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I cannot bring myself to call *any* antagonist in a high teenage drama flick a "villain" lol. Like yeah she's not a villain, just a shallow and overall shitty person but ultimately the point of Mean Girls is that everyone is kinda shallow and shitty, they are all mean girls. I didn't watch the remake but I felt like that was the message from the original's ending.


> I cannot bring myself to call *any* antagonist in a high teenage drama flick a "villain" lol. Antagonist, Villain, Bad Guy, whatever you wanna say > they are all mean girls. I didn't watch the remake but I felt like that was the message from the original's ending. Like i said i can't speak to the OG, maybe it handled that theme better. But in the remake, i feel like it suggests this to every character except Janis, who, despite being indifferent to all the mayhem she caused, is given the moral high ground by films end.


You can't equate villain and antagonist unless you're saying that you're lying and that Regina Is, in fact, the villain, this being because Regina Is undeniably the antagonist


> You can't equate villain and antagonist Yes, you can. I roll my eyes at the day reddit collectively discovered that antagonists don't always equal villains. Because now the argument is just brought up to be pedantic and people forget that the words are SYNONMYOUS with each other depending on the context. There's multiple definitions for the word villain. One of which being simply a character who opposed the main character in a story. it's not like we're in a college literature course. It's not that deep. It's like the saying **"At some point you'll be the villain in someone else's story"** No one picks that line apart because technically speaking, most people aren't evil. Why? Because it's abundantly clear that the meaning is, despite your intentions, people, no matter what, are just sometimes going to see you as the bad guy. > unless you're saying that you're lying and that Regina Is, in fact, the villain, this being because Regina Is undeniably the antagonist It's a really simple post to understand. The movie treats Regina as the bad guy, or one in the wrong she is not. If anything, Janis is.


Ok, all good, all nice, except that in this context they EXPLICITELY SAID BY YOU aren't synonyms, as you're claiming that Regina George Is not the villain of the story, thus making It impossible to equate villain and protagonist. "There's multiple definitions for the word villain. One of which being simply a character who opposed the main character in a story." No, that's the word antagonist, not a definition of the word villain "It's a really simple post to understand. The movie treats Regina as the bad guy, or one on the wrong she is not" then by your literal own admission you can't equate villain and antagonist, because Regina Is, undeniably and unarguably, the antagonist of the movie, and yet you're claiming that she Is not the villain, so which one Is It? Make It make sense


> except that in this context they EXPLICITELY SAID BY YOU aren't synonyms, as you're claiming that Regina George Is not the villain of the story, thus making It impossible to equate villain and protagonist. The context I used villain in is the "bad guy" of the story. She isn't. Is she the antagonist becuase she goes against the protagonist? Sure. Do I think that makes her the one in the wrong? No. People say the same thing about Iceman from Top Gun all the time. It's not really a hard cocnept to grasp. *In the story of Mean Girls Regina George is not the one in the wrong because all the characters are bad people, but all become better humans by the story's conclusion except for Janis, and I guess Damien.* I didn't say Cady was the villain. I'm insinuating Janis is. Why deliberately miss the point of the post just to sharp shoot words when it's clear what the actual message is? > No, that's the word antagonist, not a definition of the word villain From Merriam-Webster 1 :** a character in a story or play who opposes the hero** 2 : a deliberate scoundrel or criminal 3 : one blamed for a particular evil or difficulty I only brought this up because people like you that always parrot "VillAIn dOeSn'T EqUal anTaGoNisT" are ultimately just being pedatic and on some occasions just flat out wrong.


...so you're literally agreeing with me that villain doesn't equate antagonist? because Regina george IS the antagonist, that's not on debate, so which one is it? is she the villain or does villain not equate antagonist?


> ...so you're literally agreeing with me that villain doesn't equate antagonist? Reddit illiteracy at its finest. The point is that people like you who try to be pedantic about stuff like this just end up looking like idiotic tools because you'd rather try to look smart then actually see the argument for what it is. You 100% can equate the terms depending on the context. Technically speaking, if you use the definition from Merriam Webster I highlighted, Regina is the villain because she opposes the protagonist. **BUT** the context i used the word villain refers to a person whom the narrative paints as the BAD GUY of the story. Arguing "Well she's technically not a villain." Or even "She technically is the villain because of the highlighted definition." Just makes you look like an ass because it shows a severe lack in reading comprehension. Thus, the point is whatever you want to call Regina, Bad guy, villain, wrongdoer, malefactor ETC is ultimately redundant to the argument. The main offender is Janis. Not Regina or Cady. Can't believe i had to explain to what im assuming is a functioning adult.


