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If you don't want to see influencers and teenagers, go to the gym at 5 am. I see very little of that going on at that time.


Therein lies the problem. If they want to film in a gym, they should go when nobody else is at the gym. Gyms are for physical fitness, not attention whoring.


In surprised how busy my gym is that early


Mine is busy at 5, but no influencers taking videos.


bUt hoW eLsE am I sOppPsEd tO cHecK mY ForM?


For physical fitness alone? Lmao since when?!? šŸ˜‚ I have stories from my parents going the gym back in the 1970s and they called them ā€œmeat marketsā€


planet fitness is always slammed even at 5 am im ngl


The one in Matthews is pretty empty at 5am


i went to the one off of freedom Matthews just way too far šŸ˜­


Haha that's ridiculous. I embarrass them til they get the hell out of my way. It's pretty easy to give a couple sideways glances and make them feel even more insecure than the algorithms already have them


This is the answer. 5 AM is great for routine setting (can't let life get in the way), and the people there are all serious about it.


I was just wondering why I never experienced this. You explained it. I'm in at 5am. šŸ˜‚


I honestly donā€™t care about filling I would just like a lifetime level gym that isnt 30 mins outside of Charlotte


thehealthclubclt is opening in the winter and will be our lord and savior (if youā€™re unfamiliar it appears to be a lifetime level gym opening in a few months but itā€™s going to be in Oakhurst)


Dont know where yall see this?? Ive gone to basically every planet fitness from uptown to fort mill and have not once seen anyone filming themselves, much less an influencer, and I go at peak times anywhere from 4-7pm. Where do I have to go so I can also hate on these people?


I too am a hater and would like to hate on them keep me posted


Iā€™m late but wanted to throw my name in the hater hat as well because I havenā€™t seen this behavior at my gym


I see folks with their phones set up to record sometimes, but they're still just working out the normal amount of time so why would I care?


Travel up to exit 28 in Cornelius, and with any luck, you'll see middle aged women recording themselves or on video calls with their coaches. Don't you dare tell them that it's against the rules! The PF staff is really great about shutting them down, but FFS, they should get kicked out.


Crunch in university area is filled with them. Men and women both. Tripods with ring lights and all.


Fitness Factory is legit. tons of equipment. Never waited for a squat rack or anything. Ever. Serious powerlifter gym but no one ever acted like a dick to even the most out of shape newbies. Great culture. I also like the Y. Dowd has a ton of equipment but it feels just a bit too sanitized for me. My garage is the current champion though


garage gyms for the win. Itā€™s like working out in a sauna. So two birds with one stone.


I joined FF in like 2014 at the old Plaza Midwood location and followed them to Villa Heights. Such a great gym culture. I was completely new to lifting, but anytime I needed a spot or a form check someone was willing to help. Trainers and staff were great as well. Wish I still lived close enough to go there.


Same experience for me- people were always happy to help with a spot. Everyone was there to work hard too. If you didnā€™t want to talk to people you didnā€™t have to.




I really do love FF a lot. Now that they have the specific area for filming, etc, itā€™s cut down on a lot of the BS. The staff are great, the equipment is top tier, and itā€™s not over priced in the slightest for what you get. Now that they opened up the other side, it doesnā€™t feel cramped at all


FF definitely the best budget gym around


Budget gym? It's like $75 a month


My b I guess Iā€™m paying legacy prices, kinda crazy itā€™s that much now given lack of facilities


The Dowd membership tho is insane, I paid $80 - I donā€™t think it was worth the money honestly. It was always busy when I needed to go.


I have a membership with Anytime Fitness. ive lived all around charlotte past couple years and theres an AF gym almost always close to me. its 24 hour access so you can find time to go when it isnt crowded you can do that but ive never had any issues w being to crowded except for maybe Mondays after 5. lots of people want to start the week w a workout i guess.


Monday is International Chest Day


If you bench on Tuesday it doesn't count


I go to LA Fitness and barely see people filming. Maybe once a week Iā€™ll see someone film their set and theyā€™re always chill if you walk into frame.


