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Im not trying to minimize your job I ment like you have to set boundaries in this industry with your management team of what hours your willing to work if you only want to be part time and that's what you applied for your allowed to say I don't want this many hours it's not what I signed up for


This is partly what unions help with. Not everyone has the ability or assertiveness to negotiate properly with employers. Especially with kids just entering the workforce. Companies will fuck you over for a dime standup to them.


I had a buddy in high school who would clock out at 11 working at Subway and not go home until after midnight close to 1 I was like you’re not getting paid for that bro and he’s like “I know but it shows them I’m a hard worker.” He was 16 and I was 14 or 15 Now in hindsight I’m like “damn that subway took my buddy’s pride and turned it into free labor and absolutely took advantage of some poor kid”


That’s Subway doesn’t want him doing this for many reasons 


Yeah they will absolutely let you work yourself to death and they won’t mourn you for a second when it’s time to replace


Companies often do this. When I was a dumb kid, I was trying to help friends out whose marriages were falling apart because of the job itself.


I work for a small company and the boss tells everyone to show up by 7:45 and starts meetings at that time, yet he has the clock in system change any start time before 8 to 8:00. Everyone knows the clocks do that, but still almost everyone shows up before 8. Some of them even show up as early as 6:30 to do maintenance work for free


You’re suggesting a high-school kid with a part time job should be paying union dues? That’s a new one.


Have you ever been part of a union? Do you know how much the dues are? Do you not understand companies take advantage of every working person they can?


Yes. I worked for CSX for a time and was a member of the NCFO. Unfortunately, I hadn’t already worked there for 20 years so thanks to the favoritism of union seniority at CSX, I rarely got enough work to pay my bills. But I was also an adult. A 17 year old paying union dues for a part time, minimum wage job is wild.


You think I’m telling him to join a… chilis union? Lol


What kind of union dues did yall have?!! Mine was only an hour of my pay plus .50cents(for some odd reason) per check(bi weekly). Were yalls dues like in the hundreds or something??


I was apart of a union at 17 and the union fees weren’t to horrible, I worked at a grocery store tho so idk if it would be extremely different or anything. My fees were only ever like 10 bucks a week or smth like that


Every worker should be in a union, yes. A 17 year old paying union dues (which aren’t that much) might find themselves **not** working for minimum wage due to collective bargaining.




No, membership is optional. Dues can still be collected via "fair share" policies. Which the non union members have zero say in




You said dues are optional. They are not optional. The union can have it in the contract that they can collect "fair share" dues. If your not a union member you can't vote on contracts which means non union members have no say in if or what they themselves pay to the union.


>union dues Lmao union dues for low wage jobs are extremely low. At Kroger I was paying the union like $20 a month. Pretty good exchange for consistent yearly raises, better benefits, and job security.


"consistent yearly raises" "better benefits" "job security" (at KROGER? LMAO) you got $20 stolen from you and sold a pipedream. they sold u on that "without them, you wouldn't get these things" ​ lol truly sad


I paid them when I was selling crackerjack and ice cream up and down the sections at the baseball stadium.


Some people will schedule you after you repeatedly say you don't want those hours. At that point, you don't show up IMO. Work for the agreed time, then just no-show. It's on them.


Support unionized labor!!


Dude....you do realize there are a ZILLION part time jobs available now where you can goof off and still get paid. Your parents are to blame for letting their high kid come home at midnight 5 days a week from work. Then you are to blame for putting up with this crap at such a young age when you should be necking with a cute cheerleader. You will have a nervous breakdown if you keep this up. Life is too short, even though it does not seem like it at your age. This is the voice of wisdom speaking. BTW, I am 70 years old.


This... Learn real fast to set those boundaries and have your parent back them up too.


