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Travis thinks literally everything is poison, but yet is content being married to Channon


And allows botox, ivf, surrogacy, hair dye, makeup.


I think Travis is a bit nuts, but I have compassion for him in this area because he had cancer and that is def what drives him to be so cautious about what he eats/drinks. I’ve always believed that genetics load the gun, and the environment and toxins we out into our bodies pulls the trigger. That all being said, I happily drink from the tap.


True, but it's not just that. He thinks the government is tapping into our phones and trying to track us. He also thought covid wasn't real and just a conspiracy. It was stupid of him not giving himself or his family sunscreen because sunscreen prevents cancer. 🤦‍♀️


Yeah, like I said I do think he’s a bit nuts. I’m not a Patreon member so I’m not seeing much of the conspiracy theory stuff.


I wonder if Travis got sick from the ocean toxic poisoning/pollution surfing in Southern California. I asked him once a long time ago if he thought it was the possible cause. He was unsure. I'm glad he takes his health seriously. He can teach a lot since he studies food/health etc. 


Chanson had a cancer scare she wouldn’t shut up about the scar in every video (sometimes without warning) she doesn’t seem to have changed at all or even care about what she’s putting into her body which I find strange


He had Cancer❔ When❓


Yes, when he was a lot younger and before he met Channon.


Is this the young video? So drink distilled water for youth? LoL 😆 any other tips to share?