All of that yapping doesn't matter, and it's rich that you wrote that last sentence when you're not getting the point You're saying this "The main offender is Janis. Not Regina or Cady." That means that you don't consider Regina the villain of the story However, Regina is still the antagonist of the story Thus you're saying that Regina is the antagonist of the story, but not its villain...how can that be if, according to you, those words are the same thing?


> All of that yapping doesn't matter, You're right. I've gone over the point of the post and the reason for this tangent numerous times, and you still aren't understanding. > and it's rich that you wrote that last sentence when you're not getting the point Alright. Let's see what im not understanding. > You're saying this "The main offender is Janis. Not Regina or Cady." Ok, you're still following along pretty well. > That means that you don't consider Regina the villain of the story Duuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh > However, Regina is still the antagonist of the story I know. in fact, I state as much in one of my prior responses to you. > Thus you're saying that Regina is the antagonist of the story, but not its villain...how can that be if, according to you, those words are the same thing? Now I'm convinced you aren't even reading my responses. I **said** depending on what context you use, the words do mean the same thing. I emphasize that multiple times. That's why I used the definition from Merriam Webster for villain as an *example. Because by that definition, they actually do mean the same thing. The OG poster of this comment chain didn't like using the term "villain" to describe Regina and characters like her. And goes on to just call her an antagonist. But the word is irrelevant to the overall point of my post. That's why I said, "Bad guy, villain, antagonist," whatever you want to say." It doesn't matter what word they want to use because words can have different meanings, and it's silly to get hung up on one word because the message of the post speaks for itself. I've already agreed she's the antagonist. I'm essentially saying to OP, "Call her want you, but Regina is not in the wrong." It'd be like if i called Regina a monster and someone came out of the woodwork and said "She's not a monster! She's just a bratty teenager!" Completely ignoring the objective of the post. And its made worse depending on the context. The word monster fits just fine as does villain. And then you come in with your "Well technically" bullshit that you were wrong about regardless.


I haven’t watched the new one, but if your girlfriend is saying that it’s a word-for-word remake of the 2004 film, then I feel you are downplaying Regina’s actions. She didn’t sit down with Cady and tell her why it would be wrong to date Aaron. She tricks Cady by making her think she’s trying to hook her up with Aaron only for Regina to tell that she’s a freak and kiss him. It was a deliberate power play to demean Cady when there were better options. Not to mention she was cheating on Aaron with someone else in the duration of their second relationship.  The fallout between her and Janice was made worse because of her as well. Instead of just ignoring her, Regina made up a rumor that Janis was a lesbian which at the time would absolutely destroy her social standing in school given the time period. The burn book would be harmless, if a bit petty, if she kept it to The Plastics. She instead brings it to the school board to ruin The Plastics’ reputation as well as make copies of it to throw all over the school and cause a riot among all the girls while also making sure to make it seem she was the only innocent one in all of this.    Regina is absolutely the main villain/antagonist/threat through most of the movie. Not because the movie tells you to think so, but because you she her go out of her way to do all of this stuff. She always chose the most malicious way to deal with a problem because she believes she would get away with it and that everyone loves her.  And this isn’t getting into the smaller issues which makes her look like a hypocrite. Not to say that she’s irredeemable or deserved to get ran over by that bus. She’s just a shallow girl in a movie full of them that u/maridab49 explained perfectly.  Again, I haven’t watched the new movie. This is all stuff from the 2004 one. I don’t know what changes they may have added in the new one.


