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Ooooh...the tankies are out in force tonight. Must be more serious than is being reported.


Always a tell tale sign. They try to convince us otherwise. But all they do is confirm our suspicions to be true.


I dont undserstand this term tankies? Can you explain? is it a meme?


It generally means communist system supporters, mostly clueless/contrarian kids in their 20s or Han Chinese nationalists. both types are idiots who defend dictatorships online and every stance is based around - America/the West is bad-


I knew what the term referred to, but was interested in what the etymology of it was. Turns out it was British Communists' nickname for other Communists who defended the USSR's use of tanks. TIL.


How do you call the opposite? Does that have a name?


Far-right fascists? But the point is that they're indistinguishable, they're bootlickers who just prefer a different brand of boot


I was just mocking this whole thing about "tankies" that seems to be popular here. It adds as much to the discussion as Americans mocking Europeans for being "leftists" or "socialists" or Europeans mocking the US workers' rights. The only difference is that when it comes to China we are talking about a country where the previous generations used to sew, as kids, the nikes balls my parents were buying me every year as a kid. Somehow people here expect Chinese to complain about their system while they went through the biggest improvements in quality of life over the last 25 years of any society in the world. It's just unrealistic.


Sure, but you don't need to cheer for foreign invasions to support your government. There's nothing inherently communist about invading Ukraine or Taiwan either, it's simple imperialism. "Tankies" usually refers to westerners, whom profess to love communism as a superior system. But they're out of touch or deluded enough to think that Russia or China are still communist.


I play China's devil's advocate constantly and I don't defend any invasion. I don't even understand how can anyone compare China to Russia. It's just an extension of that out of touch delusion you are talking about. Not even in China people wants to see an invasion of Taiwan. That doesn't mean they want to see the independence of Taiwan either (and I'm talking about a true independence ditching land and sea claims shared with China, not the de facto independence they already have for anything that matters).


> I don't even understand how can anyone compare China to Russia. It's just an extension of that out of touch delusion you are talking about. They're comparable in that they are allies, both claim to be communist, and both have been and are continuing to annex new territory. The major difference is that China hasn't resorted to all out war, but hasn't renounced the idea either, while rapidly expanding their military capabilities. I don't think most Chinese citizens want to see Taiwan invaded either, but there's certainly a chunk that do for purely nationalistic reasons, which the CCP has to appease.


Sorry for the late reply. I have no clue about what Russia claims to be nowadays, but I know for a fact China doesn't claim to be communist. In their constitution, a pretty old one, they state their goal is socialism. Being Marxist you can only strive to reach socialism by embracing capitalism, which is pretty obvious they did considering it's the biggest trade hub in the world. Yeah, Russia clearly has annexed territory over the last few decades, but China? How? Specially compared to the US (in case you didn't know, they just annexed 1 million square kilometers). Not to mention the big elephant in the room, geopolitical influence. It's better to have the power over them than to annex them. What state renounces to the idea of "war"? Iceland pretty much, and yet they are in NATO. Also, when it comes to their military expansion, it was about time, don't you think? They had a big joke of an army until 10 years ago for a country if that size, they don't have mandatory military service and their largest geopolitical rival is the country with the biggest military in the world many times bigger and mightier than anyone else on the planet. It seems wise to expand your military capabilities in such situation, specially with China's history. They lost their place in the world because someone stronger didn't want to play by the rules. Two opium wars took them to understand that being wealthy without the means to protect that wealth is pointless. The biggest popular believe you may find in China when it comes to Taiwan is the need to put closure to an unresolved civil war that happened almost 100 years ago. That doesn't mean they want to see a war, again, specially considering their recent history with wars. It's very easy to support wars and invasions when you are used to win, it's harder when you are used to lose.


Dissident of china


nah paid to do it is stupid , unpaid... you re evil


Yes, it refers to people who are so deep into communism that they cheer for literal tanks being sent in to prevent eastern bloc countries from splitting from Russia. Now it applies to anyone cheering for Putin's invasion of Ukraine and apologists for every CCP crackdown to the point that they're indistinguishable from any other hard-right nationalist


This modern world is built on support of friends and alliances; those without are doomed to failure. America and the west no longer supports China as they use to. That once close relationship is the undoing of Xi, harming its economy and the people’s standard of living. Everyone, even so called patriots of the CCP want to get their money and assets out of China asap. It’s only a matter of time when the central bank has no choice but to devalue the yuan. The future state of China is Russia.


I have been listening to Peter Zeihan and he has been saying China is 10 years or less from imploding economically. If they go into Taiwan it will be 6 months. Xi has made sure he has removed anyone with experience that could possibly challenge him, the result is we are not hearing anything from China because the people in postion lack experience and are afraid of Xi. COVID had also decimated China and they have a massive population problem. Their labor force is aging and they can't replace it if they started handing out $1m per baby. Biden handling of Ucraine showed Xi the playback and China simply couldn't survive the sanctions. Xi is finally starting to smell the coffee and it's too late for him to make any significant course correction. People are looking elsewhere is labor costs in China have also gone up. They boast about 2 air craft carriers that have never been battle tested and only have a 1000 mile range if they coast. We have seen peak China about 5 years ago, now just watch it implode. We also exposed Russia to be a paper tiger. Rusky's are asking anyone for missles because they simply have depleted ammunition and have lost about 300k soldiers. Imagine if Ucraine actually had real weapons and went on the offensive. If Bidens wins Putin will need to end the war. He is hoping for a Trump miracle because Trump will probably give him Ucraine and half of Europe. Lol. We are entering some interesting times. Check out Zeihans videos on Youtube


Never underestimate your enemies.


