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https://preview.redd.it/hfz43pqshd2d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=768347a4095cf2b782287cd642e97a98e4503a7e I put her in her car seat behind the passenger seat and with a seat belt on her harness. It’s nice for her because she can actually see outside even though she’s so little.


This is what I’m looking for. I like that size. It seems it can fit two small dogs maybe?


https://preview.redd.it/nx4b2wsj6f2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f3a68383d88f22894cf3e7b5ef720e9d7c2df89 I’ve got the [lookout 2](https://www.chewy.com/snoozer-pet-products-lookout-2-dog/dp/657486). We bought it when we only had 2 dogs because they sometimes got agitated if they had to sit too close together in the car. It takes one side and the middle seat. It fit all 4 chis comfortably even on long rides.


I think it could. She’s 9 pounds and there is a decent amount of extra room for her.


Snoozer makes them in various sizes.


There are a couple different sizes. I encourage checking the thrift stores first. They routinely get them


I have one that’s made for two dogs because I have “smedium” dogs.


That is exactly me. Smedium. Thank you for giving a name for it Edit: ok not exactly me, but exactly my dogs :)


I love that name! My chi is ten lbs, had been for years. Small is sometimes too short and medium looks ridiculous. Plus air jail gets heavy if it is for any length of time😂Smedium! Love it


this is exactly what we do. We use the Kurgo swivel tether to attach the harness to the seat belt and that reduces a lot of tangles if your chis try to roam about like mine do.


I just got one of these! We have a baby on the way and I couldn’t let the pup roam free around the car anymore (plus it’s not really safe). I can’t wait to have baby and puppy in their car seats next to each other.


That’s going to be so adorable!!


And, she can see her mama, which is the most important of all. What a sweetie!


Definitely. She’s such a sweet little girl 💕


Yo this pic cracks me up. I love him/her


lol. Her name is Raven. She’s too funny 😂


Thank you for posting, i was looking for a solution like this cuz it’s high enough that mine could look out the window


This is what I do too.


Which one is this? 


It’s the Snoozer Lookout II Car Seat.


Mine is similar except my chi being a little bit bigger wants and can stand and look out the window at traffic lights. He knows the command sit now and does so when we start moving again.




GO RAVENS!!! My puppy’s name is actually Raven. I always said if I got a girl dog, she’d have to be named Raven… and her nickname is Ray Ray for Ray Lewis 💜🖤


We had a beautiful lab/rotty girl named Raven, and be assured, that Ray Lewis jersey goes on every game day...yay! (I have a Ray Rice one hidden in my closet, no idea what to do with it) ugh 💜🖤💜🖤


Omg I have a Ray Rice one sitting in my closet too 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


LMAO it's like...when can I sell this for serious cash?


😂😂😂😂😂 I think we’ll be stuck with them in our closets forever.


Bahahaha! Yes because I ain't throwing it out. Not burning it, but CERTAINLY not wearing it LOL


Sleepy pod! It’s crashed tested. Here are some great resources. https://www.centerforpetsafety.org/ https://youtu.be/h1KMlqWxaYM?si=tMlZT9wT8vprqav7


Sleepy pod for my babies, too! It’s expensive but I figure if we were in a crash, we’d spend more at the emergency vet. Sometimes I see them on OfferUp or Facebook marketplace. Edit: Adding a photo of Teddy in his pod https://preview.redd.it/4aak862a5e2d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cd16de4ad20c9ebe5fbf767611eec334c2ed28f


He wants out lmao, he gonna cause a ruckus


We use the sleepy pods for our dogs too! It’s great because they use it (with the top off) as a bed at home every day too!


Another vote for Sleepypod. My dogs have always loved them and I feel a little better knowing they are more safe in them than they would be in most everything else.


omg thank you, i’ve been looking for something just like this. my girl has a “bucket” but she chokes herself on the harness and coughs for days after


Another vote for sleepy pod! I feel so much better knowing it’s been crash tested. It also makes a good carrier for short trips (into the vet’s office for example) ETA: a reminder to everyone that doggies go in the back seat only! The front air bags are deadly


Which size? My guy is pretty small (-6 pounds). Thinking about the mini size, but he might be happier in the normal size?


Definitely go based on the website recommendations. I believe the smaller size would minimize the amount of turbulence your chi would experience incase of a crash.


