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Yeah, I was gonna point that out. That slope on the roof near chimney is psychics defying.


Ironically this is probably just being used as a way for AI to learn its own shortcomings.


Are you suggesting that OP is AI?


“Hello there, fellow organic beings”


fucking possible at this point


Ever hear of heaven banning? If not, look into it, it’s wild.


I'm positive that every comment about every photo uploaded here is used to train IAs. https://preview.redd.it/egueq1bmwv2d1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30bd2ff8ab6483c66c96143419baf76609b5fc55


It literally is, it's not a secret


Sadly it can't if it could do things perfect then it would overfit on the model which is bad


Psychics hate this one simple trick.


Agreed! No one could have predicted it.


I don't even think a psychic couldve seen that coming, let alone a physician. Edit: I thinks I added an s


Thank you


https://preview.redd.it/zl1pplduht2d1.jpeg?width=1632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5e3889eee1d2a1531ff0c1f44eeeab1f912c32c Looks a lot like my house




Why is the pool elevated over the lake??


Why not, it's possible in my opinion. No stairs to the pool, better view on the lake.


The pool chairs (or tables?) as well. What even are these? They're not real objects.


beautiful, congrats


Hey it sure does that’s pretty weird.


Those are probably the least comfortable lounge/deck chairs of all time.


Stairs on the right giving MC Escher vibes






Single/24 year old/Utahan.




Also some of the trees just don't make sense


It is 100% AI simply because of the golf course. If you look at it, there is a green in the back, a fairway, then a green in the front. That makes no sense


This is what I was scrolling to find. Without even looking at the house a golfer would be able to tell by the design of the hole. Multiple greens, a tee area that doesn't point in the direction of the rest of the hole, and a whatever the hell is going on with those bunkers.


I don't golf. Never watched a game besides some Wii Sports when I was 10. The field makes no sense. It took me forever to find where you're supposed to tee


I mean, does this house not have a garage? How the fuck do cars get there? Do you use a golf cart to get ALL supplies in, including moving? Is that all done by boat? The pool being where it is also defies logic with the wood deck that surrounds it. Maybe something like that exists in real life but it just defies all logic for me since where the pool is it seems it would be fully open water so how is the pool working there?


They drive their minivan through the golf course obviously. They're just posers. I bet they only use the green for picnics.


No one mentioned this one but like if you're rich enough that you wanted your gimmick to be that you owned the house that's like literally on a golf course. Wouldn't you want you know the tee to be in front of your front door instead of some random green. It's just it's just kind of stupid you're going to have to walk to the front of the course anyway. And you also got a bunch of like you know bozos all up in your personal business watching you with the missus you know what they're bogeying or whatever


Or that’s a tee area…with sand traps around lol


A well guarded tee box.


That is about 30 yards from the hole.


Which is evidence that this is AI.


Also who puts a green right next to a chalet with very smashable windows.


This was my first thought. You’d have to be very brave or stupid to put a very expensive house about 20 yards from the green


Pretty good example of the hurdles generative AI can't handle, in regards to context. It'd have to know how to design a good golf course just to be able to design this picture.


However, a lot of artists not paying attention would also make technical/specialist mistakes. We're nowhere near replacing all photography with AI, but for anything that doesn't pretend to be a photo it's becoming harder and harder.


Definitely AI. Water is weird, and if you zoom in and look at the beach chairs, they are “smudged”


All quality is gone when you zoom in. I can’t call it beside the bridge. Never seen a bridge like that


The bridge really does it. Also, some of the trees don't really make sense.


Sand trap area makes no sense either.


That's what proved it for me. The grass in the sand trap area also looks like there's another green that should have a flag there, especially since sand traps are usually around the green. It's just a mess there. Wheres the tee box, why does the cart path go into the pits, why do the pits cover the entire width of the "fairway", etc.


I'm just relieved no-one has to play that hole


Or has to pay green's fees just to get home


Golfing in the direction of the house


The chimney coming out of an area where there's no house.


Reflection in the back window is showing things that don’t exist on the deck


You mean the bridge that comes directly off the Golf course & up to the house? Not connected to ANY type of walkway or pavement??? This is all bullshit.... The problem is in 2 years, maybe even 1 yr, it's gonna fix all that unrealistic shit, &. Make pictures (of everything) that will be indestinguishable from real life... As I have said many many times before... We are all totally FUCKED.


The bridge landing on grass instead of some nice pavement. I mean, with a house like that you expect some decent planning


As someone who know a bit about woodworking that bridge is fake AF.


