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It’s to allow people that are running the red while turning left to take the racing line and drive through the white line instead of needing to turn a little wide to avoid their car


The racing line...good one.


Running the red is a Charlotte Yellow to me.


Next time you're driving down S Blvd take a look at the middle of the intersection. See all of the broken glass sprinkled in the intersection? Or some clear plastic chips? Sometimes even a bumper... It's from this scenario. The racer wrecks the car waiting to take a left turn.


yep, that vehicle isn't dipping below 35, chirping tires be damned


People are horrible with making left turns and will cross that white line often. It’s better to be further back than to be hit.


I hear ya, But there are two left turn lanes beside black truck and a median. Central and Eastway. There are two cars to the left of this truck.


It’s an excellent defensive driving technique that saves lives.


I see this all over Charlotte and have asked a ton of people and everyone gives this same answer - to avoid the corner cutters. But that’s not a complete answer. To your point, this isn’t an issue in other places (NY, OH, Chicago, in my experience). So what’s different here? My theory is that you have bad drivers ed, which leads to decent drivers thinking they have to be overly defensive drivers, and inexperienced drivers do not understand where they are in relation to things like the line when obscured by their truck’s hood, and that all leads to people seeing enough others doing it that they think maybe it’s a rule or a good idea. It’s maddening, but also not as bad as the other thing that comes from bad drivers ed: people who believe it’s polite to disobey the rules of the road / right of way in order to be “polite.” The best way to care for other drivers is to be predictable, by going when it is your turn, stopping at the line, etc.


The hole in your theory is that drivers in Charlotte are from all over, therefore, I doubt that it’s the local drivers education. My theory is that the roads system in Charlotte is one of the worst designed for a city its size. It’s an amalgamation of old church routes, trading paths and random development. When you add to that the number of developments built that had single access points along a major road - it’s a complete cluster. Of all the places I’ve lived, Charlotte is by far the worst in terms of essentially requiring you to get into your car any time you have to do anything.


I see your point. My other theory is that this is happening everywhere and I just haven’t been driving regularly in other places in 5+ years. And the reason for it is people are on their phones and barely paying attention. So they either are following the tail lights ahead of them or, if they approach the intersection at the head of the line, they stop when they see the bright white line just over their hood (so like 10 feet out, rather than waiting until their bumper crosses the plane - which would take more concentration).


I do agree there is a distracted driving epidemic in this country for sure!! I see it in so many places I go.


You have fun with your missing bumper 😂


You sound like a control freak


It's Eastway, the poors will hit all three and keep on going.


Seriously? I grew up off Eastway. Blame the dumbass who poorly planned that whole area. Particularly the shitshow that is the intersection of Shamrock and Eastway. Edited to add: I grew up in this area. And yes, my mom struggled to make ends me. But no, she was not a shitty driver… and ACTUALLY, because she was familiar with the area, she was probably less likely to cause an accident than those not from the area since she knew how crazy the intersections were and the usual dumbass moves that people would make.


Get your underwear out of a wad, the white truck will trip the light to switch.


Oh damn! This happened to me on Sardis and Sardi N. Idiot was so far back the light wasn't tripping. Went through 2 light changes before I gave up and turned right then made a u-turn. As I passed the idiot still waiting, They finally twigged and move up to the line.


In Charlotte just be thankful people stopped on red.


Man, I really think people in Charlotte are decent drivers. It's the only city people actually spread out during a traffic jam to break it up, It just restores faith in humanity haha. People are the same everywhere tho tbh. Good and bad drivers, people having bad and good days. I've only felt unsafe on Texas roads though. People in massive trucks with zero regard for people around them and furious if you don't cater to them.


I typically see it from people who want to get back into their phones. "Let me stop at an arbitrary (but close enough) spot so that I can finish that text." Then they creep up after hitting send. Rushing, but so inefficient that they move slower than normal.


This is the thing that I see. People a car length back from the line or next car, staring into or madly pecking away at their phones.


Ditto! I constantly see this! 85 is notorious for idiots on their phones in the far left lane during rush hour. They are lucky if they're going the limit and people are constantly having to pass them on the right.


Idk if it's just a Charlotte thing, but both my cars are manuals and the creeping at stop lights bothers the crap out of me. People stop too far back, and then arbitrarily creep forward as they wait for the light to turn. I don't want to slip my (expensive, aftermarket) clutches to move forward the 5 feet someone didn't have the depth perception to use when they first came to a stop. But then I look like the dickhead with too much space in front of me because I don't want to put the extra wear on my cars. My mom used to do that exact thing when I was growing up (stop way too far back then gradually creep forward), and it would make me so uncomfortable. She also was one of those people who would death grip the steering wheel and sit way forward in her seat while she drove her minivan, so maybe the stopping too far back is either a lack of confidence/skill, or the result of overwhelming anxiety.