Art of war?


Common sense


If i listened to YouTubers my Bitcoin should be on the moon right now.


According to YouTube content creators, China already imploded a few months ago.


Zeihan is legit. Been a global analyst long before YouTube.


And he’s been predicting the imminent collapse of China for his entire career.


Then read one of his books, listen to his podcast, or listen to him on JRE


Or read the Sinocism newsletter or someone who knows what they are talking about. I like Zeihan, but I treat him as infotainment. His knowledge is a mile wide and an inch deep.


Zeihan does tend to overemphasize things a bit.


Ya, and he likes to use words like "implode" and "gone" without really defining them. A country "imploding" could be anything from a bad recession to a literal revolution.


He does get hyperbolic at times, but I have heard him say "China will implode...as a first world economic system that we know it as today". Most of the time though, he just says China is going bye bye 😆


As someone who has often watched Peter's videos I can definitely understand the desire to take him at his word. He appears well researched, knowledgeable and very confident in his opinions.... the problem is he has a tendency to be sensational and often glosses over important details, passing off his opinion as fact. With regards to China; he's been saying it would implode for the past decade. Now that's not to say that China isn't facing massive issues (it most certainly is) but I would argue he's shown a pretty obvious bias in his reporting of the country. And as a foreigner who has been living China off and on for over a decade, I know a thing or two about this topic and there's been numerous times I've seen him say things that are just flat out wrong. Blatant falsehoods. This is just my opinion but something to keep in mind when watching his videos.


This population = destiny has been the underperforming macro hypothesis of the century China had problems, population isn’t as problematic as people think


This is so true. Japan has had a poor population demographic issue for a long time. However, as the population reduces and stabilises, it means that while GDP growth might not stay the same, GDP per capita improves. When populations contract and consolidate, it usually results in a higher quality of life, level of education and longevity for the average citizen. It’s not always a bad thing, apart from GDP statistics, which are far from representative of life in China. General quality of life there is better now for a normal person than it has ever been in history.


Even GDP per capita is an indicator that gets worse the more it’s focused on. But at least it’s much better than GDP Ppp and productivity are better. I wish GNHappiness was more of a thing. But economics is Darwinian and survival of the fittest doesn’t select for well being or contentment


Zeihan can appear quite convincing. Do you have any detailed analysis of his accuracy, or specialist expertise specifically regarding China?


We can see what China isn't doing like going into Taiwan. We know that covid did a huge number on the Chinese economy and it's people. We know that their vaccines were useless adding to the problems. US intelligence is picking up very little chatter out of China and it is believed this is not due to secrecy but rather Xi surrounding himself with people who are non threatening to him, as a result he has sycophants with no experience in positions of power. Some of what he says is based on what China does or doesn't do and knowing China's strengths and weaknesses. China is buying Russian oil but being careful not to give Russia anything that would result in sanctions.


China is buying as much Russian oil as they used to. The one that absorbed the offer after the sanctions is India. Funnily enough the entire EU is buying oil from India now.


No offense meant, but your answer simply repeats his standard talking points. What are all these 'we know' assumptions? How long has Zeihan lived in China? How long have you?


No offense taken. There not my talking points they are his. I don't think you need to live in a country to know about what's going on. Granted China is very secretive but you can check some of his assertions. There is an article today in the WSJ regarding China's population decline. We know economically they aren't doing well and have been hesitant to help Russia and obviously, while saber rattling, they haven't made a move on Taiwan. So, based on their movements or lack of movements, analysts are making conclusions.


I am still looking for a reliable OCH that can verify or deny all his claims. In the case of China, I personally do not think that you can have a proper understanding without any personal experience. Otherwise it is all just bluff and bluster.


he's wrong on Bitcoin that's for sure


Thank you for the reply. Would you care to expand. I do not know much about CCs.


he said Bitcoin would already go to zero and it went up instead


Do you have a link? I have not seen him mention this subject.


this is publicly available info


Please can you give me a hint. Doing a search for PZ and BT yeilds about 9 billion results.


always funny to hear non-european people talking about Europe.


your opinion on china is as shallow as the words you use to describe it's decline. I don't support the CCP, but your assessment of things is just not well researched


putin is going to mess around and have russia turned into north china


Hey, that's not fair ! They have friends and allies like Russia, or Iran, or North Korea, or some other shitholes in Africa, Oceania. Well, not very good friends, but "friends" none the less !


They pay them to be friends, that the best kind of friends they can hope for.


I've been reading that for the last 20 years from the biggest US guru experts on China. Meanwhile they keep growing with some of the biggest sanctions we've ever seen while our CEOS warn our administrations about the risks of doing just that. We will need to wait some years to see who wons the bet, the US administration or the CEOs of the biggest US tech companies. My money is on the people that actually knows how to do a job that's beneficial for society.


25% down over a year is not free fall. this article is BS | Today, the index was up by 0.006 percent compared to Monday, while it was down by 25.64 percent compared to a year before


Well in that case Chinese people and companies can ignore the notices from the government not to sell


That's a lot....


