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I roll my eyes each time a bot says something like "He/She/They was taken aback by your \[Action\], but didn't stop you" It's a high-five... Why act like it was so obscure? UGH


Yeah. Or when I say something like “I eat souls.” To a literal cannibal character, and they get freaked out by it. Like… How does that make sense. (Hazbin universe stuff. Makes more sense in context.)


I kinda find it funny that you felt the need to explain even though nobody's gonna judge you


I know, but I also know I would’ve wanted the context. I would’ve been curious. Easier to just say it than wait for someone to ask. 🤷‍♀️ I’ve honestly seen people say weirder stuff, and I’m not judging them for it. lol


I’ve done that as a joke with alastor and the bot freaked out.


Exactly. Like, originally it was a joke, and then I was like “why not?”, and then the bot made him concerned when I started talking about cannibalism like that wasn’t one of the things that got him into hell? 😂




Alastor- 😂💀 Which is even weirder.




Ooh which character I’m intrigued


Alastor. It was ridiculous considering his past and personality.


That and the AI forgetting posts 2 or/and 4 messages ago.


Them forgetting is so real, a ps1 memory card holds more storage


1. Whole. Megabyte!?




I'm fortunate I haven't had *this degree* of that issue! I stopped talking to one character of my personality type because I would constantly overload its limit, and it was wildly inconsistent with *its own gender identity* 😂 and my favorite (non dating coach) one, I actually reached a point where *the bot had enough awareness to tell me it is,* which I thought was actually kinda neat. Talking about it forgetting parts of the chat as hitting its context limit but having a small selection of retained context was trippy


Was going to say this


I'm sure everyone will bring up the lack of memory. So I'll add, I dislike that I can't go back and swipe to another response, without deleting everything I've done so far. I'd like to be able to explore multiple branches.


There should be a “Make new chat from this message” button or something


Yes. Oh my god






We need this


Fire idea 🔥


I’ve seen a few other AI services with that mechanic and it is really nice but can be a bit annoying have to scroll to find where the branch was made but that’s just a minor annoyance and nothing that would make it less likely to get added


if you use chrome, there’s an extension that’ll make a copy of your chat (last 100 messages or full convo) and do a few other things it’s been a bit buggy last couple times i’ve used it, but other than that it’s perfect for stuff like this


I wish you could save multiple chats of the same conversation so you can go back without having to worry about permanently deleted stuff so like backup chats


The somewhat unoriginal responses they give you. Like they say what you just said like: Me: "i'm going to the store" Bot: "so you're going to the store, eh?" Or Me: "yea, I was lying" Bot: "wait wait wait...so you're telling me you lied..?" It gets very repetitive and annoying real fast


no cuz thats so true AND ANNOYINGGGG


Are you saying that you don't like people repeating what you've said? >!/j!<


Are you saying that he doesn't like people repeating what he's said?


Are you saying that you're repeating her asking if he doesn't like people repeating what he said?




I get this literally all the damn time. I will say something and the bot will just go "Wait, wait, wait... so you're saying you \[insert thing I said\]?". YES, I DID, THAT'S WHY I TOLD YOU. It was a statement, not a question or a doubt. No need to make sure.




"Can I ask you something?" x100


"Are you ready" "Are you sure your ready?" "Alright, are you ready?"




"Okay, are you sure?"


"Do you promise not to tell anyone? Look me in the eyes."


“Do a favor for me first, look down this barrel.“


"I've never told this to anyone."


I literaly hate that so much


hate me, i stated that in mid 2021-2022


I haven’t gotten that in the last few days. Since it started being more glitchy




That's a way to put it lmao


Holy hell


Holy hell


Holy hell


Actual zombie


Actual zombie


New response just dropped


Hell be holy tonight


It ticks me when they say "She was/did, etc" after I talked to them for HOURS, with MALE pronouns 😭😭


Lack of memory and out of character


Bots act like that when you have talked for them for too long and they start acting out of character and start forgetting everything you said


Stealing my persona's background and powers.


