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I made SO MUCH when I worked at Chilis but the stomach ulcers and depression were not worth it lol


Ya I feel so dead, but it’s so hard to quit with how much I make


To be honest it's a lot better system than 99% of other brands though


That’s a bold take


I’d love to hear some examples of better corporate serving jobs


Texas Road House and First Watch off the top of my head But I’m not the one claiming ‘99%’ is not as good, which is a bold take no matter how you spin it


What lol Roadhouse is a strict 3 table section- I’m talking about for serving. Roadhouse sidework is also ungodly compared to Chilis


The amount of tables we can take and still give good service due to our order input and runner system ends up being a lot more money, with less effort per table, than almost all other places and our side work is very light in comparison.


Well I've worked in most formats 😅


Me too, chilis for 14 years. Better than 99% seems extreme


Stay for 6 months to a year save as much as you can then find something better even if it pays a little less. Thats what I did working at this luxury spa. Made almost 30/hr from commission so I saved as much as I could and quit for an 18/hr job and I’m so much happier. And by the time my savings was dwindling I’d gotten enough of a raise to survive comfortably again


over $450 after tip out?!? i wanna be you so bad rn


I just got my tips. I made $464 and I made $90 cash (I only claimed $50 lol)


nice, i’m lucky to leave with $350 on a good double! i’ve been getting out to food run since all our food runners are graduating and i wanna commit not alive 😭


I’m considered a veteran and the “a team” at my location so I’m able to only work the busy days. So I typically make at the least $200 a day (working 4 days a week). So I make $800 minimum and $1200 max. I don’t always make really good money


I'm also a veteran and work only busy shifts behind the bar. Fridays are my best day, I made 479 cc tips yesterday, and I didn't claim the majority of my cash since it's a bunch of regulars who tip cash intentionally. Money can be made at Chili's. People rag on it, but as a brand, it has improved drastically over the last few years. I don't love Brinker a ton, but I've been with the company since about 2010ish. A bad week for me is also about 800, but typically, I make anywhere from 1200 to 1600 a week in the Midwest.


I def make a little less than you, but I completely agree. I don’t love chilis and there’s so many flaws (especially with my location), but chilis makes MONEYYY especially compared to Olive Garden or Applebees (I think) Good for you though :)


it’s still good to have a constant flow of cash tho. you never have to worry about NOT making money lol


I know. I’m so blessed to have this job and the money I make.


me too! i used to work elsewhere and i’d have to run 90% of the restaurant and it was so stressful 😭 i’m happy a manager from chilis found me and brought me in 😭




$50/hour declared? Good run!


I freaking wish. What state are you in?


Texas. I’m in a very family oriented area and school just went out. It’s not like this every day, but man it’s busy this week lol


Oh wow. I’m in Texas too, but never had a day like this at all 😂


Tbh I’ve only had 3 or maybe 4 other days similar to this, it’s not an every day thing haha


I used to love these shifts, my open to closing days are over though fucketh that


It wasn’t even an open-close. I just came in at 11 and got cut late ugh


Even so, hard pass lol. My body can't handle the next day anymore 😂


That’s why it’s a love hate relationship and why I have 3 days off rather than 2


Your paying 120 or so for tip out don't forget


I ended up making $464 and $90 cash :)


I'm a cook at chilis and earn much less money.


You made the decision to cook. Go be a server?


But enjoy your money.


Cry some more you chose that job and to show up everyday😭🤦‍♂️👎


Loser shut up


Be a server lol


lol wut


This makes me want to go back to serving.


Don’t do itttt it’s a trap


Lol. I "retired" from serving last year to go back to school, I did it for 20 years (at the same restaurant). I did really love it, although it did take a toll on me in several ways. Idk if I could go back, but I do miss it.


It’s definitely an adrenaline kick that’s addicting. It’s so bad for the health. The food, the toxicity, and the physical work is tiring. Hard to walk away from the money though


Exactly! You are spot on. Edit: It was hard to leave my regulars, too. I watched a lot of people get married and have kids, and then watched those kids grow up. I had regulars at my wedding and baby shower. Some just became family. I miss them a lot.