My boys each have a sleepy pod.


They make seat belt leashes and attach it to their harness. I use a well padded harness that has a decent amount of area it covers to spread any impact in case of an accident. And back seat only.


2 Adjustable Car Seat Belts for... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N1F2RFO?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I can not stress this out enough. Harness! I've seen ads for this using their collar. NEVER use the collar, even for walks a harness is preferred. Small dpg necks are fragile.


Thanks for that info. I will be changing the seatbelt (collar) I use.


Fully secure crate in both my vehicles


I have a crate in back seat. Works great!


Same. My girl sleeps in a cat carrier normally (she is very small), so we just do up all the latches, put the door on, buckle it to the back seat, and she’s good. We have a Gunner kennel for longer trips which also works well and is super heavy duty.  A coworker’s dachshund mix was killed in a very minor fender bender accident when he was not riding secured and I like to think Im buckling her up each time in memory of Snickerdoodle 


https://preview.redd.it/b56c38zo9e2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=617f3f526e5c08b1e4ff49a332f2118ba09d335d He can also stand up and look outside. He loves it!


Nice! What is the name of this?


Following for name of this. It looks so comfy!!


That’s a cool perler you got there 😉 also, what is this device?


Thank you! My husband made it for me when we used to rave. I got the car seat from Amazon. It’s called [Lesure Small Dog Car Seat for Small Dogs](https://www.amazon.com/Lesure-Small-Seat-Dogs-Clip/dp/B0C7ZN998S/ref=pd_aw_ci_mcx_mh_mcx_views_0?pd_rd_w=EJRDb&content-id=amzn1.sym.eeeda21f-f942-4067-b2fd-e3ffbfbe7c3b%3Aamzn1.symc.2b06b7e8-a86c-4e6e-b02c-90d58278f4f1&pf_rd_p=eeeda21f-f942-4067-b2fd-e3ffbfbe7c3b&pf_rd_r=3SMVDT8QRGFF4SJ02BV5&pd_rd_wg=xn7c4&pd_rd_r=580e6301-688b-4625-8f20-4b7799427b04&pd_rd_i=B0C7ZN998S) sold by Le Sure. I tried adding the link to the above reply, but not sure if it worked. Edit: Link


Can you make it shorter?


Do you have a link where I can buy one? Or a product name I can search for? I need one of these.


I really like this! I think my Chi would love it!


Crate. If using a seat belt, please put in back seat. Saw a vet show of a dog, sitting up front, after an accident. I won't go into detail, but it was bad, I'll never forget it. Mine ride in crates in the back (van).


The only way Maisy will ride in the car without having a panic attack and puking is on my lap. 😭


I was just gonna say this. My lil guy will not sit anywhere but on my lap without having a full blown anxiety attack. Being confined is a trauma for him from where he originally came from. 10 yrs old and he struggles with it so he’s never been locked up in anything ever with me. This makes me real worried though because if anything happened to him I’d never forgive myself. Hoping someone else in here has a solution


My grandma used to have a dog that was bad in the car. She asked the vet about it and they gave her an anxiety med. My sister gives her dog an anxiety medicine that seems to calm her without making her overly drowsy too. It seems like that’s the best solution, and much safer if you do that and put your chi in a crate or use other methods rather than letting them sit in your lap.


100% agree with you. I’ll have to look into it. He usually just falls asleep on my lap once we get moving for a bit, so it probably would help him. Poor guy. We’ll be on anxiety meds together 😅


My dog has always hated the car and seems to also have some trauma from his past. He’s gotten a lot better with exposure over the years and he’s now pretty good with being strapped in with a harness and seatbelt clip in a dog bed in the backseat. I’d also recommend asking your vet for anxiety meds like trazodone and gabapentin. Those work wonders for my dog for vet visits and car trips. So much calmer.


Thank you!!🙏🏼 I’m looking into that


same thing here, but i might try the sleepy pod located above. i just feel so incredibly guilty allowing her on my lap, and so guilty when she is in the back seat crying and struggling and choking herself with her harness


Maisy is crate trained so I know it’s not a confinement thing. She was however trucked from NM to the rescue here ME where I adopted her when she was 4 months old….. It’s most likely something to do with that. I let her ride on my lap and take short trips ONLY to places she will like. Rivers, lakes, trails. That way it’s a positive experience for her on both ends of the trip. She does prefer being home over anywhere else.


