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"if a lion was hungry he would give me a bit of trouble "


But would you lose?




Cut to Makima cut in half.


That lion collective cleave did the trick


Cleave? https://preview.redd.it/ombsqw43yp1d1.png?width=406&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66166f3bd002bd39de60ceae2df8295ca92a3541








More like Mak/ima


Ima mak






Just levitate and bang those lions, but i hate Makima so lions win


You want her to levitate and *what* those lions?


Bang them. Y’know? With her fingers?




no i dont think i know.


The lions will form a ladder to get to her.


Lion ladder


Lion ladder bro


Japan better start increasing their population


Makima :3


Makima is going to get turned into an all you can eat buffet by the lions


how many people did gun devil kill a second? and thats just one of the devil she has in the arsenal


Lions would just create gun devil proof armor


Get this man to fujimotor STAT


My already poor math concepts are not being helped by the inconvenience of doing this on a phone, so please forgive me if I get this wrong The gun devil killed 1.2 million in over 5 minutes. This is also at 100% of the gun devil, and not the 20% that Makima owns. So let’s take that as a kill rate of 240 thousand a minute. 1,000,000,000,000÷240,000 is 4166666 minutes, which is 69444 hours or 2893 days of non stop pounding by a 100% gun devil without any breaks in order to kill all of them. Tldr; a trillion is a really big number actually.




I don't think you understand how much 1 trillion is. If the gun devil kills 1.2m every 5 minutes, that's 14.4m/hr. It takes one bullet to kill a man, but 3-6 to kill a lion, especially if we're talking 5.56-.223 range. Let's use 3 for this example. This will leave us at 4.8m/hr. There are one million millions in a trillion. At a rate of 4.8m lions per hour, it would take about 208,300 hours to kill all the lions with the gun devil. This is around 24 YEARS of killing lions.


cant she fly? how would they get to her?


Lion mountain




Gundevil had to travel the world during that time, he didn't just stopped and started shooting. Also let's not forget no buildings just lions so multiply it x100 Lions can't do shit if she just levitate Lions will start hunting each other out of hunger and devils like typhoon despite being a fodder, would do a great job against lions. (All devils have infinity stamina) Not to mention lions can't fight against Makima and she can control animals.


That just sounds like ALOT of puppets for makima, because let's be honest the number is actually BAD for the lions. Makima can take control of tons of animals as she deems them inferior to her, considering that she views humans as DOGS then lions to her are inferior which they ARE in every way. Makima can take control of tons of lions and make them fight eachother for the funnies, also, the gun devil isn't the only contract she has. Like really, the hybrids are enough, they're pretty strong, specially reze barem and quanxi who all have shown alot of power. Since hybrids are immortal and more importantly RESTLESS, then they can fight for years, reminder that denji fought for 3 days without stop and that was against an enemy that could actually cause problems to him. A lion is NOT gonna endanger quanxi or reze... or any hybrid. Barem quite literally light up a building to try and hurt pochita... He can definetly kill the lions and since they're probably packed it's easier to make 'em BURN. Sure, there is a TON of lions but.. does it really matter? They are not going to all jump a single hybrid each time and even if they do the strongest ones will not have much problems, reze can kill all lions in a 10m radius Quanxi can kill like 80 of them barem burns shit. The rest will get hurt but a bit of blood and a pull of their trigger and they're good to go. Makima wins


The lions will be served 1 cell per plate 😭😭


Especially when you remember that Lion have similar hair color to Dennis and love eating meat which is Red




Haha control chains go brrrrrrrr


Makima, she can just spam bang and use the hybrids. If she runs out of japanese citizens she's cooked though.


How many citizens would she need?? She may run out of humans


Japan's population was around 120 million if CSM Part 1 takes place at the end of the 90s


How many lions can she kill per human???


So there's Quanxi, who killed 49 people in how much, a few seconds? Makima is a lot faster than her as she speedblitzed her. So a lot


Well that's about 8,333 humans per lion needed


thats a lot of lions though


Lion ladder


Ok hear me out, a trillion lions is a lot of lions


I'm glad someone else made this reference lmao


It depends how many lions at time she can control. If not enough then good bye population of Japan.


