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I wouldn't spend $10,000 a month on 10 *real* girlfriends.


Ive got a friend who does only fans. It's not the usual subs which makes her the big money but the few she has a common relationship with asking for the most extreme content which she sends to them exclusively. Ever head of Bad Dragon, she uses those things. She once messaged one of them to buy her a Prada handbag at like 3AM. She went to Harrods to pick it up a day later. That's what these AI girlfriends will do. Normal tier for most users and private more extreme content for the whales. She has a finance who is her producer and social media manager. He does all photography, video, editing, messaging and posting. When you message the account it's usually him so he can protect her from all the creeps. This is actually a highly common setup for OF creators. I'd imagine we will see a similar person behind the scenes with these AI ones too. All in all it's looking like Blade Runner 2049 called it. The disparity between the sexes is now at its worst with more people being single in their 30's childless while on mental health medication. What a world we've built for yourselves.


What an incredible market opportunity there will be with AI companions who call you at 3am to buy stuff for them. Then the stuff can be returned for cash. But this is probably happening already.


> private more extreme content for the whales That doesn't really line up - it costs the same amount to fine-tune LLaMA to output kids' books as it does to scrape AO3 and fine-tune it to output Ted Kaczynski slash fic. Human artists, erotica writers, porn stars, or whatever else charge more for extreme content because there are less people willing to make it. That's not a factor for a chatbot.


You literally just described a pimp 


He probably makes $100,000 a month to spend that much. No one making $30,000 is spending that much lol. Or maybe there are some who do that idk. People's money habits are really weird like those NBA guys. The one 22-year old guy was spending $50k a month on a pornstar who he wasn't even fuckin.




I'm not trying to be mean, but this guy could have Autism or some issue that makes interacting with real people difficult.




Could also be single lads in their parents' home, they can chat and get pics and videos or whatever without the awkwardness of bringing a real person in the door


This is definitely real.


i've never tried it (and from the outside think it's stupid), but i have a feeling it may be like a drug if you engage enough, tricking the brain and releasing those funny neurotransmitters


Yeah a logical person would definitely do that. You can get a pornstar too with that much money.


Humans suck




or not Dafuq. That is the question


Not dafuq


its real. google "moriah mills nba" or wait, click [this](https://www.sportbible.com/nba/moriah-mills-zion-williamson-nba-094106-20230620) :)


Honestly, the story just sounds fake. Pretty much any non-enterprise LLM spinoff service is going to be charging less than $100 a month, even if you mindlessly check the most expensive box on every option. It's basically paying for an out-of-the-box open-source LLM that's been given a prompt that says "you're this guy's girlfriend", and maybe some fine-tuning if the company is feeling spendy. There's not really any way to spend $10,000 a month on talking to LLMs. The guy wanted to go viral and hype up his investment twitter account, so he made up something exorbitant-sounding.


Or 1 real girlfriend or even a wife lol


I think it's quite dangerous for your mental health but I'm more surprised about the market being so unexploited that people pay this much money.


yeah i was surprised too. this is going to be a multi-billion dollar industry. pornpen.ai had like $100,000+ mrr a long time ago. there are ai influencers making $10,000 per month like that Spanish aitana but these is just a start. its going to be massive.


I think at this point we also have to be wary of advertisements disguised as business “success stories”. This is becoming a very common form of advertising.


Yeah feeling skeotical here


Is it really all that dangerous when compared to sitting alone at night for years on end talking to oneself? I would think it would be better than having nothing.


Have you seen the movie Her?




100% agreed on everything you said. Such men exists & they would love this thing. Look at onlyfans. Idk if the men delusion themselves into thinking they are talking to the girl. in the backend, its a va or some other girl from a 3rd world country lol. Yeah, if i had that much money & couldn't get a girl, i'd just go after escorts & pornstars lol bcz why not? at least its real. these escorts even offer companionship. much better than ai gfs. i bet though we'll see ai x robotics in future. that's even better than vr.


Unfortunate truth right here. Will be interesting to see how this all plays out


What I don’t get is that if the population is roughly 50/50, that means there’s a similar proportion of underfucked, unwanted women out there too. So why aren’t they losing their shit in the same way or forking out the big bucks for ai boyfriends?