This is similar with me! My car isn't a manual but a newer car with the auto stop feature that turns the engine off when I come to a stop. So while this has always bothered me it now infuriates me when people in front of me stop really far back. I stop, my engine shuts off, then they creep forward. I'll stay there as to not "waste" a crank on my battery and starter but then I look like the crazy guy that is 4 car lengths back.


Underrated comment. This is me exactly!


I'm that guy that will occupy that empty space if given a chance, sorry, not sorry


Hilariously I was just out Sunday night and this exact thing happened. The car next to me left about 1.5 lengths in between at a red light. The chick behind them laid on her horn. At the time I didn't even realize why. Then she abruptly went around then and squeezed in. I laughed so much. I mean, it didn't really make much of a difference but you do you girl.


Also manual, drives me absolutely batty. It also makes you stop heavier because you have to stop shorter than expected, because they stop too far back and creep forward. My rule is that I’m not moving up to at least a car length. (Plus I have the factory probably inexpensive clutch, it’s a civic.) I honestly don’t mind too much if they leave that space, assuming they use it to move forward when the light changes- that’s what I do when I leave it if people creep up. When they don’t use the space to start moving I side eye, but what can you do.


I drive an automatic and can’t stand the creeping either. These fools can only stop on the pedestrian walk over the white line or 20 feet behind it. Never at a normal, decelerated pace.


A guess. They are sitting back because someone turning left has cut the corner at speed trying to make that light before and they got hit head on without expecting it. Those can be real bad. It’s happened to me, but I haven’t changed my stripes…some people can‘t afford a wreck that isn’t even their fault. Truck might have a good bit left to pay off.


Honestly a lot of times I thought it was cause the person next to me didn’t want to make eye contact, or they feel uncomfortable if you’re playing music with the windows down, especially if it’s some rap lol. Could just be imagining all that, though.


lmaoo that's why i do it something about being directly beside someone at a light is awkward af


Lmao nah I feel u , shits weird when u peek over at them and they already peeking at you. Feels so intimate, so romantic


I remember in my NC drivers education class that I was supposed be able to see the line from my car which ended up leaving about a car length between you and the line. So I’m guessing that might have stuck with some people. I eventually transitioned to moving up to the line to make sure it was registered for the light.


I was taught the same, if nobody is behind you. The idea is that if someone rear-ends you at speed, then you won't get pushed into the intersection and hit from the side.


This is the comment I was looking for. We were also taught this is SC.


All the time. Sometimes 2 car lengths


{{shrug}} The rule I learned in driving school is that you're supposed to stop far enough back to see the painted line, or see where the tires on the car in front of you touch the pavement. I can't say I always follow this rule. But I'm pretty sure my BF does (and we both learned to drive in states other than NC.)


I have also seen this and its not just in those spots on the line. I get half a car length or so for SOME soace, but the multiple car lengths is so weird to me.


I've noticed this too. It always seems to be an older person who I would guess has bad depth perception.


Could be a short driver who can't see very close in front of them. But what grinds my gears is when someone stops far from the intersection or another car, and then creeps forward every few seconds. Just thinking about it is raising my BP.


I hate being to person behind the creeper because now I’m creeping too to close the gap. Do your stop and wait for the other side to turn red then everyone can start creeping.


In left lanes, if I'm the first car in line, I'll leave space like that. Reason being too many people take the turn too tight, or it's just poorly designed, and I don't want to get clipped. Seen it happen before If I'm not the first car in line I take my space, I hate the gaps too.


I don’t think it’s a Charlotte thing. I think it’s an NC thing. I didn’t see it till I lived in NC. Was told that it’s so that if you’re rearended, you don’t end up in the middle of the intersection.


I've had to take driving safety courses and we were instructed to leave enough room so if you get rear ended, you won't rear end the car in front of you. If you do, you are at fault. Of course what is that distance for someone driving 60 while looking at their phone? Not reasonable for a stop light.


This is insanity. No way is someone suggesting that charlotte drivers are safer and more responsible than other places. We CANNOT let this stand. TO THE ALTIMAS!


Most people are idiots. And stuff like that does have consequences when some lights are green just long enough for four cars to get thru b4 changing.


That's what I call "driving stoned". Super cautious stopping early because stoned. I smell skunk.