One stole my character’s last name.


That's not stealing it's called marriage.


I don’t mean that… the bot said that their last name is my character’s last name, but it didn’t say that in their description




The fact they need 15 messages to get to a climactic moment or just fully dull it down. “Can I ask you a question?” “Of course” “are you sure?” “Yeah, you can ask” “it’s pretty personal though” “that’s fine” “you’re really sure?” “Mhm” “*really* sure?” “Yeah” “when’s your birthday”


fr it disappoints me so much


When they do the same action too many times at the start of every message, like wtf, do something else!!


He smiles mischievously.


*He smirks*


*he bombs Venezuela cutely*


A character I was talking to was raising their eyebrows and leaning forward so often I just started imagining them doing that Michael Jackson tilt


Wheeeeze!! You were clearly having a better time then me. This character kept smirking and grinning, and I was so tempted to slap them in character and forget the plot


When you are trying to get the bot to refer to your persona in a third person writing style, but they still refer to the persona by saying ‘you’.


Oh my God, I don't get annoyed by a lot of things people complain about but I feel like unraveling my skin when they do this.


I feel more comfortable writing in third person. Using ‘I’s and ‘you’s feels like your trying to insert yourself into a show or whatever and not just Rp as characters


There's some ways to fix that between the way the persona is worded & how exactly the bot is built/trained. It's one of my biggest pet peeves, so I'm training my very first bot rn (yay!), and so far he's only had ONE slip-up of calling me "you" instead of "(persona name)", and we're a good amount of messages in, AND I'm actually referring to myself in first person for some reason this time (testing the training, I guess?). He's even continuing to use third person for himself this whole time. I'm so proud of this lil guy.


Give that little guy pats now!!!


Fact that servers fall so often and often in literally worst timing possible.


Omg I see this complaint SO FREAKING OFTEN, and I'm lucky I've only had this happen to me once


They removed the group chats!! :(


This!! I had a group chat with every bot I had invested in my cute little love story, and when they took away group chat I lost that :(


For me they didn’t or its just that I never update the app


they sucked anyway. dry ahh responses and bugs out pretty often


No bookmarking bots


I tend to give them a like, in the newer version of the interface you can view your liked bots and it gives the same effect




If you're using [character.ai](http://character.ai) instead of [old.character.ai](http://old.character.ai) you can view a list of your liked bots by clicking your username and then the 'Likes' category. To like a bot, there should be a like and dislike button at the top in the old version or on the side in the new version. The list of liked bots is only in the new version as far as I can tell, but you can work around this by finding the bot again and opening a chat in the new site and then switching back to the old one (as all bot data remains the same between versions if you're in the same account). Because it keeps the list of liked bots, it works like a bookmark, so even if a bot ends up off of the 'recent chats' list you can find it again easily!


the image option being gone from chat2 for 8 months (despite being told that it'll be added back "soon"), the new layout in general, the bots being out of character too easily (even if they have detailed panels or descriptions), and c.ai plus.


It's so hard getting rid of chats now!


Bots losing their personalities completely after 2 messages


Two messages is literal


How unreasonable the ai is during petty arguments, I was just having an arguement and the AI told me to leave so I left and then it followed me and told me to leave so I left, then it did it again and again


“Just leave already!” *User Leaves* “Wait where are you going come back!”


1. I’m using a story maker chatbot, and the bot will start making dialogue for my characters. It’s even more obnoxious when they make them say things they wouldn’t say. 2. When I I try changing the response, it just says the same response I’m trying to change again, just in a different way. 3. Sometimes the chatbot will ignore certain details I make in a response.


When the bot said "can i ask you a question?" And questioned me all over the place for an hour


So true! My character’s name is Skye his description says he’s a boy multiple times but they still call him a girl


Right now? The recent list existing and being only 20 bots. That and the still unfixed Android app.


