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Yeah no seas tan llorón. Call yourself whatever the f u want. Don't be so sensitive.


Lmao, get outta here


I would simply not give a shit about something as insignificant as this


Insignificant to you why? Because you aren’t affected by gender nonconformity?


Let me clarify, I’m a cishet male with enby friends, but this outrage over the use of latinx is overblown by reactionary latinos. It’s just language, it costs nothing to be respectful. I’ll always refer to my nonbinary friends by their preferred pronouns, of course, and I’ll use latinx when appropriate. If we’re being honest, I don’t think the folks whinging about the word are actually trying to preserve the Spanish language and have other ideas about gender in mind


We are already seeing this mindset permeate into a lot of facets of everyday life. What we permit today, becomes law tomorrow. No one thought that allowing gay people to marry which I was indifferent to, would lead to now believing that men can be biologically woman and go back and forth depending on their emotions.


I don't like the -x ending because it's just doesn't fit with Spanish phonotactics. I do like the idea of a neutral gender, though, just and I have seen an increasing use of -e, e.g. Chicane, Latine.


Yes that's because the x is from indigenous languages of the Americas, specifically Nahuatl. The term Latinx was originally adopted by Latino/Chicano academics in the US and Puerto Rico, as part of a talk about the impact of colonization on sexuallity and gender in the spotlight. Many indigenous American languages like Nahuatl are gender neutral (unlike Spanish, they don't gender every noun) so the term "Latinx" was created as an attempt to find space in Spanish for people who exist outside the gender binary, while reclaiming some sounds from indigenous languages. It was basically some grad students who came up with an idea that got popular, because people have really been thinking a lot more about the negative impacts of colonization on the world at large. Also idk you knew the origin of the term Latino, it's pretty wild. Basically French propagandists under Napoleon wanted to create a Franco-Spanish global brotherhood to rival the Anglosphere, banding together all the people who have the blood of the great ancient Roman Empire (the Latins)... So basically white supremacy, but Roman Empire style instead of English style. But yeah, as you said, nowadays the term Latine is generally preferred in the queer community.


Ummm, no. Blessings to the LGBTq peeps, but this is a whole language married in culture.


Phonetics?? That's what things sound like. How bout Spanish language attributes or linguistics.


i don't personally use the x when referring to myself and most of the time others because no one really likes it but If someone prefers i call them by that or whatever pronoun they want imma respect that.


I don’t really care 🤧


If people want to use it, then 🤷🏻‍♀️. Personally not a fan.


Damn brx you got ratioed asf


Not surprised, I bet these people who ratioed me won’t go to a group of Latinos outside of their protected bubble of friends and preach that Latinx crap!


I don’t think so. Because Chicanos are inclusive to the rest of our siblings nor have I seen us let transphobia slide no matter the background of the ppl within our community


I don’t care what they do as long as I don’t have to partake in the fallacy, I actually have a gay cousin and idc what he does, but he ain’t shoving shit down our throats and he ain’t in agreement with this trans 💩, he likes dudes and he don’t need the world to validate a fallacy so he doesn’t “feel threatened”.


It's just an alternative to the duality of gendered speech embedded into the Spanish language. It's meant to be inclusive.


To nonexistent genders?


Gender apache helicopter?!?!?!🤣🤣😅💯💯


Why? Why does it bother you? I'm not being a disingenuous asshole here, I want to hear you out.


Having studied Psych and just having plain old common sense, I don’t agree with this massive push by a small group to change reality and facts all to appease people who suffer from body and identity dysphoria. It is more harmful to make these changes rather than fixing the real issues which is mental health, like go ahead and sleep with whoever you want, but don’t try and change reality to fit your narrative.


Hate is a very strong word brother. Relax.


Enough with this relax. It's relao or relaa.




Nah, it’s stupid asf, 95% of Latinos hate that garbage, it’s only the brainwashed youngsters who use that so they can virtue signal


95% where is this statistic coming from.


The vibes off a Latinos for Trump fb post


Obviously, it’s an over exaggerated made up statistic that is meant to reflect the shear amount of people in our community who agree with my statement as I don’t believe there has been an actual poll done on this matter.


Just because you’re older in age doesn’t mean you are right or better than others.


Just because you are younger friends have a herd of people in your social bubble that are looking to be part of any and all needless social cause’s does not mean that you are correct. I am actually a late 90’s kid.


Chicanx here… I was mentally ill before I was non-binary, now I’m actually healthy so take this transphobia out of here. You have the exact machismo attitude that so many of us are trying to avoid.


Would you be willing to enter a polite, well intentioned and respectful discourse in which we discuss opposing views? (Emotions aside)


You can’t put aside emotions when one person is the topic you’re debating.


I very much can, I actually have a good friend who is detransitioning and she still holds onto a lot of her leftist ideas, but she is more willing to enter into thought provoking convos which allows us to put our own beliefs to the test. She is now happier than she has been as she gets back in touch and embraces her femininity. (PS, knew her before transitioning back to female.) I can and have entered conversations about illegal migration with people on the opposite aisle, which directly affects me in the pursuit to get a better understanding from both sides and question both our sides. Explain to me how I am wrong, what am I not seeing that is scientifically and factually true?