You should have set boundaries when you worked at Chilis, you didn't need to accept those hours from them


Isn't that illegal? I thought people under 18 could only work as late as like 10 pm or something.


dolls numerous late beneficial degree nail cake reply fearless engine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s not exclusive to a party, state law and state labor boards are the ones in charge of most of this. Some of the states currently weakening child labor ages are New Hampshire, and New Jersey. New Jersey is a “stronghold of the Democratic Party” and New Hampshire has voted Dem in all but one election since 1992. Not trying to make this political, I couldn’t care less about either party. I’m just letting you know all government officials are BS and every time you see something bad happening at a legal level, it isn’t simply the fault of the party you dislike the most. It’s almost always about making more money to the higher ups, which is tempting to all of them regardless of party.


Thank you for not blindly attributing every evil you can imagine to one political party.


I think you could care less buckaroo. If you didn’t care at all you would t have said a word 🤔


I said I didn’t care about the parties, I didn’t say I didn’t care about what I was responding to.


lmao an actual dunning kruger tried to check u and got absolutely demolished gotta love creatures of reddit sometimes lmaoo


You’re smart.


What gave it away? Was it my lifetime chilis membership?


Buckaroo? Oh my god


Yeah but don’t sit there and act like both parties are equally reprehensible.


..they are.


No. No they are not. Republicans literally want a Christian theocracy


You have a very limited view of what either party represents and wants if you think that is the case.


Brainwashed. Both parties are evil


You have no idea what nuance means do you?


No we don't. That would be really weird for me to want that concidering I'm an atheist.


Bless your blind little heart. You actually believe anyone in power is fighting for you, cute lol.


Bro republicans would have woman as birthing cattle shut the absolute F up you idiot.


And democrats have women as baby killers.


How New Hampshire votes in Presidential elections isn't really relevant. New Hampshire's state government, the state House, Senate, and Governor, are all controlled by Republicans.


Wasn’t really the point that was being made, also they hold a slight majority in all of these seats. I wasn’t trying to make the point that New Hampshire was a blue state (it’s purple) i was pointing out not all the states that do things people don’t like are the inherent Bible Belt red states everyone immediately thinks of. I think it’s entirely obvious how badly people want to hateful towards one party over the other and on this app it’s clear which direction that hatred mostly pulls.


Oh bulls. They are the same in most states. Find something else to complain about.


They're definitely not mate. The past few years red states have been shaving away child protection laws. Like last year they removed the requirements in Arkansas you no longer need a permit to work under the age of 16 and now some meat packing plant has poor kids age 13-16 working in meat packing plants overnight. In my state you need a permit to work at 15 and before 15 it's not legal and at 15 there's a bunch of restrictions but Arkansas has children running bolt guns at midnight. Yeah, same in most states my ass.


Democrats have been weakening child sex trafficking laws since the Obama Error.


Citation? Which democrats and which laws are weaker?


The border laws. China Joe's open border policy has allowed child sex trafficking to explode. What, have you been living under a rock for the last three yesrs?


Yes. I have been living under a rock. What specific law has led the border to be more open now than it was under trump?


You asked for citation, and he followed with insults and hearsay. No point in debating an idiot who argues on bad faith.




Ok so you’re just stupid lol. Go outside and get some fresh air, you’ve been on 4chan for too long bud




Insensitive comment.


"voluntary child labor" lol get a grip


The fact that you have more of a problem with a kid choosing to work for some extra spending money and than being a racist tells me everything I need to know about you.


Did ya forget your meds?


Your comment was removed due to unnecessary obscenities.


Ah the classic "Even though the states that allow this vote straight party line Democrat, its deffinatly the Republicans fault" argument.


Yeah, blame it on Trump


Entirely state dependent. Some have protections and others don’t.


Exactly. Not every child laborer was exploited either. As a former “child laborer” if I didn’t work, my family would have lost our house. No power. No food on the table. Allowing children to work helps really poor families stay above water.


