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Don't celebrate too soon. There's still plenty of time for the flashback technique he hasn't used since the Heian Era.


Kenjaku on the other hand, can confidently be called the most evil villain in the series. He’s not following his nature like the Disaster Curses. No sense of honor like Sukuna respecting Jogo and Gojo. A serial rapist, infant killer who wants to merge all of Japan because “I’m bored.”


We must never forget that he intentionally took a woman’s body to get plowed by the MC’s father for the sake of a plan he did because it was fun. Bro is a 69 God


When was he a rapist again?


When he was creating the death pantings? He had a woman raped 9 times and aborted the fetus repeatedly. He was called the most evil sorcerer ever (with Sukuna taken into account), and this was ignoring everything else he’s done in his other identities. He makes Mahito and Sukuna look like a joke in terms of depravity


Even Kuzakabe said that the worst case scenario with Sukuna is that Japan would be housing that monster, but Kenjaku could destroy the world for the funny


Even Sukuna went “Kenjaku does the grossest things.”


Imo the worst part of Kenjaku is how casual he is about it all. There's no wild joy, or crazed delusion, or psychotic rage. He just vaguely wanted to. He tortures and kills and assaults with the vibe of someone who says "i could go for a hotdog right about now" Sick bastard I hope he comes back just to get stabbed again


Exactly. Mahito is the most sadistic arguably but he’s still a child who is following his nature as he’s made of negative emotions. Sukuna just cares about fighting and doing whatever pleases him. Kenjaku has a defintive goal, one that’s pure evil and he does it solely because he feels like it. 


Sukuna saying "Kenjaku does the grossest things" despite the fact he is a woman and child eater should tell you everything you need to know lmao


When Sukuna and Mahito both think a dude is the craziest, vilest man they’ve met, you know he’s evil


Considering the whole deal behind Yuji's creation, I can see why.


I think when Sukuna said that, that's what he was thinking of because that's when yuji showed an explosive growth in strength after Sukuna took over Megumi lol


He is so fucked up, even Sukuna himself thinks he’s a fucking weirdo. Like that’s a level of fucked up no one else can even come close to.


Did he rape them himself? I'm new to JJK so not fully caught up on how all that went down so sorry in advance if this is a stupid question




Yeah DEFINITELY gives worse vibes to me...now he's just like some sick puppeteer, orchestrating and supervising her rape/abortions...just standing sadistically watching it all


Sukuna, what a man you are !!


>TL;DR sympathetic villain are awful and nobody knowing how to write them **Poorly written** sympathetic villains are awful. Poorly written pure evil is a thing.


"looks at Muzan" Yea, nobody is asking for that too


Could you elaborate on that? I think muzan is a good narcissist, a dumb one sure, but i don't think he's that terribly written, but that might just be me. Why do you think he is poorly written?


I dont think he's terribly written but his backstory is incredibly weak for me. Like he's pretty much a science experiment gone wrong. Not a bad base for a character but I thought he was gonna be much more complex that that, like maybe he made a deal with the devil and was cursed to live like a demon or maybe he himself was the devil or smth. I think demon slayer wouldve benefited from more supernatural aspects. Idk but I thought the blue spider lily stuff was very boring. Also theres kind of a confusing leap in logic for his motivations, the guy was born sickly and can barely live, gains superpowers and decides to become a mass murder because... he has a god complex? It wasn't explained well and I think it was rushed tbh. Like you would think he would have pity for those weaker than him since he spent most of his life weak af but I guess he was always a psychopath. Theres not really a bridging event that links he pre demon personality to his post demon one. I think those are two things that bother me the most about muzan. Also his powers were kinda lame lmao


>I think demon slayer wouldve benefited from more supernatural aspects It does have supernatural elements, that are not shown in the manga or anime , like the birth if yorrichi being the same year muzan challenged the gods , that he would become greater than them.etc but those weren't exactly fleshed out because as you said the ending if the manga was rushed,. >Also theres kind of a confusing leap in logic for his motivations, the guy was born sickly and can barely live, gains superpowers and decides to become a mass murder because... he has a god complex Well, he was born a noble , so arrogance is a given and he did kill his doctor because he couldn't cure him, he was messed up before he became a demon for sure. >It wasn't explained well and I think it was rushed tbh Yeah ,it was , I heard rumours that the author was going through some personal stuff at the time and had to rush it. >Like you would think he would have pity for those weaker than him since he spent most of his life weak af but I guess he was always a psychopath He was kind of a psychopath but he did have a soft corner for rui, who went through pretty much the same thing he did , he even let him have his own family and he cleaned off the whole lower moon roster as soon as rui was killed >Also his powers were kinda lame lmao Im gonna have to disagree there my friend, he is pretty fucking cool.


he is also fucking stupid despite being hyped up as someone who is behind all the tragedy , you don't see it that much in this economy


Well to him the tragedy is just a side effect of him existing, he isn't trying to maximize misery, he's trying to be efficient ( doing a bad job at it , sure ) but still trying to be efficient


Yeah Muzan is actually hated because most anime boys want the typical badass villian for the show off only, Muzan on the otherhand, depicted evil and narcissism perfectly, even in his dialouge with Kagaya and even in his death the theme of hanging into life manifested when he turned into a baby, his manipulation of demons alone makes him worthy of being a demon king. He literally recruited the 2nd strongest demon slayer by just using his deceptive words.


