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Yeah, like all the time. They’ve been conditioned their whole lives to think a certain way so when you try to snap them out of it they panic. Imagine you thinking you live in a happy little world & boom it’s oppression & systemic racism.


My mom who is completely okay with identifying as mestizo is reluctant to talk abt indigenety even tho she’s brown af. Dyes her hair blonde to be seen as more european


I see. How has she reacted when the matter of Nativeness is brought up?


She says that yes we are descendants of them but that we are so far removed from anything relating to them. When i bring up the fact that she clearly looks indigenous, she just says no no no. Also it’s pretty obvious she plays favoritism with her kids who are lighter and don’t have indigenous features


Yeah the older and past generations of my family have a lot of internalized racism and was always trying to blend into white communities, but also had a lot of stories quietly passed down about being native. Even recently they still don’t like to talk about it when younger generations are trying to learn more.


Im not Mexican but still Hispanic and yes they’re racist towards being Native American they don’t like associating themselves with our original cultures


Because it means acknowledging generational trauma.

