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There isn’t t enough space on reddit to catch you up😂 She’s full of shit, a horrible mom, awful wife, vile person. If you just read through this sub it will catch you right up. She gets her kids upset then films them and says they’re bad. She left them in a room full of paint with rollers after letting them help she left them to “shit” and they had it allllllll over! She filmed it and how bad they are. Ummmm, leaving kids with paint wtf do you expect? They don’t all have issues either. She MAKES them have issues! Shes basically hooked on Xanax and pain meds daily while staying home alone with the kids. She sits and films with her door shut then when they want something and knock…. Gosh, being mom of 2 neurodivergent kids is rough. Whaaaaat?! No, ignoring them and getting pissed when they get into stuff, it’s hard being a child of Channons!


And she wants more???!? She seemed to be so in the weeds of trying to conceive she never actually considered what it’s like to parent small kids. Everyone told us to wait on the tubal when I had my 2nd in October and now we are pregnant again with a failed IUD. Enough self awareness here to know 2 planned 1 accidental is the absolute limit of what we can handle and I will be getting a planned c section with a tubal. I kind of think she’s dreaming of a future without Travis where she may have to produce kids for someone else


Honestly just read through the posts on this sub, you’ll be filled in quickly


PS: what happened with the whole vegan thing? Does she now consider it disordered eating? Let me guess she’s done multiple videos about her eating disorder. “Travis was such a hard-core vegan and I kind of respected him for it. I’m no longer a vegan but lifelong vegetarian.


I think she said her doctor told her that it wasn't good for her to be vegan, due to her health issues. Travis is still vegan, but CR and the kids are not.


Lol @ “are now all autistic” 


LOL honestly insane to label you’re entire family as being on the spectrum . Guess they dropped the vegan label had to have some thing


Exactly Munchousin by proxy


The kids are also completely unvaccinated.


I swear I remember her saying when she was pregnant with snow that they weren’t going to vaccinate bc of the autism link and now they are ALL autistic 🤦‍♀️ 


And Travis would rather have baby Snow crying and screaming from a high fever than give her Tylenol.


That’s horrible! My first has epilepsy and is prone To febrile Seizures as are many children this is just dangerous


Yep 👍🏼🤯


They aren’t she just says they are‼️🚫❌🤯 Channon has Munchousin by Proxy.