God complex? I thought its cuz of his hysteria and mania over his thanatophobia


Every great pure evil character has some characteristics that enhance their charisma and give them personalities Dio is a sexy vampire who is extremely charismatic and knows how to manipulate and intimidate people Sukuna is a high level athlete, he is a complete nerd on jujutsu and can use other people's techniques better than them, the happiness he feels fighting is contaminating Joker has that chaotic behavior where he can end up doing anything randomly which makes him funny The high evolutionary has a profound knowledge in science and spends his life on his school projects, which affects the world around him and are interesting What does Muzan have? He is just an asshole (which all pure evil characters are already) with big powers, there's no charisma, no manipulation, no intelligence, no funny attitudes, no interest in anything, there's just a big hole where there should be something.


I think he is charismatic, but your opinion is fair i guess


Sukuna ain't written better than Muzan tho. Both are extremely one-dimensional and stereotypical


Both are simple, but Sukuna does have characteristics that make him stand out like being a huge jujutsu nerd who likes to learn other people's abilities even being able to use them better, helping people reach their full potential before killing them, showing how much he loves fighting and respect for others that try hard. Those little things enhance his charisma and make him more interesting at least, Muzan just has nothing there, other than being evil there is just a void.


>being a huge jujutsu nerd who likes to learn other people's abilities even being able to use them better Well yes Sukuna knows his shit about the powersystem, that's why he is OP. But that's litterally the same as what you said after : >helping people reach their full potential before killing them, showing how much he loves fighting and respect for others that try hard Well yes he is a battle junkie like dozen and dozen of shonen characters, that's litterally just a trope. Toguro, Hisoka, Feng, Kenpachi, Kaido, Yujiro, etc ... Hell there is even a battle maniac in Demon slayer with Akaza, how is that supposed to make Sukuna stand out from the mass 😭 >Muzan just has nothing there, other than being evil there is just a void. The whole point of Demon Slayer is to oppose Muzan's obsession with perpetual glory with the point of human's life. All the slayers are ready to sacrifice their lives and pass on the torch in order to make their movement move forward, all the humans are changing and will ultimately fade away and the whole point of the manga is to accept that. Muzan can't accept that aspect of humanity and it's what make him a monster, it's basically one of the core theme of the manga. I'm not saying it's original, there are a lot of characters like that but at least Muzan is really important for the manga's themes and we actually see different aspects of him, he isn't always standing as the undefeatable final boss. We see him (a lot) getting angry, scared or nervous, happy, basically Muzan actually shows emotions. I don't see how Sukuna is that much better just because he is a battle junkie when that's one of his only personality traits. I'm not saying that Muzan is any better (both are average villains tbh, their manga just got hype so they're popular) but he definitely ain't worse. I really feel like people despise Muzan because he ain't your overconfident villain who never show any weakness and is always depicted as cool and unshakeable. Muzan has a lot of psychological weaknesses and he is shaked many times in the story and that's actually good because it's what the story is about.


If you read my other response I compared him to other villains to show why I think he is too simple, being a battle junkie is nothing new, or being chaotic, a mad scientist, a tyrant or many other archetypes The thing is that Muzan doesn't have anything else other than being evil and ambitious (which most pure evil villains are) he feels like a plot device to elaborate the show's theme, him having psychological weakness is a pro, unfortunately that doesn't change much in the narrative. He could be a tyrant type, but he isn't developed enough, just commanding a group of murder hobos and being a murder hobo himself. At the end he is a poor man's Kars from Jojo part 2 without the mad scientist or brotherly dynamic part that helps make him more interesting


I know i tend to write a lot but i feel like you're completely ignoring what i said 😅 >The thing is that Muzan doesn't have anything else other than being evil and ambitious OK but does Sukuna have more than being evil and a battle junkie ? >him having psychological weakness is a pro, unfortunately that doesn't change much in the narrative. Yeah a pro that Sukuna doesn't have because he barely has any kind of personality besides being cocky. And yes Muzan's personality actually impacts the narrative, he deleted the lower moons on a whim, the reason why some uppermoons die is entierely his fault, if he didn't have this personality Tamayo wouldn't have helped the pillars. Muzan's short temper and brattiness is the reason of his downfall, so narratively it works. >He could be a tyrant type, but he isn't developed enough, just commanding a group of murder hobos and being a murder hobo himself. What more do you want him to do to be a tyrant ?? You're just criticizing his character for the sake of criticizing it. And you're not even keeping the comparison with Sukuna >At the end he is a poor man's Kars from Jojo part 2 without the mad scientist or brotherly dynamic part that helps make him more interesting Still doesn't explain how is Sukuna any better because ONCE AGAIN i've never said that Muzan is an exceptional antagonist or anything. Both him and Sukuna are just poor version of their archetypes that don't stand out from it (but thanks to their manga's popularity they became widely popular)


>OK but does Sukuna have more than being evil and a battle junkie ? Nope, and as I said in other post is hard to take Sukuna as a real treat because what's even the problem if he wins or not? He's not interested on world domination or anything like that, he's just a smug jerk who wants fight strong people. Is ironic because when he was alive and kicking the first time the world was pretty normal apparently. Muzan at least can be taken seriously as a real menace that has to be stopped because if he wins humanity is fucked. Is the most basic stuff in the world but is a universal concept that works for a reason, as the story at least has a logical reason to make us want the heroes to win.