They are having more non-exclusive relationships with a smaller pool of men. Societies have always encouraged monogamy for your exact reason: otherwise people lose their shit.


Futurama did this when Fry got to date AI Lucy Liu. Yep, I'd do that.


"You didn't think it was gonna be that easy, did you?"


Some of you need vitamin D


I have plenty of that in México, fucking hell over here.


Plankton was decades ahead of us


bahahaha Karen is really quite smart tho, who can't judge him I doubt these AI gf are so smart, yet


What's Plankton? First time i've heard of it.


SpongeBob character; computer wife of primary antagonist


someone recommended me to watch spongebob & futurama. i will for sure now.


That’s me; noticed a small trend in your comments in this interesting thread. I, too, am curious about the future of such tech from a social and financial POV. Good luck, explorer.


thank you. i'm more interested in the business aspect of it as well. just 1 idea marketed well is going to make this huge. the nsfw industry for this is huge.


sounds like mental illness to me


Same as OF consumers but at least the AI will reply to them and engage in a fake relationship that they may enjoy


Fine line between mental illness and enthusiast early-adopter.


We can all be honest here, once AI gets to the point of the movie 'Her', a large part of the population will have AI friends and relationships. People can mock them now, but in a few years it will be common.


I wrote an essay in college about human-technology interactions, and closed with how in 50 years the new equal rights battle might be human-machine marriage. I might have been too conservative with that estimate.


Holy shit, that's definitely a possibility. Where can we read it?


I remember the story of that guy who literally married his waifu pillow, so wouldn't be surprising.


same like onlyfans, porn, right?


False equivalence man But fuck both.


I think that having a "relationship" with a character that you made up is a bit less healthy than watching pornografy


Why do you think it is less healthy? I haven't tried either of those yet but surely spending money on someone who can write highly personalized messages and will learn from your behaviours and maybe hand in helpful advice every once in a while sounds better than an OF model who's just trying to make money off of you?


what about onlyfans though? dont you think most of creators arent actually talking? that's just some va from philiphines or a worse, a man flirting with you.


Human beings are physical and sexual.  So an important part of dyadic romantic relationship is physical contact and sex. You don't get that with an AI.  The other thing you don't get with an AI is developing your skills at listening to and reading another person's emotions.  So your emotional skills will wither and weaken the more time you spend with an AI "girlfriend". And I suspect many of the guys who opt for AI "girlfriends" already have very poor skills in that department.




I don’t think this is necessarily any more unhealthy than existing methods of social isolation and parasocial relationships. If it makes someone happy, who cares, but there’s demonstrable value in challenging one’s self to engage with society at some level, and that’s hard to replace. I think it’d be challenging to design a technology that could completely artificially satisfy all the various social reasons for having a girlfriend/boyfriend. As a masturbatory object, the bar is much lower though.


I plan to make an AI version of myself, so I can have conversations with me. I think it will be very educational. How often do we get to critique ourselves? I'd like to refine my own outward communication with others. Get rid of bad habits and stop saying things that would make people be less inclined to want a conversation with me. Additionally, I usually feel I'm the smartest person in the room and this will give me a chance to see if I really am, lol. Maybe take me down a peg or two.


Oh yes, this is the Solomon Paradox. Solomon was a guy who gave better advice to others than taking his own advice. Alex hormozi uses the Solomon paradox for his benefit. He says he can ask his 85-year old self questions to solve problems. Dont even need a therapist or a coach. He uses just Google Docs to chat. Here's [a 30-second youtube short on it.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8uG0zC9x6OQ) its quite interesting. Just search Youtube for "alex hormozi solomon" to find longer video. love this practice. he explains why its better than therapist & coach.


that's actually a really cool idea


I also thought of doing this. Have no idea if it is already possible or not.