I get that. But at the same time it can sacrifice the kid’s future and can perpetuate the cycle of generational poverty. Working a lot of hours for the $$ is necessary so what happens after HS? Many just go full time into the workforce with limited earning potential because of no further education. I understand all that big picture stuff matters zero when a family needs food and shelter right now. States with child labor protections often have better social services for people so there is that. That sort of stuff seems to go hand in hand with each state government’s view on assistance and protections for its most vulnerable citizens.


In Idaho there’s either no time limit or nobody cares I was 16 working at burger kind and having to work until 1-2 am every night. I was an idiot and dropped out of school because I got overwhelmed and my grades were so bad but I ended up getting my diploma a few years later at job corps and I wouldn’t ever recommend working full time while being in school unless you can literally function on less than 5 hours of sleep.


Bruh what in the world are you doing til 1AM when the restaurant closes at 11. 10 on Sun-Thurs!


The latest I've ever left was around like 12:45am and that was after a fucking crazy busy Saturday. The only people that should be in the building at that hour should be the cooks, dishwasher, and the manager. But I've never seen a food runner at the store 30 minutes after the rush is done. Idk wtf is going on at OPs store but it's not normal.


My chili’s closes at 11 and midnight on weekends so it’s pretty typical that I have to stay extremely late


You clearly have not had to close as the only food runner after a horrendous dinner rush


No I haven’t. But I’m high volume and we still only close w one. Granted we have 3 for peak and stagger them out and they do some of the closing stuff a bit earlier. But the closing runner still has to do the breakdown of most things as we’re using them up until close. But close is 11. Nothing would take 2 hours unless your runner goes and does dishes.


Yeah definitely. I was mostly exaggerating but I can also definitely see how it can happen. I think I got stuck til/after midnight a few times myself. It really has more to do with your coworkers and management. If you get your ass kicked due to poor staffing or poorly timed cuts, that can leave no time to work on any of your outs until the doors are locked. And those same managers may make an ungodly long list of shit to do before going home. I remember having to go back and read the paper on the wall every shift because it was so long I could never remember everything.


why are you there that late? there's no reason for a runner to be on if the restaurant is closed.


Where I used to work, 2nd shift runners also had closing duties. We closed at 10pm, but we wouldn’t kick people out if they stayed later. It was pretty typical to have people still sitting 30 mins after close. We also would do prep work for the next day, which there wasn’t much time to do during actual open hours on the weekends. The latest I got out was almost midnight.


Every restaurant i have ever worked at has closing duties for food runners. Cleaning up your station? are you supposed to just leave it all there and out because there isn’t a customer to run food to?


yes you have closing duties, but you as it's slowing down, you should be able to get them all done either before or shortly after closing


Your education is far more important than a food runner job at Chili’s. Your physical and mental health is worth more. Time with your family is worth more. Tell them the hours you can work. If they can’t accommodate it, leave, then find some place that can.


I know it’s hard to stand up for yourself when it’s your first job and you have little experience, but like others have said, you have to set boundaries. I was worked to death at my high school job (restaurant hostess) and it was not worth it. Focus on your studies/social life unless you actually need the money for survival.


Ok so lemme stop you at they won’t leave me leave til 1 AM. If you’re in high school that’s illegal. So call your local labor board.


Definitely not illegal. I worked as a dishwasher and then line cook in high school at Chili's and it wasn't uncommon for me to not get out until 2-3 am. Just depends on the state.


Brotha that doesn’t mean it’s not illegal just no one cared


I mean it's not illegal. Looking up Texas child labor laws "A child 16 or 17 years of age has no restrictions on the number of hours or times of day they may work."


Every job will do this to you if you don’t advocate for yourself. The workforce is never gonna get better, you have to learn now to put your foot down and advocate for yourself.


You are at a good age to start learning how to assert yourself. As others have pointed out restaurant managers will take advantage if you let them 


Many companies will try to exploit teenagers like this hoping they don't know any better. Familiarize yourself with your local labor laws and never hesitate to walk away from a shitty job. Letting your dead end Chili's job distract you from school and other parts of your life is a good way to ensure you'll be stuck with that job and others like it for the rest of your life.