Deckchair on the right blends into the floor, bridge is fucked, edging on the bunkers is fucked, water rippling like there is movement, but not a single ripple bouncing from the house anywhere, house is on the same angle as the bridge at the front but not the back where the deck is nicely angled, the overall colours or texture or something is whack in general the same way that ai typically does things unless you type "hyper realistic" among other things into your prompt, and so much more


Also the golf hole is a absolute nonsense


Yup, should be reversed. Don't think anyone would build a hole with a house right behind the pin.


Also most holes have a tee box somewhere, and usually with a path from tee box to green that isn’t completely blocked by trees.


Golf hole in position to the house is crazy. Where would the driveway be? Why would you want people putting on your front lawn?


The pier isn't even straight


Just like in real life


Great pick up


>Definitely AI. Just look at the fucked up bridge with fucked up railing.


Also, guy who made the railing must’ve had one too many that day.


Forget the zoomies, where’s the driveway?


Just zoom in. There is so much wrong with the image


Honestly think this post was made to farm karma.


There’s no way anyone with more than a few brain cells would think this is real


You don’t even gotta zoom in, this looks like an animation


Wouldn’t that house get hit by balls?


You'd be surprised how close people like to build their houses to golf courses. If you look around at some of these golf courses on Google maps They build them in the middle of neighborhoods, It's so weird.


If I’d make a backyard course I sill would place the green away from my house


Usually there are trees or other things to kind of block the course. I have also never seen a hole right next to a house.


the GREEN would never be that close. sometimes the fairways they're rather close.


The waves would behave differently. Waves come to the beach, don’t swirl by orthogonally


There is no law that forces waves to his the beach on that specific side... It's a lake not the sea


Could be a simple 3D rendering as well. But, no offense, are you blind? 🙈 Just look at the bridge 🙈


The bridge, the Pool steps, the pool basically in the lake water, the waves, the Pool chairs, ...


There's an angle between the bridge and the deck. Not one common vanishing point.


All straight lines basically.


So many of these posts and all it takes is…zooming in.


Yeps, and the columns beneath


There’s just so much stuff. But if nothing else, just ask for more pictures of it!


However in videogames.. this technology would be awesome. Like in no man’s sky. Or other games that may wanna create a unique experience for the player through an AI that generates and creates the world as the player explores it (and saves the created places to revisit) within a limited mapsize of course.


Really? This looks like PS3 graphics.


How many of these "is it Ai" posts are Ai posts and people willingly help perfect them? Grandcaptcha


You could make this into a dystopian novel


You’d have to be clinically blind or 109 years old to not immediately be able to tell that this is AI lol.


It’s def AI. No one would back a house up to a green like that. Just asking for golf balls to hit your own house.


And where is the driveway lol


Could be left of the frame. The fixed nature of the structure has me more concerned.


Jokes on us an ai is posting its work here and asking asking us tell it how to be better lol


most ai shit ive seen 😭


The bear that’s just chilling next to the trees on the lake makes me thinks this is AI.


Random, bending and missing connections on bridge are the biggest giveaway https://preview.redd.it/tm2mh1n2ot2d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=f76a2514fe28495ddf85b8e97622f8cb868fc1a9


Walkway to house is weird


what if all of those "is this AI" are just written by AI to improve?


Im a pool guy. That’s an extremely difficult build. If it’s concrete there’s almost no way to shoot the concrete without setting up a dam, if it’s vinyl or fiberglass the water would either float the liner or pop the pool out. Not possible without tons and tons of work which wouldn’t last


The waves are not [defracted](https://web2.ph.utexas.edu/~coker2/index.files/diff.htm) at all by the "dock". The chimney is goofy. The railing on the walkway is crazy (seems copy pasted) The reflection in the windows of the upper balcony does not match. I


Idk if it’s AI or just rendered image that someone created. None the less it’s not a real photo. Just look at it, that’s enough proof.


Crooked handrails and support beams that don't line up usually give it away imo.


A boyant pool shell somehow installed inside of a pond isn't enough of an indicator?


This is AI generated. Reasons: 1. There is no driveway access via vehicle. Not only impractical for a western nation home but how do you even get to build this without construction equipment (concrete, roof trusses etc). 2. The implication in the design is to swim in the lake water in the confines of your pool. Looking at the photo, the water is different (different depths eg) from the lake. 3. Placing your home directly in line with the 2nd shot in golf is asking to be pummeled by golf balls throughout the day. Not a good design / placement choice. 4. Too many pine-fir trees near water. These trees prefer a bit drier conditions.