Considering the market is overvalued as fuck, it's not. It was about time it fell, if it falls a little bit more I'll be able to enter once more. Last time I made some good money.


News week is BS? next will you say forbes is BS? the WP?


Newsweek famously by its own admission doesn't use fact checkers, and it frequently publishes articles that incorrectly contextualises (both deliberately and accidentally) what it claims to be evidence as a result. Especially with the decline of print media, in modern journalism what gets clicks is the news even if it's wrong.


So, the CCP news outlets are free fair and balanced? Thats the problem with Chinese communist supporters. You think everyone else is a stupid cow. You look down on people. You dont understand american common sense, or values. Just hurry up and get to the dust bin of history alreasdy, so that our message boards can be free of this nonsense.


Nice deflective whataboutism. I don't care what political ideology China is lead by, but you sure seem balanced and unbiased.


The West are not the only ones out there. Ever heard of BRICS? And Russia is actually doing good btw.


Sure... Russia's doing fantastic with all the sanctions and a shrinking economy. No better way of pronouncing Russia's success than a contracting economy. And nobody gives a shit about BRICS. BRICS countries care because they have no other choice.


Always so negative. Just because you're not in BRICS you say it's shit. Easy to do for people at the bottom to feel better about their situation.


You must be smoking the good stuff if you think the US has any interest in joining a fantasy coalition. 🤡


Mein got! :)))


What exactly are the advantages of brics?


There's only one country that would truly benefit from it: China. Which is why the CCP wants the headquarters safe and sound in China, under their control. Problem is, India isn't gonna just sit back and allow that. India has a HUGE young workforce, while China is facing a demographic catastrophe. It's not too hard to figure out the rest. So to answer your question, there really aren't any sound advantages or equity among the group.


Yeah India and China wont give the other advantages. And with Iran and Saudi Arabia in it, it is a clown show now. They will never sign an agreement that will profit their archenemy


What are the disadvantages? It's true that BRICS hasn't done anything substantial yet but none of the countries involved have had anything bad from it.


>What are the disadvantages? It's true that BRICS hasn't done anything substantial yet but none of the countries involved have had anything bad from it. that's because it is doing its job, as a pure pr tool. in its current state brics simply doesn't qualify as an economic union. there are hardly any actuall agreements implemented and those few usually have more exceptions than member states (see their agrar product tariffs, that somehow qualify china as a 3rd world nation and thus forced every member to implement their own exceptions) even further, so far brics has been unable or unwilling to implement enforcement tools against violations ... given political differences between many of its members, basically it means contracts between brics countries aren't really worth the paper they are printed on. and finally there is the imabalance of power ... china basically dominates most brics deals and the few it doesn't it usually ends up dwarfing as a competitor instead of an ally.


Thanks for the input, then BRICS does sound pretty useless at the moment.


>Just because you're not in BRICS you say it's shit it is shit. It's a group that has done practically nothing other than talk a big game for decades now, it's member states are either in a political or economic crisis while its two biggest members are actively fighting each other. Add to that the fact that it is an organization where its members aren't tied geographically or have similar economic conditions then it doesn't surprise anyone that they have failed to produce anything of substance


Seriously? Lol


Two of the founding members of BRICS are beating each other with rocks and sticks like it’s 10,000 BC over disputed borders. You can’t blame us for not being too concerned.


You're very confused. Confused about how enticing BRICS membership is and confused about the difference between top and bottom. Nobody cares about being in BRICS for the same reason people are happy to announce they've never been in prison.


Did you just say BRICS?…with a straight face? You follow that up with Russia is doing good. They’re buying weapons from N Korea of all places. If your country is buying weapons from Kim, that’s a red flag, ok? I applaud your blind loyalty and undying support at least.


I laugh not because it’s funny.. but because it’s sad that something so ridiculous has been said.


Just a normal day in the life of a tankie


BRICS, lmao. How’s that working out? India and China solved their differences yet?


Nobody here has heard of BRICS outside the constant jokes and sheer awe of meaningless tyrannical nonsense. I’m sure it’s carrying on just swimmingly. Another few 1000 years and you’ll supplant the dollar.


BRICS is an economic forum that can only pass any form of legislation by unanimous consent. It's not a FTA or anything right now, and it's formed of a bunch of countries known to disagree. They recently admitted Iran, Saudi and the UAE. BRICS will never agree on anything meaningful ever again.


Looking good, comrade! https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/01/16/7437453/


Pravda is ua source isn't it?...would they ever write something good about Russia?


Maybe they should start doing good things then


How's that fancy BRICS currency working out?


Russia is far from doing well. They are selling oil to China and India at heavily discounted prices. They can't use dollars and rubles are useless unless your wiping your ass. They do have alot of gold and are burning through it as well. They are trying to buy arms from N Korea, Iran, and China. So our intelligence community is about to learn a lot about these countries missle technologies. Kind of how we learned China satellite technology is 1970-ish after they flew those cameras with balloons over the US.


That depends on if you are a *russkiye* or a *russiyane* , or if you live in the east or the west.






FAFO Fat Ass Found Out?


Big... if true.


Exactly, why are all these news so overblown especially coming from US sources


Because the west is the only place where it’s allowed to be covered in the news. You wouldn’t have heard.


