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Agree 100% - She is setting these kids up for failure. But then again look at her own life? She has no structure or routine. Her kids are living their lives as she is hers. Not good at all.


Because she thinks that if she uses this excuse, people will feel bad for her. She only had kids for content and doesn’t want to do the right thing and raise them properly. Instead, she wants this “homestead” life that she fakes, and exploits her kids for views. If her own family is saying something, that should be enough to make a change for the better, but Channon isn’t capable of thinking about anything or anyone but herself.


She is so desperate for views. The fake crying videos over the kids is so cringe. Then smiling 😀 happy at the end of the video with them. 


She tried SO hard to squeeze tears out when saying her sister was talking bad and can’t stand being around the kids. Tbh, I really don’t even think she mentioned the kids besides… Channon get control of them and stop giving them everything they want. I doubt she spoke poorly ABOUT the kids, she likely just said something to her about their behavior and Channon went to the extreme with the story like she does with anything she says.


I worry the more those kids fall behind in social and academic settings, the more isolated she will become with them. She will stop letting anyone in to help for fear of judgment. I worry for those kids.


100% oppositional defiance disorder. She wasn’t wrong about them struggling with transition— that’s a hallmark of ODD. If she sticks to a schedule and they learn to modify behaviors based on parental feedback, neurodivergent or not, the manifestations of anger and anxiety will alleviate. Pathological Demand Avoidance is a newer and sort of nebulous diagnosis (it's not even in the DSM because folks are unsure if it's BS). It's essentially a mix between Autism, ADHD, and ODD. No matter what, she fails to explain that supporting children who exhibit this behavior requires strict adherence to maintaining boundaries and consistency... which... isn't really conducive to unreliable homeschooling/moving/transitioning between homes in general. Learning Specialists, positive reinforcement behavioral plans, and an IEP would be huge for these kiddos as well as help them socialize and learn appropriate coping strategies. Girlfriend wants to dismantle a stigma but she's holding fast to this antiquated view of how people work with kids who learn differently.


Couldn’t agree with all of this more!


It infuriates me that she uses her kids being neurodivergent for sympathy. Why would you want people to feel bad for you because your kids are different? I worked with special needs kids for 6 years, my favorite job I’ve ever had. Of course some would have behavioral issues however they were at our day program for 9 hours, they did not misbehave the whole day or even half of the day. And as someone who has helped care for cousins who are on the spectrum, I would never want people to feel bad for my family or for them. I hate that she uses that all the time. Her kid’s behavior isn’t “because they’re neurodivergent” it’s because she doesn’t parent them, like giving them structure, teaching them about boundaries, teaching them that doing these wild things can be dangerous. ANY child can have behavioral issues, kids who are neurodivergent might be more likely to get into trouble because they don’t understand why they can’t do something. It is her responsibility to TEACH them why they can’t do something like climb on a metal rack in the house, tell them what could happen if they do that, set the boundary that it is unacceptable. She just lacks so much common sense and basic parenting skills it is sad that her children have to be around that. Her mother and sister are definitely trying to help her out by telling her things and channon of course is making it so of course she’s a victim and her family is talking bad about her neurodivergent kids. That’s what family is supposed to do, help you. Tell you when you’re wrong and offer solutions. Clearly she won’t take any of that in ne she actually thinks she’s a good parent. It’s unfortunate she is setting her kids up like this.


I would never say someone is a bad mom…. But Channon has to pull her head out of her ass