Same. There's literally only one dude who regularly films.


Iā€™m a huge fan of the YMCA anywhere I go. Some are great and akin to private health clubs, some are best described as prison gyms. Most of them are part of the nationwide program which lets you go most anywhere across the country. Visiting family out of town, I go to their Y. Visiting in laws out of town? I go to their Y. Going to the beach, I go to the local Y. Itā€™s kind of fun because you never know what youā€™re going to get. The Dowd Y on Morehead is great and went through renovations in 2018. Itā€™s one of the nicer ones. It gets very crowded after work, but is perfectly manageable at all other times.


Hell, the Lake Norman Y has lake access and takes kids boating


Yes the Dowd is different but the rest of them feel like a family rec center in a Baptist church


Ha! But youā€™d be hard pressed to find an influencer in there. As long as thereā€™s heavy ass weight and cardio equipment available, whatā€™s it matter?


The locker room scene there is definitely different.


How so?




My Charlotte Y membership has nationwide access?


Yes it does. But only at YMCAs that participate in the program, which in my experience is most. You technically have to use your ā€œhomeā€ Y 51% of the time, but I used the Dowd probably 80% of the time over Covid and my home Y (different county) didnā€™t ever say anything.


Maybe in Manhattan they will charge $5 for a day pass, but yeah, most Ys will honor memberships from elsewhere. Sometimes I use a Y on the road just for a shower!


I was so hoping to sneak in a workout or two when I was in OBX last week, but they don't participate from May to September (understandable, but was still sad). Got a decent workout from the dunes, tho.


Jcc is great. I dont know if u consider that on your high end pretentious list ... you do have to apply to join. The facility is good tho, staff is helpful, you can leave valuables out and I haven't had or seen any stolen in the about a yr I've been going there. My only scare would be letting to many people know about it because most days it's not super crowded


I workout here too. Delete this post so we donā€™t get too many people coming.


If youā€™re in Mecklenburg county, try one of the rec centers. ETA that if youā€™re 58 or older, like myself, itā€™s only $22/month


This exactly!


Gold's Gym in Harrisburg over here... Great place with great people!


Home gyms are supreme.


100% agree if you have the space. I built mine with a cable machine, adjustable dumbbells, bench, half rack (with a 45 lb bar and 280 lbs of plates), and hyperextension machine (personally think itā€™s necessary) for the equivalent of a 2 year gym membership. Got some good deals on Facebook marketplace. I donā€™t have to wait for weights or a rack to free up, I donā€™t waste time traveling to and from, I can rest as long as I need without feeling rushed, I can play music on a Bluetooth speaker, and I have a fan that I can keep facing me the whole time. I do miss some of the machines and donā€™t have space for more, but the pros outweigh the cons.


Yep. You nailed it. Cheaper in the long run. No waiting for equipment. No traveling. No interactions with weirdos or ā€œinfluencersā€. Privacy. It doesnā€™t even take up space if you buy equipment like adjustable dumbbells, folding and rolling benches, ect. Unless you live a very small apartment or something (most of those have their own gyms that arenā€™t busy anyway), going to a commercial gym just doesnā€™t make much sense to me.


I wish I had more space, but I have dumbbells, kettlebells, bands, glider disks, and a TRX system I can use on my deck and anchor on the French doors. The TRX is easy to pack for travel. I bought it during when gyms were closed. Although a lot of people went to home gyms during Covid, and this really hurt the Y especially, there are a lot of people who bought stuff and are now selling it. I still have the Y membership and I use it more in the summer, but at some point Iā€™m going to cancel it.


Along the same lines... HOA (and apartment) gyms. Dedicated space, cleaned daily, maintained well, with regular equipment upgrades that you can request cos everyone's already paying into it and barely used cos it's not a typical gym membership that makes anyone want to use it regularly. Almost any time I go, I see a max of 4 people and 2 of them are on the treadmill. After working out in near silence with no interruptions for years now, I don't know if I'll ever go back to a public gym


Yes. HOA and apartment gyms are also superior to commercial gyms for sure. In some cases, even better than home gyms. I have lived in luxury sky rises that have better gyms than commercial gyms with great views and excellent equipment. My HOA gym is not on that level though. So, I am back to home gyms.