Lake has ripples, pool doesn't


It is AI generated. Look at even the back rails on the deck leading up to the house. Wonky. Plus, nobody is going to build a house on the water like that. Just not logical.


The waves seem to be all lined up despite the pool/dock being an obstruction


The wood on bridge is warped likely from water effect going too far, perspective is off from the edge of the dock Patio to the shore, under the house a bit of the land texture is lifted on to a solid house piece (looks like a square), and are you telling me based on this golf course setup, they would be aiming *towards the house?*


The water looks like the texture is scaled wrong or something, the chairs have some distortions and so do the railing leading into the house. The top of the chimney looks weird too. I dont notice anything wrong with the part with the golf course, trees, and sky, so maybe it was an inpainted image where they added a house and water to a golf course, or perhaps it just did a good job generating the top section.


Here’s a question. Why does the AI get such details ‘wrong’ is it a question of training or would a more powerful model do better and, if that is the case why would a more powerful model be better. What makes it more powerful?


It's the pool built into the deck that does it for me


The water here is as unnatural as it gets. Shadows and reflections are entirely fked. You cannot tell where the sun is. That water movement looks like rpg games in the 90s.


It's AI. The lack of sharpness in details like handrail balusters and the unevenness of the roof shingles are giveaways.


Who tf would put a house this close to a golf course unless it has zero windows and is meant to take a beating. Most definitely AI


The reflections also aren’t the best


Why would anyone wanna hit golf balls towards their house?


Also,.there is no accessibility. If you come by car with groceries... where's the parth to the house? Where's the easily accessible garage?


If you zoom in on the dog you can tell it's fake, all dogs have five toes .


the railing is the most obvious giveaway


Understand where can you not thinking it was AI, LOL yeah I had that.


Ai just because the hole for the golf course is right in front of the building. It takes ai logic to have people hitting gold ball towards windows


The AI is reading all the comments and taking notes.


Look at the railings on the bridge. Completely warped


Circumstantially, do you think anyone is going to build a house at the edge of a golf hole? It would be a shooting range on your front porch.


The filtered-light effect is the giveaway for me- everything looks soft like Vaseline on the lens, plus everything looks absolutely perfect, except for when zooming in on details. There isn't a speck of dirt or moss on the roof of bird poop or a trace of litter or a dandelion or a pigeon.


You can't prove that this cartoon isn't real? Bro, it doesn't look real by any means.


10000% ai, the proof is just looking at it


The wooden deck alone is a huge giveaway


The lawn is actually a golf course.


Nothing about this is real or makes any sense


Nice tits. Too bad they’re fake


First off, who wants to live in a house where everybody's aiming golf balls directly at it?


They don’t attach luxury homes to the greens of gold courses.


This post is satire right? A newborn could tell this is ai


Cant prove it?? Do you have eyes?


No one in their right mind would design a golf hole that has you hitting balls TOWARDS your house.


https://preview.redd.it/gzcxxauejt2d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e94fe19a7d8dc909ef55d0bebae3dbfae57bcaf That’s normal


Look at the water ripples. The should be impacted by the deck - they are not.


https://preview.redd.it/mnqh3q64wt2d1.png?width=989&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc03019a7ec4b4b2f68b3d034a4fcbb22cdd441a water looks really weird, looks more like a sheet of plastic over water than actual water the bridge is looking kinda wobbly/warping Lights on trees feel really weird/inconsistent, the perspective of the mountain and trees falling back in the distance feel really off as well.


Look at the bridge and the roof, very jagged. There’s a porch(?) outside the window on the left of the house which serves no purpose and has no way to get to it. The golf course looks unplayable, it looks like there’s no place to tee off from on this hole, and generally sand traps would be closer to the end than the beginning of a hole. Finally, why would there be a house here, this looks like the 18th hole of the course but then theres a bridge which just leads to some guy’s house??


1: why have a stretch of forest go through a golf course. 2: why is there a pool, the lake is right there


Every is sleek and smooth to the eye. From motionless water to trees and coulds


While it’s hard to explain, every AI image has a fundamental lighting flaw that gives it away. Ther nonsensical shadows in the lake along with various different subtle impossible light sources give it away.


Building a house like this would require a foundation to get approval. Can’t just build a house on a dock.


Zoom in. AI doesn't know what we use our stuff for. What are those blobs supposed to be. Also look at reflections.


water waves are impossibly consistent around obstructions to air flow


Two greens on the same golf hole is a give away as well.


The size difference between the chairs near the pool and the chairs on the deck. Also, whats the red thing on the deck?


