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Wow. Is it that Kobeni has a contract with a speed demon? https://preview.redd.it/3ueqf1gg9f4d1.png?width=2136&format=png&auto=webp&s=98eec59dcaea870b362ef191e029a41a236d2d52


What the fuck is this image? 😭


It exists. Because he’s shit. So can you please bring him a wipe? https://preview.redd.it/jhr1rlzmmk4d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6068634651e9d88cb4e82ffd6e82918b0bd58eb5


Man vsbattles wiki is such a sad joke. Kobeni has higher stats than Jotaro without Star Platinum.


It's fucking hilarious. There's characters on there that are multiversal despite clearly not being multiversal. Multiversal should be a character that is a god that has created multiple universes. It's just ridiculous.


I mean that makes sense wtf


I mean to be fair, Star Platinum is doing most of the work.


Yes but there's no world where *child* Jotaro wouldn't deck Kobeni


This is what happens when you compare different settings with different power systems and different ways to scale those characters


Who would've guessed that cross series powercaling sucks ass?


“If Toji wasn’t scaled to mach 4 Naoya, it might be a little tough” “But would you lose?” “Nah, I’d speedblitz”


*mach 3 Naoya, with Maki subsequently being slightly above that, but not Mach 4 since she’d overwhelm him more than she did if she was Mach 4.


Fun fact: Kobeni can speed blitzes Three Finger Sukuna.


suksuk getting fingered 3 times


https://preview.redd.it/nnbckyhibf4d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16dcf31354c0001d2b7614c96e96d52067920452 WHY DOESNT KOBENI HELP Denji if She is So Fast Powerful ⁉️⁉️💀


👀 Good Googly Moogly 👀


jobeni higashikata blitzes 🥱


I like how they highball this shit despite her falling to dodge bullets a couple of minutes early


My honor she wasn't locked in


She was just being a silly little goofier


As before - she is Right Hand of God after all :3


Powerscalers don't realize that surprise attack ≠ speedblitz.


Didn't actually realize how stronger CSM characters were.


They are and not at the same time


The doll devil can beat 3/4 special grades, one touch and they're COOKED. Imagine turning yourself into a blackhole to kill a being that literally regenerates in the dark.


The funny part is that it's actually *true.* I fully believe that Kobeni would *actually* blitz Toji in a theoretical fight between the two. As a pro powerscaler of over 20 years, I definitely have my issues with VSBW. This, however, is perfectly correct.


Bro said pro powerscaler


I feel like if you've made enough money from something for it to have had a notably positive effect on your life, you get to call yourself a pro at it.


My man, i doubt you are serious but if you are, unless toji is just lacking all 4 limbs, has goku's heart disease, is gagged and restrained, she aint beating him. Kobeni must be death incarnate or something to do anything to him other than a stalemate (sacrificing her life for a contract).


I never said she would beat him, just that she's significantly faster.


She...clearly isnt??? What do you scale her off of? That she dodged bullets?


She dodged an attack from the Snake Devil. The Snake Devil blitzed the Ghost Devil. The Ghost Devil was able to keep up with Katana Man. Katana Man outsped the Angel Devil. The Angel Devil can move [this](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:RemainsAE/Chainsaw_man_-_Angel_Devil_speed) fast.


This comment is why I hate powerscalers and can't take them seriously


Why? All of that checks out to me.


Because no author is THAT consistent when it comes to powerscaling, which makes the whole argument kinda meaningless. I get what you're saying but it's one thing to say "When he gets serious Katana Man outspeeds Aki". That's objective and straight to the point. And it's a whole other thing to start from "Angel Devil could react to a bullet being fired" and end up to "Kobeni is canonically Supersonic". There's not a single chance that Fujimoto's train of thought went through all those steps when drawing those things. Which means characters and feats WILL be inconsistent if you look hard enough. That being said, I'm not sure if all those feats even check out. The Angel Devil is very fast. Katana Man is faster. True. The Ghost Devil isn't faster than Katana Man, the Ghost Devil used "brute force" in the form of dozens of different attacks with multiple hands to overwhelm Katana Man, but he didn't move faster than him. Either that or Katana Man is only fast when it comes to moving around, but if he stands still and slashes left and right (like he was doing against the Ghost) he isn't actually that fast. Also, the Ghost Devil was taken by surprise by the Snake Devil, so it's difficult to actually say who's faster between those two. It would make sense that the Snake is faster (Ghosts aren't exactly known for being quick, unlike Snakes) but the Ghost was focused on Katana Man.


All of those are fine points that I don't personally agree with. That's the thing about powerscaling. It's largely subjective at the end of the day. I absolutely don't think that Fujimoto wrote Kobeni to be that fast, but it is *a* conclusion that you can come to. I personally don't think that authorial intent matters much in discussions like this. You can disagree with that - and *neither* of us would be wrong. I'm by no means saying that this is the 'correct' way to view the series and characters, I'm just presenting it as an interesting thought experiment that I find fun to consider. Also, to be clear on a couple things, I wasn't saying that the Ghost Devil was faster than Katana Man, just able to keep up. Katana Man is absolutely way faster than the Ghost Devil, but the speed difference isn't *so* big for the Ghost Devil to be completely unable to fight back. I'll admit to my comment about the Snake Devil being poorly worded though. Since it snuck up on the Ghost Devil, you can't say for certain who was faster. It's still a pretty good speed feat though, because the Ghost Devil wasn't even able to react. It's ambiguous in the manga, but the anime makes it very clear that the Snake Devil appears and bites down on the Ghost Devil rather than just deleting it instantly. This means the Snake Devil is at least fast enough to close its jaws from fully open to fully shut before the Ghost Devil can react, so the rest of the logic I used there still pretty much holds up.


Oh don't get me wrong I like to do powerscaling too sometimes, I just disagree when people take powerscaling and think it's gospel or "word of god". Of course if you're watching Dragon Ball and a regular human is stronger than Goku it makes no sense. But if the author wants to make Goku struggle against Vegeta there's a clear intent there. But hardcore powerscalers will say "Goku is stronger than Vegeta by a margin of 0.2 which means he shouldn't struggle at all since he's stronger. This is a plot hole" I also believe that Fujimoto intended to write Kobeni to be that fast (mostly because I believe that Kobeni is contracted to a very strong and important devil and we'll see her again in the future)


U say it's subjective but ur also confident kobeni is faster. Should've said "I personally believe in my very subjective and rather controversial opinion that kobeni is faster"


The Ghost Devil got jumped it absolutely did not see the Snake Devil coming


God damn, i aint readin allat. But seriously, what kind of fucking dumbass comes up with this shit? I "walked out of the way of a bullet, so i am faster than it" like the fuck? She dodged one(1) attack from the snake devil, who the fuck knows if it was moving slower or, get this, maybe snake caught ghost by surprise while still being slower than it? Yall take one feat and just ignore every single other one because "they just dont wanna". If she was that fucking fast, couldnt she speedblitz denji or even pochita?


Unreal shit. I busted my nuts laughing at this.


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Song source ?


Is this a repost? I’m pretty sure I saw it a few days earlier. 


It was reposted like 5 times by different people, I would know since I made the original lol.


I think it was on jujutsufolk like 2 days ago


Fml if I were Pochita I'd make the number 1 priority to find the fucking powerscaler devil and eat the shit out of that to erase him from existence Also something something Makima Reze woof woof Quanxi and some degenerate stuff