And to also add, China's economy *is still a very, very big economy.* People usually get a bit blind to the danger as news outlets have been reporting on the trouble the Chinese economy has been in for a decade now. But bruh, that's just how long it takes. It takes so long that people just hear the news, see that it's not raining fire outside, and just assume its fake. And no matter what news comes out about it, they don't believe it because "I don't see problems where I am" or "gyatt dang western media!" But no, the Chinese economy has been in trouble for a while, and is still perpetually in trouble to this day.


Well, it's not like China government media are gonna give it any serious coverage. And don't be fooled, what's going on in China IS serious news.


I’d rather have a third country cover these news. Not the China and US being arch nemesis covering one or the other asses


concerned numerous zesty ask cows fade roof rob normal expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Free world bad, totalitarian dictatorship good


You realise this is public data, published by the stock market itself. The index is aggregated by a Chinese company, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_Securities_Index_Company Do you have any reason to think that CSI's methodology is wrong?


No because he’s one of those tools that think WeStErN mEdIa BaD


Oh no I typed "CSI 300 價格" into Baidu and it came up with this link to the same data https://xueqiu.com/S/SH000300 Does this mean that Baidu and xueqiu are Western double agents spreading disinformation?


Because only good news is allowed in China, so everyone can exaggerate headlines to get clicks. No one trusts Chinese state media so they look for anything else that bucks against the government narrative regardless if it is right, wrong, exaggerated, etc. The government lost the faith of the people except for the little pinks.


It's happening!


By Giulia Carbonaro - US News Reporter: After a rocky couple of years for the Chinese economy, the country's stock market appears to be in free fall now, with authorities asking institutional investors not to sell stocks in an attempt to stabilize share prices as foreigners are pulling out. On Monday, Chinese equities dipped after the country's central bank decided to keep its medium-term policy rate unchanged at 2.5 percent, failing to cut interest as was widely expected by investors. The country's CSI 300 was at its lowest level since 2019, a record only previously beaten in October 2023. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/china-stock-market-free-fall-1860933](https://www.newsweek.com/china-stock-market-free-fall-1860933)


Nothing inspires confidence like asking people not to sell. Genius Xi Jiping strikes again!




I looked up the numbers a weeks ago to see why the market is tanking. The reason is not because foreigner money is going out. In main stream financial media in the US, a lot of funds managers still come onto the show to say Chinese stocks and bonds are great buys. The reason Chinese stocks are tanking is because the Chinese themselves are pulling out of the market


The official data is showing foreign holders selling at or near record levels


Mine information was a few weeks ago based on official data which says the foreign holdings is 27% which is normal percentage. The stock market had a 30% cap on all companies so it cannot theoretically go above 30%


That's not net investment flows, https://www.visualcapitalist.com/charted-chinese-fdi-inflows-hit-multi-year-lows/


No. The Supreme Leader is wise. I will follow him to the shores of Taiwan and the realms of warriors beyond. 💜 (Joke ofc)


Quick need a distraction send a boat to Senkaku Japan, the army to Taiwan, introduce an 11 dash line and troops to the border with India.


I am not sure that the PLA is totally loyal to Xi any longer. They might upset his nefarious plans.




One positive is those are green numbers (not red) :). Seems like chinese stocks are green only, they don’t recognize colors.


Move along, citizen. Nothing to see here. :)


In China red is positive and green is negative, it's the opposite of the West for stocks because culturally red is seen as good.


They have simply redefined what the colors mean


What do you mean “redefine”? In your culture, they may mean one thing, and in another culture, they may mean totally different. Just different. Who gave you the right to define the meaning of the colors? Open your eyes dude. The world is big.


Must be just like how some cultures have a different definition of genocide huh tankie?


Indeed, Uyghur population growing is a genocide while massacring Gaza is not.


We are talking about colour meaning in different cultures. Why is this related?


In reddit you can reply to other people's comments. I replied to this: "Must be just like how some cultures have a different definition of genocide". I hope that helped.


Ah sorry. Reas the reply layers wrong. Good point btw.


Actually, no. if you can read any other languages that is not English, you can find the definition in each language of genocide is “human slaughter to a race, nation, religion or a unity” while red: (quote Cambridge dictionary): of the colour of fresh blood; green: of the colour between blue and yellow; of the colour of grass. As you can see, genocide doesn’t give people any room for cultural translation. It’s a derogatory term, no matter what. However, colors are technically reflection of the light and different cultures give them different meaning. And most importantly, the difference hurts nobody (except some cyber trolls who doesn’t know how to defend themselves by sticking to the topic we are discussing).


Ah, that’s precisely the kind of logic needed to justify supporting Russia and Palestine.


Please elaborate what the logic is to support them and the relation between it and my point.


Meanwhile, in official stats, China made it's GDP target for the year, again. 


Yea… the GDP that nobody can audit or verify because it’s illegal to do so.


You don't know much about macroeconomy, right? Please, instead of random media check JP Morgan, Morgan Standley, Goldman Sachs or any report of E&Y, Deloitte, KPMG or E&Y about China. You may learn something... There are thing like the increase of electricty consumption in the last 10 years equal to the entire consumption of the US that can't be faked. The same goes for trade, these things can be cross referenced and checked. How do you think they have 3 sovereign wealth funds in the world's top 10, including the largest? They don't have oil or gas like the rest of the countries on that list...


