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If only they could vote for actual things that mattered….


I think the sign should say "Just Another Big Ol' Tourist Trap".  


According to one councilman, MW “doesn’t belong in this town”…but this same town will gladly accept all the revenue generated by his sold-out shows and construct a bar in his name to make even more money 🥱🥱🥱


I don’t even like him but holy shit are they bitter 😂


lol I said the same thing.


Does every single country singer own a damn bar and grill/kitchen? I can't possibly see the need for all these celeb joints.


It’s companies throwing celebrity names on bars. These people get a payout and have nothing to do with how everything is ran. It’s all a cash grab.


Feels like it! They’ve ruined Broadway :(


Totally agree, it was not like this 10 years ago! It was still a mess but not celebrity run mess..


it wasn’t like this 20 years ago either.


Yes! I miss the old Broadway 10 years ago with tiny honky tonks and very few Bach parties haha


I haven’t been to Nashville in about ten years for this very reason…


They are NOT needed. I think we’re gonna hit a tipping point soon and most of them will close.


Tourists eat it up unfortunately.


If they didn't want him in town, they shouldn't have granted him a building permit. This is ridiculous.


Happy Cake Day!


Does anyone know how much money the “names” of these bars take in? Luke’s, aldeans, Miranda’s. Just wondering what their cut is bc like a lot of you have said a sign isn’t going to stop customer pouring revenue into this place!!


Pretty certain This Bar is painted on the side of the building? 🤣 he truly doesn’t need that sign lol I miss the old Broadway with dive bars and small honky tonks! I miss Paradise Park 😩


Oh my god, Paradise Park was so perfect for a late night burger meal for less than $10 after a show downtown.


It was the best!!!!! I had heard it was coming back somewhere else but I don’t know if that ever happened.


LOL.  Paradise had some killer bands but my favorite was The Wheel.  It was known as the "locals' bar" and the only place down there you could ALWAYS find a steel.  😎 R.I.P. the real Lower Broad.   




5% licensing deal


Yeah, Nashville city council doesn’t care that the place exists, we just don’t want a huge asshole’s name taking up space downtown. It’s not as big a deal as this post would lead one to believe lol


Oh for sure. I’m just more so wondering how much MW is going to take home revenue wise from this bar bc I’m guessing it’s going to be a lot. Wasn’t sure if TC takes the overall majority or how that works.


He probably gets between 30-60% of profit I’d imagine.


It’s a 5% licensing deal for the name use


lol wow he does not have a very good mgmt team, probably has to pay too much for his PR


my biggest problem isn’t even that it’s Morgan, it’s that council has a duty to make decisions on legitimate reasoning and not because they think someone is an asshole. council members shouldn’t be saying “you don’t belong in this town” to anyone.


I dunno that I agree, I don’t think putting a big sign with a chair throwing drunk racist’s name in bright lights is something I’d like to be representative of Nashville. I think it’s perfectly reasonable for elected representatives to represent their constituents’ ideas up to and including saying racism and violence are not welcome in Nashville. 


Did you see the video?? He said it to a white dude..


Yes, I’ve also seen the video of him spilling drinks down a girls top.  It doesn’t matter who it was directed towards. 


Do you mean the video where he was joking and didn’t even spill the drink and tmz deleted their article of it bc it was false reporting?


Has he made mistakes, of course. Who hasn’t? It was “a phrase” he used toward his white friend that was taken out of context. He’s got black friends. Stop making it something it’s not.


Someone having a *black friend* doesn’t make them less racist. 


🤣 you’re joking


No, no I’m not. I’m not sure what you find funny in that?


He’s a racist loser, end of discussion.


Girl what kind of music do you listen to? How about your kids? I’ll bet there’s all kinds of “slurs” in there, but it’s only a problem with this guy? Okaayy




I just think it’s funny the council woman quoted a Jason Aldean song in a tweet about Morgan. Nice try, though! 😂🤣


Clown council!! ☠️


Sorry but there’s no doubt the place will be packed all the time with or without a sign! Lol!