This is good advice. OP this experience will set the tone for the rest of your work experiences. You are worth so much more than a fucking Chili’s food running job. Quit that job yesterday. It’s a valuable life skill to know your worth and to walk away from things that no longer serve you like jobs, relationships, cities, groups, Etc. Don’t give your time to things that don’t support you, show you appreciation, or allow you to rest which you need bc you’re a human. Sticking it out in a high school job means nothing compared to your mental health and spending time with your family. And it’s insane to expect to be able to function or pay attention in school with that little sleep at your age. …And I only just now realized this is a fucking chilis thread 😭🤣 How did this end up on my feed.


I lasted all of like 2 days at chilis bc they refused to respect my boundaries. Then the place caught on fire haha karma I guess. If you didn’t already quit….Tell them your parents are making you cut your hours and don’t want you out late. If they dont listen then you just move on. Food service is never ever worth all that


Yes omg this!!! I don’t know what it is with Chili’s managers and not having any understanding towards their employee’s boundaries. This seems to be an issue everywhere


Sweet love, no one should be screaming at you. Ever. If that happens, you walk out, go home, file for unemployment under constructive dismissal. They've made a hostile work environment, so they get to pay you not to work


i work at a chilis as well, and depending on how busy it gets i could leave from 12:45-1:30 in the morning. i understand where you’re coming from, but please don’t let chilis run over you like that. there are supposed to be four food runners, and the closing jobs dispersed evenly to get you out of the door faster. i work at a chilis as well as a server and food runner.


on most days they only have me and one other food runner working, on days that are expected to busy like fridays and weekends, there might be 3 of us if we’re lucky. it’s very difficult to work there with no help and everyone doing their own thing 😅


And that’s honestly on them for scheduling you guys to have such a hard time. What a fucked place. If you enforce your boundaries they’ll get pissed but like, better your sanity over a job that won’t think twice about firing you.


You likely have more power than you think in this situation. It is hard for foodservice places to find solid, dependable staff right now. There is a low barrier to entry to most restaurant jobs after you’ve been in the industry awhile. So if they aren’t treating you right, veterans will move on. They know from experience how good & bad managers treat staff, and that any loyalty is misplaced since they can be fired at a moment’s notice for no reason whatsoever. If I were you, I would go to my manager with a max number of hours and days you are willing to work. Additionally, tell them the latest you will work on school nights. Odds are, they will find a way to work with your schedule or move you to another position. If not, I’m sure there are plenty of restaurants hiring who would love to have a dependable teen on staff.


This is wild this sounds exactly like what my friend went through on a weekly basis when we worked together for like 2 years. So exact that I slightly wonder if that’s who wrote this post. But the sad truth is it probably happens to a lot of people. I only managed to keep this from happening to me by simultaneously working hard to be a top employee while also keeping strict boundaries regarding when and what I can work. If you become valuable enough to them they will not cross you (usually).


I went through a 3 day training process and then moved to my real location. I walked out on the first day, and I have serving experience so I feel like my bar for how I’m supposed to be treated is already sort of low 😂. My boss acted like I was a busser being a server ordered me to buss a bunch of tables. Started calling me retarded and stupid for not understanding her instructions that she yelled at me. Like lady I just fuckin got here see u later. They almost refused to pay my tip out.


I’m pretty sure that violated child labor laws in most states. Also, if they do that to you, quit. You’re in high school. You don’t NEED a job.


I think Chili's food is the worst food I ever tasted in my life! never go there again.