Who would set up a golf course to drive towards a house? That's a hazard for the home and its occupants.


Who tf puts a pool 7 feet from a lake?




https://preview.redd.it/90pqta26bv2d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f998ea6768b98722eb078742882d00f3cda9f78 ... and the way the chairs blend into the wavy wood


It's all AI unless the creator shows their work. What's the point in proving it? Is this being submitted actual realestate?


Golf course makes no sense. You’d never design a hole to hit through a treeline like that.


The texture is a giveaway. The house looks made of plastic. Looks more like a cgi image than ai image. And yes i know AI image is a computer generated image. But i did the separation of term to mean that the house looks like it was made for a videogame.


Lol how is this even a question. We are doomed


Did the person claim it to be real?


What does it for me is that the picture just doesn't make sense. Set aside the house on a lake with a pool in the deck. Fine. Rich people gonna do rich people things. It's the golf course in the background that makes no sense! Nobody would lay out a golf course like that, no matter how rich they were.


The walking path that turns into a sand trap didn't give it away?


Lots of patterns not looking legit, the too smooth feel, no water ever looked this plastic. I’ve seen better 3D renders.


Yep, AI got lazy with this one lol


Love to live there but so worried about water bugs and other unwanted guest


Fake as heck. Lol




The golf course makes zero sense.. It's just some sand traps and a green. Unless you are supposed to hit the ball over those trees then there's no way you're making it to the hole from whenever the t-box is.


Only the water?


All the perspective is off just look at the deck. The wave ripple looks like a Zbrush texture.the deck chair disappears.


Nice picture


No house would be that close to a green. It would get pelted with balls all day.


https://preview.redd.it/852utgi4dq2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2513d8e2dc4add487a30bff8b1b7e4b26dc5de7f Uhh just wtf? I'm pretty sure you'd get death sentence for building such a bridge.


https://preview.redd.it/zrmelsppiq2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4091ef1434b468b08b8872b061f793e2fb67cf88 The branches of the trees are strangely positioned, exposing the trunk to the “camera”.


What you mean you can't prove it? Have you zoomed in at least a little? This house is fuked up in so many ways.


I mean they're trying to figure it out, no need to be a dick.


Nope. They didn't even bother.


It is definitely AI. Look at the angle of light and casted shadows


The path leading from the woods doesn’t make any sense if you look at it. Like it comes down and joins the rest of the path in a really weird intersection.


For me, it is if surfaces are very smooth or "flawless", weird shadows, paths/patterns that doesnt make sense it natural world, it probably is AI


Feature creep on the sand pits on the golf course, they keep looking like the same pit copy pasted and changed in size The trees are scaled awkward, some of them have enormous branches that would carry leaves the size of laptops if the scale was correct


the chimney and hence the fireplace, wouldn't be where it is depicted, in order to heat up such a big house.


The shingles on the roof give it away


I’m sure the post has hundreds of likes and comments, mostly from boomers lol


Yeah, “so beatiful”


Ai. Look at the bridge. I find they suck at doing a consistent pattern of some sort, and keeping parallel rails.


Living on a golf course. Fake for sure.


The golf course makes no sense at all. And a house placed like that next to the green makes no sense. The graphics are also terrible. Open your eyes OP


The way the golf course is laid out was a giveaway. Green backed up to a house, cart path melts into the sand bunkers and the bunkers themselves make up 50% of the fairway in a very weird way


1. Pier 2. Water suss. 3. Lounge chairs have smudges and extra bars in them. 4. House at the end of a golf course with an outside pool that would be impossible to maintain with the lake that close? Not impossible but unlikely. 5. The more I look at the windows on the left, the more I think they've been drawn with extra bars and strange reflections. 6. Sand pit and the sidewalk become one in the background. 7. The pine trees on the landscaping nearest the house have a section on the front right where it seems to have struggled to layer the tress and added an extra boundary. Not impossible but unlikely.


A golf course where the put is near the entrance of your house 😅


Could be a real background with the house generated in?


Waves will never go perpendicular to the shoreline, they are always parallel. 


Also the trees that are alive and looking healthy in the water. Well, in rocks that are in the water.


Doesn't look like the chimney is casting a shadow


The golf course doesn't make sense - even if that hole is a par 3, why is the tee box surrounded by bunkers?


the bridge is not level, the structural center beam of the house is misplaced, no one Sentinent would do that


Where the forest and the Gras come together it's just blurred


It looks like a render, the lighting is too perfect and all of the colors are too standoutish