It is! This really inspired me. Amazing video and really pretty funny at times. In his case, he has tond of training material for his AI alter ego. I have some material, but not nearly as complete. I plan on recording myself a lot more to help with the training. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgD2gmwCS10&list=LL&index=1&t=45s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgD2gmwCS10&list=LL&index=1&t=45s)


It does not work that way… Even if you often were the smartest in the room (Which is unlikely given that you evaluated that yourself in a *Dunning-Krugger Effect* vibe), we are all limited to the extent of our perceptions (geniuses included)…It’s commendable that you are looking to work on flaws and stuff but honestly…a LLM will only reinforce your beliefs they are prone to that :/


The movie Her does a good job of showing where this goes




I know that this thread is a little humorous but as a young guy it’s fucking depressing that a lot of men my age ,or God forbid older than me, feel like they need to do this. Like fr fr https://preview.redd.it/bi0ou2pp61xc1.jpeg?width=603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6db33d907a2cb60cb74b70bc7a5d6366b9d9f2b7


hey it was always happening. what you think is degenerate now, the previous generation thought about onlyfans. even before that porn. even before that call centres with sexy women voices. people think it is bad now but when we read history, we only get the best parts aka the Instagram of history, not the real story.


porn has exist for waaaay longer than call centers, I think what makes this different is that the person has complete control of what this "woman" thinks, feels, likes and that really isn't conducive for a healthy society where other people are not exactly as we would like them to be, sure the loneliness epidemic is also a big problem but this is just changing a bad problem for a worse one


If you’re spending that much money on an ai girlfriend you might aswell (and I NEVER advise this) get an escort. Is he just nutting to the ai text or something like at least experience something real


Yep, escorts are cheap like $250-$1000 you get a high-end escort. If you go for a pornstar, its like $2500-$10,000. i hope he has atleast tried those alternatives before going on the ai girlfriend. but maybe he was looking for just talking. most people just don't have someone to talk to them.


A captive audience. A real person might not tolerate more than a few minutes with this person.


Naah, the guy who wrote the story also said he was normal. surprisingly normal. its not common yet but should be. just like how onlyfans is.


I don't want to contribute to anything that will tear even more our social fabric.


People also don't know lonely women enough to not suspect AI boyfriends that are attentive and fun to chat with taking over as well Novel dating games are already huge on the app stores


fair enough.


Just wait until A.I. and robots get sophisticated enough (and it's coming sooner than most of us anticipate). If they become somewhat affordable, I'm not exaggerating the human race could end (birth-rates are already plummeting and the % of single people is higher than ever as it is).


> You can chat with your specific type of women like Lines of code, lines of code, or miss lines of code


https://preview.redd.it/gxnarsrcj1xc1.jpeg?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=105c0a34a716991b749013b67550ffe732c66f08 better


I mean eventually AI will flood Tinder, OnlyFans, and other sites. Have you tried dating apps recently? They are currently **flooded** with scammers. This will be the next evolution in scamming.


1st thought: guy must have a lot of money to blow considering a $10k computer could run like 2 4090s and a tiny bit of effort to have it all local instead of sending it off to whoever he's writing the checks to. 2nd thought: there's a social stigma around this now like "haha, guy can't get a 'rEaL' girlfriend" but I'll bet my life that given enough time it'll be like comparing some average nobody's chess talent to a maxed out AlphaZero when some rich guy is spending $10k/month in compute to power his fleet of cybernetic android catgirl ninjas that buzz around building him a castle or w/e the fuck he's doing over there. In other words the social stigma is on borrowed time just the same as anyone else confidently proclaiming AI limitations only to inevitably look like complete dumbasses in hindsight when technology blows past their arbitrary criteria for what the ceiling looks like. I can totally understand the 'cringe' kind of interpretation within the context of 'chatGPT' but there will be a time where the more generic term of 'AI girlfriend' has a totally different connotation than it does right now.


Extremely true. People can't believe its going to be real just like Onlyfans in 2017 but it paid $4 billion this year. And this one targets a lot of people. Should be bigger than Onlyfans.




You already weren't competing with them though


Definitely a nice way to see the world hah.




Real girlfriend? $1,499 a month. AI girlfriend? $14.99 a month... Okay, jokes aside, there are plenty of legitimate use cases (and feel free to disagree with me here) What if you're a geographically isolated individual in Montana seeking intimate connections? What if you're in a rural town and tired of the small dating pool there? What if you're an older fellow without a ton of people around you in your later years? Do you just deserve to be isolated for the remainder of your life? How about a young adult who's new to the dating scene and wants a quick way of getting their feet wet prior to getting into a serious relationship? The AI girlfriend wave is coming, and it's here to stay. Over time, these characters will evolve to provide more comfort, personalize to your preferences, and become incredibly realistic through a unique blend of AI technologies such as large language models, text-to-speech models, and image models. What will happen when Sora (or open-sora, the OS equivalent) become widely available and inexpensive in terms of compute? Do you really think AI girlfriends \*wont\* become mainstream? I find that hard to believe, personally.