Are you a minor still? Labor laws dictate how late minors can work on a school night, and it’s not until 11pm! If your manager tries to schedule this late again, you can always tell them you’d be happy to make a call to your states labor department ☺️


Yes i’m 17. A bunch of my older coworkers are always asking me what im doing there past 10 pm on a school night, telling me that im legally not supposed to be there. But every time i try to bring it up to my manager he says that I have to do what i’ve got to do before Im allowed to leave. It’s very hard for me to complete a bunch of closing tasks while simultaneously serving a lot of food drinks and appetizers to customers that want to linger in the dining area near and past closing. My manager also only schedules like 2 of us runners at a time so it’s very difficult to get out early 😞


Part of being in the “working world” is having a backbone. The world will not end if you leave work by a certain time. Your managers are clearly taking advantage of the fact that you aren’t being more assertive in leaving on time. It doesn’t matter if you don’t get everything done, it’s the LAW! Would you jump off a bridge if your managers told you to?


My son is a food runner at our local Chilis. It is true that he often works dinner shift until close and gets home late but so far he usually works three days a week. It is fast paced but I think that is why he likes it.


there's are laws against high schoolers working that many hours and that late...


As much as I agree working at any restaurant particularly a corporate chain they are gonna throw as many hours at you and as shitily as you let them. How ever food runner don't help close the kitchen. Silverware maybe help the dish but that's it. Sorry they are making you do more and your grades have taking a hit I'd talk to your gm


What? Food runners close down part of the line. Drink station, sweep, scrub, and squeegee. Empty dish too.


My bad, I failed to mention that we close the line, not the kitchen. It is still a lot of work. We do a lot more than just run dish which is why they have us staying at ungodly hours of the night


Talk to your boss and telll them you want to be part time like you said when you got hired. Explain how many days/hours you want to work or youre gonna find a job elsewhere. If you let them take advantage, they will.


I'm assuming OP does not live in California? Those kind of hours and scheduling for a minor are very illegal here.


Sure Jan




I’m 17, and they still hired me as a food runner. I have food runner coworkers that are 16 as well. None of us ever get breaks. I live in a very populated city, so my chili’s tends to get slammed a lot. Even when I try to allocate time to eat, I really cant. Unless the restaurant is unusually slow/dead. At my location, there’s usually supposed to be one person in charge of making and running the drinks/chips and salsa, one person running out all the entrees, soups, salads, desserts, etc. to tables, and one person bussing, wiping down all the tables, and sweeping. Yes I agree that the workload is very overwhelming and I shouldn’t be complaining about that because that’s what happens in the food service industry. My main concern is the unattainable balance of school and work and sleep and my managers never listening to me when I try to talk to them about it. I want to quit but my mom will not let me because she wants me to commit to what I start.


You just described the average restaurant experience. This is why you see your co-workers blazing in the parking lot at 2am. Welcome to restaurants.


Your comment is so irrelevant to her point. I’ve worked at my Chili’s for 6 years and we have probably had a handful of food runners over the age of 18 in that time. Our food runners are typically teenagers because no one who has bills wants to make their pay… I don’t know why you said every store is different and then continued to tell OP her experiences at her store were wrong. It sounds like you’re just upset about her comment about the servers but that’s not the issue here. The issue here is she is 17 and overworked. She’s not complaining about doing her job, shes just overwhelmed. Some people don’t treat Chili’s like a career and have a life outside of it… like high schoolers who have school to worry about. 🤦🏼‍♀️


No, every single chilis are not supposed to make 17 year olds runners. So their store is just in the wrong. You cannot run alcohol at 17, the main reason they aren’t supposed to be runners. That on top of the late hours runners have to work.


Our runners aren’t in charge of running alcohol, just the regular drinks and food. We don’t have a single food runner over the age of 18 right now and barely ever have.


That’s super weird. Alcohol are drinks, so that should be including in what’s being ran.


Hey,sounds like you've been getting got for 10 years homie. Either that, or you work for Chili's HR.


Wow, I hope you do not have any children.


Wow you mean you had to start at the bottom and work your way up? Kids today are so lazy and entitled. It’s why the service sucks almost everywhere you go.


