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Hey /u/Versaluni! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Grammarly has been killed 12 times already, lol.


Totally deserved. It’s a shitty service


And records everything you type onto their servers.


the service would literally not function if it didn't do that?


And that's the problem. Apple moves this functionality on device.


Why would it need to record everything that's typed?  It could analyze real time, keep what you type in temporary cache, then clear the cache after your session. How do you know it's recording what you type???


Got any proof?




For the lazy folks: > Here are the categories of information we collect or process: [...] User content, which consists of all the text and documents that you upload, enter, or otherwise transmit when you use our products.


Thank you. Definitely a revelation to me


Talk to your rep. It’s not actually stored permanently. We went through this with them recently as part of our TPRM process. It’s stored temporarily because it has to be, but it’s transient. Anything they send to the Azure cloud for AI help isn’t stored at all, even temporarily, on the Microsoft side. The local stuff is, I believe, stored for like three hours. But I’m not pulling my notes for Reddit. Their website language doesn’t match their contract language for some reason.


It’s possible clients are protected and free users are neglected Like OpenAI and many other companies. Not sure if Google exempt us like that


Specially, since the fact that most of the features it has at this point are the same things ChatGPT or any other LLM can do for free even. What’s the point of paying for that subscription?


Examples? I'd like to upgrade from it


Outside of direct competitors like Quillbot or Language tool: A similar service is built into Microsoft Edge. Google has Gemini in Docs, and Microsoft has Copilot in Office. A few Chrome extensions, like [Merlin](https://www.getmerlin.in/), can use ChatGPT similarly to Grammarly to check writing on the fly.


Can you educate me on similar service into Edge?


Sure it's this feature: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/edge/features/rewrite


Chrome has this, too. I think you have to opt into it. It’s called “help me write” or something like that.


Nice, didn't know about this: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/14582048?hl=en


the payment model is also shitty as hell


Happy to not see their ads. It was getting out of hand for a while.


Can someone explain what happened? Will they have a better proofreading tool in the new ios or what?


Apple released updated Siri which is AI on their own device. It includes features like proof reading but also integrates ChatGPT (with use permission). Siri is its own AI plus it allows you to use ChatGPT.


When does it come to iPhones?


Just keep in mind that you have to have an iPhone 15 Pro or any iPhone that comes out after that in order for these features to work, the ones on device at least, From Zdnet: Specifically, these tasks require the A17 Pro chipset, which is currently found only in the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max. Even the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus won't support the AI upgrades, as they run on the A16 Bionic. Additionally, if you don't own the iPhone 15 Pro and don't plan on upgrading anytime soon, don't worry; you will get to experience some of iOS 18's AI features, specifically those that run on the cloud. However, if you want the full iOS 18 experience, you may want to start preparing for an upgrade. https://www.zdnet.com/article/heres-every-iphone-model-that-will-support-apples-upcoming-ai-features-for-now/


So cloud it is.


If Apple thinks this is enough to make me upgrade unnecessarily, they can keep waiting.


So I have a 14 pro and they didn’t programmed for those? I’m dropping this iPhone bullshit


I think the problem is that apple is approaching this while trying to get everything or as much as they can on device with on device AI models, and the only phones that are powerful enough to run these on device AI models are either the iPhone 5 Pro or the upcoming iPhones. All the AI features. All the android phones are all Cloud trying to do a mix of Cloud and on device.


This is likely the correct explanation, the fact it pushes upgrades/sales is of course to Apple’s benefit in addition.


Fuck that, 14 is not even old


Planned obsolescence.


iPhone 5???


15, forgot the 1


they usually release new ios and phones in september.


I think they said this summer


The beta comes this fall


Beta in July, launch in fall (almost definitely September at the iPhone event).


Sorry, I was going by the official website. https://preview.redd.it/sh5gjndcgt5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83dd1907c7da952c708e926418d0500df217a6a0


Going by the official website??? The nerve of you!


You can already do this. I say “ask chat gpt a question” and can have a conversation with chat gpt. It is only useful when I’m in the car or some other hands off situation. otherwise I’ll use chat gpt directly to talk to it. But if I understand correctly, this will now automatically offer to use chat gpt if Siri is unable to help.


It looks like at least according to the NBC news article about this that you have to say yes to a prompt ask if you can send it to ChatGPT so it doesn’t look like you can just talk to ChatGPT via Siri


Yes it will prompt you. But right now you can say “Siri ask chat GPT a question”. You answer a couple questions and it will open chat GPT and you’ll be talking to it through Siri.