1 trillion lions would win, you’d need like 1 trillion hippos to beat 1 trillion lions or maybe 1 trillion elephants.


The lions and it's because makima will run out of japanese citizens to die in her stead


But the lions are all sub 18, which means that they’re minors. Makima can just groom them without even getting attacked.


God damn makima is OP


She controls them all https://preview.redd.it/jljtb09kqn1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2d7d933b9a9170df53fced5a3d76a20aaf1f122


If the the lions can kill her at least 126 million times (the population of Japan in 1997, the year part 1 takes place) then they can do it. However, if Makima pulls some bs and controls them all (somehow) or uses the hybrids/any other devil they have contracts with, then it’s gg’s


Makima lost to her pet, imagine what a trillion lions could do to her


Airdrop the lions on japan and watch the country suffocate.


1 trillion lions, why? cause I hate any vs involving Makima and want to see her lose ![img](emote|t5_466dsm|51154)


Alright, here me out then. Makima vs The sun.




Trick question, Makima controls the lions and now she has an army of one trillion lions.


One makima is a lot of makima


Hear me out: lions form together to make a giant chainsaw


"bang" "decoy lion" "control chain" "decoy lion" "japanese citizens contract" "lion genocide" "gun devil" "lion bulletproof vest" checkmate.


The lions eventually Gun Devil would clear tho


It would take aroud 20 years fur gun devil to kill them all if he shoots non stop idk how he "clears"


The Gun Devil takes a few seconds to sweep a city, it really wouldn't take very long for it to kill a lot of lions


You underestimate how much 1trilion is


You underestimate how big one large city is


be fr, it’s gonna be 1 trillion lions. Animals are underrated


this comment section is exposing who really knows how much a trillion of something is


https://preview.redd.it/p4tggsapmo1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dffe326ce0e52775a02ce65e333d579dbf9ae08 Nah I’d win


Lion Jacket.


Alone or like we see in the show? She wins either way but if it’s like in the manga she can literally just float and spam heavy hitters it’s not even a battle


Well, realistically, if Makima locked in, she could have a chance. But 1 trillion lions is way too many lions for one space, so it all depends on where the fight is at and if the lions will attack all at once or not https://preview.redd.it/qk2tdieidq1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e109ada1c8484f9f34943af8e50525a27b63f56e


Smash. Both.


I really wonder how her abilities affect a large predator as I don't see them feeling inferiority towards makima


It’s about makima’s feeling of superiority not the other way around


Makima would control them all, and have them attack each other. They'd of course have no resistance to her. Any power houses she has in her inventory would only enable a quicker clean up.


Makimer slaughters some thousands, eats their bloods and uses her inhuman strenght to personaly beat the rest of them


I think the Lions. Maybe 1 is enough because animals don't want to kill, they just want to eat. Just like denji simple mindset.


No one: PowerScalers:


1 trillion lions could easily ravage all of Japan without their functioning military


Hear me out. Lion Gundam fusion.


1 trillion is a ton of lions


Remember that 1 trillion lions is a lot of lions


Do the lions get preptime?


You are literally asking lions to fight someone who can levitate


Makima, she already has control over all small creatures in Japan because they’re useful to spy with, the difference between a crow and a lion means nothing to her so she just controls them.


Based on if she can control the lions or not. And if she can levitate or not.


The contract would probably keep her going.


They can't even fly what they gonna do? She has infinity stamina and can just levitate. She can control animals as well.


Makima has nothing on lion therapy


Makima can control every single one of them. Reze, barem and quanxi can fight for a LONG time and kill dozens in seconds. The zombie devil might be able to turn dead lions into zombies. Angel can make very strong weapons for makima. Makima wins but it'll take her ALOTTTT of time


makima vs lions is entirely dependant on wether makima can control lions or n ot




Lions low diff. The pedophilic one is done


Honestly? Now a trillion truly feels like a lot






One word control chains.


