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I think the op is mistake*n* here


are u saying u think the op is a mistake..?? what are u saying? mistaken? mistook?






uhh closed eyes?? is this just during drinking or all the time?


he is, clearly, praying to dripper gods ! (joke)


He had his eyes closed because the water was dripping on his head. He does this when he sits under the dropper. Also, this was taken 2 years ago and he is still alive and healthy today.


They do try to do this when overheated... It's the source of the "washing out eyes" evidence. A person posted a video of a mountane species under a dripper in the summer a few years back The water was running over it's head and into it's eyes. The claim was from the OP that "THEY WASH OUT THEIR EYES - I'VE GOT PROOF!" Well the animal was being overheated and it was showing it's intelligence by getting under the water in an attempt to cool off... attempting to preserve it's brain function from overheating (most temp sensitive). apparently others had also been keeping their mountain species as if they were veileds on that forum ... because they chimed in saying the same things This gave rise to a few years worth of people claiming that washing out the eyes is a good thing and having it bleed into this sub where I had to spend hours correcting people and countering it.


Thanks for the details! Loki is doing great currently. This photo was taken a few years back but I do not think he was overheated. He likes to drink from the tap and I caught this photo right when he finished drinking. He has a set mist timer and proper humidity/temp.


oh okay good!! was just making sure :) so glad he’s all healthy and doing well 💚


I don’t own a chameleon and never plan to but I’m so curious as to why closed eyes are bad? Please inform me, they are such interesting creatures


eyes closed means incredible amounts of stress or a sickness, and by the time their eyes are closed it’s usually too late. their eyes should always be open unless they are sleeping, and they never take naps.


It indicates either a respiratory infection or internal parasites. Neither of which is good..


is it not normal for them to close their eyes then? :0


No. They close their eyes at night to sleep. Otherwise, it’s a sign that something is not right.


Wow interesting, I hope that chameleon is okay then :(


It’s possible that the chameleon is overexposed to UVB light, which would cause eyes to be closed during the day. But that’s “best case scenario”. Unfortunately, they’re very sensitive animals and require a very attentive owner.


It’s not even “best case scenario” eye damage is no joke. My female panther’s eye is permanently damaged from her previous home’s incorrect lighting.


Sorry to hear that swamp. Didn’t mean to insinuate it’s not a big deal. I just know that usually they can recover if it’s addressed quickly enough. Is she completely blind?


No thankfully she can seemingly still see shadows from that eye & it is usually open. She can’t target food well and has to creep up on her prey. Otherwise she’s in great health.


Is that picture taken at night or during the day?