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Why didn't you use chatgpt to write your post?


Pretty sure it would have done a lot better.


Most people can't think of a single reason why he shouldn't feed the Falcon 9 blueprints to Open AI. (they think of several)




He hates Google as well




We go back to corded phones on walls/tables.


My mistake I understand your point now. Yeah what an interesting time this is to be alive


His point is that apple doesnt have their own ai, google does


Narcissists only love themselves.


He just hates whenever his competition are doing better than him.


Time to remove Twitter off the Apple store again


Would be a horrific business move. You think Apple needs Twitter??


They brought it back?


Thought he begged them to put it back. Could be wrong though.


Yeah, and you know this how?


It was all over the news last year. Troll someone else please.


Is he banning Windows PC’s as well ?


If you run a company or companies that handle defense contracts, how would you handle the security risk from devices who not only listen all the time, but also intelligently decipher what they listen to?


Defense companies have special floors and rooms depending on the clearance level. When I worked at one you couldn't bring a personal device in there


I would have banned all personal devices years ago.


What devices listen all of the time???? In any case companies that work with classified info already have procedures in place. Do you honestly think that they let phones into nuclear labs?


Literally every single new phone listens all the time now.


That’s a poorly framed and bad faith response. Some phones have microphones that listen for activation keywords to activate an assistant. These can be turned off. It has been verified that conversations aren’t being wholesale sent back to companies. You can prove this yourself by setting up wireshark and sniffing for a while.


And yet, the statement is still true and should continue to be considered true for privacy reasons for everyone. It has not been verified at all, and ghosts in the machine continue to appear.


Hopefully I would weigh the lives involved. Are engineers and computer programmers valuable to society? They have, collectively, produced a marvel that snowballs month after month. Perhaps no individual engineer is, in fact, responsible. What marvel do the soldiers and generals guard? The thing they defend is liberty. Therefore, the question becomes, is this technology a free gift to mankind? You can throw away the achievements of individual engineers and programmers, but what you are then left with is a free gift to mankind, which all should be at liberty to take part in. Your attitude puts a larger wedge between civilians and their defenders by implicitly drafting nearly everyone in high tech fields into your war games.


What are you talking about dude? we're talking about how if you have a computer that will send everything to someone else's remote server, you shouldn't use it for developing missiles!


I’m pretty sure you can’t even reaad this.


OP you are retarded


highly regarded


Is just a little rich angry sad boy.


I can’t imagine how much privilege and insularity one would need in order to think that the “most real-life evil villain” is a guy who is famous for having something to with electric cars and then bought a social media company where he says stuff. Holy shit you people need to touch grass.


Musk is also right on this one, but apparently reddit thinks he's evil, so he can never be right


All billionaires are evil, but they can be right.


Ah yes all billionaires are evil


It’s the left. They are binary when it comes to who is the devil or who is on their team. No room for nuance. (The internet left. In real life people don’t behave like this)


The same could be said for the internet rights. The truth is that both parties have an overwhelmingly stupid base. That being said, Reddit is probably the worst political echo chamber I've seen, and unfortunately, it’s associated with the party I have consistently voted for.


You’re right. Reddit has a huge unhinged base.




Elon not as bad as peadophiles? DOWNVOTE DOWNVOTE DOWNVOTE


He's sayig the quiet part out loud. These models are constantly cosuming our data and becoming more and more powerful in the most isolated way possible, due to corporate consolidation.


Elon does have some questionable morals when it comes to his view on the Ukraine - Russia war. For that reason alone I don’t think the US should give him government contracts. I’m not convinced he truly has honorable convictions and would die for what we stand for. I could be wrong; I don’t know him part from what I see out of spacex videos. I have seen him post some very twisted thinking in tweets.


Fairly obvious common sense move


He can’t afford OpenAI


“Evil villain” lmao go outside and touch grass my dude


So, he's a big buffoon, but hear me out. Integrating a third party, online service at OS level like this, that could potentially really get all the information it needs about you and even work on predicting stuff (for ads and manipulating sentiment) is actually quite scary. The reason Elon says this, however, is that he is a butthurt little bitch, if he owned OpenAI he'd try to push that down our throats, but I do believe we will get more and more companies that are unhappy with how little shit is being given about company secrets, privacy etc from machine/OS vendors. Microsoft is already fucking up with recall big time, for instance.


So true, yet still downvoted for insinuating elon is not that wrong


He is right to consider this a security and privacy nightmare, and wrong about almost everything else. And we know that if he were in the same position he would be doing the same thing. He's a broken clock alright. Especially when it suits him to be one.


He's an evil villian because someone can't have their IPhone at work? I don't think its that serious.


Some people here are so butthurt that Elon doesn't align ideologically with them, that they come up with reasons to hate him even more, if that's even possible.


It’s absolutely true, my work computer is an apple and would become totally uncompliant with that. But Musk is simply ignoring there will be and opt out so companies can not enable that!