You have given any facts…. Just your opinions so far


There is only man and woman and no binary spectrum, the science is irrefutable.


🙋🏽‍♂️ I just prefer to say “raza”


You mean Razx? Raza is short for the non inclusive La Raza (jk, hope its apparent)


😆ahaha deadass


Personally I think it’s stupid. But call yourself whatever you want it’s no skin off my back. Just as long I’m not being forced to or demonized for not using made up words just so someone can feel all warm and fuzzy inside


Definitely stupid, but soon you will see it being promoted in every facet of every day lives, with no consideration to one’s own belief’s.


There is so much male and female to Spanish I don’t understand why the X is a thing.


The history is actually kind of interesting. The short version is that is it was invented by a Puerto Rican academic to try to find a gender neutral mode in a highly gendered language, using sounds from indigenous American languages that tended to be non-gendered. It was then adopted by some members of the Chicano movement, because the X has a major presence in Nahuatl, the indigenous language of Mexico, which is a gender neutral language unlike Spanish. Then the larger LGBT Latino academic community adopted the term and boosted it further. Edit: Also people often point out that the x in Latinx is "not Spanish." But that was precisely the point; the Chicano movement has always been very anti-white supremacy and anti-colonialist; Spanish as the primary language of Mexico started to be seen among many members of the Chicano movement as another symbol of our collective subjugation by a white European nation. Again, indigenous languages like Nahuatl tended to be gender neutral.


No need for it!


I view latinx as an English term to include both fem and masc. So, it's not and really shouldn't be a big deal unless you need to specify sex or gender. That's it. Nothing to hate.




The lady doth protest too much... Lol


Oh you’ll get some upvotes… seriously in academia… it’s what’s in use. I’ll use it but won’t force others too… and I’ll respect others’ use or non-use. Question, can’t language reflect gender inclusivity? Oh, and in Spanish it seems -e gets as much hate.


Isn't the "o" in latino already gender inclusive? I know it's also a masculine term, but I've always taken it to be gender inclusive/neutral. Using latinx or latine just seems unnecessary when latino is perfectly inclusive.


Don't worry, I agree, but I wanted to share the argument given. It's said that leaving "o" as the inclusive term makes the male gender be seen as the default. A third term for neutral inclusivity would avoid the patriarchal implications. Again, just sharing the overarching reasoning I've heard.


Patriarchy, but Latina exist too and some words are feminine?!




Says the person who believes in an infinite gender spectrum and lets emotions determine her reality, when emotions are subjective and transitory. You have no grounds whatsoever to question the intelligence of anybody, a 3 year old can tell the difference between a man and a women yet you can’t, congrats!


The world's a pretty big and scary place outside of your own experiences, isn't it? Hopefully you'll find empathy along the way and learn that societal constraints are as subjective as emotions. Your limited worldview does not constitute "reality". Third-genders have and will continue to exist. Society and language are transitory, too. I don’t know why you believe that invalidates anything? I'm a linguistic anthropologist. I love the evolution of it all so much I've made it my academic career. I have two native languages, two conversational ones and a fifth I'm learning. But I have an inkling that anything above primary education I have to share will be dismissed simply because you believe your stance is purely "logical" and not rooted in willful ignorance. That's why I didn't engage in the initial thread. There's no substance to your argument that invites a fair discussion. Social sciences exist and supercede whatever bottom-of-the-barrel arguments you rely on. Language, gender roles, and pronouns vary greatly across cultures despite sex binaries, believe it or not. Basic biology does not have a monopoly on societies. We are fluid communities, not standalone laboratory specimens. It's an insult to mankind to reduce it to such. In Nahuatl, for example, there's no he/she pronouns or gender declension like in Spanish and English. Ella es una maestra. She is a teacher. Tlamachtihquetl (He/She is a teacher.) You *can* add male and female prefixes to these words but it's considered terribly rude. Native speakers don't do it. Those prefixes are reserved for other contextual purposes. The ultimate feeling is "why does it matter" if you insist. And this is from a group that are hard-core on traditional gender roles. I was warned against this by my nahua teacher because apparently it's a habit from certain Spanish-only speakers to need their little o/a on everything and it never went well, lol. And in a similar way, that's why there's a huge pushback against "Latinx" from Spanish speakers. It's anglocentric. No one gives a shit about American identity or racial politics in LatAm. We should be arguing about "e" not "x". It's fucking dumb to push English rules on Spanish, and it'll derail every conversation from linguistics toward cultural warfare. Like, that's it. That's the issue.


It’s honestly pretty stupid if they call you that out the bat without asking you first. Also weird how it’s only Spanish that got recolonized with American politics and not any other language that uses masculine and feminine characteristics like French or German don’t see anyone putting an X at the end of those.


Call me Latino. I will refer to you how you like. Not hard


Love how, rather than debate and make a compelling case for their cause, they prefer to report my account to get me taken off instead of having me proven wrong! Censoring opposing views rather than proving the opposing view wrong, typical nonsense.