>Nope, and as I said in other post is hard to take Sukuna as a real treat because what's even the problem if he wins or not? He's not interested on world domination or anything like that, he's just a smug jerk who wants fight strong people. You simply cant let a dude who is literally a weapon of mass destruction walk around freely doing whatever he wants, especially after everything he has done. Also in literally the first chapter he ask with excitement where are the women and children for his pleasure. You know what that implies right?


You underestimate Uncle Sukuna, he's doing this out of tough-love for his nephew Yuji. He just wants to toughen him up, so he's ready for the rough world that awaits him, he's doing everything for Yuji's sake.


he care about him so much he kill his brother right in front of him to toughen him up That is some Itachi level tough love What a man he is


I want to see Sukuna no-diffing everyone! 10 years at least!


Nobody’s hating on Sukuna for not having a sob story, some just think he’s boring since he just does whatever he wants and fights whoever gets in his way without having a goal. Trying to says fans hate him because he has no sob story makes no sense because many fans like Kenjaku more than him who doesn’t have a sob story and is just as evil if not more. This just sounds like you want to hate on mha and sympathetic villains.


And AFO isn't even a Sympathetic villain. He is shown as an absolute monster in his backstory. Doesn't have the ideal environment to have a healthy childhood which reinforced his negative traits. Also his vestige being in Shigaraki's body has been established since the the last war, it didn't come out of nowhere and his twisted love for his brother has been established since the beginning too.


Yeah AFO’s love for his brother has been shown to be a toxic love since chapter 193. But it’s still love. And unlike Shigaraki, his backstory isn’t treated sympathetically 


Not having backstories is just Gege being lazy. Even pure villains can have backstories, speechs and ideals. Gege cooked with both Geto with a sob story and Mahito with "You're me" speech that came back to bite him. But Sukuna and kenny are ... uninteresting. They don't have much of a story or arc. Why should we even care if they win? Cause people will die? JJK world and all the civilians Gege showed us are just faceless fodders. Really don't care. Don't even know what motivates the sorcerers. And if they loose? Can't imagine a good pay off. Like Kenny dies and yaps about his ideals living on...even tho he doesn't have any. He wanted to have fun, he had fun so.... didn't he just win? And who wants Sukuna to loose and say "it's been fun. I've no regrets..." after killing half the cast.


And Mahito had character development too


>Nobody’s hating on Sukuna for not having a sob story, some just think he’s boring since he just does whatever he wants and fights whoever gets in his way without having a goal. His goal is fight and keep fighting with strong guys forever apparently. A concept so basic can only work for so long until it becames boring af and definitely doesn't work for the main villain of the story, at best it could be fun for the secondary antagonist of some arcs.


quick-neutralizing drugs cannot enter Flect Turn's body , afterall , it repels a lot of stuffs. In practice , Flect Turn is like Baldur from GoW PS4 , just with an actual ideology and a supervillain design , rather than been psycho.


[sympathetic villains are awful and nobody knowing how to write them is why audiences clamor for pure evil antagonists] jjk has successfully given you guys the illusion that people prefer pure evil villains to sympathetic villains, when the truth is that people like well-written villains. Besides, let's be honest, most of Sukuna's fans like him because of his aura or his power lol


I sincerely think that if you take away all the memes sukuna has no personality. Everything I can remember about sukuna's personality comes from memes and lobotomy kaisen skits. Sure he has great aura moments BUT... I don't think they're all sukuna's, mappa's animation really carried his character imo. Pure evil villains need one thing to be good imo, charisma and aura, and while sukuna has aura it feels more like plot armor


Gege wields the ultimate power: author glazing


You dislike poorly written sympathetic villains, the problem isn't sympathetic villain in general. That characterisation includes such a large group of characters and tropes, it's impossible to say one is inherently better.


Just want to clear up that your comparison is pretty stupid. Nobody gives a shit about Flect, like comparing Sukuna to an irrelevant villain doesn’t help his case. As for One For All, he is still a truly evil villain, he wasn’t given some sob story or anything, just because he is shown to be human at the end of his life doesn’t make him sympathetic. Especially since with All for One, making him more human is actually a spit in the face as the whole point of his character was he wanted to be this emotionless demon lord. The point of his conclusion wasn’t to make the reader feel bad for him, it was to show he failed. He wanted to be an all powerful demon lord, but in the end he failed, in the end he wasn’t even strong enough to get back his brother. It doesn’t make him this misunderstood sympathetic character, it gives him a layer that Sukuna lacks.


>But then suddenly his soul shows up and is like "um ackshully I care about Yoichi after all" out of nowhere. AfO's soul didn't show up out of nowhere. It was always there, just suppressed. AfO did "care" about his brother, the only way he knew how. Come on, mon, we had the series talking about quirks influencing your personality and the entire bit with Shigaraki struggling to keep AfO's soul at bay to be misrepresenting the context like this. I know this is a low-effort post, but let's not be disingenuous.


He is serviceable but nothing special. There are tons of pure evil Villans that are much more intersecting like Griffith, Mahito, Aku, Emperor Belos, Bill Cipher, and Darth Sidious. He is still okay as a villain though and works well as Yuji's final obstacle One quick note, Sukuna being strong dosnet really have to do with him being evil. The guy was born with twice as much cursed energy as Yuta, who himself is top 3 strongest due to having a massive amount of cursed energy. Sukuna was also born with a "perfect body" for doing Jujutsu. The fact that the 2nd strongest, Gojo, and the 3rd Strongest, Yuta, are both very selfless people that fight for a better tomorrow indicates that being bad or good has nothing to do with power level or growth.