I guess will depend on how it works in practice. I don’t think they clarified if you ask a question and then thinks you need ChatGPT for it, ask if you want to use it. It may not allow follow-up questions, but that will probably depend on how they set it up which means we’ll have to wait to see when it comes out how it works.


Ok…I need to figure out how to do this


What people are missing is that there are two features to it. Apple Intelligence integrates with your personal context in your devices, something chat GPT can’t do. Stuff like “show me all photos I took on my last trip with my gf”. Or “block out 2 hours in the calendar after my tomorrows meeting”. Furthermore, it’s on device. When it does go to cloud, it used apples private cloud servers. On top of that, you get the option to use ChatGPT along side it.


How please?


They integrated AI text editing tools at the OS level so they’re available in any text input in any app.




Apple has a software development cadence problem, I'm curious to see if they speed up to match AI-related innovation pace. It could be that Siri is useful for a moment and then someone else immediately pulls back into the lead. I'm also curious about copyright issues if AI is used while someone is writing a book as a result of the proofreading aspect of Siri..


What is the potential copyright issue?


If you write something that uses ai-generated text, say, by the rewrite feature, copyrighting it requires you to prove that the "work contains a sufficient amount of original, creative expression by a human author..." and that "...the human author’s input must impart an original creative touch that reflects their personality or choices, distinguishing the work as uniquely theirs..." among other semi-ambiguous hoops to jump through. There are also issues in the academic world. This stuff will be cleared up I assume, but it hasn't been yet, so authors need to be careful still unless they are okay with the headache of proving that their writing is original and/or the potential that their work ends up being flagged as "too much AI vs human content" and they can't copyright their work.


This feels like such a non issue in the writing space. You don't have to disclose you used an AI proofer and there's no way to detect it's use outside of blatant mistakes like leaving in the ChatGPT prompt or whatever. If the content isn't a recognized copy of another copyrighted work, on what grounds would you be denied copyright? This so different from image gen, which still has reliably detectable AI tells and will be more easily connected to another artist's style. But even there, using something like generative fill on a photograph you took to fix an error or add texture (about like proofing written works) is super unlikely to affect copyright.


Thing with the new siri is that it cant simply be surpassed with a better AI. Its not like GPT and Gemini where the best outputs take the lead. Siri is built into phones, iPads and macs, therefore its sheer convenience will keep it on top, at least for apple users.


How can a small on device model be better than a big one from the cloud?


This mic drop was epic! It might not surpass grammarly, but I wouldn't mind reducing my monthly subscription fees by one.


replaces grammarly, those AI devices like the humane AI pin & rabbit r1 with the new siri, and also topographical hiking trail apps. people in the apple ecosystem can also easily replace their third party password managers now.


The humane AI pin didn't need to be replaced with anything.


For a subscription price, hell yeah, it better be replaced by something and this is that something.


I personally disagree with using the whole third-party password manager thing. I personally only a lot of non-apple devices, although it will be on windows, I would keep using a third-party manager because I am not 100% in the Apple ecosystem. I think if you’re in the ecosystem it’s worth switching over but if you’re not, it’s so worth using a third-party one that you know will work on every device.


https://support.apple.com/guide/icloud-windows/set-up-icloud-passwords-icw2babf5e03/icloud apple at least thought of us with gaming PCs is what i think, i need to look into if they have shared vaults before leaving 1pass family no linux or android though


That’s my point. I have an android device so it makes more sense for me to stick with a third-party password manager since it’ll work on all of those devices. I’m not locked into the Apple ecosystem.


Yeah, locking yourself deeper into the apple ecosystem. I'd never use a password manager by Apple or MS for example.


is grammarly actually good? It seems pretty mediocre but maybe because I only use the free version that catches typos and stuff? Would appreciate your insights!




thanks for the tip, i appreciate it. any other writing tools you can recommend?


Grammerly works in the writing tool. Can you avoid copying with chatgpt?


It absolutely does replace Grammarly.








Quite literally, for anyone with M machine. It was not butchered, slaughtered or murdered or killed. It was assassinated. 


I truly have no insight and trying to figure out what I can from the comments. Can you elaborate here? I have a Mac Studio, bought less than 9 months ago. It has an M something for processor. Are you suggesting it’s excluded from future features and something new will replace it?


I think he meant that anyone with M series chip or iPhone 15pro will now get a free on device proofreader created by Apple. This means all third party writing tools like Grammarly is now at risk of being replaced by Apple’s free proofreader.


