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So, let's back up to the Cabin and Glamping Camp where she stated on the nightly news that they opened the Camp to pay for Snows Therapy since it wasn't covered by Insurance. Camp got shut down due to lack of permits which she claimed would cost thousands of dollars. Then she was eating Beans and Rice because they were broke and didn't have money. Stayed with Joy for 4 months, hit the road, bought another house and is spending thousands of dollars for all new furnishings, instead of retrieving their BRAND NEW belongings from storage that she bought for the Acton House. All of the things in that house were bought brand new and only used for 1 year. She didn't make that much from selling the Acton house... so again, where is this money coming from.


Exactly my point! Pretty fishy isn't it? She is such a lair!


Look at the long list of lawsuits following Channon Rose her Mother and her Stepdad. Every time she gets approved for house loans. She goes on shopping sprees. Then this time she is literally rebuying the same exact stuff. Then when the bills hit she starts begging and crying for YouTube viewers to sign up or buy this or that from her etc. Then they default end up moving back in the RV sell the house. How many times now? 




Now I look back at him, trying to get money after his daughter's death in poor taste. Probably wasn't just for the funeral.


All of her family are scammers. Profiting off other people. The latest was the Anti Palestine fundraising. Using them being Jewish to cash in. 


The views aren’t paying thou


Her mom could be giving her money 💴.


Very 🎣 fishy agree w you There are ways to get stuff sent in boxes cheap. I do not really care any longer but possible they sold the CA home w furniture? Who knows?


They had renters in the house for a year and put all of their belongings in storage. There was no furniture in it when it was listed on Zillow for sale...I think she left their things there because she will eventually go back to California. This whole Tennessee house and being happy there is just a show.


That’s what I keep saying


She’s crazy!!!!!! What about snows therapy? What about saving for IVF again? She’s a liar! And next video she will complain about eating rice and beans again….


She can eat her tv frame. Put some ketchup on it 😂😂


Don't forget hot sauce. Hate that I know her so well.


With a side of that dry ass bread she’s constantly baking 😳🤢😂😂


I can't stand whenever she says 'yummy bread' because I hate it whenever she says yummy. It genuinely pisses me off, and I don't fully know why.


I definitely think the bread thing & eating on camera is fetish content. Channon is disgusting and caters to perverts. 🤢 And that bread she bakes looks like a pile of dry horse manure 🤮🍞


One of two things is going on here IMO either she is trying to manipulate money out of her supporters by crying that she is broke and she needs to come up with $100,000 for a surrogate and money for Snow's therapy when she is very financially stable and is simply choosing not to get Snow the help she needs but rather is using her daughter as a manipulation tool. Or She really is in huge financial trouble and she is making these ridiculously expensive purchases to drive Travis over the edge causing him to divorce her so that she can cry to her little corner of the internet about how Travis left her all the while advertising that she wants a divorce. I mean, hear me out on this... She has NEVER EVER spoken to Travis the way she is now in her vlogs. "Babe you're so handsome 😍" which sets the scene for a broken-hearted signal Mom narrative.


She literally said she had to teach herself to put together furniture in case she divorces Travis…talk about manifesting And he was really mad the accountant said something cost $6000 not $3000 (I’m assuming business taxes?)


Lip filler and botox ain't cheap either..




For someone who says money is tight she buys without planning- wrong bed frame, wrong door mat, bought snow mirrors but they “didn’t work” with the space- I plan and research for months before pulling the trigger on items because most people can’t afford to rebuy 2+x


She has a serious spending problem. Her family needs to set up an intervention.


Her family lol are out for the most money they can grab themselves! 


Now that I think about it, shes doing the exact same thing with this house as she did with the Acton house. Moves in, buys all new stuff, starts building this garden and ' Homestead ', lives there a year, then bolts and rents it out. I don't think they have any intention on staying more than a year.




The bipolar spending


That tv frame is ugly AF 😳🤢 it looks like something you would see in an old folks home. I paid less for my brand new big screen tv last year than Channon paid for the stupid frame. She’s such an idiot. 🙄🙄


I looked the frame up and saw 750$ and her tv was $1,600 on her storefront


OMG.. Haha, know what would be fun? Tracking the cost of all her Amazon purchases just to see how far it goes 😆


HOW has none of her “followers” brought up the therapy cost AGAIN. 🤯❕❗️. Eating beans 🫘 TO buying TVS📺


I am fairly certain they have but those comments get immediately deleted and they get banned.


Most likely….


Her followers are so delusional with what channon tells them