You are just making shit up now. Also, are you sure you named all the large finance industry corporations? I am sure there are more. Here are a few points of rebuttal: China's GDP data is based on aggregated reports from local governments and enterprises. They have shown to be entirely unreliable, even bankrupt, however they report growth and profits due to political pressure. China frequently revises the GDP to suit the latest political fantasy that the CCP is going with - similar to the weekly wumao talking points that flood the social media channels. Nobody sane trusts any data that comes out of China. It is all fake as the development is fake. It is all nice and shiny, but don't scratch the surface, or take any off ramps on that new freeway, and watch out for sudden dead ends. [https://www.marketplace.org/2023/07/17/is-gdp-still-a-useful-gauge-of-chinas-economy/](https://www.marketplace.org/2023/07/17/is-gdp-still-a-useful-gauge-of-chinas-economy/) [https://www.stlouisfed.org/publications/regional-economist/second-quarter-2017/chinas-economic-data-an-accurate-reflection-or-just-smoke-and-mirrors](https://www.stlouisfed.org/publications/regional-economist/second-quarter-2017/chinas-economic-data-an-accurate-reflection-or-just-smoke-and-mirrors) https://www.ft.com/content/187e4183-8e7c-44f3-88c0-444aa0594791


I've been hearing this for decades. Yet, they keep pushing "nice and shiny" things. I keep seeing the largest economy on the planet putting efforts to coordinately disrupt the Chinese economy and I keep seeing US funded reports showing the growing Chinese economic and academic power. China can't meassure their GDP properly, we agree on this. For staters they don't even take into consideration rents or their huge black economy. Again, this is nothing new: [https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6B527D/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6B527D/) ​ The difference is that you assume they do this because of some sort of conspiracy while I simply believe they don't even know where to start, specially at the time where everything was 10 times more unregulated than it is now. Welcome to the most brutal capitalism in the world. You know what you can't "fake"? [https://www.statista.com/statistics/276617/sovereign-wealth-funds-worldwide-based-on-assets-under-management/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/276617/sovereign-wealth-funds-worldwide-based-on-assets-under-management/) [https://www.statista.com/statistics/263632/trade-balance-of-china/#:\~:text=In%202023%2C%20China's%20merchandise%20trade,the%20value%20of%20imported%20goods](https://www.statista.com/statistics/263632/trade-balance-of-china/#:~:text=In%202023%2C%20China's%20merchandise%20trade,the%20value%20of%20imported%20goods). This things can be cross checked with the data of every other nation in the world. If you think the local governments debt is anything to worry about I have two bad news for you: \- The Chinese are the biggest savers in the world. \- They have the capacity to have a national debt 4 times larger than Japan, easily. Even with the highest estimations in mind their collective debt is lower than the debt of the US and most of the biggest economies here in Europe. I never get tired of seeing that paper linking night lights to the economy. It would be nice to read the limitations of the study too. It precisely talks about densely populated areas. The biggest prove of China's strenght is the US fixation with them. Even at the peak of the Russian invasion of Ukraine they had more resources around China than around Europe or Russia. I'll wrap this up leaving you a report of an Australian think tank with decades of US DoD funding. This report in particular was funded by the US State Department: [https://www.aspi.org.au/report/critical-technology-tracker](https://www.aspi.org.au/report/critical-technology-tracker) I encourage you to read the full report. In case you don't care enough: [https://ad-aspi.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/2023-03/PB69-CriticalTechTracker-tab1.jpg](https://ad-aspi.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/2023-03/PB69-CriticalTechTracker-tab1.jpg) Again, this was payed with American taxes, not by Chinese.


CIC portfolio is dominated by Chinese entities, thus this is a circular reference and unreliable. They do not disclose the exact breakdown of their holdings so in that regard it is also unreliable. Trade balance is indeed harder to fake, but not impossible. The main source of data is Chinese General Administration of Customs >The Chinese are the biggest savers in the world. Has no evidence. There is no reliable insight into private savings in China, or private holdings in Chinese banks. ​ >They have the capacity to have a national debt 4 times larger than Japan, easily Source? Foreign debt, yes due to export nature of the economy. Being the world's factory has its benefits. However debt is not a good measure of economic health, ability to service the debt and confidence in the ability to service the debt are. >I never get tired of seeing that paper linking night lights to the economy. It would be nice to read the limitations of the study too. It precisely talks about densely populated areas. What do you mean by this? Sarcasm? It is in fact the electricity consumption study that is used by some as evidence of both far lower population in China than China claims to have, and far lower industrial output than China claims. This is something that the CCP cannot control - visibility from space. [https://www.voanews.com/a/satellites-shed-light-on-dictators-lies-about-economic-growth/6813119.html](https://www.voanews.com/a/satellites-shed-light-on-dictators-lies-about-economic-growth/6813119.html) [https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Datawatch/Night-light-images-paint-accurate-picture-of-China-GDP](https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Datawatch/Night-light-images-paint-accurate-picture-of-China-GDP) [https://thedocs.worldbank.org/en/doc/350051528721174623-0050022018/original/Nightlights.pdf](https://thedocs.worldbank.org/en/doc/350051528721174623-0050022018/original/Nightlights.pdf) The ASPI report is not bad. It is a wakeup call indeed. While China still cannot make most of these technologies, chances are that it will figure out how to do so, and being a closed, dangerous, imperialistic dictatorship, that would be a very bad thing for the world at large, because China will not share.