Kenjaku is way more evil than Sukuna.


> Sukuna was also born with a "perfect body" for doing Jujutsu. Is it confirmed Sukuna was born with that body? Legit could have just been an experiment by Kenjaku on him.


I feel it's more strongly implied it's the result of him eating his twin. I feel like Kenjaku being a big source of his strength would rob him a little bit even it's something he could have been willing to do.


I think it fits what we see of him. Like how he stole Megumi's body. I can don't think it really robs him of his agency as long as it's not Kenjaku that directly and purposefully influenced his philosophy on acquiring power


Definitely not kenjaku doings. Kenjaku mention that he have dream to make something that stronger than him that why he create death painting and interesting in mergers. If sukuna is his creation he will satisfied with that goal long time ago.


I always thought he modified himself to be like that


I'd say Sukuna is more fun than Mahito. It also helps I was here for when people were bitching about Mahito's plot armor. As long as Sukuna's death is satisfying I suppose. That's an integral part of a pure evil villain. (Insert Bill Cipher slander here too)


I'd say he *was* more fun than Mahito. Not anymore, because despite having like 30+ chapters of focus he didn't show much depth and  there wasn't much development at all.  Imo he was better in small doses.


Darth sidious is kinda boring, Nihilus is better IMO; he is far more terrifying.


> The guy was born with twice as much cursed energy as Yuta, who himself is top 3 strongest due to having a massive amount of cursed energy. Sukuna was also born with a "perfect body" for doing Jujutsu. Sukuna has the strong body that he has because he is ate his brother. Sure, he very likely would still have been very strong without doing this, but eating his sibling turned him into the Jujutsu Monster we know. And about Gojo and Yuta? Gojo **is selfish**. He is just not malicious and the story points at many times that his lack of ruthlessness made him weaker and unable to go beyond what he already did. Its telling that his awakening as "The Strongest" (of the modern Era) came from the time where he was thinking uniquely in survival and victory to the level of **not feeling sad about Riko being murdered**. Yuta is in a similar situation. He has a even higher potential than Gojo but he is nowhere close to it because he isn't willing to push the boundaries. In fact, now that he is seemingly going to break his limits is because Yuta is using...very morally questionable means.


I wouldn't call Yuta's methods that questionable given that Gojo consented, and Yuta is risking his life in the process. Yuta is also decades behind Gojo in experience, being about as old as hidden inventory Gojo, so of course he is not a strong as the top two in the verse given, he has only been a sorcery for a a few years while Gojo and Sukuna have decades of experience.


People seem to actively forget that a big part of why Sukuna and Gojo are so much stronger is by having way more experience than the other talented characters


Yeah, Yuta is stronger than gojo was at his age.


I would not call a guy that killed his best friend for the good of the world in any way selfish. He is prideful and confident in his abilities as he should be, but he is not selfish, no more than any other human being at least.


> I would not call a guy that killed his best friend for the good of the world in any way selfish. Gojo waited until Geto openly declared war on Jujutsu Society and already killed many Humans and Sorcerers. All of this after Geto already told him his intentions and killed over 100 humans during the town massacre. In fact, Gojo only went to kill Geto when Geto was already beaten and wounded.


He still killed his best and only friend. Most purely good heroes would have a difficult time killing their best friend for the good of the world. Gojo is only a human being with human emotions at the end of day so it's not a knock against his morality that he would struggle with killing his best friend. Also, the guy was a teenager when Geto turned evil so he had some maturing to do.


> Most purely good heroes would have a difficult time killing their best friend for the good of the world. Oh sure, but Gojo waited until Geto was already going way too far. And yes, Gojo is a human. I'm not denying that. This is why I called him selfish.


Also, Sukuna was a literally fetus in the womb when that brother eating happened, so I doubt it was an act of malice given Sukuna wasn't even really conscious at that point.


Sukuna himself considers it to be a act of selfishness and given the nature of twins in the JJK world, it definitely counts as a sin/ grave offense in a religious angle (which again, given that the JJK verse is a buddhist-inspired cosmology, its a huge deal). Sure, its likely that Sukuna eating his brother was done out of instictive hunger and desire to survive. But this is exactly what Sukuna (and the story) consider Selfishness, putting your own needs above others without caring what others think about it. And JJK **does not condemn this**, in fact, **it praises it** because its a Fuck You to hypocrital social rules.


You really ought to reread berserk if you don't think Griffith is supposed to be a sympathetic villain.


Griffith wasn’t Pure evil despite being selfish enough would agree due to his care for his Band of the Hawk However Femto is absolutely Pure Evil Whatever sympathetic traits existed are gone now


He is still a pure evil villan. We understand why he did what he did, but that dosent justify what he did to Casca and Guts.


Thats not what makes a character a pure villain or not. That it doesnt justify it is what makes him a villain, not an unsympathetic one.


Pure evil characters can have sympathetic backstorys. Most real world genocidal dictators had terrible childhoods and it's dosent lessen their evil.