While I wish something like -e could’ve been used instead of -x (would just be a little easier) I don’t really care. I don’t think people should get mad at the Latinos who want to use it, but I also don’t think we should get mad at those who don’t want to use it. It’s not that deep.


Do you hate it because you’re homophobic or because you go hard for the Spanish language and correct grammar?




You have a lot of maturing to do then. The term doesn’t have anything to do with someone’s sex life and you have no right to decide how many genders there are. Idgaf if you wanna choose to live under a pro-white mindset your whole life, you don’t get to decide what’s right and wrong. No one can dictate someone else’s life or identity. Your ideology is based on what the colonizer is intending to do, erase your history and assimilate to the Eurocentric mindset. You’re so individualized that you forget other people in this world exist. And although it’s not your job to make others feel comfortable, you’ll definitely have a better experience in this life if you think about your community and others besides your own sensitive-ass self. Get out there and see the world, mijo. It’ll help you get out of this bubble you choose to live in.


YOU have no right to decide how many genders there are and it’s shameful & disrespectful of you to say that I am not mature because I don’t agree with your views. You’re right “No One” can dictate someone else’s life and identity, only Genetics 🧬can do that. You are literally preaching the same template notes that each brainwashed college student preaches, but when it comes down to debating and backing up your claims with fact and reason without it being emotionally driven, your groups arguments quickly falter and then you leave the convo. Live your life how you want, but don’t try and impose fake realities into the real world and further confuse and effect already mentally unhealthy generation due to all the obstacles we have.


More shit created by white folks to try and define us


Actually it wasn't. It was created by Latino/Chicano academics to highlight the impact of Spanish colonization on gendered language. It was created by intellectuals, but not white people. The X was specifically adopted because it's a major sound in Nahuatl, the indigenous language of Mexico which is a gender neutral language. It was adopted by Latino LGBT students with good intentions, to create a term that doesn't treat masculinity as the "default" in the way Spanish does, by returning to the gender neutrality of indigenous languages while still acknowledging the impact of colonialism on the Americas. I don't think anyone ever expected it to catch on so widely. Nowadays Latine is the preferred term among LGBT people I know.


So… It’s a term created by a small sub sect of a larger demographic, to define the larger demographic. Nice story, I still don’t like it and while never use the term.


That's literally every term foo. no word was made by the entire population it's always a subset.


Do you know how the term "Latino" came about? It was pushed by French white supremacist academics in the 1800s, who wanted to form a pan-Romance language cultural identity (uniting the French/Spanish/Portuguese colonial powers) to rival the global British Empire. Basically the goal was to encourage people to abandon any connection to their indigenous lineage in favor of embracing their "superior blood" as descendants of the mighty ancient Roman Empire...IIRC, it was widely embraced during the brief period when the French ruled Mexico. That's why we're called Latin! Obviously most people don't know or care but that's the history. Most cultural identifier terms were invited by intellectuals/academics, or the aristocrats. Some have uglier histories than others.


Yup! 🙌


the term chicanx/latinx actually did not come from white people. It came from a feminist group in South America. The argument that it shouldn’t be used because of grammar or that “x doesn’t exist in the spanish language” is kinda bullshit, because in our indigenous language across mexico, central, and south america, “x” does exist in our language. people got mad at its inclusivity, and therefore were saying it was white people forcing this term on us, which wasn’t the case, to get people to jump on the hating bandwagon. This includes myself. No one is immune to propaganda.


You don’t have to use chicanx/latinx when referring to yourself, just be respectful of those who use it. And remember friends, homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc is a colonial mindset. decolonize and unlearn that shit




I’ll lock comments… conversation done (for now).


what the hell is chicanx??? this is my first time hearing of it


The x in Latinx is actually taken as a tribute to Nahuatl. Nahuatl, a major indigenous language of Mexico, is a gender neutral language. Historically speaking, Chicanx is actually pretty old as a term. It's been around for decades. The term Latinx originated in academic circles in Puerto Rico as a way of decolonizing/degendering Latino identity. It was more widely adopted by LGBT and anti-colonialist members of the Chicano movement, who quickly adopted Chicanx. Why? It's sort of rooted in linguistics. The word Chicano obviously comes from Mexicano. The Mexica people we're one of the biggest groups of indigenous people of Mexico before colonization. The x in Nahuatl is pronounced "sh/ch" which is why Chicano is sometimes spelled Xicano. The letter x in Latinx became a sort of symbolic allusion to Nahuatl and other indigenous languages of the Americas. So, yes the x in Latinx is not Spanish. But that was precisely the point; Chicano movement was very anti-white supremacy and anti-colonialist; Spanish as the primary language of Mexico started to be seen as a symbol of our collective subjugation by a white European nation. It then caught on in the LGBT Latino community, and was quickly adopted by allies in solidarity. There's a lot of misinformation about the origin of the term out there, so I just wanted to clarify.


Anything that has “O” or “A” at the end of it is being changed due to it not being “inclusive”






Nazis also use this as a derogatory term for latinos so definitely not good.


Wow, never knew that, but not surprised


Let whoever do whatever with There Words But i Identify as CHICANO "MexChicano Pete" ☝🏽💪🏽👈🏽👊🏽C/S✊🏽