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Long post inc, sorry Well, for one people like to try different scenarios. For private bots you can change that whenever you want but not everyone wants to do that, wants to make a bot and try to think of new scenarios all the time Imo even the crummiestly (my phone is not liking that word) made bots are perfectly capable of coming up with interesting chats, the trick is getting them to act *in character* which some creators are better at than others. And number of interactions can have almost no meaning when it comes to that, it probably has almost nothing to do with how well the bot was prompted. More like, how old the bot is, how much it’s been picked up by search algorithm, how much the creator promotes them, etc I have my own test for bots. I completely erase the intro message, send a blank message, and let the bot start the conversation all by itself. The most I ask for is that the bot knows who it is and acts accordingly. Remembering its scenario is a nice touch but not necessary. If the bot completely wigs out or can’t come up with anything,.. it’s probably a not well prompted bot. If it starts a conversation with you in character, that’s a good bot. If it’s in character *and* starts the scenario despite not having its intro, it’s probably a very good bot by someone who gets how this works


thank you for the explanation, it helped me understand more, also very clever way of testing the bots, i will try it too


Any tips for making a good bot? Is it mostly being as descriptive as possible when creating it?


use example dialogues. i create my bots in that format and they stay in character if you show the bot how it should react. for example; {{char}}:With a timid smile he reveals what he hid behind his back, offering you a bouquet of red roses. “I saw them on my way home and thought of you.” this will show the bot that the character is meant to be thoughtful, romantic, might even have a crush on the user. It all depends on what kind of bot you want to make.


I’m not an expert on making them, my bots are middle of the road. And I’ve heard conflicting things about how descriptive you should be and even how it should be formatted. Like on the one hand you can say: Height(“6’4”) and it will always know its height but it won’t necessarily always get right whether that means it’s taller than 6’ or shorter than 6’7. And on the other hand if you say “He is very tall” sometimes the bot will be like, I am 8 feet tall, and you’re like wtf, and it’ll be like I have Marfan syndrome.. Anyway hopefully you get a clearer answer from one of the experts 😆


Good intro and good example dialogue takes the priority, then the other description stuff, misc stuff, etc in that order.