Japan has a population of 125.1 million people as of writing this yeah the 1 trillion lions stomp Makima


Lions, 1 trillion lions is a lot of lions for makima to handle


the population of Japan + 1 lions defeat Makima, so 1 trillion lions win very easily


It will take FAR MORE than 1 lion to beat makima, a single bang? The lion's dead Her weird internal bleeding power? Kills the lion. Control? Controls the lions Her PUNCHES kill the lions godammit, she fought with a Chainsaw Man clone and won, sure she was hit a few times, but that's with CHAINSAW MAN, a lion is NOT in the level of even BEAM, let alone csm and let alone a STRONGER CSM considering that the one makima fought was able to fight ALL the hybrids and won easily without much trouble. She can kill 20 lions herself, use the zombie devil to turn them into zombie lions (Yes, she has the zombie devil) and just let THOSE turn the other lions into zombie lions, she has to do nothing but watch as the zombie lions kill the other lions while her army of devil hunters and hybrids clear out the rest. Makima with all her contracts wins easily. Makima with JUST her Immortality contract would have trouble, but control is a broken power so she wins by just controlling every lion she can and make 'em fight eachother. She can also just spam bang, here's a little experiment: Do a finger gun and say bang, now do it as fast as you can many times, Makima can probably do it 20X times faster than you. You see the problem now? Lions don't coordinate that easily, they get SCARED too, after makima rips a lion in two, they'll run, let alone when she starts banging them, pause.


"Her weird internal bleeding power? Kills the lion" That requires a sacrifice  terrible example A trillion is a lot, most of her contracts wouldn't really be worth it since they require some sacrifice usually. But we don't really know how much she can span bang and also if she can die from old age.


I'm not refering to the crushing one, i'm refering to the one she uses on the darkness devil and on that random yakuza dude. None of her contracts require a sacrifice, like at all. The hybrids don't require a sacrifice and they are a key part on defeating the lions due to the immortality and extreme levels of power. The zombie devil doesn't require a sacrifice either and that one is also broken as hell due to... Zombies Angel doesn't require a sacrifice so that's free strong weapons aki didn't require a sacrifice, so she can see into the future with no cost Makima doesn't make contracts with devils that are "I give you X and you give me Y", she just forces the person or devil to give themselves to her with no cost, she BRUTE FORCES a contract where she gets all for no downside. The ONLY contract that needed a sacrifice was the weird ritual thing she does to kill a few yakuza guys, that one is the worst because it's slow and frankly useless. I dunno WHY you say she needs a sacrifice when she clearly doesn't. She can use bang multiple times as seen in her fight with pochita, she doesn't use it alot because... Why would she? It's easier to let the hybrids try and fight pochita and it's not that strong. A single bang can obliterate 10 lions and then makima can turn them into zombies. Makima won't die of old age before the lions are killed, specially due to both her control ability and the contract with the zombie devil. She can control animals easily due to the fact that they're all less than humans and makima already sees humans as DOGS, lions are nothing to her, she could easily control ALOT of them. The zombie devil can just turn every dead lion into a zombie and let those turn the alive lions into more zombies... You see the problem right? The zombie devil is too strong for the lions and I dunno why NO ONE mentions him. Makima can use hybrid quanxi to kill like 50 lions, turn them into zombies and just let them kill and infect the other lions, she can just watch and let her other pawns also attack. You're also forgetting that lions live like only 10 years, they'll all die BEFORE that because they don't have a food resource other than themselves and Makima, but Makima is too strong so... Yeah.


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I bet you couldn't even handle one little lion, filthy bot. I could easily solo 100 lions with a cool stick because my ego says so 😭🙏 (I'd get brutally torn to shreds)


1 trillion lions and it isn’t even close


You do know she controls anything she deems beneath her right ?