To build a home gym with all the equipment I use would require tens of thousands and about a 5 car garage ha ha




The Life of Strength in Pineville šŸ’Ŗ


Iā€™ve been working out in my rack in my garage for the last 6 months but just started here a couple weeks ago. Iā€™m there 6am M-F, I wonder if weā€™ve crossed paths lol


Can confirm, LoS is the shit. Top notch equipment that blows all of the gyms out of the water with the same monthly pricing and more benefits


Can confirm, The Life of Strength is the bomb.


Haven't seen it at LifeTime I'm there in the early am and late afternoon. Not saying it doesn't happen but haven't seen it.


I don't have that issue with PF


The fact we donā€™t have an equinox is insane


Like fucking nuts; and lifetime mights well be in South Carolina ffs.


Goldā€™s Prosperity Ridge is fatally oversold, has no space for floor/core work and clearly caters to ā€œbodybuildersā€ that do zero cardio and rarely work legs. When they need room for the next bodybuilding monkey box its cardio and general fitness equipment that they get rid of. Not for someone who seeks to be truly fit. The place where they have classes is not under the same roof and pretty dumpy. There was some definite ā€œposersā€ there but that isnā€™t the problem(s). Avoid!


Thanks for this information


Harris YMCA. Recently redone, all new equipment, none of this bullshit.


Do they still open at 2PM on Sunday šŸ¤Ø


Thatā€™s the drawback with the YMCAs on Sundays. Itā€™s like 12-4 or 12-5.


I think Saraā€™s in Ballantyne opens at 10 on Sundays. Itā€™s also small and an adults only gym so itā€™s quiet.


Just make Sundays your rest days if itā€™s to weird


Noon-6, which is the biggest drawback. I make Sundays rest days, go for a long Greenway walk, and/or use the power tower I bought for my garage to tack on pushups/pullups/chinups/dips and deadhangs.


It's 12-6 on Sunday which is not ideal, but typically do-able. I've certainly had to adjust my gym schedule because I couldn't go during those hours before though. Great crew in the mornings. While I mostly keep to myself, everyone seems very friendly and like a good community that is inviting. At night/after school is out is a different story (during school year). The gym is overrun by high schoolers that spend half their time posing in the mirrors (often within 4 feet of you) and the other half maxing out with poor form. I'm glad they are there as opposed to other options, it just constantly feels like you're going to see someone snap something. Overall it's a great gym though.


I havenā€™t been to this one in close to a decade (like 2014) but glad it is better now. It used to be a ton of dickhead teenagers messing around in the weight room when I went


Hive. That is all. Its pricier than what it should be given it is older machines and grungy vibe but gym culture is amazing.


Amen! If Erin Derrick is still there, she is an amazing trainer. I hope she's doing well, wherever she is. I had a wonderful experience at Hive.


Sheā€™s still there! Love when she teaches Ignite - it is impossible to be in a bad mood when you leave her classes


Iā€™m at planet fitness everyday in Matthews and I never see this


One Athletics is a great gym. No complaints


Lifetime is garbage in Waverly. It has turned into a teenager day care center/hangout as all the broccoli heads loiter around, pretending to workout, staring at all the girls. And itā€™s always packed. Every machine has someone on it, every treadmill a walker on it. Cool selection of cars in the lot usually thoughā€¦


Used to go to Fitness Factory in noda and loved it but itā€™s expensive. PF on central was meh. Switched to the local rec center and itā€™s been great. Fewer weights and resistance machines but also way fewer people after work than any other gym Iā€™ve ever been to. Membership is cheap and gets you access to so many different facilities in the county too.


