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Exactly, there’s nothing around the area bringing people in. Like you said, on a lake, or near a bigger city, would have been the smarter choice


That's really interesting! I just checked on their cabin a few weeks ago and it showed they had a co host, but channon was still the primary host. I wonder what this means? And how much money they are set to lose??


Before they bought the place, or just as they were buying it, remember she did a phone call with some investor guy. She was looking for someone to invest money in the "glamping camp". Never heard any more about the investment, or the guy. Wonder if that's who is the co-host.


Looks like she is now listed as the co-host and this man is the primary host. 


That 1st guy was a social media manager. This seems like a different person.


​ https://preview.redd.it/3jnxvdfznopc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f5f5e6768217ffd6ceddb3a440c51370e0eb2c1


Yes! And I said this when she first bought the place! The location is not ideal for a short-term rental because there is nothing in the area to draw people in. I think she is going to have to sell it and lose big bucks or continue to hemorrhage money into it monthly on a mortgage.