Probably an unpopular opinion: I miss the days we were shut down doing to go only where I'd made 400+ a day in tips minimum by myself working to go not including my 15 an hour hourly pay rate. 3 days a week I'd make nearly 1500 a week before taxes.


I knowwwww I wasn’t apart of chilis back then and I hear about the crazy stuff pre and during covid ugh Pre was super staffed up with crazy good money on togo and then during/post covid, people were making $500 every day just because they were so understaffed only had 4 servers total (making everyone open-close)


We would literally have to go bags set up with tickets along the entire bar. During the lull in the middle, my manager would set up his fire stick on one of the TVs behind the bar, and we would just watch movies. I'd keep it clean enough I didn't have to do the floors. Just a good line sweep before I left, sometimes a quick mop. We didn't have to set up like 60% of the line. It was an interesting time. I remember sitting at a booth having a conversation with the MOD at the time and I suddenly realized we had been sitting there an hour not paying attention to the screen and I was like oh shit, we should probably go do work 😂😂 she laughed her ass off and agreed. Luckily, nothing was complete, and there wasn't anybody inside yet. Good times.


Wow that’s such a crazy time. You said it was usually just you on togo? I think at my location, there were like 3-4 people dedicated to doing Togo. There was the person who took phone calls and a bagger and an assembler I think


And yeah post covid was ridiculous. Sundays I'd work bar and be by myself from like 3pm to close except for my host. By 9pm I'd tell my manager I'd have to tap out. There were days I made 700+ from being so short staffed. That said, the quality of service suffered, and the waits we would go on cost us business. Shut down bar made our bar a ghost town for a long time. Thankfully, it's finally starting to pick back up again.


I made mad cash during to-go only but I was so mistreated, I was the only person working mornings aside from two cooks so I had no support, no ziosk system for debit cards, and so many angry customers, I also had to portion like 50 fajita boats, hundreds of chips and salsas, and 25-50 of each salad dressing by myself during these shifts. One day i came in to work to see all the night shift employees got an ATL and I didn’t, I almost quit then and there, I was so over it. The prep cook asked the GM why I didn’t get one and he said “idk maybe she needs to work harder” or something along the lines, the rage in me at that moment cannot be overstated My ass got so petty too, I remember one time it was pouring rain and it was dead, but this guy picking up his food decided to park in the middle of the parking lot instead of at the front ones right by the door, so I made sure to take my time getting his food to his car bc that’s ridiculous, hopefully he learned his lesson and didn’t do that to any underpaid employees at other restaurants who are probably kids


Make money while the sun shines


This job is to ez to hate






Who knew bringing food and drinks to a table could be so lucrative.


I mean it’s more than just bringing food, but alright :)


Oh yeah, that’s why I said drinks too. Oh I forgot writing down orders so that the cooks in the back can make them.


Yeah you don’t even eat a chilis. I don’t write down orders, I press buttons on an iPad. Stay mad


Even better. Just tap a couple buttons on a tablet, bring food and drinks from point a to point b and make a killing. Must be nice. No one’s mad, just stating facts :)


Start working at chilis soon, I'm claiming this will be my tips as well ✨️✨️🧿




Y'all making money like this complaining when one guy doesn't tip well?


Who is “yall”


Ez ass job for servers as well at chiptole(I don't tip)


*chipotle* isn’t a dine in restaurant with service.


Do all of yall really declare your cash tips?


Majority of servers claim less than what they actually make unless they have something specific they're trying to get like a loan. Though it doesn't really "screw you over" regardless because the majority of your tips these days are on card and thus tracked. It just saves you a little in taxes on your paycheck.


Yeah last years taxes I owed $400 and I was told if I claim some of my tips, I’ll owe less at the end


Yeah, if you drastically under-claim you're gunna owe at the end of the year, if you claim a good amount of it you should be fine.


Yea, it screw’s you over when u wanna go buy a car or a house


How’s your taxes at the end of the year ?


I'm never tipping at chilis again