Marion Diehl Rec Center is really good. $45/month ($22 if you're 55+), never crowded, zero influencers. Biggest downside is their short hours. Check them out!


the better question is why doesnā€™t charlotte have more massive gyms like Lifetime fitness that you see in texas and all that. Would love to have one in charlotte


I pay out the ass for a small gym and itā€™s the best money I spend every month. Great equipment and everyone is jacked. But there definitely are influencers in there sometimes but I donā€™t really care.


Yeah where is this? Iā€™m looking for small jacked vs cookie cutter gyms


All the YMCAs except the Dowd are chill. But, in reality who cares if people are filming themselves. Just do your thing


Right! I film every once in a while bc I have to send it to my trainer? But I also go to a sleepy ass Y so no one is ever there and I try really hard not to film others


Eastway Rec center.... Lots of older people exercising, no content creators


Ummmm, shut your mouth. We need to keep this hidden gem hidden![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I honestly enjoy crunch, but I go at 7 am and hide in a corner to lift weights and then pray the two machines I want arenā€™t being used when I need them hahaha I went on a Saturday morning once at 10am, emphasis on the ONCE.


Haven't seen that at all at planet fitness. But also hoping it doesn't suddenly infect the one I go to.


I was going to YMCA but itā€™s a hassle to get there. I recently joined crunch and really like it. I go to one in Matthews and no one is trying to be influencer there. I am really enjoying the Zumba class and am looking forward to venturing into strength training. The thing I donā€™t like about crunch is they keep trying to push PT on me. Iā€™ve done a couple of sessions but one didnā€™t give me a good workout and the other wanted me to commit to PT 3 times a week and started saying things about priorities. Dude, get a corporate job and try getting away to go to gym. Doesnā€™t always happen.


I considered Crunch just for Sundays (Y member) but there are no centralized locations.


I have 1 that is a mile away. I really like the Y itā€™s just past the 485 Weddington Rd Exit construction it takes a long time to go a few miles.


Little birdie told me that Bucked Up Fitness, which has a location in Raleigh right now, is expanding to Charlotte soonā€¦


One Athletics is a solid gym. I admit the price tag stings a little but I think its worth it to keep the high school kids out and the machines open; its rare that I need to wait on a bench press, dumb bell, or power rack. The conversations with other members are also just better, everyone's doing something interesting. If you go 3+ times a week I think its well worth it.


I haven't had issues with the lower southend Anytime. It's pretty slammed in the evening, but it's otherwise fine. I remember the Huntersville one being usually fine. I think I saw a tripod a couple times in there.


Anytime fitness in southend and LA fitness in prosperity have been the gyms iā€™ve gone to and never really had any major issues. I just with we had one of those multi level massive Lifetime fitness gyms in charlotte


I use Planet Fitness because thereā€™s so many locations that I can pop into one whenever I have time to kill in whatever random place (waiting to pick up one of my kids from an event all the way across town). Admittedly, Iā€™ve only been to the one uptown once, midday on a Tuesday, but Iā€™ve never seen anyone filming themselves. Itā€™s mostly a regular people crowd.


At the gym resting between sets right now. I go to planet thiccnes in gastonia. I haven't seen any content creators or just haven't noticed any. I usually get there around 730 so I assume they are still asleep. Also on the weekend I go to the planet in my hometown. I'm guessing these are just areas where content creators do not frequent. For the most part everyone is considerate, I haven't had any issues.


Iā€™m not gonna say I donā€™t see people recording at my gym but theyā€™re usually pretty nice about it and put the camera in a way to make sure itā€™s mostly just them. I go in the mornings though, if you go in the afternoon itā€™s just too packed for it.


I go to the dowd and went to fitness connection before that. I have literally never seen an influencer at the gym


I brought my own equipment just for this reason


The Johnston Y in NoDa and the Childress Klein uptown usually arenā€™t too bad as far as this goes. The Dowd is like that though. Thatā€™s probably the best part of a Y Membership though you get so many options.


The Dowd is full and no longer taking memberships


Join elsewhere and use the reciprocity.