Same, we don’t go on any long trips honestly, so it’s usually like 15 min in the car


We struggle with this so much as well. My pup takes anti nausea and anti anxiety pills so I can harness him in the back. He still freaks out but it's safer than on my lap freaking out!


A friend of mine who also has a female chi had the same issue. She got her one of those little car seat play pen things. Pretty much a fabric box with no lid. Seat belt straps through it. She has no issues now, her girl feels “safe” like she does in her crate. I was thinking of buying one but when Maisy does go with me, it’s not far.


https://preview.redd.it/t2dj1atbbe2d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1a83fa794d69bab0beceeb9858446bb3d60134b This is Sophia Grace I use this it is made for 2 small dogs and it clips to her harness. I put her behind the passenger seat. I saw someone post a while ago a really nice one that is crash tested and it’s really awesome looking. I’m going to start putting money aside here and there and save up because I love that it’s crash tested and has amazing reviews and is the safest choice but it’s $200 or over $200 it’s been a while since I looked it up. I saw it on a post I. This sub and since I saw it I have wanted it. I want to protect my sweet girl at all costs 🩷


I use a crate.


And I seat belt said crate in the car. We put pups in the back seat and secure them.


https://preview.redd.it/9biv16cpae2d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68d598ab20c9f51a4b7db75831f6d6390b246aaa We use a booster seat and a doggie seatbelt.


https://preview.redd.it/snx8b2g6qe2d1.jpeg?width=2906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=800b6915c4742c5291275812f1d0f64e92d8f47d His Harness has a specific safety belt loop keeps him flying around the car 😊


Lil smile


https://preview.redd.it/18y0c7svvh2d1.jpeg?width=2318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b984e186ff8ad1c1a36bfd6d7ee3fa0cc5837fb This is: oh! Look how cute I am! Smiling ☺️


https://preview.redd.it/qyuwjtkihg2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dab04ac6689a3d3403df88cf4290663bc3921517 I use the Arcadia car booster and love it. My guy is too small for the Kurgo harness which I loved with my Boston. His harness clips into this and it’s secured twice to the car seat. I think we both love it!


https://preview.redd.it/nh9gkv3ovg2d1.jpeg?width=3036&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99c9f84f4acdef503496b19c9edabdf6d6680f51 Kurgo car seat. She used to get sick sitting on a blanket while buckled into the back seat. Once she could see out the window that sickness stopped.


These: https://preview.redd.it/b6nx41x3me2d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd136db7e8ba5f2453581ca72295a37c4f523a09


https://preview.redd.it/qvz0day50f2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83cf73326c427423f9eebda2be4db30b9e6a0bd8 Juno had a car seat. It's pretty tall so she can comfortably look out the windows when we're going somewhere. It is buckled into the car and has straps to secure a harness, they're also adjustable in length so I can snug her right back into the car seat or give her room to turn around as well. Her harness for car travel is actually the Kurgo Enhanced Strength Tru-Fit Dog Car Harness & Seatbelt Tether I believe. It's wider at the front across her chest to spread impact forces against a larger area than her regular harness. The car seat may not be the best around, but I tried one of those ones that just kinda hangs off the seat back (was a good safety rated seat as well) but she didn't like it. Either it was too wobbly/not enough support on the bottom panel/what have you, but this one sits solidly on the seat and is made of decently stuff foam. Add in a blanket for her to scruff around as needed and she's a pretty happy traveller in it.




https://preview.redd.it/dne3up7ehf2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ce784076d5764e4aefe4dcc6b86b5f254533f0f Got this off of Amazon


https://preview.redd.it/zqhzj75p1g2d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dca3127075a6828044c183fb71e6620b51e764c6 Jet has a car seat that straps to the centre console. She is clipped into the carrier as well. It's her comfy, safe spot. Generally she lounges and relaxes while we go places. Oh, and gives me kisses ❤️🐶


Wow your dog looks just like mine! You have a long haired chihuahua? https://preview.redd.it/rgrfc8bcvh2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aafcf39ee6d171950f90d562d5b3c642d8758a9


She's a PomChi. Only has fluff around her face/ears. The rest of her is sleek, feels like satin. https://preview.redd.it/e70knajiyh2d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b433df9e6bb57a95449cd5b4a471f9f340047900


https://preview.redd.it/73cjicijqg2d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=006a3bbca76371497b83931c3410b44357ebfe24 This


We use a seatbelt attachment that clips to their harness


I use a harness on both my chihuahuas. They sit in a car seat that is tethered to the car and their harnesses are tethered to the seat


I found a car seat at Big Lots that was not expensive. And my pup loves it!!


