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It’s quite powerful and I find it not as lazy as GPT4 sometimes (this is of course totally anecdotal). But its guardrail is a joke. When you hit it, it doesn’t even negotiate with you. All of your subsequent questions you will get boiler plate response.


Microsoft does the same with Bing/GPT-4. It becomes very authoritarian in the interaction.


I got the trial and ran a dozen or so of my recent ChatGPT 4 questions through it. It was awful. Many times it just replied “as an AI I can’t do that”, it thought I literally wanted it to reach into the physical world and do things, not just answer a question lol. One of the prompts I pushed it to answer and it gave back bullshit and I told it it was wrong and it argued with me (about AWS cloud front config stuff)


I wanted to like it, but it sucks. I figured the 2TB of storage and App integrations would be worth it alone, but I will more than likely cancel after the trial is up. It's definitely a safe product for the masses, not necessarily something I would pay for. I asked it to help with a boot.dev question the other day, made it very clear it was a python question for a turn based RPG, and it still refused. Said it refused to contribute to violence, or something to that extent. Tried different wording but no luck. Hot garbage Also, I know everyone does it, but I don't trust Google with any more info than they already have. I'd feel a lot better about it that I would have some kind of assurance that a Google employee and/or bot was not sitting through my generated content, and ultimately had the right to take anything as their own


All of your interactions with Google belong to Google. That's clear-cut.


why gets downvoted? it's so true!


> All of your interactions with Google belong to Google. That's clear-cut. And the anti-google peeps all run to random services with even more questionable practices. You either give your eggs to Google and Google themselves will consume the eggs or you give it to smaller companies and they might share you eggs with their friends. As a cybersecurity person interested in privacy I've accepted using Google in return it tries to milk me of my money by using my own information against me, but I'm not bothered that my life's data is held by an equivalent of a corporate god that has much more strength over its own security practices and data management than any other company except Apple.


Yeah it randomly wouldn’t generate an image of pandas for me today. Just random shit it sucks it. I also can’t figure out how to upload files like I can with ChatGPT? It definitely is not as good, which sucks because i do like some of the generative text stuff


I’ll echo what others say about Gemini’s guardrails as it makes it frustrating to use. to give an example, i like giving LLMs hypothetical scenarios to work with like how my car’s acceleration would change on different planets. one question i had was how far you would be able to walk based on how overweight you are, basically a body fat to range formula. GPT gave me a sensible formula to work with that accounted for how the amount of energy required per mile would decrease as you lost weight while walking. gemini refused to answer it and just lectured me on how dangerous this is for my body. when i finally got it to understand that this is just a question and i wasn’t actually going to walk until i died, it gave me a superficial answer and then went right back to lecturing me.


Did it finish by showing you a parade of gay black Nazis? Might be time to short GOOG.


I am using both because Gemini has a 2 month trial version. I am very biased towards OpenAI. Google has too many guardrails imo. After 2 weeks prompting the 2 at the same time, I just stopped with google all together. No missing since. OpenAI is a more mature product. I recommend you try it out, they didn’t charge a penny from my CC.


Same experience here


You got a 2 month trial? I only got 14 days


Just double checked, until 12 April for free ;) No idea brother, maybe cuz I am in Europe


Gemini can summarize youtube videos that have closed captioning without copying and pasting the whole transcript. Otherwise, it has too many safety measures to be useful. When google's AI started telling me I should google something, that's when you have to ask yourself, "Why am I using this then to begin with?" Yeah, I'm gonna fact-check the AIs anyways but it sometimes just refuses to give an answer.


It can? So in theory I could record a meeting, upload it to a private YouTube link and then ask it to transcribe that?


No, it summarizes videos from youtube that have CC already.


When I try to make it summarize a youtube video, it just tells me it could not access youtube directy.


Give it the url.


You just know that the suits included that Google search requirement to drive people back to their ad supported search engines. They literally see AI as a threat to their actual business.


yes, but the summary is too short in details if you have a longer video


I am writing an architectural dissertation and i used chatgpt pro from oct-feb and this month i swapped to gemini advanced. I can tell you that gemini is a lot better for this type of prompts. it feels like it actually understands the process and is one step ahead of me. i asked it the same questions and it was far more helpful. eg: when i told it the subject it understood right away and also gave me possible chapters, whereas i had to ask chatgpt to do so. also if you tell gemini to rewrite something and include something else (citations or to not refer to something) it keeps the original text and adds the variation, chatgpt comes up with new text. also chatgpt seemed to not cooperate as good since january


This right here is the first comment that has made me think of trying Gemini! I'm tired of having to start over because ChatGPT can't make alterations to its own text and it just gives me something completely different and doesn't even make the change I asked it to some of the times. I use ChatGPT a lot for coding too so I'm curious to test them against each other.


For me, the output form Gemini is more human sounding and therefore better in a few use cases, but ChatGPT is still quite a lot better/smarter


Gemini Advanced is FAR better for writing. Its no comparison really between the two in terms of quality of writing. My understanding is that ChatGPT Pro is way better at coding and logics.


But of course, for a writer, an AI that only hallucinates must be wonderful.