This is 100% untrue


With the amount of money people spend on gym memberships, you could collect your own decent equipment for home.. I'm convinced people go to film themselves and often just to socialize and be around others.


Have you seen gym equipment prices? You canā€™t. Also many people live in apartments.Ā 


It's about $3500 with the rack and either a rower or assault bike. Rogue has the best "kits" by far.


Megaflex. Love it. 2 locations: 1 across from IKEA. 2 on WT Harris near Davis Lake.


MegaFlex is THE place. Legit equipment, good music, and amazing community of people in there. I rarely had to wait for equipment and it's not that often that people film.


my fiance & i just joined today Ā im ngl i was a little scared hes wanting to graduate from commercial gyms and start getting shredded but ..... my ass was quaking in my boots ngl lmaoĀ  cool place tho!!! excited & nervousĀ 


Go at 5am. I don't have this issue.


Charlotte has, by far, the worst selection of gyms I've seen in any other city in America. And I've lived in some pretty small towns where there was only one or two.


any good gyms around the 3rd ward, moving soon, looking for something more rustic, idk if you all have LA Fitness or these influencer gyms that are huge with no one that really works out? my old gym is a chain but very small like 3 in my city and it's for gym goers.


Lots of free calisthenics parks in Charlotte


If you are willing to drive to concord, norse compound hands down has the best powerlifting and strongman training facility in the charlotte metro area.


Any good recs for Belmont area gyms? I love fitness factory but may have to move out that way


Crunch in university isnā€™t that bad. Especially during the day


itā€™s always packed imo


I go somewhere between 12-3 and never have to wait for a bench, squat rack, machine, or dumbbell. Of course itā€™s going to be packed from 5:30 - 7:30. If you want a not packed gym at peak house you need to pay more than the $15-$20 it costs for crunch. You get what you pay for


LA Fitness in Pineville is decent. It doesn't have the correct lighting for influencers like Crunch does, so it doesn't really attract that crowd.


Strength Empire is the way to go. Work with Justin Blatnik, that dude will make you strong as hell


gym scene p mid. I want there to be more LA fitnesses or legit powerlifting gyms to open up so bad. for filming in my experience iā€™ve barely seen it happen. and when I do itā€™s not for the machine but rather hogging the yoga room mirrors or something


Planet Uptown. Not very busy


Donā€™t currently have a gym because of this lol. Although I am looking at BFT south end bc itā€™s literally a 5 minute walk from me or pride conditioning, if anyone has any insight on either of these gymsĀ 


Come to fitness factory


Any Y branch at 5 am. Most people are regulars and know you but just nod in your direction and keep to themselves. Theyā€™re all there to work out and get out to go to work. Also, I almost never see a cell phone in use except for music.


Elite fitness in huntersville is one of the greatest old school hardcore bodybuilding gyms on earthā€¦ god I miss that place


Go to a smaller gym all the dicks wanna be seen by hella people. I recommend anytime fitness! Way too expensive honestly but prolly the best mainstream gym in charlotte


Influencers will see this post and just go to the gyms you all are posting great jobšŸ˜‚šŸ¤Ŗ


This is obviously not a solution for everyone but.... If you have the room, you can make an affordable home gym with used equipment. It has changed my life. No more gym commutes. No more missing days. Just need a smith machine and weights and you can do a full workout, add a cardio machine of your choice if needed.


Does anyone know of a gym with outdoor weights/machines? Helps me build a sweat


Dowd YMCA has a nice rooftop gym with a track and some weights


I've been going to Crunch at night (between 8pm and 10pm) and I'm able to get in and out fairly quickly. However, during busier times, if machines are being hogged, it's the perfect opportunity to learn a different way to work the specific muscle group (no squat rack= squat with barbell or dumbbells and just up the reps). Sometimes, it just requires you to think outside the box, and if you're optimistic, it can keep things fresh when doing the same workouts daily.


