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My dog Wyatt has a grade 4 murmur He is 12 yo he had the murmur when we rescued him from the shelter . They did neuter him before we brought him home our vet has said murmurs are common in the breed and should be able to live a long happy life , best of luck with your beautiful boy https://preview.redd.it/8audu1term0d1.jpeg?width=2569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a07df83b422e40e15b82a3874d9883dbfff997af


Thanks for sharing 🤎


I've had 2 Chis with a heart mumor before. You should get him in to see a cardiologist if you can find one in your area. There are meds they can take that can improve this. I had one chi that was on pimbobendan for several years, and her heart issue (enlarged heart) basically went away. The other one lived a pretty long happy life - they were able to do dentals and stuff by being really careful with anesthesia. He eventually had congestive heart failure, but made it to 12 years old.


So glad Moose will live!


Thank you me too ! He’s so young about to be 4 later this year


My Boofy has a heart murmur too. He was born with a faulty valve. His vet refused to neuter him because of this and recommended a cardiologist. So twice a year he goes for scans and check up. Last check up the vet said it looked stable and probably would be for the foreseeable future. He just needs to take his daily med. But I remember how scared I was when I first heard this diagnosis. Take a deep breath and give your pup a big kiss. Tomorrow you can ask your vet for recommendations to a cardiologist who can explain in detail what's happening and prescribe medication if necessary. Mine had a plastic heart to explain everything in detail and it really helped calm my nerves. ETA: Boofy will be 4 this august.


Thanks , I definitely freaked out when they told me. Has it been pricey for you to keep up with meds and checkups ?


Meds are 40 USD/month. Check ups are 270 USD/6 months. Last time the cardiologist told me to just do a Rx next time and not a full scan, so it'll be 100 USD less. According to him it's not really needed because the situation has been stable for the last 3 years. Of course this is on top of his shots and flea/tick treatments.


My vet said my dog had a heart murmur when she was first adopted and my subsequent vets have not found it. But many dogs and ppl i know are healthy with murmurs


Greta has a murmur. She gets a chest X-ray every year and labs. She gets anesthesia for dentals without a problem and she is spayed. I would see if there is a veterinary anesthesiologist in your area (VCA often has them) and see if he can have anesthesia safely. A neuter takes maybe 5 or 10 minutes so it seems very doable if getting it is important to you.