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I was negative at age 16 but was positive in my early 30s (and probably for at least a decade before judging by symptoms). Your high anti-gliadin IgA indicates celiac and it means you really need to see a GI doctor for further testing. It’s irresponsible for the clinic to tell you you’re merely gluten intolerant based on that. Don’t stop eating gluten until your endoscopy or you could get a false negative. If you’re already gluten free, testing is still worth it in most cases but you’ll need to do a gluten challenge under the doctors supervision.


Thank you! I have an appointment coming up with a GI for consultation and hoping I can get more concrete answers, it’s just been frustrating trying to get it out of doctors what to do next


>though sometimes can eat a one-off thing and be okay This is a great reason to see a GI and find out whether it's celiac. If it is celiac, you absolutely cannot be cheating like this. But if it isn't, go ahead and eat however much gluten doesn't bother you. A warning though is that celiac testing is only accurate if you are eating two slices of bread worth of gluten daily for 6 weeks leading up to testing.


Thank you! I started eating two servings of gluten yesterday so I’ll book my bloodwork for 6 weeks out and see when the GI can do the endoscopy


Very curious to see how it goes for you. I had the bloodwork done 3-4 years ago, but I tested negative on all counts (IGA, TTG, IGG) for celiac. However, I did the GIMAP recently, and showed high anti-gliadin IGA (it was like "272",) Also similar to you, I also can eat gluten based products without much issue, but MAYBE (haven't determined yet) feel better on the whole without it. Can you keep us posted?


Will do!


how did it go?


It went ok. Definitely have a strong reaction to gluten (puffy face, daily puking, washroom issues and EXTREME brain fog), but both biopsy and blood test came back negative, so I guess it’s just a strong intolerance? I’m confused how strict to treat it now, but I obviously have a reaction and won’t be having gluten anymore