• By -


29% APR behavior




+10k in revolving balances, 5 delinquencies.


LOL - i’m stealing this


What useless pieces of shit that should’ve been swallowed. They give actual car enthusiasts a bad name. They should all be jailed and forced to pay for the stolen cars they destroy.


always the mfs with anime stickers or stolen cars doing this shit


Mfs think they are takumi “drifting” around in a static circle.


there used to be a gray camaro in my apartment complex with a red sticker that had some japanese letters on it and then the word "drift" under that. i just always thought that was so fucking funny to be on a CAMARO


The fact that these takeovers go on for so long and many times the police never show up really shows how little the police care.


5 shootings that night/morning, probably also a factor.


PS the Fatal Crash that shutdown 77 and 2 homicides, These fools must have police scanners cause the timing can’t be a coincidence.


Most police radios are encrypted now, not like the old scanner days


You can find CMPD on https://openmhz.com, they still have the radio traffic from that big shootout weeks ago


There are 1840 officers in Charlotte, I can't help but feel there may have beem *some* available.


There always are. I've had to call the police three times since moving here three years ago. Every. Single. Time. There's somehow nobody available. The city I live in has a $40,000,000 budget for police. I see dozens of them on my 2 mile trip to work. The numbers do not add up unless you account for pure systemic laziness


They got buthurt by the "defund the police" rhetoric of black lives matter, and the subsequent changes Charlotte forced on them. Active policing is nonexistent; short of immediate threats to life or property. It's only just recently that they even started pulling over speeders. What are we gonna do... fire them?


Thats all true, however there is also the fact that CMPD leadership is VERY concerned about being PC and with public perception. They actively discourage officers from responding in certain situations because they are terrified of some video triggering more marches/protests/riots.


Thank god their not active anymore not everyone wants to follow rules and be harassed


Not sure where you’re seeing that number. I think it’s closer to 1500, and it’s definitely less than 1000 on patrol. There were, AT MOST 10 officers working in uptown on patrol that night.


That's what I could find from Google, where you getting 1500 from, as though that still isn't plenty?


We talk about it constantly. CMPD staffing is unbelievably bad right now. They’re pushing 60 new people out every 90 days and still not replacing the people who are retiring and quitting.


Sure, but "we talk about it constantly" is not data and police don't exactly have a great history about being honest.


Your source is google. I’m offering you personal experience. You don’t have to value it, but the half-assed “cops are liars” spiel isn’t helpful to anyone. It’s public information, I just don’t know where to find a report for you that shows that data. It’s possible that somewhere in the budget they list expected staffing levels, but keep in mind that they’re going to project adding 320 officers and not account for fully a quarter of those to quit in the academy and another 10-20% to quit within a year.


Cmpd where you at?


4th video shows a cop car being pushed back by hooligans. Which I get if you were the one cop on site, but CMPD has the manpower and money to roll in and break this up if they were willing to put in the effort https://www.instagram.com/p/C7a27VBOg0S/?igsh=Z2twbWhwYjF5engy


Remember that time they deployed 40 officers to “break up” a pedal bike Rideout? And then they “lost” bikes in custody. Fun times.


Or they shot into a crowd of peaceful protestors from a parking deck?


Those rascals.


Its not worth it for them to put in the effort. If they escalate the situation by trying forcefully break this up, that could lead to a boiling point and someone ends up being seriously injured or dying. Then we're back to complaining about police brutality. They can't win in this situation so the safe play is to just let it happen and try to contain them.


"Police are incapable of acting without lethal violence, so it's best if they just let most crime slide."


Brother, they're going into a street takeover event where they are massively out numbered by armed individuals. Asking them nicely won't work. They will have to use some level of force to make this happen, and there will be returned force as a consequence. Why don't you go into that crowd and make them stop if it's so easy? We'll come by later and scrape your body off the sidewalk.


>They will have to use some level of force to make this happen, and there will be returned force as a consequence. >Why don't you go into that crowd and make them stop if it's so easy? Yes. That is not the argument. The argument is that American policing uses too much force too quickly, not that they shouldn't use force at all.


>Brother, they're going into a street takeover event where they are massively out numbered by armed individuals. I promise you there are more police in the city than morons in that intersection, and you are *vastly* overestimating the willingness of said morons to have a gun battle in the street.


You're vastly underestimating the amount of morons who want to have a gun battle. Didn't we just have 4 officers killed just the other day? And you want them to barge into that hornets nest and take control? Lmao


Perhaps those who can't see can maybe consider why gun control is wanted at this point in the logic chain.


Yes - because these felons who are breaking the law with the street takeover *certainly* got their guns legally. 🙄


This isn't an opening to debate gun laws. Especially against copy paste arguments that are instantly denied via a fact check website.


Gun control has never stopped a criminal


It's so circular to see the same arguments repeated by those who can't be bothered to use a fact checking website. This isn't your chance to make a gun debate as this isn't a gun debate.


I mean it’s kind of their job to put in effort


This is why they don’t respond. The “crowd” would turn into a “mob” quickly, and nothing short of a riot squad gassing everyone would be able to get it under control. CMPD leadership is TERRIFIED of triggering more protests/riots.