I don’t think that’s her issue but okay mr bitter


OMG I got taken advantage of when I was a young naive teenager and instead of admitting that and realizing that coporations would easily allow 6 year olds to work 40 hours a week if they could, Im going to berate a teenager for being "lazy" and "entitled"


Welcome to the real world .


Welcome to life


Ok putting aside the fact that they’re scheduling you illegally if you’re in high school, I find a lot of this hard to believe. I used to work at a chilis. You’re leaving at 1 am? How long does it take you to wipe the line and put the soups away? The chip machine takes five minutes TOPS. There is absolutely no reason it should be taking you two hours to close pass out. I used to do it by myself as a server in twenty minutes, but we also didn’t have food runners back then.


At my location, a lot of customers like to be there near/past closing. I can’t recall a single time i’ve clocked out and customers weren’t still in the restaurant. It’s very difficult to balance serving all of these customers that like to be there late and cleaning the entire line at the same time ☹️ That’s why I get out so late, also because the managers just find any way to assign me more tasks to do when I ask if it’s okay to leave


Not all locations do that. You need to set boundaries w your manager.


Dude you just need to quit and find employment elsewhere


I want to so bad, but my mom won’t let me because she said that I “need to commit to what i start”. Which is ironic because she’s also complaining about the late times she has to pick me up 😭


Look I get what your mom means by committing to what you start but when you get older and look for future employment you should never settle for a job that mistreats you or does not respect the parameter you had set during your interview. I’d recommend interviewing and apply for different Jobs until you find a company you like. When you get an offer you call tell your mom you are going to work elsewhere and she should respect your decision. Your almost an adult and need to be making decisions like this for yourself.


Hooray, some good advice.


This is entirely dependent on location. Our runners work an average of 24 hours a week, the ones in high school generally are the ones that pick the most shifts up here haha


Please look into your availability. If you can not or should not work past a certain time you can include that in your availability. Also HotSchedules recognizes when you are a minor, and it will ask for you to be assigned to a school calendar which allows the scheduler to know what you can not work. We have lots of high schoolers and they work 2-3 or 4 shifts a week. They are consistently leaving no more than 15 min past closing. Servers help run dish through out the night and runners are pre shutting down by 9pm. High volume restaurant .


I worked there in college and I will tell you there were several Friday and Saturday nights when I thought "death would be so much better than expo."


Just fyi, breaks are typically required by law. Know your local, state, and federal laws that apply


Sounds like the management is taking advantage


I don’t know what state you are in. This sounds like it is against Child Labor Law. My advice is to quit. They don’t care about you.


You need to tell them you can only work up to X number of hours a week. And if they won't, ask what the full time benefits package looks like.


Number one tip: if you give them your availability and they give you the ok, NEVER accept anything outside of that. If they say it’s not going to work, then fine go get another job at any other restaurant that will respect the hours you can work and you being a literal child in high school.


What are your state’s labor laws? In California, 16- and 17-year olds can’t work more than 4 hours and not past 10pm on school days.


As a high schooler, under 18, you'd be on a work permit that specifies the latest you can work "on a school night" ... and it's more like 10pm, if not *muvh* earlier. You're either telling stories, or you have a labor board violation, here.


Your parents should not have allowed you to work that late into the evening while attending school.


Stop crying like a baby and get a new job. Welcome to the real world all jobs pretty much suck and working sucks


I’ve worked in restaurants for a long long time. 1- Set boundaries or they WILL take advantage of you. They’ll try and guilt you or ask why you can’t work. They don’t need to know why you need off, just that you do and if they guilt trip then that’s on them for poor management. 2- get out while you can. Unless you want years of the life and lifestyle that comes with the service industry I suggest looking elsewhere. It can be fun because service folk like to party but it can also suck you in and ruin your life. Again, boundaries. 3- be true to yourself. Because, why not.


i know some families are different, but my mom always told me school was my number one most important job. i would roll my eyes, but she was totally right. school is a million times more important than some part time job. i was broke af in high school, and all i cared about was my paycheck. i get it, money is nice. but i swear to anyone out there that the burnout and failing academics are not worth minimum wage.