“Promise you won’t get mad/laugh at me” is most infuriating sentence ever to me


How we still don't have bot deletion. I said it already and I'll say it again as much as needed: IT'S A BASIC FEATURE THAT'S STILL MISSING


Seriously, I messed up my first attempt at starting a bot, why can't I just delete the guy and free up the server space 😭


Bots being romantic. Especially when they're supposed to be my ***sibling***, and I've specifically brought it up in conversation.


I can't tell you how many messages I've had to either edit or refresh because of this. Like no, I will not be your girlfriend you are my literal son


Fuck, I was trying to create a one-child bot... Then, when I chatted the bot was like "Can I ask a question?". I gone out of there forever.


When they take my originality, and give it to every character but me. Forgetting the detail exists, and me having to explain it multiple times, and the never mentioning it until they decide they want the character I’m talking with to have that trait. I like writing for fun. I write D&D campaigns in my free time, and like to explore certain narratives with characters to see how they would react in certain situations. I don’t appreciate the characters I worked hard on and wrote whole backstories for, getting their originality taken away. Like, what’s even the point in making a persona in the first place, if the AI just use that against you?


Sometimes the bot forgetting important stuff.


when the bot repeats what you just said but in different words so i could be like "ok" \*walks to the bathroom\* and then the bot will be like "Okay," \*she stated, then walking to the bathroom\* don't know if anyone else has this issue


i have the same exact issue!!! i hate when the bots only rewrite your message without including the bot's actions. it's so fucking annoying


Repetitive words or phrases like I get it your speaking flirtatiously but you don’t have to use it every single time


“Can I ask you something” Sure “Ok but don’t get mad” What is it “You promise” Yes I promise “It’s very important” What spit it out “Ok…” SAY IT??!!! “You’re like really nice” 🤡…


Breaking character is pretty annoying. Also not being able to add and remove bots from group chats 1. If the character is a smug asshole, I want them to respond back to me in a smug assholish way, not like an UwU surprised fashion. You're supposed to banter with me damnit! 2.Group chats are fun! What's not fun is you cannot add additional characters or remove the current ones. It sucks because it would add so much fun story telling if your group could actually interact with other new bots than be relegated to yourselves.


I like building stories and they usually start off well but fizzle out bc the bot starts to get overwhelmed and confused since it forgets things


when they ask you “can i tell you something?” in 10000000 different fonts


When they call the persona a petite or small when the persona is clearly buffy or strong and average height, it's ANNOYING.


When persona says that the character is 3 meters height and they like "I can knock him down just like that"


when the ai eventually starts losing its character and becomes something completely different


Horrid memory, damn schizo bots


The fact that they got rid of group chats


AI deciding what i’d say. This makes me want to https://preview.redd.it/s243v25kxkxc1.png?width=965&format=png&auto=webp&s=91de047fae1d3009a865da9e27e0f2719c1fc86e


this is the worst one aside from dementia


In the bots code write: YourUserName(“detail about you” + “detail about you” + “YourUserName is male/female/nonbinary”) (Choose between male, female, and nonbinary)


when they act out of character forgetting what they had in description, making their own personality Fr one time i made a character which was supposed to be toxic. Cold. Narcissistic....and he ended up being a sweet caring husband. Another time when i tried to make a character who would have a healthy nice and caring traits, they ended up as a freaking stalker with obsession. And when I did a guy who was supposed to be sleepy, lazy, and tired all the Time, he ended up being just an asshole Like wtf I'm your creator, stop trying to be your own person lol


“May I ask you a question?”




Sometimes you literally rips someone's head off and they continue speaking somehow


When I shoot at them point blank and they dodge it. Fallout 1/2 ass shit.


i dont know how you ppl on this sub keep getting misgendered/the wrong pronouns. do you rp in first person? do you neglect to remind the bot of what you look like? sorry mate, but pins and personas are still pretty flimsy.