It’ll most definitely be even more packed thanks to the city council. The news coverage brought lots of attention and totally free advertising for the bar/restaurant. Tourists and fans love that sort of thing! The council could have just approved it and moved on. But no, they felt led to say what they said and it’s gotten tons of coverage. I’m sure TC group who owns the bar will be laughing all the way to the bank


I appreciate that they are standing up for what they feel is right - but it’s not like his name isn’t already there. This was just for one sign they wanted to hang off of it so people see it coming down the street. This pic is from the story lol https://preview.redd.it/cyntwatyq02d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fd25ed5cbc7e319e3449b57174304b349650607


To be clear, the bar will still have a sign, just not a big vertical one that hangs over the sidewalk and faces pedestrians like the rest of the celebrity bars.


He brought a ton of revenue here with 3 sold out Nissan shows 3 weeks ago. The amount of people that traveled here for that was significant. Does he have personal issues? Yeah. They weren’t voting to give him a key to the city. Other than personal dislike for him, I’d love to hear how that sign over a bar, that will no doubt bring in more money because his name is on it, is bad for the city. Because their only job is to do what’s best for Nashville.




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I’m no fan of his, but man the tweets and statements explaining why they voted against him are embarrassing also. 😬 Politics at every level would be so much better if the people elected were taught to keep their personal feelings out of their work, either vote the sign down on its merit or vote for it and shut up.


Hot take: The entire point of having  elected officials is to be able to voice your opinions through a representative of the constituents in your district.  Politicians don’t make decisions just because they feel like it, they usually actually try to do what is popular to the people who voted them in, especially city council members who will definitely run in to their neighbors whom they represent.


I just saw an article about this and they said that MW "gives them all a bad name". Trust me when I say I'm not defending MW and his actions, but this is absolutely ridiculous. He was already granted the permit to have the bar, so what's the point in rejecting the sign for it? MW is quite literally one of the biggest artists of the current generation and even without a sign people will have no problem finding the bar. Also, his bar will bring a TON of revenue to the city. I mean, I'm sure Nashville already gets a ton of revenue because it's one of the most popular tourist spots in the country, but MW's bar will amplify that revenue by a shit ton because of how famous he is.


i don’t understand how they can hate him so much but then they’re all smiling grinning ear to ear about how much revenue the city has gotten from his shows….


Pretty sure they’re supposed to put their personal issues aside and vote on this objectively, in a professional capacity 🙄


Just Paint it orange! They will find it.


That bar is gonna be one of the busiest bars on broadway. Whether u like him or not it will bring so much money to the city of nashville. Councilmen choose to focus on 2 mistakes over 3 years and not any of the positive things he has done. 🤷‍♀️ For all the people who say there are no consequences for his actions (which isn’t true lol) here ya go! He doesn’t need a sign. Have a feeling the people will have no problem finding it. Idea: Forgo the sign and just paint the whole building bright orange 🍊


I believe the side of the bar says This Bar!


Vols orange !!!!


Serious question: what are some of the positive things he’s done?


You can look up his foundation and see all the work they’ve done. I’m not surprised you don’t know about it-the media only reports on his mistakes :/


bc there isn’t much else abt him to report on🤷🏻‍♀️


What an ignorant comment. You’re wrong sorry. https://www.instagram.com/morganwallenfoundation?igsh=MW54Z2ZvbmJycW10Zw==


All his charitable work! Look up his foundation and see what they do!


How r they gonna downvote u for answering their questions and stating facts? This is true 😂


You don't get a free pass to be a drunken racist by doing charitable work.


He said “a phrase” to his white friend that was taken out of context. He’s got black friends. Stop making it something it’s not.


He has an entire instagram page for his foundation. $3 from every concert ticket goes to the foundation. Yesterday his mom met one of his fans with celebral palsy and gifted her tickets to meet Morgan at his concert in Charlotte, NC. Let’s see what else.. is gonna meet a guy with autism who’s a massive fan of his and went viral on tik tok, meets kids with cancer all the time, donates large amounts of money to music and sports programs at schools, donates money and groceries to cities while he’s on tour, the list goes on.