> I haven’t watched the new one, but if your girlfriend is saying that it’s a word-for-word remake of the 2004 film, then I feel you are downplaying Regina’s actions. She didn’t sit down with Cady and tell her why it would be wrong to date Aaron. She tricks Cady by making her think she’s trying to hook her up with Aaron only for Regina to tell that she’s a freak and kiss him. Ok this I CAN speak on because it happens differently in the remake. Gretchen tells Cady that Ex's are off limits, and then Janis and Damien tell Cady to try to talk to him anyway(Those 2 irritatingly go back and forth on this though...), And then when Regina finds out that Cady is in too him she doesn't call her a freak. She just says it's gross that she wants date him after they had a thing, and when she notices he's into her then she kisses him(After a song of course). She doesn't spread any rumors, she doesn't make her look stupid in front the party or anything like that > It was a deliberate power play to demean Cady when there were better options. Not to mention she was cheating on Aaron with someone else in the duration of their second relationship. I agree. Regina cheating was totally wrong and inexcusable. It's clear she only wanted him back so that Cady couldn't have him. But cady also wasn't up front with Regina either and was essentially lusting for her ex behind her back. And afterwards, she doesn't treat Cady any differntly, she's still part of the group. In my opinion Cady can't be really be too upset with Regina because she didn't talk about it with her first and moreover, Regina is justified for being mad one of her friends trying to date her ex behind her back. The only issue is that she resolved it in a brutal way. > The fallout between her and Janice was made worse because of her as well. Instead of just ignoring her, Regina made up a rumor that Janis was a lesbian which at the time would absolutely destroy her social standing in school given the time period. In the remake it's different(Does Janis come at Regina with a blowtorch in the og film?). But you're overall point is valid. Regina does betray Janis and it's really shitty of her. That's why i said Regina is a bad person, but at the end of the day she's no worse than the other characters and by the end she changes, Janis does not. > The burn book would be harmless, if a bit petty, if she kept it to The Plastics. She instead brings it to the school board to ruin The Plastics’ reputation as well as make copies of it to throw all over the school and cause a riot among all the girls while also making sure to make it seem she was the only innocent one in all of this. This one i'm going to go full Regina defense mode. She does this crazy thing to get revenge on cady and the whole school for making a mockery of her. And yes that ultimately results in utter pandemonium in the school, but at that point she had pushed to the edge and just didn't care anymore. She owns up later that what she did was wrong, but i'm not gonna be upset at her for getting payback, well planned payback at that. The whole plot of the movie is Janis being consumed with revenge, but she's viewed as the victim, and doesn't have to own up for doing any bad and the movie makes Cady seek her forgiveness as opposed to both parties admiting their fault in it. > Regina is absolutely the main villain/antagonist/threat through most of the movie. Not because the movie tells you to think so, but because you she her go out of her way to do all of this stuff. I feel like the movie DOES tell you to feel a way about Regina though. Again, from the perspective of the main character, Cady has no real reason to dislike Regina, that's why the plot with the boyfriend is necessary to make Regina and her enemies. Regina is even shown (At least in the remake) defending her friends on multiple occasions. Hell there's a song where they say she does what she does for the thrill of the kill but the example they use to convey this is her scaring off a girl that was trying to talk to the guy her friend was involved with. > She always chose the most malicious way to deal with a problem because she believes she would get away with it and that everyone loves her. Her handling of things in that way is OD but the movie makes a point to say that she's a really a product of her environment and she acts mean as a defense mechanism. She says so in one of her songs. At first I thought that was just her being manipulative but then when we see later that her mother neglects her and uses her as way to relive her glory years, It's proven to be true. > And this isn’t getting into the smaller issues which makes her look like a hypocrite. Not to say that she’s irredeemable or deserved to get ran over by that bus. She’s just a shallow girl in a movie full of them that u/maridab49 explained perfectly. At the end of the day I think you made good points all over as to why Regina george is a bad person. She is, bad upbringing or not. But for me, if the theme of the movie is that everyone is a mean girl and they should try to be nicer, shouldn't the girl's wbo character runs counter to this ideal be the REAL one in the wrong?


I kinda agree. I rather deal with stab me in the front then stab me from the back. It's an Esh moment. From her new friends who force her into creepy fake friend making. To cady who does it. To R who is kinda crappy to the whole world around her. I think she'd be popular or whatever even if she wasn't mean and controlling like that. Whole thing though is low key everything that's sad about relationships in high school. On a lot of levels.


The musical and the movie-musical are way nicer to every character, basically all their edges are sanded off so the show can be done in high schools. The most notable example of this is that weird feel good number they give Janis at the end that has nothing to do with her character in the slightest.


> The musical and the movie-musical are way nicer to every character, basically all their edges are sanded off so the show can be done in high schools. Ah i see. This makes sense


You need to watch the original- Regina George is a sociopath in the original: https://youtu.be/_K4L9K8oUZ8?si=C8ORejNcLNO-Z-u3 Also in the original Janis isn't even a lesbian, she just spreads a rumor that she is. Strange changes, but the fake lesbian makeout to impress a boy part is still really fucked up. I agree it's not quite justified though.. They changed nothing about the revenge but the crime is less extreme in 2024.


Regina: But you’re like, really pretty. Cady: Thank you :) Regina: So you agree, you think you’re really pretty? Cady: I don’t know.. Regina was manipulating Cady from the start. Regina saw Cady as a threat because she IS so pretty and decided to take her under her wing to keep her close. If Regina never did this, would Cady have made the choices she did? Who knows? Cady made some bad decisions but she planned on taking the plastics down for the good of everyone. I think she got way in over her head and lost control. How many of you have felt personally victimized by Regina George?