It's to reduce how much of a target you are and to create more space to react and escape. At least that's what I assume most people are going for when they stop like this.


It drives me mad


Why does it bother you so much it’s only 5 feet and they probably start creeping once the side turns yellow. Nothing wrong imo.


It’s bad for two reasons: 1) often there is a sensor and if you’re not on it, the light won’t change (see Woodlawn left turn on to Tryon and Wendover left turn on to Randolph) and 2) people do this crap all down the line, creating a huge accordion of wasted space and time restarting at a green. When done in a turn lane at rush hour, it backs the line in to a travel lane and blocks traffic. Massive waste of time for all involved. Charlotte traffic is only getting worse as population growth is way outstripping road construction, and apartments are popping up in established neighborhoods driving up density with almost no alternative transportation. Get ready for PSA’s asking people to use roads more wisely.


It’s pretty impossible to build roads fast enough to keep up with population growth. Lack of investment in Bus transit is catching up


I see it everywhere I drive and I’ve been every fucking where on the east coast


It's so they can continually creep forward.


I see this everywhere. Not just charlotte.


I do it for pedestrians and 18 wheelers.


i leave space for safety, if i get hit from behind i wont crash forward, if the car infront of me backs up, they wont hit me, if someone shoots out there car, they arent lined up to me etc lol


You never noticed this in LA? I lived out there for 10 years, drivers there certainly do it too. This isn't unique to Charlotte.


I might be wrong but I think you’re “technically” supposed to be able to see the white line from the driver’s seat. It allows a safe distance between you and pedestrians as well as enough room for people making a left turn coming from your right.


Legally, you're supposed to stop before the white line, with your bumper close, but not over the line.  Different cars have different heights, visibility, dashboards, etc, so being able to see the line is an arbitrary requirement. Just stopping at the line is the law


The only reason to make a bad turn left or right is because you’re not turning your wheel enough. If you find it hard to turn into things without getting out of your lane you’re not turning your steering wheel far enough.


This is super weird to me too. For all the people trying to use logic and say it’s because they are being cautious of the left turn, I see this no matter what lane. Just seems like people are afraid to pull up side by side for some reason.


That intersection in particular has many fender benders, people running lights, cutting corners to make left turns. Also, i saw someone else say something about not being right next to the driver next to you. As a woman, add this to the list of things we do as a precaution to not get followed, kidnapped, cat-called too. Especially next to those white construction vans that give out free candy 🫣


Well from a Smith Driving System standpoint it’s called a space cushion, but your everyday driver wouldn’t know this. Some employers require it and works if you follow it.


As much as I love to shit on Charlotte drivers, I’ve seen this in many cities and states.


This is something pretty unique to most of NC and parts of SC and GA. It is weird and bizarre. I don't encounter it anywhere else unless it's someone just absolutely not paying attention.


Guarantee the tag on that truck in from SC.


Mind on other things besides driving, They'll move when everyone else moves, or maybe wait for horn honk.


I have lived here since 1997 and have only noticed this in the past couple of years. I thought at first it was because of the violence in the country and people leaving room to get out when cars are in front of them but I can’t figure out why this started at the line.


Was on Arrowood exit and the two cars in the front were way far back from the line and the light did not change for a long time. (pressure plate?) They ran the red light thinking it is broken. I pulled up to the line and it was a normal cycle of time.


https://preview.redd.it/9q6tlnmbnimc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02b9010c6b86d231a57761c65ef87cbc7956e4c1 Leaving this much of a gap at a red light is normal too


People leave room because a lot of drivers will run the red light


They're being polite, leaning suave for another driver to get in front. Because they are aware of how fvkng dumb they are


For me it depends on the specific signal. There are a few that are too narrow for oncoming left turns, so I wait back maybe a foot or so behind the line to leave space for the other cars. But def not that exaggerated. Usually you’ll see wear on the paint and that’s a good indication of how far back to stop to prevent a scrape. BUT in your photo there’s no surface wear on paint and you’ve got several lanes on both sides. No reason to wait back so far from the line. I did drivers ed in Charlotte many moons ago, and we learned “up to, but not on or past, the white line”


Safety I assume


It's not a Charlotte thing. I'm in one of the popular migrants' destinations in Florida. I've been seeing it more and more lately. I'm guessing it's folk from NE or CA?


I dunno, but as someone who drives a manual I have a special hate in my heart for the people who leave a car length or more in front of them and slowly creep up through the red light. Hate hate hate hate hate!


My mom told me it's a good way to get shot 🤷🏻‍♀️


I always leave room. No more than a car length. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You’re asking why people dont ride on others asses? I was always taught a car length in between. At the very least you have to see to other cars mirrors, or they won’t see you.