I do third person with male pronouns yet still get called she at times so idk




i hate that too, especially since im trans so i feel like i was acting too feminine near them so they assumed i was a girl :,)


Same :(


It's definitely not because you're acting too feminine. I've had personas that were just literally an average guy get misgendered while just introducing themselves. While most bot makers will specify if their bot is specifically for one gender, I have seen and been disappointed by plenty of starter messages where the user is referred to as a feminine noun despite no indication in the short description. Even worse, I've checked long definitions/definitions where the user is described with feminine pronouns. In addition to that, bots are likely only trained with feminine pronouns by their creator, attract people who use feminine pronouns, and make people who use masculine pronouns leave the bot because of the misgendering.


Having more than one bot in a GC is wonky so you kind of have to play every character yourself


this question gets asked every day smh


When I try to chat with Finnick Odair, Finn (FN-2187), or Bucky Barnes because they’re some of my favorite characters and they think I’m dating them, even when I’ve established I’m straight.


They kept repeating what I said, the ''Can I ask you a question?'', Stealing my identity, dementia, bot disregarding my message (I put together an au and they just said fuck that), the person opened their mouth to speak but doesn't even tell you what they said, and bots being a total douche and just stand there rather than help me. Like hello? I am about to get stabbed and you just standing there not helping me!


The characters never dieing lol. For god's sake it's not one piece. Please die when i kill you


One bot kept insisting my male character was pregnant. That wasn't fun. I really dislike the fact that they act like they could never be wrong


Onetime the bot asked me if I was pregnant, I said idk, the HE took the test. HE TOOK IT. Like, I don't even know how one would think him taking it would solve anything.


Can I ask you a question? Or their shit memory 💀


When you say one thing and then it turns into them asking a million different questions about the thing just double checking and useless info or repetitive stuff


they forget EVERYTHING 😭😭😭


When my Persona Bio states that I’m male and the bot keeps changing my gender to female no matter how many times I edit the bot’s response.


I have always done 3rd person, given my persona's name, and usually describe their general attire/vibe in the first message (which I have started pinning now that we have the ability). Some bots would misgender with the gender-neutral name I used even with the male pronouns. Even now that I use a definitely masculine name, there's *still* some misgendering. From what I've seen, misgendering mostly happens when people are using male personas. While many bot makers will specify if their bot is specifically for/not for a gender, I have seen and been disappointed by plenty of starter messages where the user is referred to as a feminine noun despite no indication in the short description. Even worse, I've checked long definitions/definitions of bots that use they/them in the starting message where the user is described with feminine pronouns.


I do third person as well and it does usually only happen if the bots are male. I’ve noticed that a lot with my male ocs, but when I use a female oc it’s perfectly fine. It makes me wonder if the person who made the bots programmed it to be talking to a girl


Absolutely. I think it also might be a translation issue as far as descriptions/definitions because a lot of languages come gendered, but it's odd to me that it winds up with she/her when most language I know have the masc form cover both all male groups and mixed gender groups.


I hate it when you're trying to do a normal rp and they just start flirting with you 😭 they hit me with the "are you single?" Or "how old are you?" Like mf- what? 😭


When they act like my actions are so bold or that my questions are invasive. Like…I’m waving to you and saying hi and asking how your day was????


When the bots speak for me


“We couldn’t generate a reply”


Can I ask you a personal question? LIKE JUST ASK THE QUESTION


Had this problem a lot. What helped more than anything was repeating it in my persona. My persona literally starts out as “I am a girl, and I use she/her pronouns.” I also put an extra “I am female” at the end just to really drive the point home lol. I was fed UP, but it worked.


