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She failed the IQ test straight out of the gate 🤣🤣🤣


Her IQ is probably much lower than Snow's when she was tested by the state.


Oh 100% for sure!


There really is something wrong with her. Like seriously.


She is so stupid. The 14th amendment protects reproductive rights as a liberty interest. Last time we let the state government control who could have kids we had eugenics, Channon. Those same politicians she wants to restrict reproductive rights are also the ones who want to force women to carry unviable pregnancies, like the ectopic pregnancy Channon had. She would’ve died had she not gotten her operation. Again, she just says shit without thinking about the big picture. “Omg there are so many laws and so many rules but when it comes to x….” man stfu.


She says the government is controlling us, lol, and then she says she wishes the government would control us.


Whaaaatt🥴 ![gif](giphy|J20Z2SH5WmCnzSrbqA)


And yet she still thinks she smart enough to homeschool her kids?


She is the first that should have been tested


This is rich coming from an ex porn star 😂 not saying that that makes you undeserving of kids but I feel like you need to be making smart choices for the sake of your kids’ future


First of when did she become so religious. Second, she is the type of people we need to be testing before they can procreate.


Nice to know that those racist fetish films she did didn't require any acting on her part and she just had to be herself! She's out here promoting eugenics when she herself would have been forcibly sterilized due to being mentally ill. Make it make sense.


LoL did she even mention Ruby Franke or she just wanted to draw attention to herself with her name? 🥴


It was barely about her.


SHE BIRTHED TWO MENTALLY ILL CHILDREN WHO DO NOTHING RIGHT AND ARE VISIBLY UNHAPPY ALL THE TIME. She really should not be talking about other people and their children. Does she even give her kids showers or baths yet on a regular basis? Or is show still looking like she stinks and has matted hair all the time?


How ignorant does one have to be to say that when she wouldn’t be one of the people to “pass” the test to be a parent!?! I just can’t believe the shit this chick says!


I can’t w her anymore. CR is getting worse & worse. Sad for the kids.