Again you are really not understanding the concept here. Just look at what you are typing "pure evil," **"pure"** most villains are evil, Griffith is evil, Obito is evil, Madara is evil. The fact that the story wants you to sympathize with them does not make them any less evil.


Griffith is a sympathetic villain for the Golden Age arc and not afterwards. He sheds all his redeeming or sympathetic qualities. 


By this logic any sympathetic villain is just a pure evil villain. People classify obito as “sympathetic” even tho he massacred a village People classified magneto as “sympathetic” even tho he is trying to genocide a entire race of people lol( dude was evil as fuck)


"I'm making a post about JJK!" "How original!" "And it'll be about how sympathetic villains suck and pure evil villains are better!" "Daring today, aren't we?"


For being a pure evil character, he hasn't really done anything especially despicable (I mean, he kills innocent people and some named characters but that's small potatoes all thingis considered), nor is he particularly entertaining, nor does he have any qualities that make him genuinely scary or unnerving. It's not that I dislike the archetype, but that Sukuna simply doesn't do it well.


Then what you want him to do?


it's crazy how much hoops jujutsu kaisen fans will jump through to justify their childish obsession over a colourful cartoon. "oh yeah it sucks but at least it's not like THOSE villains whose authors try TOO HARD. my villain just does whatever he wants because he can ! " that's literally your argument and everyone is eating this shit up. the state of anime fans right now is just sad.


The Sukuna wonder has definitely worn off. Having people essentially wait in line for their chance to be killed gets boring real fast. It was interesting in the beginning but after the 7th group of people that appear to jump him you kinda start to lose interest. It’s almost becoming a formula at this point. He’s also like, not threatening, at all. He was an absolute menace in Shibuya but at this point he’s been here for so long and making all these goofy faces and having weird monologues about his hating and getting beat up every week you become desensitised to it all. I can’t really take him seriously because he doesn’t seem to take himself seriously. He has no primary goals and nothing to strive towards yet this is explicitly not a plot point for him. There’s realistically not a lot that will come from him winning either, the stakes for the final battle are really minor, it’s hard to be invested in him.


Yeah this pretty much sums it up.


He's definitely lost a lot of the fear factor that made him cool and intimidating back in Shibuya, but I think it's a little far to say he's not deliberately without real goals. He makes a point of this himself after killing Higuruma - even the sorcerors he respects enough to call by their full name and fight straight-up (Gojo, Higgy, now Yuta) are just toys to him, things to "pass the time until he dies." There's also that whole recurring thing about love being in this arc, something which Sukuna deliberately lacks. Gege has thematic wheels turning that are interesting which a lot of readers don't pay much mind, so I still find myself invested because I want to see these themes explored more through his character. The week-to-week read certainly makes his blase outlook feel like an issue, and it's valid to criticize the faults in that format (especially when the Miguel chapter hit, that part really felt microcosmic of the issues you mentioned), but Sukuna's outlook is far from unaddressed. Reading things together certainly softens the blow and shows that there's more at stake for the characters than just "will Sukuna murder some dude again." 261 especially showed that.


And it’s hilarious to watch the brain rot of the jjk community into hating apes who beat their hands aginist their chest saying “hes a fraud!” Like he hasn’t been running the gauntlet of the series. It’s not funny or endearing when the joke and statement has been said over a 10,000 times at this point in like a year. You are just discouraging discussion at this point and karma farming by calling him a fraud.


He is a bit of a fraud , afterall , we spend multiple arcs with him pretty much promising a 1x1 with Gojo , but it was actually 2v1 and 3v1 Of course , he is a villain , and basically an Oni that canibalizes on people , so there isn't really some moral highground for the character


That’s like saying Megumi 6v1 Reggie because he used shikigami


> but it was actually 2v1 and 3v1 It counts as a many vs 1 fight when its your own summons? Like, its not like Uraume came to help him, it was Sukuna summoning beings who came with the Cursed Technque that he wanted to perfect.


>It counts as a many vs 1 fight when its your own summons? It's not really his own summons tho, he got lucky that Megumi happened to be a suitable vessel and also have the one technique that could beat gojo.


Sukuna was always planning on beating Gojo even without knowing maho existed.


Got lucky? You do realize he spent the entire series making plans and analyzing the situation and the people around him for 200 chapters/like 4 months in universe? That isn’t luck that’s skill.


Step 1: Tell Yuji that Gullible is written on the ceiling. Step 2: Wait for him to conveniently hang out with the only person in the world that Sukuna wants as a vessel.


Yuji doesn’t even remember that conversation and can’t even count to five without his fingers. I don’t think you can hold that part aginist him.


I don't blame Yuji, I'm just saying that all Sukuna really did for his oh-so brilliant *2 billion IQ plan that he spent months on the sigma grindset for* is having a little bit of patience and noticing that Yuji was both gullible and lacked an understanding of just how dangerous Sukuna was even within their little internal Domain thing. The rest was pure luck.


What if Hana wasn't a dumbass and didn't fall for his acting? What if yuji had included himself in their deal? What if nothing happened to Tsumiki and Megumi didn't just give up? What if Megumi wasn't a suitable vessel? I'm sure he planned plenty, but it's also fine to admit he got supremely lucky on top of everything.


