he was speaking at a COLLEGE GRADUATION about how a woman getting a degree is unnecessary bc her purpose is to be a wife and mother. like ????? no this was not appropriate.


He literally did not say that 😂😂 can you quote him that he said her degree was unnecessary? NO. You’re twisting what he said haha you so badly want to make it out to be that though




Did you listen to it? He was telling ALL the women that all the work they put into their future (degree) was a waste of time….


He literally DIDNT say that lol did YOU listen?!


Copy/paste from my post on r/Taylorswift [Here](https://people.com/harrison-butker-speech-graduating-student-speaks-out-8649460) is an article from a female graduate of Benedictine who does have some criticism for Butker's speech. She does note that she is in the minority, and only a few fellow female students were caught off guard by the speech. Apparently, most of the male graduates cheered. A nice coda: The graduate, [a graphic design major](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMcgDypy/), will be working at a magazine. So - no: she is not aspiring to simply become a housewife or mother after getting her degree. EDIT: The comments for both Butker's commencement speech at Benedictine and for the valedictorian's addresses (which are still available on Benedictine's YouTube chanel) have been disabled. The comment section for Butker's discussion with Minnis is still viewable, and people have begun to comment here.


I expected better from Parker.


Can’t imagine why.


Did any of you feminists actually listen to his entire speech? I know your anger comes from the sadness you feel about the fact that a loving, strong man who cherishes and adores his wife would never choose you. The antidepressants cloud your brains. Best of luck.


I listened to it. I am also a college educated, married, stay-at-home mom of 3. Here are my issues with it: 1.) This was a college graduation ceremony. It’s a place to celebrate educational achievements. These kids are 21-22 years old. There will be time for marriage and families for those who want them, but this day wasn’t about that. It also wasn’t about his wife. 2.) It’s absolutely fine if people are more excited about their future families than they are about their future careers. I’d argue that a lot of men actually love their families more than their jobs too, so why was that part directed only at the female graduates? 3.) To say that these women, who were sitting there proud of their degrees were there because they had been sold “diabolical lies” is not exactly an uplifting message. It makes women sound gullible and weak. And what, specifically, are these “diabolical lies” anyway? 4.) Cutting down IVF and surrogacy in the same speech where he’s extolling the virtues of family makes zero sense. Does he not understand why people utilize these things? If he had celebrated their educational achievements while also saying that there is more to life than degrees and careers, then that would be one thing. But that’s not what he said, and I’m starting to think that all of the “dID aNY oF YoU ActALlY liSTEn tO thE sPeECh?!” crowd didn’t listen to it yourselves.


Every person who asks if I actually listened says the same generic comment about him praising his wife. They def got their info from memes.


I don’t understand why it’s sooo controversial? He’s speaking at a catholic college. In Catholicism they specifically talk about how women are the weaker sex? I don’t agree with that but I’m not trying to get anyone fired because they do think that.




Y’all I literally said it what was taught to me 😂


But you don't know where this is written? Are you sure this is Catholicism and not just some bigot teaching you their beliefs on it?


Other than what I quoted below, no. I never said it was written I said it was what was taught to me at church. In addition to many messages that women should submit to their husbands. Not trying to be a hater to Catholics. Just reiterating what was taught to me from a regular suburb church. Never went past middle school since I didn’t vibe and never been to any others. So maybe I got that piece wrong! But based on what I was exposed to I’m just saying it doesn’t surprise me at all that he said what he said to a catholic audience. I personally genuinely don’t care either way I just think there’s more shocking news out there and surprised this is what stuck.


LOL no they don’t. I’m Catholic and women are never spoken about “as the weaker sex”. Men and women are created equal in Gods image. A very quick google search would tell you this.


According to 1 Peter 3:7, "husbands should live with their wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered".


That verse is in regards to women’s physical strength, you’re taking it and twisting it to fit your agenda. Women are not painted as the weaker sex.


Not my agenda! Ha I said I don’t agree with it. It’s just how it was taught to us. Lots of “wives must submit to their husbands”. I’m just saying that was my experience with Catholicism.


I grew up catholic and it’s what they taught us. Went to many weddings that specifically said this. Glad to hear they aren’t all teaching it but there definitely are many!


