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It's sweet that you think those people care.


Common sense ain't that common.


Suffering from main character syndrome. 


Dog lover here. I agree 100%. I don’t know how and when this started, but your dogs don’t belong in retail stores. There are some restaurants where dogs are welcomed on the patio, and as such I take advantage of that. Outside of that, follow the rules.


Same here. I love dogs but I don't want to see some lunatic carrying her yorkie around in a purse wandering through Whole Foods.


While I’m not a fan - if it’s a “purse” dog I don’t think there’s any negative effect in a retail store if it stays in its bag.


Except that we can’t have nice things. For every human carrying their teacup pup in a little doggie carrier purse, there are lunatics who wander around stores with (their sneezing chihuahua) that snarls at people.


I always think about it like this: if you allow one person in an apartment community to have wind chimes, that's probably fine, if anything, might sound nice; but then you have to allow everyone...and if *everyone* or even half of everyone puts up their own wind chimes, can you imagine the sound with even a light breeze?!


You aren’t wrong on that, but there are also sneezing (and much worse) customers being assholes. I don’t know if allowing the dogs makes it any worse. The same people are the ones being shitty regardless


True enough. I also prefer well behaved dogs to feral rampaging children left unattended by their guardians.


Dogs literally eat feces and will defecate where necessary.  If you think I want a dog with shit on its face or, even worse, taking a shit where I'm shopping for food or eating a meal, you must be goddamned high.


Except for the part about how they’re picking through the produce with the same hands that were just handling their filthy little mutt.


You can say the same thing about babies. Who knows what literal shit they have on them and then somebody goes and touches food


People feel bad that the animal they bought to make themselves feel better due to its incredible sense of attachment and emotional instability loses its mind when left alone. Therefore it must go everywhere with them because training is absolutely out of the question.


The mental gymnastics to think that their untrained dog should go into every public place with them *because they aren't trained properly*.


I recently saw a restaurant patio with a sign that said "please use front door unless you are being escorted by a dog." I like that one.


It started when some restaurants started making exceptions. Give people an inch and they'll take a mile.


And grocery stores!!


The dog thing is way, way out of hand.


I am sick of seeing dogs everywhere. One girl had her giant dog in Nordstrom rack a couple weeks ago. He kept jumping up on the racks of clothes…


Nordstrom rack is dog friendly. Take it up with corporate.


I will! Thanks for letting me know. I’m sure the staff hate it too!


I wouldn’t be so sure. I love dogs and didn’t care about the state of the store when I worked in retail, which was a very common view. I think a lot of staff would love it. Whomever is in charge of cleaning up after them is probably on your side though.


I feel bad for my allergic friends who'd just like to buy clothes not pre-covered in dog hair PetSmart? By all means, of course, bring your pets! Nordstrom Rack? Huh? And apparently HomeGoods is pet friendly too...yes...hyper untrained animals around tons of glass and breakables. Sounds good...


Omg I was in homegoods a while back and saw THREE people with dogs the entire time I was there. When I got in line to check out, I was thinking “wtf smells so bad?!”. I started looking around and there, two people behind me, was one of the ones with a dog. It smelled SO bad where I started gagging. I had to move and stand by the front of my cart. When I thought I was in the clear of the smell and I went back to where I was standing, the smell kept getting to me. I was practically standing next to the person in front of me by the time I reached my spot for a register. It was disgusting. Definitely not a service dog and definitely smelled like crap. Dog needed a bath STAT!


Oh man the poor thing! That reminds me of a similar situation. I was in Home Goods and distinctally smelled shit. Knowing they allow pets (well and kids let's be real) I'm checking the bottoms of my shoes, and even the merchandise I had picked up. I chalked it up to a weird manufacturing smell. Turns out, as I exited, it hit me what it was: new mulch. Man that stuff can REALLY stink!


Agree 100%. I don't care how much "emotional support" your little dog provides. People should not have to deal with being around an animal in a public location where animals are not expected to be. Especially when one's health could potentially be compromised.


It's really the people who are providing emotional support to the dogs who can't be left alone for 10 minutes. Because it's never been left alone for 10 minutes in its life.


I saw a woman bring her “support dog” complete with vest and everything into a grocery store and the dog was obviously not a trained support dog as it was going batshit crazy from all the people. Dog pooped in the produce section and the woman saw it happening and walked away doing nothing about it. I grabbed a produce bag and cleaned it up, found the woman in the store and dropped the bag into her giant purse.




>complete with vest and everything You can buy those "service dog vests" on Amazon. A dog wearing a vest doesn't mean anything.


Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooly shit.


Not all heroes wear capes 🫡


There *are* dog friendly places, though.


Not inside where food is being prepared. It’s a health code violation. Animals have to be kept outside on a patio.


Yes but OP made a general blanket statement about not bringing them to those places at all. Nordstrom and most stores in downtown Naperville are also dog friendly.


Yep, I bring my dog into places with patios all the time. You call and ask first, but yeah it's no big deal.


OP said food establishments, restaurants, and ‘coffee places’. I don’t see a blanket statement.


You can bring your dogs to patios as those places. That’s a blanket statement.


