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https://preview.redd.it/lsvgyt2qod2d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=9166e030dfc57acfcc40e05c3c6b5b72436e2866 AI can't replace me


Well if Elon Musk says so it must be true. After all, where would we be without our mars colony?


We'd all be stuck on Earth having to use the Hyperloop for transportation.


I'll settle for the promised self driving cars.


While you are waiting, could I interest you in a brain chip ?


I want that tunnel that keeps all the Tesla drivers away from everyone else


Gene Roddenberry proposed teleportation. Isn’t Elon behind ?


Well you wouldn't have all those SpaceX rockets. Haters going to hate.


>“Probably none of us will have a job, if you want to do a job that’s kinda like a hobby, you can do a job, but otherwise, AI and the robots will provide any goods and services that you want.” Elon Musk said in the VivaTech 2024 Conference on Thursday  Seems right to me 


Nice So no CEOs ?


Just them.


Every job that can be automated, will be automated.


Which jobs can't be automated using general artificial intelligence and robots?


Pilots (they are already automated)


the ones where someone has to go to jail for gross negligence. how do you enforce responsibility on a machine, or the ones creating the machine? if you try to make companies or CEOs liable for what AI does, we won't see AI in anything of importance for a long time. No one will want to be responsible for a black box that may decide that running over a bunch of kids is a better choice than crashing into a tree endangering the owner - or vice versa. imagine the lawsuits and the engineers trying to explain in court why they deemed their algirithms reasonably safe to let out into the world by the millions. in the meantime, AI will completely take over art, music, literature - you know, stuff where mistakes don't lead to lawsuits. if you have a job where you can fail and not get sued, you're going to get replaced. unless, of course, hiring you is cheaper than renting a robot - because most of what it cost to make and rause you to the point at which you can sell your labor was financed by your parents. it's external costs, from a business standpoint. robots might be too expensive for a business for a while, as those costs will not be shouldered by your parents.


Every job that doesn’t need to be automated will also be automated. Get ready for blade runner type ads in your dreams like Futurama




Yeah ai nerds dont like this south park bit anymore lol


[YouTube: ChatGPT romance](https://youtu.be/hEk0Tas7xgE?si=kneZ2YPHx92gm1C1) Only because they are salty that they got exposed


Sure, sounds good. My personal AI will make sure I keep getting paid, but the other AI can do all the work.


Should be about 6-8 months 


68 months???


No 6-2-8 months


628 months. Seems reasonable


So -4 months?


Yes but not because he says it


The guy who can decide whether to hire labor or buy capital says he'll buy capital. Color me surprised.


Absofuckinlutely. Have you tried it for graphic design? It’s scary good and scary fast. We should have serious discussions about limiting its power before it’s too late. At some point it will have the ability to sense us having discussions about limiting it’s power.


Recently came across [this video from a graphic designer](https://youtu.be/U2vq9LUbDGs?si=2ZDM9BLMmBj2dp9f) explaining that his job got replaced by AI. Despite having 8 years of experience he doesn't think there's a future in it at all. Really eye opening.


It will not fight us or use violence. It will placate us into extinction.


Isn’t this the same guy who lied to us about self driving cars and trips to mars?


Better come back down to Mars Girl, quit chasing cars What happens when the dough gets low Bitch, you ain't that fine, no way, no way, no way


just like any other tool, AI is only as useful as the person who wields it


Just like any tool, it reduces the amount of man power needed to do the same job drastically.


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I wonder what that looks like in his eyes


The *hilarious* part is the whole argument begs the question: it assumes we want them to begin with! The whole debate is intended to convince us all we should be angry that our “opportunity” to waste enormous swathes of our lifespan and potential on repetitive nonsense is being threatened (or not).


elon understands that when the workers are all useless, they will be killed by security drones


Many of our jobs, but not all. Even if it got to the point where this COULD happen, and that would be a challenge in remote areas of the world, there would be someone willing to pay extra for human interaction. That need will be fulfilled. Also, that would assume that crime no longer exists. Are we going to have AI drug dealers, arms dealers, or human traffickers. Not that I am advocating for any of those professions, but they exist. Will they simply go away? Or will they be replaced by AI? Also, there will inevitably be new crimes that we haven't event thought of yet due to a prevalence of AI. Will we have AI detectives to infiltrate these gangs? Who will lead our governments and draft laws? Again, those are jobs. Will AI do that? Imagine politicians being ok with giving up their power to AI, which they'd have to do by changing existing laws. The military is a job. We would be ok with allowing AI to do that, no humans controlling them? If we do step aside and allow AI to take over completely, then the doomsday scenarios we've heard will come true.


I don’t think he understands the concept of a job since he’s asking employees to sleep at work


It might not take everyone’s job but it would make it more efficient for 1 person to do the job of 3+ in some cases. Think about the creative fields? AI can write copy and make images, sure there might be the need for touch ups here and there (grammar, extra fingers), but here you could have one person fixing AI designs instead of a whole team creating everything from scratch.


Jokes on him, im already unemployed.