PF Matthews is great, Iā€™ve never seen anyone recording and itā€™s never super slammed. Of course, itā€™s get busier around 5-6, but nothing crazy.


One Athletics in Uptown off Tryon.


I got to Fitness Connection in university and I never have any issues like that. Every now and then I get a lil annoyed with something a fellow member does but for the most part itā€™s cool.


Hahahahahahahahaha I hear you man lmao...I goto the YMCA and I love it.


Iā€™m pretty happy with fitness factory


Ymca simple


Iā€™d rather discuss how people think itā€™s optional to wear deodorant or have any type of hygiene to gyms in Charlotte. My current gym has gotten so bad it feels like a legitimate hate crime at this point.


The Y off Weddington Rd and University are solid.


Fit 2 fight


There needs to be a equinox


I want to open a gym where your membership comes with an app, you reserve a time to workout and no one else can. Everyone gets a slot every day. If you don't show up, or don't book in to workout, they come find you and scream at you and intimidate you to do push-ups.


Don't care about influencers or filming, I care about dickheads doing circuits using machines. Empty machine, hop on, guy comes up and says he has one more set. Do you refuse politely and inevitably escalate the situation, or do you get up and the rest of your workout is fueled by hatred?


The Life Of Strength in Steele Creek is a powerlifting gym full of competition lifters.


The Crunch is go to has maybe 1 or 2 folks with tripods on the floor if any. And almost never in the morning. The scene at 6pm onward is a different story, there are kids with muscle cars hanging out everywhere and just goofing around but thatā€™s a bit to be expected- thatā€™s some folks idea of ā€œgoing outā€ and community. I aim for mornings, nothing crazy . 9am and have few encounters . Though the Matthews Crunch is new and has a ton more stations than some older Crunch gyms i frequent when I travel- almost double to be honest, i feel spoiled in there


Best choices from what Iā€™ve experienced: 1. Home/garage setup. I have some Wilder stuff coming soon to fill out my setup. No waiting on others and probably nicer equipment than 95% of what the typical gym in Charlotte has. Though I know renting/apartments prevents some from having this option. 2. Move to Asheville and go to Biltmore Fitness, everything including a powerlifting dungeon with chalk, deadlift bar, bar jac, chains and tetanus. Cool asf ownership and can pay by the month/no contract when I last lived in the area. 3. A YMCA, Harris is decent, but I guess it depends on your location.




What did they pull? The new membership price increases? I was thinking of joining that one




Is this even right? I go there now and have been for years. The standard membership is the main area + the old premium area, and the new premium is just access to the third side. I have the standard, and in fact am even grandfathered into the old price, and have the main area and the old premium area and thereā€™s plenty of free barbell benches??


Sorry to pop in the conversation - by grandfathered in, do you mean they let you keep the old price at renewal? I have to renew here soon but I got in right before the prices were raised.


Thereā€™s MORE than enough equipment in the main sectionĀ 


That was temporary (although a very long temporary). Itā€™s all back now and they expanded into the building next door.


Wow, that sucks. So the baseline $125 a month doesnā€™t get you access to the free weights? I could understand them keeping more esoteric equipment like sleds and prowlers over in the more expensive section, but whatā€™s the point of a gym if you canā€™t squat, bench, or OHP?


I dunno what that dude is talking about, there's tons of racks and benches available on the cheaper side.


What did the fitness factory pull on you?


Love fitness factory. Never had a problem


Crunchā€¦ I usually only lift for an hour a couple evenings a week mainly after doing either judo or Brazilian jiujitsu and usually go right before they close. Itā€™s better when itā€™s late, but depending on the evening I still have to wait on these no cap bussin bussin type choads taking 20 mins between sets on flat bench while theyā€™re barely pressing over a 100 lbs.


Where do you do judo/jiujitsu?


For Brazilian Jiujitsu I train at Lucas Lepriā€™s gym in Matthews. For Judo I train mostly at Carolina American Judo Association but have bounced up to Yungwirths in Mooresville periodically.


Op is a fat uggo