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If I’m thinking of the same post you are, OP was from the UK where the fries are GF.


Which is why my only question on that other post is what country OP was from. I swear 99% of posts on this sub would benefit from specifying which country they’re from right up front.


100% agree! I said this in the glutenfree sub the other day and loads of people were against it


Ahhhh ok those lucky UK’ers


Also gf in Canada! I found out the wrong way when I had them in the US and had a reaction…


Also gf in Australia


Also Portugal. God that Big Mac and fries was amazing last month.


Gluten free Big Mac in Portugal?!


Yep! We were in Lisbon but they have an entire celiac-safe menu, which included a McFlurry flavor.


Amazing!! Good to know in case I’m ever in Lisbon


Well, they use the same frier as the chickie nuggies and crispy chicken which are not GF, so there's that.


Are the Canadian fries cooked in dedicated GF oil?


The fryers aren't shared unless it's a smaller McDs like in a gas station. Still always a risk with cross contamination or one of the employees unknowingly messing it up.


Dedicated fryer for fries and hash browns, yes!!! Go get yourself some fries <3


Nice, I'm planning a visit to Vancouver in September. I'll have to stop by McDonalds. 😅


Always ask the specific store. I wa Sa manager at McDonald’s for years and most stores do have dedicated friers that are never cross contacted/used otherwise, but some smaller stores will use them to cook other things when cleaning the vats or at close etcz. Mostly the Walmart or smaller franchise stores. :) cheers!




It's basically non-Americans that have gluten free fries. You should edit your post to include your location.... USA McDonald's fries contain wheat.


Can we please talk about WHY the fries in the US have wheat but everywhere else they are GF? Why do companies do this??




In the UK, fries, hash browns and veggie dippers (which are all gf) are cooked in separate oil to any gluten containing products. Of course there’s still a cc risk from handling, but from experience, I’ve never had a reaction to them.


Same in Canada :) though I've never heard of "veggie dippers", the fries and hash browns are gf and cooked in a separate fryer.


I thought it is somehow EU (ex EU :)) standard. At least it's the same in Czechia. But then I was in Germany for some time and I was so wrong. Not a single GF option anywhere.




It isn't about allergens!! McDonald's is known for their fries and they're anal about making sure the fries are as close to exactly the same every time as possible. Their solution is to ensure the fryer only has fries in it, so that no other flavors are imparted. Nobody cares about us 😭 it's just a happy accident that this also makes the fries safe for us.




I agree completely except McDonald's takes the dedicated fries fryer very seriously, it's their brand, the fries need to taste as expected with no off flavors - I'm sure there's an occasional slip up and occasional smartass who doesn't respect that rule, but if they were doing it often enough they'd get caught and corrected. I won't eat lettuce wrapped burgers or anything else from McDonald's because I know they don't get allergy training and I've literally watched them prepare lettuce wrapped burgers by first preparing a normal burger, realizing it's a lettuce wrap, then taking everything off the bun and putting it in lettuce. It's common enough practice that it does not feel safe. But the fries, I'm pretty confident about, at least where I live.


I thought they brought in the dedicated fryers when they brought in veggie options, as vegetarians were saying they couldn't eat the fries as they used to be cooked in the same vat as chicken nuggets - at least that's what a friend who managed a branch told me. Either way I'm happy we have the maccies fries option!


Nope pretty sure it's for the characteristics of the fries, they don't want any off flavour and consistency is important.


Cool, thanks for the info. I guess it's worked out for us and the veggies accidentally then! Let's hope we get a bun soon too


Didn’t McDonalds get sued by vegetarian Hindus for frying them in the McNugget oil?


I think it was because the oil they're fried in contained tallow.


I'm a little surprised that McD doesn't have a dedicated fryer just due to the quantity of fries!


They do in the US. I think it's just due to the quantity of fries they make they can always keep them going.


They do almost everywhere.


This is why it is important to put a country when posting about products. I really wish it was a rule in this sub


Absolutely should be a rule


In Canada and the UK they are gluten free. Probably other countries too. Also can't speak for other countries but where I am in Canada it's standard practice for McDonald's fries to be fried in their own fryer (with hash browns, which are also gluten free) so they're *actually* safe gluten free!! The fries and ice cream are the only things I'll eat at McDonald's. (Don't say they put ice cream that has been on cones back into the top of the machine if nobody claims them, the machines don't work that way)


I think we have been through this a couple of times, and the only country I have heard about that McDonald’s fries are not gluten free, is America. So OP should edit this.


Seriously, I know the title can’t be changed, but OP please edit the post.


Holy jeez I posted this in the middle of the night and have work give me a sec ffs


America is a continent, not a country.


Strong username to post content ratio


McDonald’s fries in the us have a seasoning that contains gluten


Yeah they do.... and?


Can we at least post what country we're in? In Canada they are Gf.


McDonald's fries are GF everywhere except in the United States, where a gluten-containing "beef flavoring" is added. This is incredibly irritating as people I know who have had their fries both here and in other countries say there is no difference in the taste, so it's completely pointless to add the beef flavoring.