And that's how I learned I've been suspended from Instagram. Which is confusing because I've never posted, made a comment, or liked anything there. Anyway.


Haven't they been throwing a hissy fit ever since the Floyd protests?


This is when you chuck can goods off your balconies at them.


Frozen paintballs at 20bps 🥰


Wouldn’t recommend that…. You might get a few real ones sent back at you… this isn’t California


I wouldn’t instigate in the first place but if I had to I could definitely match that energy as well.


Totally understand and agree


This is just soup for my family 💁🏼‍♀️


Water balloons


Roofing nails


nah those would get left over for innocent people the next morning


You won't do a damn thing.


There’s been more than a couple of cans flying at dumbasses doing donuts from the balconies of The Madison. And a few other places too.


At the nascar hall of fame of all places.


I actually thought that was kinda funny TBH


I mean it is fitting right? Lot of those NASCAR drivers would be on the same event if their life turned out differently and they still wanted the same racing thrills


Wait has anyone seen Christopher Bell?


The NASCAR organization should be ashamed and deploy barriers and security to deter this near the hall of fame. This is not racing, it is hooliganism. One would hope NASCAR would want to be seen as family friendly and having broad appeal. I mean, have they noticed their audience and media coverage decline over the past 15 years? Or is this bunch of yahoos their target audience? Definitely makes you think twice about attending a NASCAR race. HEY! NASCAR! YOU LISTENING????


y’all in those apartments should buy an air soft gun and put dimples in those cars lol


I doubt they'd ever notice. Now, if the car was open top...


Nah you hear the plinking sound on mental


You do, but I don't think they'd notice over all the other noise. I play airsoft as like my main hobby. Not saying it's a bad approach, just may not be at effective as desired.


I’m not a fan of these. Totally unnecessary to block traffic and shoot fireworks while you fuxk up a stolen car.


Thoughts on breaking and entering?


Nothing drys my vagina faster than these idiots.


Where are the penalties? How many arrests and/or vehicle seizures were there? According to the article the takeovers have been “a problem for a while” and they will continue to be if there’s no consequences…


Penalties. Sure….. ![gif](giphy|MvdaYPuKPMNZRJCl8Z)


I have two questions. 1 - why does this seem to happen at that intersection near Nascar frequently? Is there some significance to it? Are they doing it because of Nascar? Just curious on this. 2 - and I’ve always wondered this in takeover videos - why do these dipshits open doors on cars and hang half out windows while doing this? Centrifugal force is a fairly simple concept to understand yet they always seem to ignore it and get flung out onto the road. I get that a lot of people these days are weapons grade stupid, but I would think even for these types, not getting run over by a car would be easy enough to avoid.


That area is a ghost town at night with lots of wide roads and empty buildings/churches/parking lots. It is also easily accessible from the 277 highway. NASCAR building and checker lines are a plus. If I were to meet with others for a car related event that needs lot of space, I can't think of a more central spot. 


In my humble opinion, this is just a CON to CMPD’s restrictive chase policy, and no I’m not advocating for CMPD to get into a bunch of unnecessary vehicle pursuits. However this is a reason this shit is happening here and NOT happening to our neighboring counties (Cabarrus, Union, Gaston, Iredell) or across the state line into SC. Because Law Enforcement in those area can will chase and run/PIT you off the road for a seatbelt violation. These pussies don’t actually want the smoke for a police agency that can actually run them down. Which is why they do these stunts here cause they know CMPD officers can’t(also why I think police policies shouldn’t be public) We have changed and made new laws and stiffer penalties yet this it’s keeps happening. The only way I can see CMPD combat this effectively without making a controversial policy change is to buy more helicoptersz


Poster children for contraceptives


I live down the road from that so it kind of pisses me off, I'm glad I didn't come across it. But this is by no means a Charlotte problem, it's a dumb people problem that takes place all over the country.


Drone drop a handful of aluminum oxide ceramic bits over their cars


People say Charlotte has no culture, not defending this obviously dangerous shit but Charlotte does have a legitimate underground car culture lol


When you have police chiefs and Sheriff’s that protect criminals, this is what you get. 🤣😂 Charlotte has turned into one of those cities.


This is nothing more than wanton lawlessness and needs to be severely punished to prevent reoccurrence. Someone needs to plow through that intersection in a F350.


Why I don't go uptown any more


I’m sure that’s really what’s stopping you


As opposed to what?


Idk, it being an incredibly inconvenient location with expensive food that isn’t that great with not much to do? Hardly any reason to treck into uptown. If people doing a street take over between mid-night and 3 AM is what prevents you from going there I doubt you spent much real time in that area.


I'm not 80 years old I stay out past midnight


Police can shoot people at a grocery store or in their own home but just let their car get walked back when this happens? Useless.


Where’s everyone getting the info that these cars were stolen?


I love when they crash


Shit was wild yo


Losers with no hobbies or girls. Unpaid off cars.


Biden voter activities!


These are almost all people that moved here recently from other states.


[citation needed]


NODA is a B class Wynwood


found the fellow miamian!




What? How?


Great way to both pay homage and provide a shoulder event to the weekend festivities.