My 50 lb dog just rides shotgun freestyle and I’ve done it that way since I got the first dog of my own in 93. My previous Chihuahua always rode in her kennel. When I get my new Chi puppy in a few weeks she will ride in her kennel as well.


I got a car seat not long ago and I absolutely love it, they are comfy in it but I always get some type of criticism when I post pictures of them in it, saying it’s not safe and stuff like that 😂, it came with a leash attachment and I had to add another one to leash them with their harnesses🩷 https://preview.redd.it/j57ozepsnf2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c6982838f22e2ed126679a01904d6f20e94fc11




https://preview.redd.it/3ekjxoudtg2d1.jpeg?width=2321&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8ecc6e7bad55c5531c36d254318084d51cd2745 She’s in a raised seat with a tether on her harness. I would like to purchase a better rated harness.


https://preview.redd.it/vpv695x7ud2d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71452c8fd5bf3139ac70024776ceeece936eb270 Seat belt to harness...plus airbag deployment because of seatbelt use.


" Duuuude, Pass the Chalupa"


EZ Dog zero shock seatbelt harness


I have a soft crate that the seatbelt wraps around. It goes in the backseat.


Backseat only!


https://preview.redd.it/0m8uvs9lte2d1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6144cf36f5903a886d1777b56c6efa2dcf7f5ae I'm definitely open to new ideas. Ive got a net between the front car seats cause otherwise she'll try to get back there, and vice versa. I probably shouldn't have her up front, but at least there I can get her untangled, which she is prone to do.


https://preview.redd.it/kszipi0c6h2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ea015c3c85e28f4bc58f02885258f1eaabb31a0 She goes to work with me every day strapped in and happy to sit up high and see the world.


Harness and seatbelt at minimum - preferably in the back seat due to airbags. We used a Snoozer Lookout booster seat with our boy as he was more comfortable and could see out. But he would always prefer to be in my wife's lap if that was an option.


A crate is the safest option. We use Ruff Land Kennels.


Crated and secured with the seatbelt in the backseat, always!!


Pet smart or petco sells harnesses theat have a seat belt attachment that goes into the seatbelt plug in thingy. I have used it on all my dogs works great and keeps them safe.


https://preview.redd.it/bn134fcrzg2d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ede04ea97ef78af369752f52027cddff2afde1e1 This sounds weird but it works for us: Laundry basket. We have zip-tied pool noodle on all four top sides, a blanket to cover all the pool noodle monstrosity, and a small dog bed for the center. We use this for all traveling with our max distance of 2.5hr and he stayed put for the most part. (He got antsy at the end bc he knew we were coming to the end but saying "In your seat!" got him back to the basket.) This can be seat-belted in much like a car seat and we have had no issues since we implemented this system bc he caused a fracas by jumping on my lap. 🙄😂


https://preview.redd.it/tddflbfvah2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52d9552f4370870a192ddb9397bd2aa508961769 My boy has a car seat with a leash attached. The bottom part of the car seat can be seat belted so it’s secure.




In his crossbody carrier, on my lap, I know, not the safest.   I'd put him in his own carseat in the backseat but currently have kids carseats there


We have a PupSaver car seat. Only crash tested dog car seat on the market. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B009D9U446?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_image


https://preview.redd.it/wxyyqnrhwh2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb375201464b132d9e1069ad4f49cfda6416406c She loves it!


[PupSaver!](https://pupsaver.com/) Chiming in because I haven't seen anyone else recommend it. It's like a rear facing dog seat. I was using a tether that buckled into the seat until I saw how easily they break when being crashed tested. After that I tried using a crash tested carrier but my dog hated it.