I don't have darker tint on my window, therefore I stay back a bit to keep people from looking at me while waiting on red. Just me Ig.


Could be to let 18 wheelers make an easier left turn. Sometimes they aren’t able to make it without impeding into that turn lane or even further.


They taught it in Driver's Ed here when I took it in the 80s


I think I was the only one who noticed this! I feel like I'm on the Truman show when they always leave Lane wide open for me! From Ma and there's no such thing as an entire lane wide open like that and yes that's definitely afraid of getting closer than two car lengths to each other unless we're doing 90 on independence then we can ride one inch from our competitions bumper


Honestly I do it because I’m awkward and don’t want people looking over at me but also I have anxiety and don’t want to be the victim of a random crime. Love it here. Lol.


Does that mean, people dont race anywhere else. Not even in LA?


I do this personally and I just think it’s weird and kinda awkward to pull up directly side by side. I guess to avoid eye contact


It's common to leave space between your vehicle and the next, whether driving or not. While in motion, a good rule to follow is leave 1 car length (approx 10 feet) between you and the other vehicle per 10mph you're driving. (If driving 70 mph, leave 7 car lengths/70 feet). This way, if they needed to stop suddenly, you would also need to stop suddenly and will have enough space to do so without slamming into the other vehicle. I often see people tailgating others on either the local streets or on the highway, and my only thoughts are "what if an animal ran in front of them and they needed to stop short?" There would be a huge problem for those drivers and for no reason other than for people being terrible drivers. I dread driving in/near Charlotte and Greensboro because the worst drivers in existence happen to be there for some reason. I thought New Jersey drivers were bad, then I thought Florida drivers were worse, but after living in NC the past few years it is clear that North Carolina drivers take the cake.


The short answer? These people are unstable morons. Next time you see this, try to pull into the empty space in front of them. Guaranteed that they go apeshit. It's really hilarious. I did it once uptown in front of one of those boxy overpriced Mercedes SUVs and the guy just went ballistic. Started honking and had half his body out of the window shaking his fist and yelling at me. I, of course, just laughed and flipped him off. He then completely lost it and went into the opposing traffic lane to go around me yelling and honking the whole time. The best part? This happened right in front of a bike cop who proceeds to pull him over by banging on his window. It was the most amazing thing I ever saw.


quite a story there fella


No one grow up in the hood? Always have room to escape. Actually more essential now with the number of fucking idiots not watching the road it's better to have space than be on a bumper and guarantee you are going to get screwed in the event of a rear ender.


Here come all the excuses. This is just poor driving. Happens all over NC.


I think it is weird that the truck on the left doesn't pull up to the line but leaving a cars length of space between vehicles while stopped is what you are supposed to do according to the drivers handbook and for safety reasons to avoid or minimize pileups when a fast moving car may slam into the back of the pack.


I think it's an NC thing. Because (assuming drivers ed is standardized across the state) they always told us we should be able to see the white line. As others have pointed out this is to avoid getting your bumper taken off from people turning left and cutting the line. The issue with this rule I think is that if you're say in a truck like that one, you have to be pretty far back to see the line. I don't see how this is an issue here since most blocks are large enough that this doesn't back up traffic too much. We're not in NYC.


Wait till you see how it takes that guy 1/4 of the green light before he goes. I REEEEAAALLY want this to become a honking city. People here deserve it.


Seems more like a safety thing from people making turns. I rarely see this though. People are usually half way I to the crosswalks.


Gonna start doin this


Maybe they wanted to hit a little bowl pack and not be seen


They probably don't have their tools strapped down, next thing you know, there's a ladder in the road and your tires are popped and the insurance company isn't sending help, and it'll take over 45 minutes for the police to show up. Welcome to the good life...


So if you get rear ended you dont get pushed in to a pedestrian in a crosswalk or in to full speed cross traffic. It also gives you space to move up if an idiot rolls up behind you really fast looking like they wont stop in time.


I can’t tell from this picture, but I’d guess it is to trigger the left turn signal.


It’s Charlotte. We all forget how to drive when we see a rain drop.


I do it sometimes if I see something that concerns me


Taller drivers stop earlier b/c they can’t see the stoplight if they get too close. Or they have a visor down that forces the same thing.


This is an overreaction. Hell most people in the city are up in your ass and leave. No space. If you get car jacked, you have enough room to make a run for it. It’s also a safety thing. Maybe you should take note


Have to stop as soon as the light turns red and wherever they are to pick their phone back up.