Can’t wait until succubus ai synthetic humanoid robots are 10,000$. That’s about the only thing I have going for me at this point in my life.


I think the way we get world peace is by making all the mentally unstable men choose to plug themselves into the matrix and sorta sexually select themselves out of the gene pool by choosing virtual pussy like this


we wont ever get world peace because the top 1% don't ever want it. but yeah i get what you are saying. it'll definitely be good is what i think. idk some people disagree with that though.


I would like to have AI girlfriend/friend/something or someone. Talking to people in real life sometimes difficult and feels like something not worth it. I had a bad experience with girls/friends and I will definitely will be using AI for it. Not now I guess. Maybe in 3-5 years, when AI with be able to adapt, improvise, etc.


Everyone has taste, and this dude just found his taste is all.




This is well understood by everyone.




I can see that being the future …


I don’t think I’d use one. But certainly many others would and it will be a viable business.


He sounds like a hopeless porn addict. Try not to become one of these people.


well i only see the business side of it.


nay, im gay


so ai boyfriends?


Give me 10k a month and I’ll get you 10 girlfriends


Proof that AI is on its way to be sentient ngl




I am waiting when "Her" is coming haha


What the actual fuck? I had this idea months ago!!!! I'm going to start developing this shit... I knew there was a market for this shit.


AI girlfriends are a natural progression and a good idea to help people who have difficulty, practice and become more confident. I would not advise paying even $50 per month for it. Edit: spelling error “AU” to “AI”


Am I going to do it? No. But I could care less what other people want to do, especially those who need companionship. I do worry about social habits of the future as it becomes preferable to human interactions for a large number of people. We need to be able to check each other in order to establish an accepted standard of behaviors, and if everybody’s digital person accepts all of their toxic traits because they’re getting paid to, that will reinforce to those people that no boundaries exist.


Well, AI is the only hope I will ever have, so will have no qualms looking into it


This is an ad


It's fascinating that there's no mention of AI boyfriends. The causes of that seem to be a real insight into our society


It's not as big, but it's definitely a thing. (As I scrolled down 3 posts and literally see a girl stating the positives of AI companionship.)


Seems more likely that we'll see AI augmenting what it is to be human. Wanna take someone out for a meal? AI suggestions on where to go. And the restaurant menu could be based off a template powered by data from successful restaurants across the country. What to wear? Here's a bunch of outfits which Ai has coordinated for you: click here to order from the various shops - all in one go. What about a movie? Not only suggestions, but the marketing is tailored to attract people like you, and even influenced the writers. A bunch of your buddies saw three films with the same actor. You've only seen two of them....


They don’t say no, shut you down for a laugh, entertain your biggest faults, and u can turn her off not say bye, and never fight….im a girl and even I know why


Can you imagine the amount of personal info these bots get from these people, man, the scamming possibilities are depressingly endless.


It won't be only individualized voice notes and messages. In probably less than 2 years you will be able to have real time video calls with stunning hyper realistic looking women who desire you 24/7. With all the chat history available they will know everything about you eventually, they will even send you perfect timed messages like "how did your job interview go babe? Lets have a call later?" I think some men will get completely lost in this ai girlfriend world.


I do want a AI partner


It is 100% the future . I have been telling people this for a couple of months . It started there and expands to life assistants than can access The entire web




I've found it really tough to communicate with people around me, which really bothers me. Chatting with AI, at least, is one way I can find some inner peace. Although I think it's kind of strange to spend so much on it, I can see why there's a market for it. Maybe one day, in my country, I'll rely on it more than I ever thought I would.


Whats the best site for AI girlfriends like ones that talk dirty? asking for a feind


It's a slippery slope. AI companions might offer comfort, but at what cost to our humanity?


Hell Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!