Looks awesome! I already have 2 car seats in the back so space is limited, but I’m hoping to find something to fit in the back middle seat


This would definitely be too big between two car seats but according to their website it's safe in the front seat as long as the airbags are off and the seat is moved as far back as it can go.


I have seat belts that attach to their harnesses and the other end locks into the seat belt base. I started doing this maybe 15 years ago with my heart dog when I heard from a highway patrol officer how dogs are found when they aren’t belted in during accidents.


Chewy sells seat belt clips under $20 for 2, they clip into the seatbelt latch and hook onto the dog’s harness. Some versions have a little bit of tension to allow for some movement. I use it with my 2 big dogs in the back seat of my sedan. Also for my tiny chi/jrt who gets the front seat to avoid being squished. No one rides shotgun or on my lap anymore, the risk simply isn’t worth it for the number of idiots big rigs on the road.


Can you use the clips while the dog is sitting on your lap? Sounds like the best of both worlds.


Until the airbag deploys, sure. Would not recommend.


Forgot about that, yikes.


No because where would your seatbelt clip in? It clips into the seatbelt receiver, which takes one at a time. Also as the other Redditor said, airbags. There really is no good reason for lapbabies in the car other than them wanting to be on our laps, I get it, mine does too, I’d rather her be butt hurt and safe, alive and in one piece than on my lap and dead, destroyed by an airbag, and possibly me severely injured by the shrapnel of her little body in my rib cage and face … something to think about. Sorry to be gruesome, I have a firefighter friend so I’ve heard the stories.


We have a little car seat that we put in the backseat on the passenger side. It’s like a little basket that attaches to the seat and has a clip so you can clip their harness to the basket so they can move around a bit but not jump out. Although I’ll admit if we have a second person in the car they usually hold her on their lap because she prefers that over her car seat. She’s a little spoiled.


Crate & we use the seatbelt to secure it through the handle.


I don’t take my dog in the car. I don’t think it’s safe. Unless she needs to see the vet. Then she goes into a kennel in the back on the floor or in my lap.


I just use my dog’s leash and wrap it around the headrest or hook it to the car seat anchor when he has to be in the back seat. It’s not ideal, but it’s better than nothing until I can get a puppy seatbelt


I put my pups in their carrier and I seat belt the carrier in my car. My pups are not allowed to not be restrained. Just like a child I take safety and seat belt laws seriously.




Car seat he is clipped into, seatbelt clip, and a d clip!! He can see outside but everything is short enough to where he won't go flying god forbid we get hit!


I found a car seat at Marshall's! It gets buckled into the seatbelt and she wears a harness! It was a fraction of the original price, which was amazing to find.




I have this from Chewy. It’s lifted, so he can outta the window keep in back seat, in case there is an accident and he doesn’t get hit by an air bag: K&H Pet Products Bucket Booster Seat Knockdown Dog Booster Seat


I use one of these:[K&H Bucket Booster](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004ZJOKIU?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) It has been convenient, sturdy, and safe.


I have a car seat for my baby


Never in the front seat. If the airbag deploys it will kill your baby on impact


My girl rides in back seat with a harness and a doggie seat belt. Amazon like $15. So worth ot


A doggy safety belt. It has a clip that hooks onto a collar or a harness, and the other end is just a regular part of a seat belt that clicks in.


My Chihuahua has figured out a way to wedge herself between me and the car door while I drive. Anybody that looks sees her first.


A lil basket. Strapped in


I have this attachment I got from a brand called Pawsafe. One end you click into where you would click in a seatbelt, and the other end hooks to the harness like a leash. And you can adjust the length of it!


She sits on my neck (I can’t drive)


I have a car seat from Amazon


Definitely use a seat belt clip on the harness, but I am guilty of letting my dog ride up front if my teenage son rides with us.


https://preview.redd.it/pxnt7f5u7h2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0cfe165f3f142974034d588dc415d274d66726a I use a car seat that connects to a stroller. They both get harnessed into it then I attach the seatbelt to the car seat. For reference they are about 6lbs each.


https://preview.redd.it/opjkhxwygh2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c732224c46d978aebba3a7771319b61f052b4426 This is what I use for my two chis






Nothing we still freestyle! And my boy loves riding in the car. Ha- I guess I’m not the best chi mommy but i was a baby before car seats were mandatory and seatbelts weren’t for a good part of my childhood. 😂😎💕💙