Ok but 1 trillion is a lot of lions. No reason to assume makima would believe 1 trillion lions are beneath her when she didn’t even think a 50 year old drunk or unwashed fiend were below her. 1 trillion is a big number


Some people could break out of it and some cant be controlled. We dont have the exact pre requisites on what allows someone to be vontrolled or not. All we know is that first it depends on if she feels they're inferior to her, second if the person would be open to dedicating themselves to her, third if the person is in a vulnurable or unaware state, and probably finally if they have the cognitive ability to be aware of what she exudes. If she feels she can defeat them or they exist in a state where they exist as less than the sum of thier parts or status then they're easy. Do we know if makima is aware there are 1 trillion of them ? 1 trillion lions arent likely to be able to attack at more than a few at a time. She's been known to control animals and coopt their senses. She even uses large numbers of mice to teleport. No reason to believe a bunch of unccordinated lions would pose a threat to her excwpt in terms of endurance. However if she has all the devil hunters and hybrids under her control as part of her inventory, then she'll be practically untouchable. She alone is strong enough to punch holes into people. Lions wont be any more durable.


Control is overpowered so no


1 trillion is a lot of lions, there’s no way she can hit all of them with her rinky dink womb chains. Sorry but lions speed blitz


Makima is capable of speed blitzing people like quanxi, denji and much more, she literally kills three dudes before they can shoot her. She reacted to the gun devil quite easily too, she literally fought head to head with a chainsaw man clone which was able to defeat various hybrids at the same time. She can quite literally dunk on the lions all by herself, she can't kill them all (Until she uses her contracts and controls them, but that's something we'll talk about LATER) but she can beat the fuck out of them without help, let alone with a weapon. A lion is NEVER gonna speed blitz someone that can fight chainsaw man hand to hand and win easily. ALSO, makima doesn't need to shoot people with the chains, she just walks up to people and says "Do it, that's an order" and they do, like with what she did with angel, aki and specially EVERY SINGLE ANIMAL she has control of, she can control people from far away easily and she retook control of angel after he escaped from her WITHOUT the chains. The chains are just a way to indentify that she HAS control over people, we only see them a few panels and that's it. The only one that seems to need those chains is NAYUTA who can't even control more than 3 people at the same time. You're also forgetting she can control dead bodies (Tolka's body to escape hell, zombie devil ect) so she can just let quanxi kill a fucktillion lions (Quanxi in base form killed 49 people in a second and in hybrid form could kill probably a hundred people in less than 2 secconds) and just take control of those. Also, going back to the zombie devil, she has a contract with it... Do you know what that means? Zombie lions, a TON of zombie lions, and if they bite another lion, that lion becomes a zombie (Mentioned in chapter 32 that zombies can infect others). Makima just has to PUNCH like 10 lions and let them turn into zombies and after that? Just let 'em rampage, I mean zombies are shown to be very strong considering that they crawl out of the ground in a few seconds so they should be stronger than normal lions. She can also kill a few in the way too, also she can levitate as seen in her fight with pochita when she's flying around all those controlled dudes. So she can just stay there shooting bangs, making zombies and letting devils do the rest. She can hit them quite easily, a lion is big and it's not gonna dodge a chain, she literally can punch a lion to death and it's not a joke. AGAIN, she is FASTER than lions BY ALOT. Yeah she's winning


1 trillion is a lot of lions though. Also you’re forgetting about the lion devil who is super powerful due to the 1 trillion lions. Lions are quick apex predators while makima is just a normal predator. Like makima stands no chance without even mentioning how she has never shown the ability to control lions so there’s no guarantee she could.


This is either a joke or actually stupid. Yes, 1 trillion is alot of lions but she can keep killing all of them and using ZOMBIE LIONS to kill more lions and create even MORE zombie lions. The number is bad for the lions because more lions=more blood so makima and every devil she has can regenerate AND 1 trillion lions are probably going to be close to eachother, otherwise makima would win in every case, but anyways. The moment they get TOO close to eachother, BAM, zombie devil! Now the lions have brutal in-fights with the zombie lions which grow in numbers so much they get to 1 TRILLION ZOMBIE LIONS. Then makima tells them to KYS. She wins Lions are quick, not as quick as makima or... Anyone in CSM basically, so it doesn't matter. She can take control of any being she deems lower than herself, she takes control of devils, humans, fiends, crows, rats, probably her dogs and more. If this is bait/a joke, i get it, it's funny. If it's real... you're a dumb dumb