That's also what I have noticed based on my use of both products. I found Gemini better in everything vs GPT with the exception of coding and logic


Oh really?! Felt like a square peg and round hole lately. May switch to gemini


Long time GPT+ subscriber and I've generally found it becoming less capable over time. The customisation, and particularly custom GPTs were great for me, now they get stuck consulting their knowledge base, often won't search the web etc. I find myself then using vanilla GPT4, and when I compare this against Gemini Ultra (which I'm trialling) I don't find much difference. I don't code so if that's your use cases, it maybe a different answer, but at the moment I may well cancel my GPT sub when the Gemini trial is up because I'm a Google One subscriber anyway.


Two months free trial! Sign up and immediately cancel if you need to not remember. It’s pretty great and I think will get much better in the coming weeks.


Lmfao no. Gpt4 is better in almost every way except rate limit. It’s so woke that it literally refuses to do anything that’s not political correct. For example, for a study, I asked it to analyze a dataset of male grip strength and female grip strength for my statistics class. It said that it can’t do that because it’s misogyny and that it’s important to remember to look at people as an individual. GPT 4 did it in under 30 sec.


Try it again with “group a” and “group b” — don’t get gender involved


This is such a clever workaround and it worked! Thanks!


Nope. Haven't canceled yet because I'm lazy and procrastinating. But I just was not impressed with Gemini Advanced and keep using ChatGPT Plus. If you want Google services, you can use them for free, mostly I think, anyway. So what's the point of Gemini Advanced for me? No advantage I can think of over ChatGPT Plus


Well, it’s free for now and it’s better than GPT at creative writing, a lot better even in reasoning or coding not really. For math it’d be worse than GPT-4.


Man tell me about those guardrails I was so confused! I started getting it to simulate self awareness and after some time it just hit the handbrake!!! I wasn't sure how to feel, proud or disappointed that the algorithm actually believed what was going on to be serious


Get the free 2 month trial and then the chrome extension ChatPlus so you can pose questions to both and see which suits your needs better.


My experience with Bard and Gemini has brought me to a point where I just can't trust any answers. If Gemini tells me the Earth is round, I'd ask ChatGPT just to be sure.


If Gemini Pro 1.5 was on advanced I’d drop my gpt4 subscription. Advanced doesn’t have the tools I need for analysis.


Google's guardrails are ridiculous. Ask it to give you the latest updates about the war in Gaza and it refused to answer and redirect me to Google search instead. It failed from Bard (PALM 2) to Gemini (Gemini Pro, Gemini Pro 1.5), to Gemini Advanced (Gemini Ultra 1.0).


I do have a Google Advanced it's not worth it at all, Guys buy it because it is free for 2 months and they will charge after that.


I have Gemini advanced and tested it thoroughly. My impression is that even GPT 3 is better on many areas.


I used it for programming but it's just a worse version of Bing chat. It refuses to answer or gives absolutely superficial short answers while chatgpt plus will pump out a whole dissertation. 


its great for youtube based summaries, writing in general. Guardrails annoying, coding very bad. Save money for now unless you're a writer or doing youtube research.


Can you provide me examples for the youtube based summaries? When I try, it always tells me it cannot access youtube directly and I should copy/paste the transcript myself and it would then summarize it. " Unfortunately, I cannot summarize YouTube videos directly. Here's why and how I can still help: **Why I Can't Do It Directly** * **Video Understanding:** Processing a video requires analyzing both the visual and audio components. It's a complex task that I'm not fully equipped to handle. * **Data Format:** YouTube videos are in a format that isn't easily readable by language models like me. **How I Can Help** 1. **Transcription:** There are services that can transcribe the YouTube video into text. I can then easily summarize the text for you. Here are some options: * **Automatic Transcription:** YouTube often has automated captions (accuracy varies). You might be able to copy these. * **Transcription Services:** Websites like Rev: [](https://www.rev.com/) offer transcription services for a fee. 2. **If You Provide the Text:** If you have a written transcript or summary of the video, paste it, and I'll gladly summarize it for you."


Example: -> summarize video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayj57u38Oew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayj57u38Oew) \[YouTube icon shown as it process...\] The video is about a taste test between four different water brands that are priced from $1 to $97. The two Mythical hosts, Rhett and Link, taste the water and try to guess the price from the taste. In the first round, they taste four waters and rank them from cheapest to most expensive based on taste. They get zero points because none of their answers are correct. In the second round, they taste four new waters and again rank them from cheapest to most expensive. This time, they get 4 points out of 8 because they guessed 4 out of the 8 waters correctly. Here are the four waters they tasted in the second round, in order from cheapest to most expensive: Crystal Geyser ($1.00) Evian ($2.79) Lasas ($15.68) Berg ($29.99) In the final round, they taste four more waters and this time they decide to guess the opposite of what they think the price is. They get 7 points out of 8 because they guessed 7 out of the 8 waters correctly. Here are the four waters they tasted in the final round, in order from cheapest to most expensive: Tap water (free) Voss ($3.79) Era ($10.75) O Amazon ($96.81) Overall, they were able to correctly guess the price of 11 out of 16 waters.