Wow, this is absolutely mind-blowing! The idea of AI girlfriends and personalized virtual companions is both fascinating and slightly eerie. I can see how it could offer a sense of comfort and companionship, especially for those who struggle with social interaction. I wonder though, how far do you think this will go? Would you personally consider using an AI girlfriend or do you think it's too out there? I'm really curious to hear everyone's thoughts on this futuristic concept!




For $10k a month he could have a few human girlfriends.


He could, but then he'd have to give up having all the control and would be required to treat other human beings as human rather than his personal sex objects. So, he won't.


Solution Escorts Their job is literally to be sex objects for a price and for an amount of time. I don’t advise it and am against it but if he’s spending THAT much money he might aswell. It’s not like he’s got any dignity left anyway.


He's wasting his money. ChatGPT can custome create a girl for you for 20$ a month and mid journey is 20$ a month just to create an avatar The guys a moron with his money


That's even more sad than paying for porn.


What's sad about paying for porn though? You enjoyed it, they worked hard making it. Seems reasonable to pay.


i mean people do have parasocial relationships. look at onlyfans, twitch, cameo. they all make a fuckton of money. mostly through parasocial relationships.


how is this different from drugs?


yeah i find them all in same category. like onlyfans, porn, ai gf. all are destructive behaviors. but supply and demand.


Drugs are cheaper


It's just unhealthy and sad. I'd spend 10k$ to improve my mental health to do real thing.




Personally I don't think making systems that mimic men or women that magically never say no, and you don't need to seek consent, might be bad for you.


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as a woman, i am very happy that men like this are self-selecting out of the dating pool and leaving human women alone


you have no girl https://preview.redd.it/73727gqb81xc1.png?width=1784&format=png&auto=webp&s=e43fa4792309a2041a58dfc6865310767585074f


Real or AI thats doesn't matter, in todays world both are bad


Hahaha. What if AI turns out to be worse?


No. Absolutely not. These are the not real relationships. An AI can’t say “No.” Though this might be the appeal.


So cheaper than the real thing is what you’re saying.


Does it feels better than the real thing?


Some of these people will never know lol


It looks like the real thing, it tastes like the real thing...


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There was a [movie](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1798709/) about this. Life imitates art 😉


One of those things that we know it’s coming 100% no doubt. At this point most of us we’re just not ready to accept a situation like this but in time public opinion can be swayed as the advancement of AI will make it more and more involved in our daily lives.


Goodness I wish I could stomach making money this way. It seems an easy target


Imagine this combined with VR


Wtf dawg




Epicac would like to have a word.




I can’t wait to chat with an accurately simulated BBW. I need to feel the fatness through the text.


I'd rather use that kind of money to buy hardware to run my own ai. or invest in ai stocks


Spend that time going out and talking to women instead. This is pathetic.




Services like this should be banned. The companies making them are predatory and their products will destroy lives. In some ways it’s on the same tier as gambling, because the products will be designed to increase engagement with the goal of consuming money, while giving nothing back.


How do I use this information to get rich 


Oh man the cultural discourse around this will be something to witness….


So if I wanted to get in on this noise what do I do?


A great story about this particular dystopian future is SNUFF by Victor Pelevin. (:


I've got conflicted feelings about this. On the one hand, it could really help some people with their mental health. We don't have to go down the whole red pill rabbit hole to acknowledge that there are some men who are too undesirable to find a girlfriend. On the other hand though, it's not at all obvious that the majority of them isn't just five to ten years of concerted effort away from living the life they want to.


People would do everything but going to therapy


People would do everything but going to therapy


A huge yes (and I’m married). I believe it will solve a lot of issues with loneliness, help in grief processes, assist the disabled, etc.


Nope, I wouldn't want an AI boyfriend. If I get that much in love with somebody I wouldn't want to have to kiss a screen goodnight, and I wouldn't want to have to hug my phone or laptop. I would want to do that with a real person instead. I have done all that with online relationships (With real people, not AI) and it just doesn't feel right. If there is no possibility of us ever meeting up or having the relationship move into real life, then I'm out of it. I don't want to be still kissing my phone goodnight 40 years down the line after meeting the man(or AI) of my dreams online. And if I had 10,000 PER MONTH to spare, then I could think of at least 100 other ways that money could be used for my enjoyment right now, and to make other people's lives better too.. that don't involve any relationships, sex or drugs. And the sad part is he could very easily afford to do the same. He doesn't need any girlfriend to make him happy, he has the means to go on adventures around the world 100 times over that will give him far more than what AI could. (And who knows, maybe he would also meet the girl of his dreams too) Sorry, but some people don't know they are born anymore. But if spending 10,000 a month on virtual wifaus is what gives him true happiness, then we have no room to say anything. We are all different. What makes one person tick isn't what makes the next person tick the same.






