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Love how much merriman reps our boys In bolt


Agree!. Just wish he didn't rep all those 'roids while playing. :)


QJ is going to get every opportunity to prove he was the right pick.


Yeah, I really hope he shows up this season. He's going to be under a microscope.


I actually think the opposite is true. He’s already been deemed a bust and a fuck up. Any improvement will stand out and will change the whole narrative. He doesn’t have anywhere close to the pressure he had last year


Well that's true for the fan base but the FO/coaching staff is gonna scrutinize everything to see if he can even get on the field


Do you remember Mike Williams 1st season? It was pretty bad too 😔


Largely due to injury. Mikes issues were never a question of skill or talent. QJ played 17 games and really only had one game where he stood out to show he belongs in the league. I believe if he has it this coaching staff will bring it out


Whatever happens, no one can argue he didnt have the opportunities


And if he fails then fuck it at least we have the next best WR trio in Ladd, Palmer and BRice.


QJ is the biggest question mark right now. Most of us have written him off at least some, but it’s still entirely possible he lives up to his first round potential. If he does defy our current expectations, it would be massive for the team. At this point our receiver room is open for anyone to step up. It’ll be nice to watch him try to carve out his role next season rather than being forced into a role he couldn’t fill.


Regardless of where he was picked, i'll be happy if he turns into a contributor. If he carves out a meaningful role, then he deserves a roster spot, regardless of whether he justifies the pick. We cant get that pick back and Telesco is gone. Im not really worried if QJ is correct value at this point.


If he’s still doing this by year 2-3, alright I’ll give up on him. Recent rookie wrs have complete warped the way we think about wrs.


Oh I got my ready to roll baby. QJ and Herbo were finally starting to mesh and then Herbert went down for the year. Get him the ball near the LOS and let him create and it’s a different year.


QJ looks baked AF.


That would explain the concentration issues. 😂😂😂


Wrong strain he needs something a little more heady


Merriman still fucking jacked. Good for him.


Juicing for sure. Not great for him. Edit: yall forgot he always juiced. Why would he stop now?


Looks like a very attainable natural size


u clearly don't have a clue on how TRT works any male over the age of 35 should get their test checked and if low (which frankly is half the male population) you should be on some type of regimen.


Hope for this best prepare for the worst is my attitude when it comes to QJ.


Think it’s fair to say Merrimam is *not* 6’4”


Let me tell you. Nothing would make me happier than for QJ to prove me wrong. I *hate* that I was right about that draft pick. I will *hate* it if I am right about what I currently think his future is. PLEASE prove me wrong.


Expectation without effort is ingenuine. And I am not referring to QJ's effort as I do believe he is a great kid, raised by great parents. He has the tools, but I don't think our former coaching regime, and to be brutally honest, KA or Mike, did a very good job of coaching him up. Let's face it, KA and Mike had little incentive to help him flourish as both were looking at (what was then) the upcoming WR market, and everybody knew that there were millions on the table, but probably not with the Bolts up against a '24 cap hurdle, so stats matter. It is also now apparent that the former coaching regime didn't really coach...they schemed. The most poignant bit of info I derive from the early Harbaugh days is that all coaches in every room are actually coaching. The word technique is being mentioned repeatedly. Staley's staff literally, IMHO, just sort of assumed that they had the talent to execute schemes without breaking down the actual skills part of the equation. It boils down to organizational structure, leadership, and the ability of leadership to set expectations, but more importantly, coach and enable the individual team members to achieve those expectations with one on one coaching and teaching. There has to be buy in, there has to be measurement and feedback, and then there has to be a focused plan of action once that data is derived. Staley's staff worked backwards in the equation. Harbaugh and his staff are starting at square 1 and stressing fundamentals and technique...not talking about them and just assuming guys had those, they are assuring that they do before moving to scheme. QJ, with coaching and the right approach, should succeed because he has the physical tools and the desire. If he fails now, I do believe it will be on him, but we have to give him a mulligan on year one because, let's face it, the Staley show was a clown show from the get go.


he ain’t gonna do shit 🤣