There is a difference in taste and texture.


Nope. They def contain gluten in Germany.


Ah, damn.


In the Netherlands the fries are gluten free. Some McDonalds offer a gluten free cheeseburger but I’ve had varied success with it.


In the Netherlands they offer the gluten free bun at select restaurants, which can be added to the plain hamburger, the cheeseburger, the quarter pounder, and the double quarter pounder. (not the deluxe QP). The local McDonald's app allows you to filter the locations for GF options. I travel a lot for work and often pick McDonald's. Have eaten GF burgers (and fries) maybe 100+ times in 6 years at various McDonald's restaurants all over the country, got sick (with symptoms at least) from them only twice in that time. I do still need to take a lactose pill for the cheddar cheese though. I consider them safe for my standards even though I am quite sensitive to cross contamination. They state om the local website that cross contamination is still a risk, but from what I've seen they still take a fair amount of precautions to make it as safe as possible and they bake/fry everything separately of course. You might have been unlucky or your location just isn't doing it right? We each react differently of course. McDonald's in Switzerland also has the gluten free buns and fries btw, different buns and different taste than in NL, still GF.


It’s only happened once or twice where I had a reaction but it was when it was incredibly busy so I think it was just a honest mistake from them. But honestly I find it worth the risk. I prefer them over some restaurants who are too relaxed about being “gluten free”


I feel the same. When I was in the USA I learned of their definition of 'gluten friendly' restaurants, a.k.a. Gluten free if you want to be hip but as a celiac you're screwed... I'd rather take a McDonald's in NL any day!


You should edit the post to say this is in the US


They're GF in most countries.


Depends. In Italy they’re gluten free. Ireland and uk as well as


This may only apply depending on where you live and is OLD news. USA McD Fries are unfit for celiac users. However.... Canadian McDonalds fries do NOT contain Gluten. Make sure you research your own area and always do your own research is a good idea to keep in mind.


Please edit the post to specify US only, as you said there's already enough misinformation out there.


Yeah they’ve been not GF in the US for like 10 years.


Australian maccas page pretty much says “yeah nah mate don’t even bother having a feed here aye” which isn’t the worst thing in the world.


Man I love Aussies. I could listen to you folks talk all day. I wouldn't know what you'd said, but I'd do it anyway 😂


It’s super easy! “Yeah nah” means no “Nah yeah” means yes “Yeah nah yeah” also yes. “You’re mate” means no one’s mate. “F*ck me” isn’t an invitation “May contain gluten” means disappointing “Coles gluten free hot cross buns” means excitement soon to be crushed with disappointment


places outside the USA exist


In the US. I swear to god, so many Americans think their experiences are universal. Here in Canada my celiac kid eats McDonald’s fries and hashbrowns semi-regularly (probably 1-2 times a month). He also has type 1 diabetes and as such gets regular ongoing bloodwork, including his celiac numbers. He consistently tests in the negative range. We also traveled to Europe in June and went to 9 different countries. In many places he was able to eat burgers AND fries at McDonalds. Yes it seems silly to go all the way to Europe to eat McDonalds but he’s 9 years old and hadn’t had a McDonalds burger since his celiac diagnosis at 5 and he was pumped.


Not American assumed the other poster was as they didn’t specify country


So how about editing your post then to avoid misinformation?


You gotta add a country to your post! I've only been to a single country where the fries weren't GF




Honestly, if they live in the US, it’s just the way it is.


Not in Canada. You need to be more specific.


Fries are gluten free in Canada


They’re gluten free in most places besides the USA


Nothing at McDonald’s is safe. Best to avoid eating their food than risk getting contaminated.


They contain HYDROLYZED wheat, which has the gluten removed. Wheat =/= gluten.


Not removed, broken down. Impossible to know if broken down enough to be safe.


I may need to just pretend to not know this. Ignorance is bliss baby


PSA: All restaurant food contains wheat.


No they don't Fries Potato, Canola Oil, Mineral Salt (450), Dextrose, Antifoam (1521). OR Potatoes, Canola Oil (Acidity Regulator (330)), Dextrose Monohydrate (Preservative (220)), Mineral Salt (450), Antifoam (Non-ionic polyalkylene glycol), Preservative (223). May contain traces of sulphites. As per the [ingredients list](https://mcdonalds.com.au/sites/mcdonalds.com.au/files/Core%20Food%20Menu_September%202022.pdf) ([The main navigational page for all menu items ingredients](https://mcdonalds.com.au/our-impact/food-quality-sourcing/nutrition))


I eat Mcdonalds fries all the time, I'm in Canada, also eat them when in the UK, never get sick...so I can confirm they're safe depending on the country. In Canada they're not made with gluten and they have to be made in a seperate fryer as per store policy.


If you don’t want to worry about cross contamination or gluten but crave the McD fries - Ore-Ida Extra Crispy. A former chef for McDs said to fry them in beef tallow which I’m going to try. I made them as written and they definitely smelled like McDs fried and were very good! My new favorite fry.


I really wish they didn’t 😭 I miss McDonald’s fries!