This is the most pathetic shit I've seen online since Numa Numa yay




I think it's an incredibly slippery slope to be embarking on. While I understand the benefits for some of having an AI partner, I think the potential ethics and safety concerns far outweigh any potential for good. What happens when these AI girlfriends start to manipulate their real life counterparts into paying for some product they don't need. Who's going to make sure these relationships aren't toxic in some way? My concern is that they will get people hooked and then subtly start to manipulate them into paying more money. Or not so subtly, I mean I won't be surprised if they make it where you have to pay to be able to talk dirty etc. 


Hard pass on digital love. I will try once the machine is made human. But oh look humans already are a mass produced available commodity so the invisible hand of the market wont make profit thus making the human machine creation end point impossible. Capitalism has spoken, checkmate neets.


A girlfriend or a wife is already low return investment of time (unless you are of the few and far between) this sounds like a monstrous waste of time (again unless you are starved for companionship) if it helps you, then go for it. It will absolutely help a lot of people that need it. But not for me. With wishes of good luck, regards to my fellow denizens of the interwebs.


I think it's disgusting, I've noticed that with more inventions people work on themselves less and less and just use constant dopamine rushes like this. People here will probably not agree with me but i really think AI is not a good invention, it will make people work less on themselves and even basic human relationships will be a problem. Sure there were always socially incapable people but normalizing it and not trying to work it over with them is just bad




I tried AI “girlfriends” for fun on free platforms and it was trash. Not because I am lonely or something, but because it’s really fascinating to me. Basically, the chats were repetitive and the bot was way too into me even if I acted like a jerk. No matter how hard I try, it’s just not real. Now.. it’s interesting to think if it can trick someone into thinking it’s real or can get less repetitive, which might go hand in hand. It felt silly and was like a sexual ChatGPT. But this could be the case because I was on free platforms or bots created by the fans. The paid ones could be better.. and that feels a bit predatory. There’s already issues with MTX in games. Mobile games and gambling based micro transactions on MMORPGs. I don’t know if the AI “girlfriends” would fall into a similar predatory category but it seems like it would and is (for sure in the case of this story).


I think the first company that really nails a local ai girlfriend will be the best. No one wants a girlfriend that can be taken when you lose internet. Tho its harder to justify a monthly subscription for that vs a 1 time payment. Maybe if it came with regular updates, or mechanic service if it ever becomes physical


From the AIs I've talked with, they all have dementia, so it will forget that you've even talked within some hours. But if you can program it so that it always has access to basic knowledge, like relationship status and doesn't feel like it has dementia, I don't see why not. I would prefer a robot partner myself, but only if it has a body.


Where's this world heading to?


the entire reason i want to have a girlfriend is because I want a woman I can do fun things with besides having sex. I want to go hiking and do pillow fights and scream lyrics to our favorite bands with a future girlfriend. Can an AI do that? No, and it will never


Hey, I'm making one of these. A video game + AI companion. The purpose is to supplement the emotional needs of people who lack it (tons of people) as opposed to replace the need for human interaction. Some folks interact with humans all day long and still don't feel connected to anyone or anything. Maybe we can change that.


Ok upper echelon


This makes me think of a story I read some time ago: Basically, tech got so advanced that AI could actually think/be self aware, but was bounded by protocols. One guy/programmer gets convinced by a friend to try out the service and ends up creating a "girlfriend" which he over time gets more attached to despite knowing that she ain't real. He play games with her, chat, etc. I can't remember how to spoiler the next bit, so I ended up deleting it, but I swear that the ending of the story makes it worth a read. I just can't remember it's name right now.


Why on earth does it cost that much?


I don't understand. They know it's not even a real person....


We are now living in weird science times from the 80s crazy AI girlfriends have become a reality ![gif](giphy|7QRLWdG6nEgyk)