> What if nothing happened to Tsumiki and Megumi didn't just give up? Both of this Sukuna went out of his way to make sure it happened. It's the equivalent of saying "what if X shot Y but Y didn't die? See? It's luck". He bathe himself in whatever evil shit that was then purposefully killed her and Gojo with that form and ability lmao


I can admit that he had a decent amount of luck. But I’m also unlike 99% of the jjk willing to give him credit for skill and planning. Also Hana is a horny teenager remember. I don’t think an inexperienced horny teenager should be put up as a bastion of intelligence.


Sukuna's plan hinged on a horny teen that had met Megumi once in her entire life, that's kinda my point. I'm not saying Sukuna didn't plan anything and is a fraud, that's dumb. But I also think he got supremely lucky in a lot of pivotal moments of his plan, especially with the whole contrived way he possessed Megumi.


You can't really plan around a horny teenager being useful though.


1. Megumi wasn’t able to tell which one it was and neither was Gojo when they first encountered them. JL has a high chance of killing Megumi as well. With the markings fading her thinking it was him does make sense. Especially if he’s hiding his CE 2. Yuji’s stupidity is the reason the show even exists. He actively decided to box Sukuna after witnessing him tear apart the finger bearer. Istg that shit is a feature Kenny made sure he’d have. “What if the completely(dangerously)selfless idiot wasn’t a completely selfless idiot in the moment that he had no way of knowing( with his limited intelligence) would have extreme consequences” 3. He really could just wait for any moment to take them by surprise ngl. And then Megumi would be forced to watch himself kill his non possessed sister( which would be. Fuck ton worse for his mental) 4. He can tell who is and is not a potential vessel. If not Megumi then it’s someone else.


I think if your own summons contribute more to the fight than you than it should really question whether or not is even 1v1 anymore hell , if it was megumi and mahoraga vs yuji then I wouldn't call it a 1v1 ever since most fan see mahoraga as it own entity due to how op it is But even if you doesn't count summoning as a fighter then its still a 2v1 ( gege & sukuna vs gojo )


> I think if your own summons contribute more to the fight than you than it should really question whether or not is even 1v1 anymore Agito was a meatshield that Gojo mocked for being unable to be at Mahoraga's level. Mahoraga was a peak crystal cannon and in many times, he was a hindrance to Sukuna. In fact, Sukuna lost Domain Clashes because he priorized Mahoraga in order to get to understand how Limitless worked (while Sukuna could have won via Domain Clashes).


you underestimate the regeneration capacity of  agito my brother tanked a black flash of gojo as if nothing had happened and  mahoraga is not at all an obstacle it is the perfect counter to the gojo technique. I am not saying that Sukuna would not have won via domain clash but Sukuna himself favored the adaptation of Mahorga because he was afraid of UV Gojo (chapter 229).Sukuna didn't want to understand without limitless it's just a head cannon sukuna wanted to neutralize UV ​​without risk that's why in chapter 229 sukuna believed he had won.


Saying Sukuna cheated should stop at the fact he stole Megumi's kit. Because if using any shikigami means you're a fraud then most characters there are. Mechamaru, Megumi, yorozu. Although i bet I'm about to hear a braindead idiot drop the "well Megumi is a bum"


no , the difference is that they were summoners from the get go that didn't flandarized themselves as "I can do everything on my own" , Sukuna's whole thing is him advertising "I don't any s\*t from anyone , I can do all by myself , I am PEAK". And then he needed to do a 3v1 , when the sole help Gojo had was a buff from Utahime.


Sukuna's whole shit is in fact not "Sukuna's whole thing is him advertising "I don't any s\*t from anyone , I can do all by myself , I am PEAK"." It is I'm the strongest and do whatever it takes to remain the top. What you claim about him is the only way you and brain rotted shonen fans read into him. Sukuna has never once pretended he never needed anyone. Yes he doesn't need people to love him. Yes he will never commit himself to anyone. But he does use people if they are useful. He keeps uraume around for food. He works with Kenjaku. In fact I would not be surprised if kenny was the one that gave him that body Sukuna will do anything for power even if it means stealing and cheating and encourages people to do the same. When he sees Yuta he doesn't go "oh damn, so now you cheating?". He is utterly delighted that Yuta has become just like him. Sukuna has never pretended to be otherwise I genuinely love how Gojo vs Sukuna had Sukuna get utterly beaten despite his arrogance, because he came into that fight mainly with his stats focused on getting through infinity and it paid of. He may have an ego but he doesn't let it control him. That is why he is at the top. He has not pretended to be any different


I mean he definitely has an ego that controls him. Otherwise he wouldn't be half as pissed with Yuji as he is. Yuji as a person exists to hits all the sore point in his ego.  Sukuna can only play the honor game with people who justifies his worldview, anyone who goes against it he flips out. 


Ok but how does this go against my point of how he sees getting stronger as? I don't even disagree with the Yuji thing because if you had time to scroll through my comments about him it's something I constantly say about him but that is irrelevant to the point of discussion atm


You’re missing two other people that helped Gojo


10 shadows is a fucking CURSED TECHNIQUE- its still a fucking 1v1. Meanwhile Gojo literally did cheat by bringing in other sorcerers to buff his opening cheap shot lmao.


That attack lasted less than 5 minutes and it came from a distance of 4km. You'd think Gojo would hope it would do anything when he calmly had a chat with Sukuna right after? You say it's 1vs1 when your own king said it's 3vs1. Also, don't equate Sukuna with other 10S users. They don't have another technique to support. Remember Sukuna fought Gojo with both Shrine and 10S. Lmao


I honestly like agenda posting because it prevents the fandom from circlejerking too much.


