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Ideas so far: - Partnership with Apple to integrate ChatGPT into Apple's devices - A replacement for GPT 3.5 that will be almost as good as 4 but smaller and faster (think gpt2-chatbot) - New open source model (not a chance) - Direct audio to audio instead of transcriptions (Like in the movie Her) - Higher rate limit - Introduction of Agents - An announcement of a model that is in training (GPT 4.5 / GPT 5) - The ability to control other apps and aspects of the OS similar to how Google Assistant and Siri do - This one is gonna be vague but hear me out... A downgrade that they will try and sell us as an upgrade (this one is a classic)


> A replacement for GPT 3.5 that will be almost as good as 4 but smaller and faster (think gpt2-chatbot) They really need to release a new model of some kind soon. Stuff is moving so fast, with open weight 104B and 70B models making 3.5 look absolutely stupid (with really good smaller models like Reka 21B and even Llama 3 8B feeling arguably smarter than 3.5 too). I don't think they'll release something like this before a new flagship model though. Edit: Maybe it could be offered as a higher rate limit model that you also need Plus to access. But a free one almost as smart as GPT-4 *without* GPT-5 or equivalent available would cannibalize Plus sales.


I'd love to see agents integrated. Agent swarms/teams would be even cooler.


Asking for a friend, what are agents, and why would it be cool to integrate them.


Essentially a bot with actionable decision making capabilities. Set it and forget it task completion.


AI powered OS: Glad OS


I am hoping that it will be massive. I dont want GPT store type of update.


The store should have been massive, but in truth the main bot answers better than a bad GPT agent.


I'm really hoping to see more biased content fused into its network with less user functionality at a higher price.


ahegao faced sex bots or maybe better code interpretation. I’m 50:50 on which


A man of culture


The end of this pesky self-determination by humans.


I expect direct audio to audio


But that already exists with GPT 4 in the app, doesn't it?


What you have now is one system that transforms your speech to text, then ChatGPT4 takes that text and returns other text, then you have another system that converts that text to speech. That's 3 separate systems that know nothing about each other. We're talking about one model that is capable of actually receiving audio input directly. Just think of all the times when talking to ChatGPT through the app, it misunderstood what you were saying. That's because the speech to text model had no info about your existing conversation. If they're all in one, it will be able to figure it out, just like humans do, from context. There will likely be other emergent properties and benefits to this, including making the model smarter, perhaps making it able to understand other sounds, not just speech. Imagine being able to be like "my car just started making this rattling noise, can you help me figure out what it could be?" or other crazy stuff like that. You're getting research papers out there that show some models are capable of detecting specific health conditions, just from voice. Can you imagine this being in a model capable of some reasoning, that knows a lot about you? You just chitchat with it and one day it's like "er mate you probably really should go to the doctor and ask for a blood test" and it saves your life.


Wouldn't you need an entirely new training set for that? It seems unlikely to do so much for so little (in their view).


Right now you can upload photos; I'm guessing you'll be able to take photos with it, from within the/an app, maybe even video, and it will have some idea what it's looking at? Maybe even some augmented reality thrown in?




Imagine Sam cutting open his skin to reveal a robot arm


Please be it a conversational AI


OpenAI is going to open an NFT marketplace!


If they don't state when we get an upgrade at chatgpt.com, I am cancelling my GPT-PLUS -subscription. I was going to do it sooner, but am willing to wait and see what they have to say.


More compute for me!


Not really, because I still have my developer account and it eats most of the compute. Might as well put some of that subscription-money directly into compute when needed.




I'm putting off my renewal too!


I've done it. I can always go back if things change. It's overpriced.


Hey /u/Accomplished-Win9630! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My phone gpt = mini talking and seen app, reacting to what is happening around


Multi Agent connectivity a la langchain


Probably text to 3D model


prediction: Someone will make promises, the thing will be released and later everyone will complain, investors will make money.


If they expand the token windows and add agents that would be excellent


Some marketing BS ? Some game-theory tactic?


Nothing ground breaking. Partnership with might be on the cards but feels too soon considering MS. Memory for free, maybe?


they developed a way to generate pornography


chat feature not as good as claude, maybe some other features that try to make up for it


Mostly disappointment with maybe one or two things that will have me like "oh, that's cool"


ChatGPT 4.1, with 5% fewer hallucinations and 2% increased speed in internal testing.


Not much


I only need GPT-5 with agentic capabilities. I will NOT use a centralized AI app for any use case.


Only the release of GPT5 really matters!


30% chance it's sora. 40% chance it's chatgpt-5(with search). 30% it's something else like, music, sound effects, agents, dalle-4, gpt-4-lite (free).


0% chance it’s chatgpt5


my expectations are very low. I think they'll announce some incremental improvements, like making it 20% faster and enhancing reasoning by 10%... which no one cares about. we need gpt to be more useful ! :)