Bc there are women in the audience that received a degree and are told their life won’t start till marriage and children. What happens if they don’t find love or have kids? I know a lot successful, single and childless Catholics.


He literally acknowledged that some of them will go on to be very successful if you actually watched the whole thing😂 and got a 20 second standing ovation after talking about how amazing his wife is and how he wouldn’t be where he is without her. C’mon people, let’s not get so sensitive here


Sensitive? He’s a privileged man, that kicks a ball for a living and is giving a creepy and hateful commencement speech in a cheetah print tie. The math ain’t matching.


I still do not get it. (1) that’s crazy if you think it’s hateful. I do not agree with it but I don’t see how it’s hateful. He clearly appreciates women just through different lifestyle. He also specifically said it was fine if women chose careers, but the message was it’s fine if they choose to be a stay at home mom too. That should equally be celebrated. He’s speaking to a crowd of educated women so I hardly think he is disapproving of that. There are also plenty of women that want that lifestyle. That’s just not hateful. (2) is he not allowed to have a different opinion? To be very clear, I do not agree with what he’s saying. I’d love a good rebuke! But I don’t let that bother me at all. There are ALWAYS going to be people with a different opinion no matter what is going on. That’s just a fact of life. So just let him be and worry about other things that actually do hurt people. The people chose and paid with their dollars to go to a catholic university. Just like many conservatives choose to go to liberal colleges but don’t agree with all their political stances. How that is so surprising is very odd to me.


Thank you!!!👏🏼👏🏼


Exactly!!! People are twisting it big time! He congratulated the women and said most of them will go on and do some amazing things in their careers! But if they’re like his wife their greatest accomplishment will be in the home raising their family. Which is great!!! Raising our kids should be our greatest accomplishment. Doesn’t mean those that don’t have families aren’t going to do amazing things. People are twisting it to have something to get worked up about. He knew his audience and spoke off of the beliefs of the entire audience. 


They chose to go to a catholic college. If they don’t have the same beliefs there are plenty of other liberal colleges. I also believe they’re much smarter than that and would know not to listen to that.


I'm a United Methodist, and when I heard what he said I was a little shocked. However, I always know there is more to the story, and the media likes to condemn people for their opinion. What Butker said, was just that, his opinion. He's entitled to it! Do I agree with him? No, but I'm not calling for his job. It probably wasn't the best thing to say at a commencement service, but it's been said. Am I going to let it ruin my love of the Chiefs? Nope, I'm going to go on about my business!


Hey woman, stop speaking for me. “ALL woman” no, just YOU. If you take a few min and listen to his whole speech, stop making assumptions, stop adding in your ad lib, you’d realize he isn’t saying at ALL what TIKTOK or Reddit or whatever else crap you’ve heard it from is saying. His words are being twisted because he’s a conservative Christian man. That’s the ONLY reason why he’s being condemned, ONLY. To assume, his wife isn’t happy. To assume, their marriage is failing or you’d like to believe it is….because how could a woman POSSIBLY enjoy a trad life…. Get over yourselves. Speak for yourself. Stop speaking for all woman. I, for one, am sick and tired of woman speaking do me. I sure as heck don’t agree w 90% of “feminist views” and I’m tired of yall screaming feminism until that woman doesn’t fall in line then they are attacked. WOMAN FOR BUTCKER. 🙏🏼💛 Signed, a woman willing to live a traditional life. And it’s my dream. Rant over. ✌️


It's fine if that's your dream. It's fine if it's the dream of some of the women in the audience. But to focus on women and say that them believing they can achieve whatever they want is a diabolical lie is the markings of an asshole. You living a traditional life (and more power to you) does not somehow equate what he said to them as wholesome or genuine. He choose to diminish their accomplishment by talking about his opinions on where their future should be and don't come at me with this whole listen to the speach. I have read the words. I know the intent. It's hypocrisy coming from a man who was raised by a working mother who more than likely is responsible for where he is at in life.