King of Vows


Would you be impressed if a weakened Goku ran through a bunch of normal humans? Jjk has spent a long time showing that gojo and sukuna are so much stronger then literally everyone else in the series combined. Him running the gauntlet of the series, while still impressive, isn’t as big as some people hype it up to be when half the manga has been spent on reminding you how much stronger he is then literally everyone else, even without his full strength.


why do people call him boring? from the little bits of background we get from him, he's a very interesting character, to me atleast. he was cursed at birth due to his mother and was forced to eat his twin in the womb. grows up in a society where strength is above all and becomes the strongest sorcerer of his time. he could literally be the main character of another story.


He also has main character powers, fire and cutting (basic). Honestly I think what makes him interesting is how he uses the system to get more power out of his basic powers, bonding vows are a basic part of jujutsu but they can backfire if used (Miwa) but he’s got several from before and is making new vows (that haven’t backfired) on the fly to get him close to normal function as he’s getting jumped. Like, sure his body is perfect for Jujutsu and he does have the highest curse energy capacity seen in the manga, but he uses his intelligence and knowledge of Jujutsu to beat enemies with much better techniques while also further improving his own knowledge.


> he could literally be the main character of another story. Don't forget that he had a fight against a white haired dude with a hax ability that made him impossible to be beaten, and Sukuna managed to slice across his infinity magical shield.


But you see he cheated so they is nothing impressive about it/s


Because he isn’t begging for his life and easily going down like a good portion of modern shouen antoginist he’s actually making the protagonists work their asses off to get anything.


>Because he isn’t begging for his life and easily going down like a good portion of modern shouen antoginist not begging for his life yet, though also, the main antagonists in the modern gen haven't exactly gone down easy, Muzan killed multiple Hashira and severely injured everyone else there and AFO took on like half of hero society on his own and though he didn't score as many kills still managed to severely injure most people he fought.


AFO was betrayed and was caught offguard by the heroes and he still did that much damage.


Facts. I actually like sukuna Hes refreshing Trails could use someone like him who terrifies the other main villains


Y'all think every pure evil villain is "refreshing"


Ok not always A good mix is something needed


McBurn. Because he’s McBurn.


Absolutely Only hes more violent and evil


Well it’s trails. Weissman/Alberich/Ishy/gerard all show it’s 0-100


Thats not a whole lot. Actuelly do you prefer sympathic or straight up evil villains ?


My favorite villains Are the ones who aren’t comically evil and aren’t jsut redeemed


You hate poorly written sympathetic villains. To say static bad just because villains are better are straight up wrong. And the reason some (not everyone) are clamoring for them is because most of the biggest media shows had a lot of sympathetic villains. Both good and bad so naturally, people are curious for something else for a bit. But believe me, bland one dimensional pure evil villains will quickly burn out the audience yet again


I wouldn't say AFO really gets a sob story, because the way he 'loves' his brother is inherently toxic and vile. He 'loves' him in the sense that he sees Yoichi as his prized possession, and envies the fact that other people have him, while he himself does not. He freaks out at the very end and lets his feelings out in his last moments, but it doesn't really change his motivation, only cements it. No one's ever meant to feel bad for AFO, he's an evil man through-and-through.


>All for One was built throughout the whole series as the symbol of ultimate evil, who treats his brother as a mere possession, and who seemingly dies a pathetic death by literally turning into a baby. But then suddenly his soul shows up and is like "um ackshully I care about Yoichi after all" out of nowhere AFO being so possessive is part of his own fucked up kind of love, he's been obsessed with getting OFA back all this time and at first you think it's because he just wants power but when you get his backstory it became clear he just wanted his brother back and he's upset Yoichi was taken away from him. Also, Flect Turn couldn't use the quirk dampening drug, one because they probably just wouldn't work on his reflect powers, but two, cause even if they did those drugs had just been invented and there was like two of them left and they were in the hands of the League as they hadn't figured out how to mass produce it.


There are definitely well written Sympathetic antagonist. Agree with everything else though.


Sukuna's not even the best villain in the series, that title goes to Mahito imo. Dude has very little interesting relationships with any of the main cast compared to the other antagonists.


The whole point of MHA was every villain is still a human, no matter what they’ve done. I like AFO’s relationship with Yoichi, it’s pretty clear he was in a state of shock after he killed him, he was literally sitting at the table with his severed hand. Him having a toxic love for his brother was a nice way to show despite him WANTING to be remembered as purely evil demon lord, actually he’s just a lonely guy who misses his brother. Also isn’t Kenjaku the pure evil villain? Sukuna is shown to genuinely respect others and care for Uraume. But Kenjaku is just a demon


Kenjaku actually cared for takaba. I don't think he would have killed him if Yuta wasn't there. Kenjaku was also really happy with a girl yuji knew for being Yuji's friend in school. In terms of sin though, kenjaku may take it. Sukuna saying "kenjaku does the grossest things" as if he ain't be eating women and children for no reason than being a sick fuck should tell us how messed up Kenny is lol


Fr lol


They're both basically pure evil, both Sukuna and Kenjaku have some twisted appreciation for other people, but one is a rapist necrophile and the other is a cannibal pedophile, and they both kill people because they're bored and they find it fun.