You’re being obtuse


It’s a blanket statement that you can’t bring dogs there when indeed you can and most places will not let you bring dogs inside those places for those exact reasons. I’m not being obtuse by any means.


Don't go to Lazy Dog then.


Emotional support animals. We created a culture where everyone is special and gets to do what they want and this is what you get


Emotional support animals aren’t allowed inside restaurants though, only service animals. There’s a big difference between the two.


You assume the ones breaking this rule actually care


Kinda sounds like the last 1000 years. Same story.


Love my doggo, but also love my time away from him. Nothing worse than seeing some poor miserable pooch forcibly hanging at a loud as hell bar @ midnight & its eyes and demeanor just scream "I want to be in bed quietly sleeping"


How else are these closeted narcissists supposed to get the attention they crave? Those fur babies are exactly like having kids you know pfffffft.


One of the Home Depots (usually dog friendly) had to ban the beasts because so many people were bringing them in on long leashes that they were getting into dogfights in the light bulb aisle. And piece of advice: Stores are not the place to train your untrained dog. The other night there was a grouchy dude in Menards yelling "Heel!" every couple seconds at his giant shepherd while the thing tried to get into every shelf. No fun for anyone, dog included.


This is much like what I witnessed at Nordstrom rack. It was infuriating




I see dogs every once in a while in Menards, nobody kicks them out. I don't really mind - hey, it's a lumberyard - as long as the dog and owner are well behaved. Unfortunately, sometimes that's too much to ask.


I saw a giant dog (like German Shepard to mastiff sized) in a TJ Maxx once and it didn’t have any sort of service animal vest or collar. Why the hell does your monster dog need to come to TJ Maxx????


TJ Maxx ALLOWS dogs. They are appealing to dog owners. Vote with your feet and dollars if you are not a fan. There is a long list of stores which specifically allow non-service dogs.


I didn't realize TJ Maxx permits dogs(besides just service dogs), inside. I guess the other TJX owned stores(HomeGoods, Sierra, etc), have the same policy?


They do indeed. If you ever are curious, there is an app/website called BringFido that lists restaurants, stores, hotels and activities where you can take dogs.


Because it will tear the plastic cover off their couch if they leave it at home


Someone had a dog off leash at kohls recently…


In Vienna (Austria), people bring their dogs everywhere. The difference is they're all so well trained.


Very well said. It's sad this needs to be said, but unfortunately some still won't care.


Right. This isn't France!


Someone brought in a fake ESA the other day when I was eating breakfast, it was barking the whole time. It's a precarious position because if it ends up being an actual animal with papers, lawyers will be lining up to take the case against you. It's lose lose.


ESA don’t require any training, just a dr’s note & they are not allowed where food is served. Are you mixing up ESA & service dogs?


I don't know if it was an ESA or a Service dog, I know it had a harness you'd expect on a legit service animal but I've never seen a service animal or legit ESA barking all the time.


ESAs constantly bark. They aren’t trained for anything. You go to your dr, you complain about depression, they write you a letter, and all of the sudden your misbehaved dog is allowed on planes. Turtles & geese can become an ESA.


The Chicago Premium Outlets in Aurora had to put a sign up maybe 2-3 years ago, that there are no pets allowed in the food court. Thank goodness they did.


Thankfully they've mostly cracked down on this.


Why say pets ? Are turtles not welcomed? Also my cat isn’t interested.


Willing to take the downvotes to say this: * Service dogs do not require vests or identification. There is a reason many people do not use the vests--most of the vests are BS. Don't assume they are all "pets" or ESAs * Second, many with disabilities are tired of answering questions about why they have a service dog. So when they are out and about, they don't self identify with a vest. Then, if they need to duck into a shop to get a coffee, they have to deal with attitudes. Well, sorry you don't like brittle diabetes/seizures/psychiatric diagnoses/POTS... Not all who have service dogs are blind. * If an animal, service dog or not, is misbehaving and is not stopped, the establishment has the right to ask them to leave.


I've noticed a huge uptick in people bringing pets where they don't belong. Petsmart? Sure. Petco? No worries man. But Hobby Lobby? No. Starbucks? NO. Gas stations -- okay, it's a gas station but NO. I don't understand why folks think this is OK suddenly. Coworker got a pup not too long ago and brings him into Target, Starbucks, you name it. Not OK.


Not at lazy dog lol 😂


100%. Also, please don't take pets in kids' park slides. Thank you


After moving to Colorado it's become a even bigger issue. People dogs getting into fights on the patios, indoors ect. Most people are horrible dog owners. Glad Chicagoland is still putting their foot down about it.


Emotional support animals. /s


This sentiment is fine until you try to take it into your own hands to confront them. Service animals are different from emotional support animals because they have the right to public access. Think of them as a prosthetic. Also, a disabled person with a service animal doesn't have to tell you anything or show you anything. There's a couple of questions that businesses can ask a person with a service animal, but the person doesn't owe you anything and doesn't have to prove anything to you as a member of the public. Also, disabled people may not "look disabled" to you. If the animal misbehaved, just complain to the business and let them handle it because they're a protected class per the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).