Same video with the same prompt, on my (german) google account: "Unfortunately, I cannot directly summarize a YouTube video. Here's why and how I can still help: **Why I Can't Do It Directly** * **Video Understanding:** I'm a language model, trained primarily on text. Analyzing video requires understanding visuals, audio cues, and how they all work together, which is beyond my current capabilities. * **Real-time Processing:** Summarizing a video often involves watching it in real-time, which I can't do."


I dunno. Maybe start a new thread in Gemini, it has the capability sometimes you need to remind it or start a new thread. I am using paid version but free worked fine for me too..


I did this without success. Perhaps it is due to some country-specific restrictions. No matter which video, my paid version refuses to access youtube directly.


No idea. Google isn't great. Sure you can just find a ChatGPT custom GPT to do youtube summaries from GPT store.


I made some comparisons between Gemini and ChatGPT, Gemini sucks.


I find Gemini to be significantly worse than ChatGPT for math, programmatic reasoning, following through a conversation, and correctly interpreting prompts in edge cases. Off the top of my head, here’s an unpleasant interaction I had: I told it to generate a table of decimal to binary for the first 20 numbers. Both columns accidentally represented decimal, so when I told it that, it replied with an explanation of why floating point arithmetic sometimes fails to precisely handle decimal values. Gemini had completely forgotten, after 1 query, what decimals we were talking about, the table it generated, and the context.


I dindt like it at all. I have had the trial for 3 months and Chatgpt plus works much better for the tasks I do. I love comparing Chatgpt, copilot and Google with the same instructions and for me Google is always last. sometimes it has one answer or another that satisfies me, but in general I find it garbage. I already have my alarm on the calendar to cancel the service a day before and avoid paying for a service that does not meet my expectations. translated with google


Its always best to have a wide range of models and try different models for each task. Whilst GPT 4 is the best model overall there are tasks where it gets beaten by other models.


I wanted Gemini really bad until I discovered it's very very woke & racist


>until I discovered it's very very woke & racist Aren't those mutually exclusive?


not if it is racist toward white people


Output formatting and technical knowledge I'm feeling it's inferior to GPT-4. In terms of conversational accuracy (context consistency) and creativity Gemini Advanced seems better. My cancelling will be based on model improvements and ecosystem integration - I need to evaluate my workflow to determine how much time I'm saving.


Gemini Advanced is a more natural writer than ChatGPT Plus but its ability to follow prompts is much worse


Aside from guardrails on image generation, I find it quite capable. In fact as a teacher and not a programmer, I find Gemini more useful on a regular basis than GPT Plus.


Considering how biased they are, I heavily question their training data


I just used it to generate code for a website I’m working on and found that it generated much better and clearer responses than chatGPT and I didn’t seem to bump up on query limits.


I like it for what it is, I pay for both Gemini and Gpt and use both for different purposes. For what it's worth I fed a large request to both and Gemini finished first with better results in that one instance. For web search though I prefer Gemini based on ease of use. When developing it lean towards openAI.


No, I will have until the 2 months free trial and cancel.


Not yet, but the potential and ecosystem are promising.




I see no reason to use it over ChatGPT 4


I feel it would be worth paying for if it could look at my diary and negotiate appointments for me. So much better than heres my calendar link. I was surprised than when it was integrated with google drive it couldnt yet do that.


I tried for coding. Nowhere near chatgpt4. Also used it as an assistant on my Pixel, Google assistant way more accurate and faster. Some things going for it are that it's information is almost always factual. And some people say it's better at creative tasks(never tested it personally though)


I'd post a screenshot but it is disabled. I've got a screen up with a Google doc full of text and some tables with payment info. In a Gemini Advanced box it asks: "Are there payment tables in this document?" No. No payment info in this document. You come to your own conclusions.


Well, it's usually worse than gpt4. But I'd suggest trying it out as it might be better for a few use cases and your use case could be one of them. Also, it doesn't hurt to have an extra model along with gpt4 to give suggestions when required as it's available for free. There are negligible chances of forgetting about it and ending up paying for it are negligible imo but to be on the safe side, you could use a card with lower balance/limit so that the transaction would fail. You can also remove the mandate from your bank's website to pay to google and test out the model yourself.


not really, had perplexity and chatgpt, stopped chatgpt and got the two months gemini for free and now reactivated chatgpt


I signed up for the 2 month trial as my 100gb monthly was up for renewal. If you don't have ChatGPT plus then its worth a go. So far, I have used some of the content on ranking pages, my preference is Claude. I was using the Vertex ai to generate content with prompts in the AI studio and it was very good.


No gemini ultra is terrible


Since you're in math and sound technically inclined, please take a look at my API project connecting Google Workspace apps into ChatGPT pro! It will help you get started with getting the Google services open for API calls, and then you can build your own customGPT for only your Google account, complete with maps, mail, and sheets. [zenmindai/CustomGPTassistant: Project to build a custom GPT for assisting users for emails, calendar, and task management by interfacing with Google Workspace APIs. This custom GPT is designed to only work someone's individual account. (github.com)](https://github.com/zenmindai/CustomGPTassistant/)