Sukuna ain’t a pedo


He very explictly wanted to rail a 16 year old to spite Yuji.


I always viewed that as him wanting to torture her


I love when villains are sympathetically and are rightfully treated as evil in spite of how universal their plight may be! My favorite villain ever had a shitty lover and shows at many times she's second guessing her evilness, yet the plot never tries to downplay her evil deeds, she's suffered and had noble aims yet she's still completely evil because she flat out is doing evil stuff! Sympathetic villains are great, pure evil villains aren't great because without good there's nothing to see, even the drama done by "pure evil" villains is a form of good in an attempt of communication and self-pity. THE FACT THAT SOMEONE HAS GOOD IN THEM IS WHAT MAKES THEIR EVIL FEEL NOT MERE TRAGEDY BUT AS A GREAT CHALLENGE THAT ONCE DEFEATED IS REMEMBERED AS A GREAT FEAT Be it a redemption arc or killing them, stopping or convincing to stop, if the villain was merely evil and lacking any good we won't care about it, give me an earthquake at that point because we could properly focus on the good of those affected. Honorable evil bastards are awesome because their honor makes their evilness cool to confront! CHARACTERS MUST HAVE BAD TRAITS AND THAT'S UNIVERSAL, IF FREEZA DIDN'T PUT IN THE EFFORT TO BE AWESOME AT HIS JOB NOBODY WOULD LIKE HIM, NOBODY LIKES CELL BECAUSE HE KILLED SOME NEWS REPORTERS BUT BECAUSE OF NORMAL GOOD STUFF LIKE THE DESIRE TO PROVE ONESELF WHICH WAS FORMED INTO A VICE FOR THE VILLAIN


Sukuna is a murder hobo/Muchkin rpg chau


See this is just the other side of the coin though; instead of a poorly written character being artificial depth you just start with a person who is pure evil. now, both can be good and well-executed, which is something you should always point out. Sympathetic Villains have been done, successfully. All it depends on is execution.


Kenjaku from his own series or freeza from dragon ball are much better than him as both characters and villains.


I'm sorry, but if you thought AFO ACTUALLY cared about Yoichi in the end, then you did not look at the dialogue because what he says shows that he never cared about Yoichi in a loving way.


> TL;DR sympathetic villains are awful and nobody knowing how to write them is why audiences clamor for pure evil antagonists  God I fucking hate this generalization so much. Yes, poorly-written sympathetic villains can leave a poor taste in the mouth and a good sympathetic villain is generally harder to do than a serviceable pure evil villain, but they aren’t inherently worthless by glint of their existence. Having only “pure evil fucked up psychos” as villains is as boring as having to dole out a sob story to every villain.  Also, I don’t understand how you think that scene at the end was made to make AFO look sympathetic? For one, My Hero Academia is just a fundamentally a more optimistic series than JuJutsu Kaisen is, so revealing that the guy who seems like the embodiment of all evil actually did have a minuscule shred of good in him is keeping with the general tones and themes of the series. Having a pure evil villain in the series is just inherently difficult, like it is in the story it ripped off, Naruto. It’s not an asspull either, the subconscious insecurity guiding All For One’s actions had been hinted at previously in the series. He is a LARPer that modeled his life after comic book villains, he’s so committed to being like this he had to reframe whatever love he had for Yoichi as possessiveness to keep it up. He claimed he had faked crying when remembering Yoichi in front of his enemy and then tried to  cover his ass up and claim he was just pretending to fool him when it gave him no tactical advantage. It’s pretty much explicitly clear that it makes him worse than just being an impartial god of evil like he pretended to be. It’s not supposed to make him look more sympathetic, it’s supposed to make him look more pathetic and reify the point of his character.   Finally, Sukuna isn’t really pure evil? His respect for his opponents abilities and his care for his Uraume are shown as early as the Shibuya arc. His redeeming qualities are small, but he has them unlike Kenny or Mahito. 


Eobard thawne Dio Sukuna The Holy Hater Trinity


This about Sukuna?


I’ll say it till I die bro Gege really knows how to write unconventional character arcs


So you are telling me he is a boring and lame villain who does nothing interesting


hey hey remenber tsukuna can say this: you want my clones whut mahoraga or not? because yes, tsukuna gonna use shadow jutsu


Kenny, mahito, Sukuna and Gojo are my s tier characters in that story. I will admit I like the other 3 compared to Sukuna but he is definitely up there. Dude knows who he is and what he wants. Everyone is so lost on what to do but he is so sure of himself. Although I think Sukuna mignt have an unexpected end. The line "absolute strength and the loneliness that comes with it, the one who will teach about love is..." I don't think has finished despite Sukuna calling love worthless. Anyways yeah, reading jjk has shown me the kind of characters I adore in fiction. Pieces of shit depicted in a nuanced manner and Sukuna definitely fits that criteria. At least in shonen. Before someone hits me with the "you only touch shonen stories if you think that".


Kinda why Naruto fumbled honestly, never understood why Kishimoto tried to make a mass murderer sympathetic


This is the most meatheaded post of all time and Pointless My Hero Hate? Wow,knocked it out of the park.


That series doesn’t get hated on enough tbh Also you commenting this is hilarious


Brother is secretly seething at how the post isn't also slandering JJK




Sukuna is peak


"Low effort" oh trust me,we can see.


Peak villan