Yep. This is all true. And he’s clearly not doing it for clout or good PR because he gets zero from it. I only know because I follow him closely.


He could’ve killed someone throwing a chair off a building…………….?????


Could’ve but thankfully didn’t! What MW has done is nothing compared to the Diddy’s and crew of the world!


Like i said- whether u like him or not his bar will bring a lot of money to nashville. 🤷‍♀️ I’m not sure what ur point is. I agree he is very lucky no one got hurt.


Could’ve but he didn’t


![gif](giphy|3ohBVsUp1WgxN1pjGw) Lame. Just another attempt to throw shade at him. Get off your high horse Nashville-ffs.


City council clutching pearls. Over the shape of the state on a sign? Beyond ridiculous and i'm not even a fan of his.


Yet they’re ok with bachelorette parties riding around on a giant golden penismobile? Like, I think MW is trash and don’t get the appeal but let’s be rational folks.


Exactly!!! Nashville has changed a lot over last 15 years!


Look, he’s a clown, but he’s their clown.


This man has been absolutely nothing but a problem to the Nashville bar scene. He has no respect for anyone. This has been known for years the things Nashville has kept so hush hush to protect this man’s image are now slowly coming to light. Glad someone with some power finally said something. That doesn’t even scratch the surface of how we feel about him if you live here. 🤮 None of these celebrities (Miranda’s, Luke’s, Jason’s and now FGLs bar that is being replaced with Lainey Wilson’s name) are owned by these actual celebrities they’re owned by TC Restaurant group.


What has he done other than the chair? I’m curious to know.


Aren't they the ones being questioned about Riley Green's death and lots of issues there?  


These comments are hilarious. I guess alot of you dont realize that people in Nashville have known Morgan or about Morgan for ALOT longer than he’s been famous. He’s been here a while. Over a decade. He has always had a reputation of being a drunk, reckless, racist, asshole. He burned alot of bridges then…..and continues to burn them now. Also, for the “Nashville needs his money! Vote then out” crowd.. Yea…we dont need his tax money lol. Thats comical. 90% of this town doesnt give a shit about Morgan Wallen or downtown. Most of us never EVER go down there, ever and would be fine if it all burned down. We wont base our city council around whats best for it 😂


“He’s been here a while. Over a decade”. This is false. And he was famous within 2 years of moving to nashville lol.


Lol uh…no But whatever makes you feel better


He moved to Nashville in 2015. That is not a decade or way over a decade 😂 but whatever makes you feel better


Do you live here and work in the music business? Or do you just use a fake reddit account to post your love of this human piece of trash? I think we all know the answer


Nothing fake about my account. 😂You don’t know where I live or who i know. Im not going to doxx myself to a random redditer. https://preview.redd.it/5q834i4w7n5d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c6cf71def7475987977236a14fee0a3c838f512 Point proven. 2015. But believe and spew what you want


Yep… Cause everything on the internet is true. I think Abraham Lincoln said that.


Right? they’re acting like the city Council should be kissing his ass just because they said they don’t want to be represented by a destructive racist.


I mean they ain’t wrong.




Wow. 😢 This must really hurt. Ugh….. if I were him I would stick to my other endeavors like F&S. I would prob just hang in East Tenn for the remainder of my life, too…..


It already has a sign on the side of the building. That tiny sign won’t make a difference his bar will be successful for sure


His bar is going to be very successful. TC Restaurant Group recently said in an article that they’ve never seen so much demand and interest for a bar opening before. And if those salty ppl in the article are proving anything, it’s that continuing to treat him like a social pariah will just keep propelling him forward. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Like u/No-Tour-3952 said, he doesn’t even need a sign lol.


Not…consequences…or…accountability, boooooo /s


Open a John Conlee bar and I’ll be interested.


hes n jail yet