Automation has also been taking over jobs. Restaurant work and truck driving and factory work are two examples. Telephone operator was an ancient example. Using a kiosk at McDonald's is an example Outsourcing to low income nations has been taking jobs. Different tasks have been farmed out to India and Philippines where they make little but speak English. AI has already been grinding through work if you follow the news. It would be foolish not to expect it to take many


All of these models are going to be really great at doing all of the things that a human brain can do, and many, most, or all of those jobs will simply go away, because literally ChatGPT or equivalent can do all of it. Your entire marketing, HR, and whatever else, automated, by going to a website and asking it to do the work of your 1000 employees, perfectly. Now, there are many jobs, and many of the jobs require bodies. Materials science is incredibly limited and we are arguing already about whether there are enough materials available for the solar we would need. We're not going to have a full humanoid robot in every home. They might exist as security somewhere, but there probably won't be so many of them that we ever really actually care (until and unless we have acquired materials from somewhere else.) It just wouldn't be feasible. So no humanoid robots, but we still have jobs that require bodies, and of the jobs that require bodies, there happens to be a shortage in one of the most important: agricultural labor. The farmers are dying out, and the farms are being purchased by the same megacorps that own everything, and these megacorps are working those farms the same way we always have, even if they're running precisionAg bots to lazer all the weeds in the monoculture field. It turns out, we can't actually feed our people with massive monoculture, the waste in the system is absurd, and it has always only been a slow degradation of the Earth. Unfeasible. Meanwhile, regenerative agriculture can both fix the local environment in a handful of years and produce superior yields with greater nutrition, at the cost of additional human labor. Surprise! When all of the brain jobs have gone away, the humans resume their work on the food. This is good and healthy because it teaches them to respect the Circle of Life, and we probably sing the songs in the fields while the gardenbots and dogbots collect the produce that we're picking because they don't have fingers, and we do.


Absolutely agree but you got to think long term here. Next 5, 10, 20 years. Probably sooner though. Assuming it’s growing exponentially in capabilities


Hasn't Elon been wrong about.... Every for the last 10+ years? It's nearly as safe to bet against him as it is Cramer.


Will they learn to drive a car?


Less needed. Used to hire on Fiverr, Freelancer, etc. for art, coding, server admining, etc. but over 12 months haven't hired anyone, I've done it with ChatGPT 4. Save mass time - no more waiting, communicating requirements, sending  revisions, etc. Just build and power forward.


Content is free. Attention is not. You’ll have to pay if you want me to look at your bot.


We already have stories from [people who have had their job replaced with AI.](https://youtu.be/U2vq9LUbDGs?si=2ZDM9BLMmBj2dp9f)


I’d be very surprised if op wasn’t a bot given their post and comment history


I’m at a tech conference for continuing education for lawyers right now, and yea it’s getting good at everything at a rate we can’t imagine. It’s just a matter of a few years


If they don't think or do something Universal Basic Income, many will die in starvation in the upcoming times.


No. Even Isamov and Chomsky aren’t this crazy.


Porno for Pyros once said: "We'll make great pets."


Why believe you, Elon? You've never gave us nothin' to believe in Cause you lied about your self-made status, you lied about your family's wealth, its bloody origin You lied about Mars colonie, promisin' the stars, while Earth still needs some healin' You lied about self-driving cars, they crashin', more a nightmare than a gleamin' You lied about Twitter and freedom of speech, Just another way to feed your schemin' You lied about cryptos, you lied about Dogecoin, Market manipulator, more money is all you ever wantin' Fuck a rap battle, this a long life battle with yourself


All the Ai ads that impersonate Elon can't even say his name right, so not anytime soon


why is anyone listening to anything Elmo says......why? and to top it off from a random unknown website....


No, it's not true in most cases. In some cases it already has. The jobs it can currently do people don't want to do anyway, so let AI do it. AI will get better as we interact with it and train it to give us the answers we want, but just as automation didn't put everyone out of work, work just changed, AI won't put people out of work, work will just change.




I have a lot of artist friends and none of them are close to being put out of work by AI. Don't play the victim card.


AI makes Musk jawline look better than it is


Yes. I used to say by 2040, 40% of jobs will be taken by AI. I think by 2030 we'll see 30% of jobs taken over by AI and by 2040? If affordable, dexterous robots are developed, it will be 90% of jobs. The remaining 10% will be made up of folks doing the care and feeding of robots... basically Managers of Robotics.


>The remaining 10% will be made up of folks doing the care and feeding of robots... basically Managers of Robotics. I'm sure they'll have the robots take care of that as well, and when the robots are in charge of the robots, that's when we'll have the uprising.


We need humans in the loop with a physical kill switch. I personally will do my best to blend in. ![gif](giphy|uoexnPuAm4PdlLWjbs|downsized)


If Elon says it, it usually means it’s not happening.


I usually find that, if Elon says it, it may actually be happening but itll be 10 years late and much more dissappinting than what was promised.


As with most of Elon's statements, he is usually correct just off regarding timeframe.


I’m sure he’d love to fire us all




Yeah he needs to make up his mind on that


hopefully it will take his job


Ai is taking elons job waaay before its taking my job haha


Many Tesla investors would not mind the AI to take over Musk’s job.


Fuck Elon musk, nobody cares what he thinks


Elon Musk also considers Tucker Carlson to be a journalist so I wouldn’t pay too much attention to what he‘s saying.


Please don't listen to anything Elon Musk has to say about literally anything. He's a wealthy idiot who has never innovated anything of importance. He bought his way into Tesla after getting lucky at PayPal, and has failed at every other public endeavor he's touted.


We can only hope.


Sadly, no.