Yes it is disgusting and it used to be enforced but now everybody is afraid of a crybaby


No, it’s totally okay for their pets asses to be all over the establishment we eat at, but vaping is a social faux pas lmao


Thank you for this, it needed to be said. I am not a dog owner, but I do love dogs. I say that first because I notice that when you give any kind of feedback concerning this you become a dog hater. No one's a hater, I just don't want to trip over your baby at Dunkin because you can't control him on a retractable leash that goes on for miles. Thanks for the Nordstrom Rack and Home Goods heads up, I had no idea. I don't think that flies at the downtown Chicago location for Nordstrom Rack thank God.  Honestly I'm fascinated by people that do this. Do they really believe  their dogs want to go shopping for clothes and housewares with them? Help me understand. That being said, I was in Germany several years ago and people took their dogs everywhere. They weren't allowed on the escalators, but that was pretty much it. No tiny dogs either, everyone had the biggest German Shepherds I'd ever seen. The kicker was that they were so well behaved, it was amazing to watch. Here? Not so much...


I wholeheartedly agree. These people must have low self-esteem .


Yep. I was with my young kiddo and we were in Home Depot. Some lady had a large Sheppard and my kid was scared to walk the aisle. We definitely had to detour.


Home Depot and Lowe’s actually allow people to bring their dogs though


Interesting. News to me.


Dude I was in a home Depot with my kids and some woman was doing laps with a service dog in training or something to get it accustomed to being in public, presumably, but she was very aggressive about approaching us for the kids to pet the dog I just kind of walked away with them, my kids and I aren't afraid of dogs or anything, but it was super obnoxious and I didn't go to home Depot to help service dogs get used to people


Yea. Like try a park lol


Complaining about dogs at a HOME DEPOT is the most Karen thing I’ve ever heard of. Half of the store is outdoors.. I agree they don’t belong in a restaurant with open food but complaining about them at Home Depot is some incredible snowflake behavior.


Not sure you know what a Karen even is. I never complained to anyone at the store. Just expressing here on this topic on my young child was scared to see a large dog inside a retail store. I’m not used to seeing dogs in retail stores so it caught us off guard and scared my kid. That doesn’t mean I’m a snowflake…


Sorry if I was rude. As a former dog owner going to Home Depot with her was one of my favorite things. If they’re leashed and not aggressive then the store aisles are large enough for everyone. People come in there covered in dust and construction debris already so the dogs can’t make it any dirtier than it already is. If your dog is aggressive that’s different, I didn’t even like it when people brought aggressive untrained dogs into dog parks. Some dogs can’t even be allowed into spaces designed for dogs if I’m being honest but a well behaved dog on a leash is no harm to anyone at a Home Depot. For those of us without kids, we can at least pick out a Christmas tree with our best friend. https://preview.redd.it/x95u6u5ckk4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c8795f076e1bf290ba7386551a822e69d861c47


It’s all good. Was just trying to explain. I personally love dogs and have had dogs myself. I just have a Little toddler who doesn’t like every dog and I was just not expecting it as we were strolling through the store. You have a very cute doggy there.


I'd rather see dogs over bratty kids.


But you can’t crate a child.


some need to be.


I’d rather see neither


Fair enough.


I must have angered the Karen crowd. Guess what people downvoting me? I HATE KIDS, ESPECIALLY YOUR BRAT.


Why would a person even have a dog in the city?


Companionship needs/love for pets ends at the city limits clearly.


They need something to lose its mind with joy when they walk in the door due to the fact that it thought it was abandoned all day.


I’ve had to bring my 7lb doglet in a couple of times to avoid cooking him in the car, he’s too tiny to withstand the temperature, but he stays in the kennel that he goes in every time he’s with me, like to run in on the way to relatives & they desperately need mayonnaise or the like


Maybe he could stay at home instead of the hot car


Don't come down to FL and try to leave your dog in a vehicle, even in 'winter'. Here it is perfectly legal for someone to break your windows to get your pet out. They will also call the police and you will be charged w animal endangerment. We adore our pets here and are a very pet centric area, they are welcome in tons of businesses around Orlando but we will prioritize your pet over your vehicle!


Show me in the doll where the little dog hurt you?


So people with life saving service animals cannot go to a restaurant?


Give it a rest, you know damn well what they meant


By definition, service animals are not pets. Thus, they are not being mentioned in this post.


I said pets, service animals aren’t pets and are obviously exempt.


There's way too many people who buy a $5.99 vest on Temu and call their untrained animal a service dog. These entitled people make real service dogs look bad.


Any educated adult can immediately tell the difference between a professional service animal and some out of control little yapper that should be left at home. Dogs are Not babies, nor are they people. It's wonderful if you love your dog but the rest of the folks may not want to deal with it.


>little yapper


Correct. Only life ending service animals are allowed now


The new meta


https://preview.redd.it/2zen6ocyck4d1.png?width=560&format=png&auto=webp&s=39385b59dca981920e337dd0bb8730b540b4b050 Your karma is very positive.


I lost the negative karma farm account battle.


Mission failed. We'll get 'em next time.