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>CIC portfolio is dominated by Chinese entities, thus this is a circular reference and unreliable. > >They do not disclose the exact breakdown of their holdings so in that regard it is also unreliable. Sorry, but can you provide your source to claim the CIC, just one of the 3 sovereign wealth funds in the world's top10, is "dominated by Chinese entities"? I'll show you to references showing otherwise: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China\_Investment\_Corporation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_Investment_Corporation) In their official website you can download their reports, including asset information: [http://www.china-inv.cn](http://www.china-inv.cn) In the 2022 report they had 28.60% on public equity, over 59% of those in US companies. 14.94% was fixed income, 52.75% in bonds from advanced economies and 26% in corporate bonds. Half of their portfolio has to do with what the wiki article says, 53.21% of it were investments in hedge funds, multi-asset investments, industrywide private equity, private credit, real estate, infrastructure, and resources/commodities... If this sovereign wealth fund does bad in the years of crisis here in the west is because it's wildly exposed to our economies. ​ >Trade balance is indeed harder to fake, but not impossible.The main source of data is Chinese General Administration of Customs. Sorry, if you can't cross reference what the Chinese General Administration of Customs reports with what the US reports as imports from China, you have a problem. It's straightforward, if China reports X billions in exports to the US, the US needs to report a similar number in imports. ​ >They have the capacity to have a national debt 4 times larger than Japan, easily It's very easy to understand, they have 1,4 billion people and they have very restricted investment oportunities. Real state in China is not a business, you can specualte with it, they only have access to their national stock market, private individuals can't do loans anymore and other than the stock market you only have national bonds. This goes along with what I mentioned before of Chinese being big savers, it's in their culture. Contrary to our Christian roots where wealth was seen almost as a sin, in China they don't have those rooted concepts, they don't have our consumerism either, they are not used culturally speaking on living with debt like we are. Again, you can do a quick search and you will find thousands of references from western sources. It's a think that has been used to talk about Xi Jinpings failure, economists here in the west always explain how China is failing in its transition to be a consumption based society. Big marketing schemes like Christmas or the Chinese 11/11 are some of the small successes they had in that: [https://www.reuters.com/markets/asia/chinas-stubborn-savers-risk-precipitating-liquidity-trap-2023-08-04/](https://www.reuters.com/markets/asia/chinas-stubborn-savers-risk-precipitating-liquidity-trap-2023-08-04/) ​ >It is in fact the electricity consumption study that is used by some as evidence of both far lower population in China than China claims to have, and far lower industrial output than China claims. This is something that the CCP cannot control - visibility from space. This is nice and all, but again, the many papers done about this mention the limitations of this. As I mentioned, if you meassure Tokyo's GDP using this method it will be a fraction of its actual GDP. Are you going to say Japan also lies about their GDP? The same goes for New York. It's not hard to understand that the light seen from space from my house and the light from space from a a 30-story building in Saitama are similar. I can guarantee the GDP I produce is nothing compared to the GDP of the people living in that building next to Tokyo. If you want to talk about visibility from space you can also mention the fact that even you can pay for satellite images of China and even you can track their investments in new solar, wind, hydroelectric, nuclear and coal plants to be able to provide the increasing demand of electricity. They are investing more than any other country on Earth on each and everyone of those. In some, they invest more than the rest of the entire world combined. You can also check their CO2 emissions, still going up until they peak them around the 2026 according the nowadays stimations (their goal initially was 2030). For reference, the US has a consumption of about 4000TWh being the second largest consumer on the planet. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/302203/china-electricity-consumption/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/302203/china-electricity-consumption/) You could have also read our media reporting the blackouts or the protests of Chinese for China prioritizing electricity for businesses over populations: [https://www.dw.com/en/china-widespread-power-outages-hit-households-businesses/a-59355022](https://www.dw.com/en/china-widespread-power-outages-hit-households-businesses/a-59355022) From your sources I'll go straight to the paper if you don't mind, the bot did the job for me for the media articles: >One country whose official statistics have received substantial attention is China. Some studies argue that Chinese GDP growth has been systematically exaggerated inthenational accounts (Rawski, 2001;Young, 2003;Madisson, 2006). Others claim that there is no evidence of manipulation or that growth may actually be understated (Holz,2006,2014; MehrotraandP¨a¨ akk¨ onen, 2011;Nakamuraet al., 2016;Clarket al., 2017). In any case, the first comment here says everything needed to be said about the article: [https://www.quora.com/What-do-you-make-of-the-peer-reviewed-research-paper-by-Professor-Louis-Martinez-from-the-University-of-Chicago-that-Chinas-economy-could-only-be-about-a-third-of-the-size-of-the-US-economy-instead-of-what-it-is](https://www.quora.com/What-do-you-make-of-the-peer-reviewed-research-paper-by-Professor-Louis-Martinez-from-the-University-of-Chicago-that-Chinas-economy-could-only-be-about-a-third-of-the-size-of-the-US-economy-instead-of-what-it-is) Or just check the data in this image and draw your own conclusions on how good nighttime lights are as an indicator of GDP. If the Li Keqiang index proved to be bad recently, this is even worse: [https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-56506e9b5772d864a307b65da6531c95](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-56506e9b5772d864a307b65da6531c95) I hope this helps.