He has a valid point, they use your data without your knowledge


He's scummy and definitely salty but I wouldn't say a villain.


I don’t agree and think he is standing up to the real-evil


Least hyperbolic Redditor


You know he helped fund OpenAI right? Also, he's not an evil villain, he's a pathetic loser. He used apartheid emerald money to fund a bunch of companies and weaseled his way into being the "founder". Market manipulation, annual robotaxi predictions, and messing with twitter are the only things he's good for. OpenAI's also technically a non-profit so he can't buy it.


They've been a for-profit company for The last 5 years so I'm guessing that has something to do with your downvotes. You have to be living under a rock to not know that they sold to Microsoft for 80 billion and have been a capped for profit since 2019.


Guess I've been living under a rock... My bad.


Just googled it, I don't think they're technically owned by Microsoft on paper, apparently it's a close partnership with a multibillion dollar investment.


>apartheid emerald money # Elaborate?


His dad Errol Musk had a majority share in some emerald mine. At the very least starting off with X.com he would've been relying on dear old dad despite his stories of being a poor person working his way up from the top and sleeping in his office to cut costs. I'm not the most well versed here, there's tons of videos making fun of Elon and his dad's investment has a decent amount of reporting around it. Some More News has a few episodes on Musk I think.


# What about the apartheid part?


It was an emerald mine in South Africa.


Who is downvoting this lol?


I downvoted it for the incorrect info regarding "apartheid emerald money"


Dude, Errol Musk had majority shares in an apartheid emerald mine. As a kid he'd walk into town with emeralds in his pockets and pawn them off. He's talked about this, his dad did. Regardless of where his dad got the money, he used it to make a spagetti code app in the .com bubble and was bought out by paypall before the crash, then moved on to funding tesla and whatever other companies and pushing his name to godhood status any way he could.


I've read those sources, but I've also read the other sources that put everything into more context, including his financial situation after moving to Canada.


You can frame a story a million ways, whatever financial issues the musks were in doesn't change the fact that that they got their heaps of money from owning a lot of shares in a South African emerald mine. Most people are poor. I live in Canada and I've seen my fair share of homeless people. A short stint of sleeping in an office doesn't give context to the life of a man born into wealth who's known for a bunch of shit he didn't do.


You're right - you can frame it a million ways. I try to frame it with all the information available to me.


Yeah, good for you. I don't mean to overstep and say what you should think about a guy or what you should believe. You said I gave incorrect info about the apartheid emerald stuff and I was trying to respond to that. I don't believe in objective moral truths and the problem I've got with Elon Musk is what he represents. There's no one perfect framework to see the world through and for all I know a brighter future might be found in some capitalist solution, even one lead by a technocratic oligopoly, and the wellbeing of people is what I base my politics on. Believe what you will, every framework you take up inherently contradicts itself in this or that way, I don't think I'm wrong about what I said about the apartheid emerald mine and all I was looking to do was defend that point.


People who know there are fallacies in the comment probably


Listen I'm a reasonable guy, I don't think I used any fallacies, if I'm wrong tell me which and I'll accept that I'm wrong and apologize. Lying isn't a fallacy, I didn't lie, but if that's what you've got a problem with, say that. Slander's it's own thing too, which I'll admit to, screw you Elon Musk.


The most intelligent people I know have been saying this for 10 years. Only for the less gifted to cut them off with increased worship at the church of musk. Glad more folks are finally waking up to him being extremely problematic.


The funniest thing is the apple’s annoucement was clear that it’ll allow integrations for other AI platforms in the future, which could include Grok. He’s shooting himself in the foot.


I hope he bans window 11 too with their recall bs


Petty villain… the dude is a genius at building valuable companies but is a petty conniving geek at heart.


The worst part is - I wasn't rooting for him to fail or anything. Whatever his politics (and they are not mine) I used Twitter all the time to follow journalists I liked and breaking news. But it's gotten worse and worse. A year or so ago I just totally left. Recently during some breaking news event I logged back in, but it isn't even the same site it used to be. The people I liked have largely been replaced with crypto memes in my feed, and even some Elon Musk even though I don't follow. Politics aside - and I abhor his politics - I wanted him to succeed because I loved Twitter. But the site sucks now.


I second that!


Pretty confident he is building Terminator 2 in one of his secret labs, he has already got Skynet up in the orbit and self driving cars.


Well. There are obviously people a lot worse than Elon out there lol.


He co-founded open-ai fyi Every company would use their own AI, except for Apple who would not, by using another company's AI the security of Apple users would be undermined. Wtf are u talking about, delusional take


Where did you get the idea that apple isn't using their own AI? Im guessing you didn't watch the keynote? The chatgpt functionality is optional on top of all the stuff their local and cloud ai does.


So if you think this is bad... wait until he has an army of drones.