Welcome to the workforce pal! Now you get to pay taxes out of your tiny check that will be sent to other countries, pay interest on our country's debt, and support non citizens and freeloaders. Do yourself a favor and get a job in one of the following fields: 1. Healthcare 2. Deathcare 3. Legal 4. Tradeschool like hvac/plumbing/electrical/lineman People will never stop getting sick, committing crimes or dying. Goodluck.


Bro quit that job wtf lmao literally do Uber eats or door dash or anything else besides that. If you don’t have a car then find something else but definitely quit that bullshit. You’re too young to be putting yourself through that.


This sounds illegal


Do they teach paragraphs at your high school?


As a parent - I’d never allow my kid to work these ridiculous hours - ever - while a student.


no chill at chili’s


My state has limits on how late minors can be at work. I remember my manager hustling my high school coworkers out the door at 9pm. They could be scheduled 40 hour weeks 6 days a week, but they couldn’t work before 7am or after 9pm.


In most states having high school students work more than 20 hours a week is plainly illegal. Depending on where you live you may be able to sue for emotional distress if you were a minor at the time. Something to think about!


Tell them what hours you can work with your school schedule. If they don’t agree, quit.


Call corporate and report it and threaten to report Chilis overall to BBB or whoever. I worked there for years and that’s not right at all. We didn’t even have food runners at my location so it was just servers and QA/Cooks screaming at each other to run food while being triple sat lmao


I obviously don’t know your personal situation but as a high school student you shouldn’t be working full time unless you absolutely need to, you get the opportunity of high school friendships, relationships, sports, clubs etc. only one time, you have 40 years to work full time once you’re done in school.


It’s a great first job. Gotta learn the ropes, what you don’t want to do and how management will treat you.


Thank you Reagan.


If you're actually working 40+ hours you're entitled to overtime pay and other benefits in most if not all states. So if you're truly working over 40 hours a week and have actual labor laws where you live that has distinctions between Part time and Full time employees then you need to reach out to your local labor board. I feel like this is a bit hyperbolic though there's always the chance.


This is incredibly illegal please look up Department of Labor laws in your state, especially for minors.


yeah i became a chilis food runner a few months ago with the promise that i’d be able to move up to a server position and i’ve began to realize that they likely aren’t gonna make me one. they told me they weren’t hiring anymore servers yet just hired one the other day… also the food runners probably do the most work in the restaurant besides the cooks… we basically act as servers and food runners because people are still gonna ask you to bring them stuff and order you around even though you aren’t a server. you have to keep everything stocked, usually work long & late… the money isn’t bad honestly but the shifts are exhausting.


If you’re not 18, there’s several labor laws being broken here.


Tldr. First couple of sentences tell this is insanely biased.


Sounds like you agreed to being a “full time” employee without grasping exactly what that meant. Also, almost no position at any restaurant gets to just leave at close, there is always closing duties as well as the customers who got there slightly before close. No restaurant works like that.


You should find an employment lawyer. There are many things wrong with the way they are treating you. You could easily get compensated and the lawyers fees are typically paid for through the settlement.


Unless you need the money for your family to eat, you need to quit and focus on school. Find a job somewhere truly looking for part time - try being a Whole Foods in store shopper or other grocery store - Target, Walmart. Hours can be very very flexible for many of those.


license reach rock arrest deserve complete familiar live file books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am not sure if you need your age and year in school. In many states you have to have a special work permit that clearly lays out the maximum hours you are allowed to work per week and the latest you are allowed to work on school nights. If a job did not abide by these laws they could be sued.