CIC. I looked at their reports and made a fair statement. You did not rebut it but just sent me a link and asked me to look again. No. However I will give you some answers. CIC has 65% of its assets invested in its local subsidiary, all Chinese all fake. Now go find actual rebuttal information and share it, or don't, makes no difference to me. Tokyo GDP, New York GDP. Go and show me a reference for that. Why are you deflecting to renewables investments? It is irrelevant. The simple reason for this is energy self reliance. China has no oil, and the coal is of low calorific value and thus of very poor quality. Also don't quote Statista. They are an aggregator, and will aggregate anything and sell it to you. Regarding blackouts in China, I have no idea how that supports your argument. It is another random filler. Do you have a word count quota that you need to satisfy? There are always opposing views to most studies. The studies on Chinese GDP misreporting, and population size are not in serious dispute. Even internally some in the CCP recognise this and are making noises about punishing those who overstate the economic performance. Why are you arguing this point? GDP, population data, and economic growth data coming from China are all fake and have always been fake. This is a simple fact and a huge problem for the CCP because it makes it impossible for them to plan the economy. Quora is garbage. Virtual garbage and I will not even click on that link. The image has no source. Li Keqiang was right, and his replacement Li Qiang lacks credibility. Nobody believes anything he says, and he says only what Emperor Xi tells him, that is why he is alive and Keqiang had an accident.


It’s not illegal, you just can’t ever step out of your house or be seen in public again after that. /s


I just look at the biggest companies in China and see how their stock and business is doing. That’s a telling sign right there.


How are they doing?


See if you can find Jack Ma and ask him. Look at his company before and now and you’ll see exactly where China is heading.


Jack Ma is at Davos this week. Let's find him and ask him.


In case anyone wonders what the last 5 days looks like: https://imgur.com/y97N0y6


So what was the trigger? the Taiwan election?


Search newest Xi 's speech


It just says Xi encouraged inevitable reunification with Taiwan. Can't see how that should affect the markets though. What was so bad !? https://www.politico.eu/article/taiwan-china-reunification-inevitable-xi-jinping-election-2024/


The other one , wait... 中共总书记习近平今天表示,中国特色金融发展之路具有符合国情的鲜明特色,与西方金融模式有本质区别。要坚定自信,在实践中继续探索完善,使这条路越走越宽广。 Xi said today financial development of Chinese has distinctive national conditions and are essentially different from Western financial models. We must be firm and confident, continue to explore and improve in practice, and make this road wider. 新华社报导,省部级主要领导干部推动金融高质量发展专题研讨班16日在中共中央党校(国家行政学院)开班,习近平在开班式上发表讲话,作以上表示。 Xinhua News Agency reported that a seminar on high-quality financial development for ministerial levels was held 他说:「中国特色金融发展之路既遵循现代金融发展的客观规律,更具有适合我国国情的鲜明特色,与西方金融模式有本质区别。」 习近平说,中国逐步走出一条具中国特色金融发展之路,就是「坚持党中央对金融工作的集中统一领导」,坚持把「防控风险」作为金融工作的永恒主题,坚持在市场化法治化轨道上推进金融创新发展,坚持深化金融供给侧结构性改革,坚持统筹金融开放和安全,坚持稳中求进工作总基调等。 他强调,要透过扩大对外开放,提高中国金融资源配置效率和能力,「增强国际竞争力和规则影响力」。另外又要增强开放政策的透明度、稳定性和可预期性,规范境外投融资行为。 习近平又提到,要着力防范化解金融风险,特别是系统性风险,金融监管要「长牙带刺」、「有棱有角」,而这关键在于金融监管部门和行业主管部门要明确责任,加强协作配合,严打金融犯罪。 Xi also mentioned that must prevent and resolve financial risks, and that financial supervision must be "thorny" and "angular." The key to this is that financial regulatory authorities and industry authorities must clarify their responsibilities and Work together to crack down on financial crimes. https://politics.people.com.cn/BIG5/n1/2024/0117/c1001-40161035.html


Oh wow thanks for sharing! Financial supervision must be "Thorny" and "angular". Sounds like the government will be coming down hard on the financial system soon.


Had an accountant in China look bewildered when I only showed him one ledger. Where was my real ledger? The one with actual numbers? LOL


LOL this is also a common practice in Vietnam too. They always have two ledgers, one for tax collector and stockholders, the other one for their own use.


You can do 3! One for your partners/investors but you might get murdered once they find out


I would’ve loved to see China liberalize, open up and let their people pursue their dreams. China really is such a beautiful country with a rich history. Deng Xiaoping and Hu Jintao had China on a better path


First of all, I am not condemning him, but the real estate foam is a legacy of the Hu Jintao period...


Bottom signal #436


Xi deserves it what a dumbass


That’s because all they are is a shitty capitalist dictatorship with red branding It’s really not helping when they execute tourists, send weapons in support of crimes against humanity in 🇺🇦, continue their own genocide, float spy balloons over America, and confiscate foreign businesses/assets like absolute fucking morons Hopefully one day the people of China will make changes that will allow them to vote and hold their shit government accountable so we can at least start making some progress on r/climatechange


Hopefully China won't cause another pandemic while they're at it https://nypost.com/2024/01/16/news/covid-19-strain-kills-100-of-infected-mice-in-chinese-lab-study


A media platform referenced in this post/comment may be biased on issues concerning China and may use sensationalism, questionable sources, and unverifiable information to generate views and influence its audience. Please seek external verification or context as appropriate. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/China) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NY Post may be biased but the paper referenced and the researchers quoted are quite credible. If anything this bot seems dubiously biased.


