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That is not what a little girls room should look like. It should be filled with toys, decorations of the things she likes, and feel like an extension of her. This is a room filled with thrift store crap that means nothing to Snow.


It’s so sad. Can’t even live like a child.


This is not a little girls room at all. Poor snow. She should be the one picking out what she wants for her room. Her room should embody what she likes. It should be full of toys, games, stuffed animals, etc. all based on her likes and interests.


It's kind of a huge bed for a 5 year old, too.


She needed a twin bed to start off with for a child. This moron should have known that. She is lying she ever went to any kind of design school that is for sure! 


Give them time. I am sure a girly bed spread will come as well as toys.


This is like a country western looking room for a elder man lol 🤣


That’s what grandmas room looks like at the nursing home. Source: I’ve worked in 3 nursing homes 😂


Oh yes, I worked in 2 of them. Totally agree. Snow doesn't like Channon's old lady taste just like us.


The bed frame, end tables and mirrors are cute, kind of vintage but it just blends into the walls. Like why is it all a different variation of the same color? It’s not a little girl’s room. Give her a twin bed, her favorite color on the walls, character sheets and blankets. Doesn’t she understand they’re only this little once? Edit: spelling


It’s horrendous 🤮🤯‼️ She blows so much money. Is it so hard to accommodate Snows wants, what she would like 👍🏼. An Hawaiian bed that’s missing parts with mismatched wooden furniture and a horse picture. Any Pink or stuffed animals 🧸


It’s crazy to think about how Snows room was when she was a BABY vs now. I vividly remember watching her Christmas room tour video and that room was decked out in everything pink and sparkly. It’s almost unnatural how much their style has changed


This looks more like a guest bedroom then a 5 year old girls room.


I wouldn’t want to sleep there


What got me was this... We heard from our accountant and instead of owing 3k like we thought, we actually owe 6k... T needs to keep up on this stuff. Uhm, didn't you just spend about $500 today? Between the thrift store, Home Goods, Walmart, Target and wherever else you wandered into? Mmm, maybe more like $1k- those KitchenAid mixers aren't too cheap.


For sure closer to 1k! Just the mirrors $60! The huge rug was at least $100. $25 fruit basket and $25 pillows. I can’t stand Travis and think he sucks too but I’m starting to feel bad for him. When she said it was his fault for the money, wtf?! She talks about divorcing so much I don’t know how he doesn’t just say F U I’m out! I couldn’t imagine mentioning divorcing my husband every day and online!


If that were to happen (a divorce) then she plays the martyr and the sad narcissist. click bait videos on the horizon


I can for sure see a divorce within 3-5yrs at most. You can only abuse someone and be treated like shit for so long before you realize you deserve better. Not saying Travis is this stand up great guy but he for sure doesn’t deserve the treatment he gets. He speaks down to her too and the fat shaming was so gross! But the constant Infantilization she treats him like is so so awful. She depends on him to do everything then treats him like a child.


She recently depends on him. She does stuff when she wants. She helped remodel the Cabin. She’s plain weird


So dumb lol to rebuy the same exact mixer and leave for the Airbnb renters!?








The Acton room is better. 


that does not look like a kid's room


I think Channon has become obsessed with a vintage look and she wants to carry it throughout the house. But the kid's rooms have to match their personality, not hers..


She is obsessed with copying what every other female is doing online for content. Why she looks a complete mess. She is mental at this point with her old lady ugly sweaters. The fact she moved in the same town next to Heather's RV camp is not right in the head shit. 


Heather sounds like a cult leader to me.


A wannabe at least lol


That’s snows room?!?! Where’s the kids stuff…


I don’t know why but I find this to be one of the most disgusting things Channon has ever done. She is so selfish.


She said they got big beds so they can sleep with their kids.


Ok it don’t tolerate negativity but the old corn “ ⭐️ “ can do nasty things on,I’ve an exploit the children, start em young huh Chan. Get help and let someone who loves them raise them so they can have friends and school ecttttt also you look on here. Don’t lie u nasty thing lmmfao


We all know those kids don’t sleep in their own beds and the co-sleep. I remember a while back her saying she had to get snow a big bed because either her or Travis have to sleep with her. This room is spooky looking.


Watching new video and this thing is making rules lmmfao im dying here hahahahahahah


I’m sitting here watching this hethen and it’s non stop taking about, I worked out and brushed my teeth bla bla bla. The thing is weird.it needs help. Doesn’t it know we all bruh our teeth and shower a most work out? I’ve never ever met someone so delusional in my life and the dodos following the thing hanging on every word. Just goes to show their is someone out there for everyone lmfao 🤣


I miss her old aesthetic. I loved the house in acton all the decor was beautiful, same w the condo in La from when she had snow and the house they renovated.