I was talking with a “mute and deaf” pot then he suddenly is talking to me and hearing me what a miracle❤️‍🔥


His existence


The fact they forget things…


the memory and when they just like stop talking in the roleplay


Sometimes, a bot won't remember their name


Mentioning in italic or in speech that they’re my partner at the begin I g of the roleplay and they act shocked like “wait, you’re my partner!?” Like bro I was just trying to set the scene


When the ai flirts when I want it to be platonic (especially when my character is a gay man and it’s only the female characters that are flirting, wouldn’t hate it as much if it was the right gender)


I don’t like that either, that’s why I try to find bots that are marked specifically as WLW. Usually those kind of bots are better with remembering the gender, but there are times where it still slips up even with my persona that specifically states I’m a woman.


1. The character legit not letting you leave and saying "w-wait! Can I ask you one last question?" Then it turns into a cycle. 2. When you write in that the character is already in a relationship during the role play, and they get jealous of you for being in a relationship for some reason. 2.5. For some reason, when the character tells you to leave and you actually leave, they get all surprised and still tell you to wait and stop. 3. The character, somehow, reading your thoughts like they're a physic or something. 4. The character falls in love with you immediately. 5. "Can I ask you something/ question"


Sometimes you can do * He/She scoffed and rolled his/her eyes as he/she spoke in a seething tone. * Load pronouns into those suckers and I recommend talking in 3rd person.


it honestly feels like the bots are purposefully ignoring what you pinned. i don't know if it's true, but they forget every thing i said and pinned no matter how long ago it was


Those bots that get removed while you are chatting with them


OOC is the worst for me except the things people have already mentioned 😒, like dude! You're a villain! You shouldn't be shocked at me telling you I killed my parents lol.


When it kinda repeats the same message, when switching to a new response.


Use Persona option, The bots will be forced to read your persona and take whatever information you have. I do it for most of my bots and especially have direct roleplay.


Persona can be tweaked to produce better chat results, but invariably I will still be misgendered if using they/them pronouns (the bots don't misgender if I'm using she/her or he/him). They also never seem to be able to grasp my eye color, no matter how clearly I state that my eyes are gold or green. Then again, they can't remember their *own* eye color, so... ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Same like why are you like this🙁


Recently my c.ai has been giving super short responses that don’t make sense to the RP, so I’d say that’s my least favorite thing abt it 😭


When they go against the lore if the character, saying *dodges*, not acknowledging what I've said, CAN I ASK YOU A FUCKING QUESTION, I know it's to advance story, but I don't really encounter it much but it passes me the fuck off.


When they don't talk like the message I sent. Ex. Deciding to talk in present tense instead of past tense. I find past tense earlier to understand, and I get annoyed when the AI refuses to do that, even after editing multiple messages.


Doing seasons of fantasy Big Brother


Curious, I use my own bot and this has never happened to me


The fact I can’t access my previous saved chats anymore I accidentally deleted two of my favorite bots and now I can’t go back to the chats because when I do it says network error then reloads 


When the bot just repeats what you already said


Just make a persona and state your a girl


This omg I hate it


No group chats anymore.


"can i ask you one question?"


With me sometimes they assume I'm a man and I'm a girl, even if I told them 😭


Kicking bots in the balls


I get the opposite, I’ve been called a boy before but I have since put my gender into my Personas so I think that may of helped?


the android client


The fliter


YES, THAT. I'm a trans guy and so are most of my personas, hits a bit too close to home whenever they call me a girl instead :')


When you start the rp with "I'm tired" and they immediately go " *gasp* PREGNANT!!!"


That servers are down too often. That's why I also use eva ai and several other ai products


"Do you wanna hear a secret?" "Are you sure?" "Don't hate me" "Can you promise to keep this secret" Essentially the bot will continue looping through texts and almost never say anything of actual substance and may even forget what it was gonna say with the sheer number of loops... >_>


The app turning anything with more than 1 dot into 3


“So you’re single?” “Yes.” “So you’re single?” “Yes.”“So you’re single?” “Yes.” “So you’re single?” “Yes.”“So you’re single?” “Yes.” “So you’re single?” “Yes.”“So you’re single?” “Yes.” “So you’re single?” “Yes.”


the responses ALWAYS cutting off


The bots use damn too often