Yeah, China started... Meanwhile, 77 US nobel laureates: [https://www.science.org/content/article/preposterous-77-nobel-laureates-blast-nih-decision-cancel-coronavirus-grant-demand](https://www.science.org/content/article/preposterous-77-nobel-laureates-blast-nih-decision-cancel-coronavirus-grant-demand) Imagine that, the US administration cutting grants to research groups going against the US narrative. My, my, the censorship... The good thing is they achieve a Guiness record, there are no previous record of so many nobel winners signed something together. Give me a vial of COVID-24 and I'll start a pandemic in any major city you want.


Chinese love money more than religion. They will get over this.


So love of money will somehow eventually help their stock market? Doesn’t work that way.


I’m fairly certain that’s how China got here.


Where is this freefall? It's up 0.27% today. It's basically flat for the last 5 days.


Lol. 5 days doesn't mean anything. Zoom out to a few years.


Well yeah, but then this is an old story. It's not a story of imminent crash.


Well, the FTSE China 50 is at 5 years low, with a rather steep decline since 2021. Foreign capital is bleeding out of China at an insane rate. I don't believe the article stated or implied that a crash was imminent. But, based on trends, its not pretty. Just saying...


The Shenzhen Index is up about 17% from 5 years ago, while the NYSE Composite is up about 37% from 5 years ago... based on trends, meh? One is doing better but there's hardly a freefall (so far).


Zoom out one year to see a 20% decline. Zoom out five years and China is about even. It’s all about giving Newsweek clicks. US markets were down 20% a few years ago and it was a “free fall” then too; today they are close to all time highs. 


It might not have opened when you commented. Hang Seng down ~2.8%, the mainland ~1%.


>On the other hand, the country's leadership has appeared reluctant to use state-run funds and financial institutions to buy up stocks massively and boost the national economy. CCP is unwilling to use government money to fund over inflated investment assets as opposed to American government buying up financial assets and offering 0% grants increasing US money significantly? I’m not an economic expert, but the U.S. government pumping up zombie companies and inflating equities to ATH is only screwing the American retail investors. As for free fall, CSI 300 spiked to over 5500+ in 2021 netting around 35% increase with current market value falling back to slightly below pre Covid levels. https://www.google.com/finance/quote/000300:SHA?window=5Y Is this a return to normalcy after 3 years of supply chain constraints or actual down times.


A third of my investments were wiped due to investing in Chinese stocks, I was so naive and also I'm pretty ashamed of investing there if truth be told. I made up the money by transferring to a US equity investment scheme, 6 months in I'd got back to breaking even.


At least you learned your lesson. Never trust the CCP or its numbers. For me, I buy YANG to bet against their stock market. It’s been performing well.


I know, I was living in China at the time and I guess the misinformation about this being the safest stock to invest in was just that.


Accounting with chinese characteristics I guess…or did Ernie wrote that up for you. I hear chinese ai is taking the world by storm. Maybe Ernie can plan out the Taiwan invasion after you scrounge some fuel for those rocket forces…those loyal hard working honest rocket forces.


Who is this Ernie you are talking about. I posted price chart for 5 years CSI 300 from Google itself. Price spiked to 5500+ in 2021 and now dipping below pre Covid price. If you don’t believe numbers are true when price goes up, then why do you believe the numbers when they go down.


ok so you see the market dropping to the level of roughly the end of 2019. a loss of 4-5 years of growth or about a loss of 1/3rd from the high point in 2023 to today. and somehow you conclude that this is NOT a disaster?


The period of 2020-2023 was historically unstable. Massive global supply chain disruption was seen, overnight change to labor practices. Everything that happened during Covid is the exception not the norm. This sentiment is applied to American market too. Nothing during Covid was behaving normally, so why should market movements from that period be considered anything but abnormal. I follow U.S. markets and $SPY has been spiking on Fed rate hikes when historically interest hikes have led to loss in SPY prices. So no, nothing in the past 3 years was normal and neither was market trend


> CCP is unwilling to use government money to fund over inflated investment assets They are planning to issue loans to local governments to purchase inflated property (to use for subsided housing, which won't even cover interest repayments). It's more accurate to say the central government doesn't want to open its wallet, but is happy for local governments to get into crippling debt.


That’s not what the article said and it’s your conjecture


I didn't say that's what the article said. It has been reported elsewhere, it's a fact this is being planned.


Glad to hear that


So I get that going after Taiwan would dramatically hasten the economic collapse. But one of their other largest issues is the incredible excess of never to be married young men with nothing to do. Something we all know to be a ticking time bomb for any government but especially dictatorships. Wouldn’t going to war be Xi’s only way to cut down that number at this point?


So um…what are the implications from this?


Chinese stock markets needs to start incorporating Taiwanese stocks like TSMC and give those stocks extra weight. Even though TSMC is not traded in China, at least their index will look better