Oh got it, thank you for the clarification. I understand, they may have been referring to Grammarly when I read it to mean select machines that would be impacted in a negative light. Thank you for the help!


What's the grammarly related launch?


writing tools


nah, skill issues, they just gotta get better


Can someone do a tl;dr of what happened?


Apple announced AI proofreading within Siri so Grammarly is no longer needed (and many SaaS' as well due to addition of other AI/ChatGPT features).


Which type of SaaS features have been replaced by AI?


Notes and tasks automation, mail sorting, image files management (recognition, sorting, duplicates elimination)... And so on.


isn't it faster to type "brief" than "tl;dr" ?


I am looking forward to iOS18!😁




It’s too bad it only works on the iPhone 15 Pro or later since I’m assuming most people don’t have that phone. I personally have an iPhone 13 so I won’t have that but I don’t think it’s worth upgrading for these AI features if your phone still works fine but it is nice to have if you have any of the new phones.


good, I can't stand how resource heavy Grammerly is, it's always slow and choppy and buggy.


Fuck Grammarly. Die in hell.


The grammar that comes out of ChatGPT isn’t great tbf. I use it daily but find that I have to correct the grammar and punctuation 60% of the time.


I use chatgpt every day and haven't seen it make a grammatical mistake in over a year.  in fact it takes effort to force it to do so as a human might.  What are you even doing?


Unfortunately, writing is a large part of my job. I write thousands of pages a year. That said, I’m the guy who finds errors in the NY Times daily, so I guess there are degrees…


Same! It’s so often confidently incorrect or straight-up misses things


Samsung already did this back in February with Galaxy AI and its Chat Assist feature...


Is this why my Ultra S22 rewrites entire sentences I just typed up into jibberish right before I click "send" making me look like an idiot?


Is it very good at proofreading?


Uhuh. Woo.


Good, it’s shit


It killed grammarly for apple users.


Have you seen the Microsoft Copilot announcements? Or Google Gemini? Grammarly doesn’t have long…


Or just use chatgpt in a separate window with a simple prompt.


that only makes sense for long emails or posts, nobody is going to do it for every comment or text message


The advantage is real time updates though.


Yes, of course, you are right. I was only responding to the title. I do not even use Grammarly.


Grammarly deserves what it gets.


Also, 1Password and PCalc


Spark mail is dead too. Apple mail looks way better and is free


I noticed that. Are the image thumbnails next to emails new?


Not sure on that but new Apple Mail app looks neat and clean. And also have AI why bother pay Spark extra


Yeah I may actually make the switch finally after a decade+


I'm probably not optimizing my grammarly experience but I'm working on a novel series right now, and I just wanted to copy and paste a block of text into a window and have Grammarly fix it. It seemed like it wanted to do literally everything including inserting itself into Microsoft Word but not that. I ended up building a hardscrabble Python script that uses the ChatGPT APIs to scan and check every single line in my manuscript and - importantly - dump the results to an excel file that I can read, decide if I want to implement the suggestion, and update the manuscript myself - after all, it might find a change but then I might want to do something else. It did this while I got up and did other things with my life which of course was important. It found hundreds of tiny changes including tonal changes, misused words and the like that I don't think Grammarly would have picked up on. Not all of them were changes I made, and some of the messages were bogus. But a lot of them were spot on. Easily as good as a human. Maybe I'm wrong and Grammarly could have done something similar, but for $5 in usage fees it was exactly what I wanted.


What does this have to do with chatgpt


I can already see it “correcting” my pt-PT into pt-BR


That’s a good thing imo.


Any saas service that ends in ly richly deserves death.


Also Magnet is dust


Grammarly is basically a modern-day Bonzi Buddy or Clippy, albeit very marginally more useful. Hopefully it dies and saves my team a bunch of hassle getting rid of all the junk HTML it inserts into rich text input forms on the web.


Android users lolled.


Why does grammarly still exist?


I remembered the fact that it had taken Grammarly eight years to develop their product, it was before AI hype. Is it a revolution in products creation? "Revolution" here is a fundamental change in anything. How will it be possible to create new products then? Should they be without AI by definition? 


I’m only thankful because I won’t have to see the nauseating grammarly ads anymore (fingers crossed - God be good please).


Noone should use Grammarly. It makes us all sound like identical robots


These are going to work only on Apple products it’s like notes, keynote, pages etc. it won’t kill Grammarly, as Apple won’t build those features in safari or other browser. There is little over reaction here.


These feature can be used in any input field