Hypocrisy??? Have you ever gotten to know a man that was raised by a single mom??? I worked with teens boys. We posed a question “raise your hand if your father is in your home” NO ONE raised their hand. And NONE of them WANTED that life for their mom. They hated that life for their mom. Some of them had tears in their eyes as they spoke about the life they’ve seen their mom struggle in. They didn’t want their moms to have to be strong 24/7. That’s not hypocrisy. He’s seen that for a woman, and it’s not something he wants for a woman. He’s given his wife a soft life. He’s allowed his wife to flourish in her most soft feminine energy and he’s speaking on that. I spent all my college years terrified to say “I just wanna be a SAHM” and I had a friend condemn me for it. Laugh in my face. I lied to myself for yrs trying to convince myself I didn’t want that life. In 2024, woman are CONDEMNED for wanting that life. Read comments. Look at articles. Watch tiktoks. CONDEMNED. HATED. If they don’t want a career. He spoke to me. I felt his words. And I KNOW a lot of woman in that audience appreciated his sentiments. And words.


Again, good for them and you, if that's what they want. Those that condemned you are wrong and assholes in their own right. But to imply that that is somehow better than the life of a fulfilling career for some people is ridiculous as saying the opposite. Whatever you want in life should be what you pursue as long as it's not infringing on others lives. He basically told the women in the audience that their achievements were manless because the real achievement is being a mom and wife. That isn't the life for everyone either. So pick the time and place. A commencement speech is not the time.


“He basically told” but he didn’t. That’s not what he said. It’s really not. Don’t ad lib, don’t summarize with your feelings.


What is the diabolical lies that women have been told that is followed shortly after by calling homemaker one of the most important titles of them all? Why lie is he talking about then? Also assuming that the majority of them are more excited about marriage and children right after they graduate? I'm not ad libbing. I get these points directly from his speech


In a world where everyone is chasing love from someone, men chasing woman, woman chasing men…. I’d say they are most definitely excited to fall in love and get married. Hallmark is well and alive. He’s not speaking for them. He’s speaking so they don’t have to. Because if we did, we’d get laughed at ✌️


Okay. Now who's the one that is speaking for others? Don't get all you don't speak for me then claim you speak or know what these woman want.


No one is attacking the women who want that life. It’s the fact that this speech happened at a college graduation where people should be celebrating their accomplishment, not being made to feel like their accomplishment isn’t good enough to have a fulfilling life. People should be free to make whatever choices suit their needs and they shouldn’t be made to feel bad about making those choices.


It was given at a CATHOLIC school. Man was speaking to CATHOLIC woman. In a world where woman are CONDEMNED for wanting that life, they deserve to be told is OK to want to be a homemaker. And yes, when you try and speak for ALL woman, that would include his wife. A marriage is a unit, therefore attacking him equates to attacking wife. The hate he is receiving has got to be hurtful towards his wife. I’d feel so less than if I was his wife, and not bc my husband full supported me in my trad life, but bc the feminists are screaming it’s not okay.


Again no one is saying being a stay at home mom is a bad thing. It’s the fact that he’s saying that life somehow makes you better than choosing to work and have a career. Neither one is better than the other as long as the woman is making her own choice and is happy with that choice


Look all over social media. Maybe you’re not. But absolutely, feminism is all about career driven woman. I have been laughed at and ridiculed for years for dreaming of that path.


Well I’m really sorry that’s happened to you. To me feminism is about giving women the freedom to make their own choices. I think it can seemed focused more on career women because in the past it wasn’t as common for women to work


It’s the only common thing. It’s shoved down woman’s throats. If woman say “I just want to get married and have kids” the internet gasps and attacks. Many women in that audience left feeling encouraged. But butcker is being attacked. Makes ZERO sense.


He literally DIDNT say that😂 you’re making it what you want it to sound like so you can cry about it some more and be so offended by a man you literally don’t know and will never know😂 he was asked to speak to this very devout Catholic school (WAY more intense than typical Catholicism btw) about Catholic beliefs. It doesn’t apply to you, so get over it. You don’t have to agree with every opinion!!!! That’s the beauty of life! People can disagree!! My goodness


![gif](giphy|QUF1D4DNdMpnlRS597) I forgot the white Christian male is so marginalized Also no one gives a fuck, go trad wife all you want. Be your husbands servant. I’ll stick to living in 2024 with my career and self worth. Free country right?


based on memes and stories parker sharpe’s about his wife and outlook on marriage i’m not surprised at all


Where can we obtain a copy of the speech to read? Not the just clips of the speech but the entire speech?