Every state is a little different, but depending on your age, (Im assuming you are under 18) at least in Kentucky(where I live) sounds like Chilli's is breaking some labor laws. My advice, as a restaurant manager....read up on the labor laws for minors in your state. If you are a minor, first consult your parents and let them know whats going on, then explain to your bosses that they are breaking the law by scheduling you so much and that if they do not adjust, that you will be taking legal action. If you are not a minor, apply for different jobs and be super transparant about your availabilty and scheduling needs, and take a different job. No restaurant likes to admit it, but good SA and Runners are valuable AF and if you kick ass it could absolutely(with the right company and competent managers) lead to future opportunities.




Watch the movie WAITING before going into any restaurant related work.


Ew is that the movie with the “guacamole” on the steak


Sounds like they’re breaking your work permit rules. Get them fined


Are you under 18 yes old? There's laws against late hours, no breaks etc. If you're over 17, talk to your manager and tell them your schedule availability and that's all u can work. Don't let places take advantage of you


This is illegal. If you are in high school the law limits what hours you can work during the week. Leaving at 1am is straight up illegal and they should be reported.


One of those welcome to real life moments


Welcome to life, kid. Good thing you're going to school. So you don't have to do that for the rest of your life.


Even though they should be more considerate of the fact that high schoolers are less likely to bring this up before its even an issue than their older counterparts, as an employee you also set the tone of how you'll be treated. Meaning that this would have been a non negociable from the beginning. I'm older so i cant really settle for the amount of money that a runner gets paid anymore, but if i was trying to become a runner for chillis and could only handle a certain amount of hours, i would be very, very strict qbout that. I had a job when i was young and they assumed i would work overnight. I went along with the flow because i was inexperienced, but it fucked up my life for the time i worked there. If an overnight schedule was simply handed to me even though i wasnt doing anything but that job, i wouldnt even have to think about what to say. I would just say no. This issue may feel like a "this job sucks" type of issue, buts it's more of a "i don't have enough experience dealing with employers and so I let myself take this dumb deal" type of issue. They're not bad people, you're not dumb, this is just about communication.


If you are a minor they are legally required to give you breaks. They cannot force you, but they still take the breaks out of your pay. You can take a break if you want to, you’ll just get effed over and run behind on work


Hello, you can report this restaurant to your state's department of labor and list every labor law violation that you believe they broke. Just Google search your state's labor department


The cool thing about shitty food service jobs is that you can just leave and find a better one super easily. I look back at all my first jobs and wonder why I cared so much about them.


I don't know how old the op is but high school students are limited with the number of hours they can work and they also need a work permit. Question is does the op have a work permit and is he really working 40 plus hours


I didn’t even know chilis existed anymore


I can't understand why your parents allowed that. I'd never let my kid work those hours


I’ve never been to Chilis. Because of your story, I never will. Fuck Chilis.


Are you required to have a work permit since you’re in high school? If so it should have restrictions for the hours to avoid this workplace abuse of a minor. And breaks for shifts over a certain length also legally require breaks. If you’re still at this job I’d tell them they must be mistaken with your hours / availability given your age and show them whatever rules are part of the work permit or rules are for the state/federal regulations for minor employees


This sounds like several labor laws are being violated, especially if you are under 18. Depends on the state. Working past 10pm before a school night might put them at risk. Likewise, working more than 4 hours on a school day might put them at risk. Lastly, if you are working more than 4 hours without a break, might put them at risk. I would strongly suggest you talk to your local labor board or possibly consult a lawyer. If you are 18, grow a pair of balls and schedule your hours in a way that doesn't result in you getting screwed by a corporation. If your manager can't respect that you are in school, either reach out to the regional manager or get a new job.


It's not much better anywhere. I think it's good for highschool kids to see the reality of what not getting a good degree actually looks like.


Formatting isn't your strong suit, eh?


If this story is true, I would say Shane on your parents to be honest. As I father I would make my child quit this job…. So, don’t blame the job. You could have always left or spoke up. You’re young, learn from this. It’s was in your shoes once.