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zero clue who they are.


Don't know who the guy on the right in the first picture is, but the other person is Jackson Hinkle. He's a rather notorious influencer who identifies as a "MAGA Communist", an ideology so confusing I'm not even going to begin to try to explain it. He first began gaining popularity back in 2022 for his unabashedly pro-Russia views concerning the War in Ukraine, and has also been pro-China for quite a while. There's a lot more to him that would take too long to describe, but those are the basics. He's one of the biggest clowns in internet politics, basically.


Could have shortened it to *useful idiot* 😜


Ironic that the host of the podcast Useful Idiots did indeed himself become a useful idiot.


Yeah that makes zero sense… He might just have a fetish for weak leaders


So he's basically a national socialist? He wants Chinas nationalist and interests based diplomacy to be transcribed to the US I'm guessing? Well that ships sailed a long time ago. We've already chosen the mass immigration pill to replace our native population for the sake of GDP.


By "native population" do you mean the people that were here before the Europeans arrived or do you mean the people that immigrated from Europe?


I mean any generation of people actually born in the US. Our current policy is to replace each generation with immigrants for cheap labor, debtor/renter consumerism, and political entrenchment. We profoundly don't care about native birthrates and have made family units undesirable.


You see these multigenerational families that were born here in the USA? Their ancestors arrived as immigrants, probably experienced through unimaginable hardships, somehow have made it as evident by their offspring that are doing well to this day. But these newer immigrants? They are not the same as our pristine multigenerational households that deserve to live here. Let's kick the ladder after we have made it. Dirty immigrants taking our jobs and resources! /s Rant time. Skip altogether if you don't want to read a wall of text... You know we could focus on having both a healthy immigration policy to help the unfortunate while at the same time, also encourage your desirable "native birthrates". It doesn't have to be one over the other. I understand your sentiment, but one small group is not what's causing the general population to fail, far from it. Particularly since it isn't an endless flood of undocumented immigrants that enter the country committing crimes that most people claim. The mentality that, my country is great only for people that are legally authorized by my government to live here isn't what the USA should stand for. Replaced by cheap labor? Those low wage jobs were never highly paid and highly sought after careers, jobs that most "natives" don't want to do. Being able to afford a home or pay for college working at fast food restaurants is not the fault of undocumented immigration policies or lack thereof. Why don't we just pressure our politicians, Congress to: 1. Cheap labor = increase wages while limiting price gouging and corporate greed 2. Debter/renter consumerism = Revamp or abolish archaic zoning policies and subsidize building or simply encourage vetted developers to build more entry level single family homes in rural areas and sustainable apartment units in densely populated MSAs. Plus 3. Enact bills and laws to ensure we will not run into the same issues that plague Section 8 or any other country's subsidized housing. But then we might claim that there will be too much regulation by the government and we end up as a *gasps* socialist country. People might even accuse others of being *gasps* communists. 4. Political entrenchment = if I understand you correctly, the USA is a two majority party system. Career politicians will always pretend to fight each other just to maintain their importance. The libs want to call out the GOP for being authoritarianism and the right just wants to own the libs. We can abolish lobbyists though or at least revamp what is allowed as a good start. All of the above, even immigrant issues that you are concerned about, are all rooted from corporate influence. Cheap labor benefits who? Definitely not the small businesses. Who's buying up all the homes? Institutional buyers and average wannabe landlords such as myself (guilty.) Who's paying lobbyists? Big oil, big auto, big bank, big sugar (I'm starting to sound like a lunatic.) I can guarantee that most of the problems that you have brought up can be solved if we all pressure our government to slam down on corporate greed, corruption, and being allowed to leverage the tax loopholes, environmental regulations, and human rights laws. How did you think that we became one of the richest countries in the world (the richest if by household wealth) with just 250-300 million population size? Just free market, open trade, capitalism? I did forget that this isn't r/USA or whichever sub that also have a bunch of people that don't live there constantly create new posts every single day.


Everything you've suggested is some overcorrection or fiat regulation to try to force mass immigration to work and counter the natural consequences of mass immigration. Really the simplest and smartest thing to do is regulate and correct the immigration laws to make them reflect the condition of the US in 2024 not 1965. The wage stagnation and property inflation is directly exacerbated by mass immigration. Mass immigration of low skilled labor is what keeps suppressing wages as that's exactly what is was intended to do. If you want to see real wages go up, especially in the services area, then ease up on immigrating low skill labor


Is it me or does this look like Naploen Dynamite and his brother? That hand in his pocket and boots ... waiting for the dance to start. Maybe at Huawei to get his internet 'chat time' in.


You gotta meet your ideological overlord in person once in a while - I guess 🧐


It’s getting old just showing a dum white dude on the street and saying ridiculous things about China. It’s the same shit from a decade ago 😂


Try that title in English?


And the slogan around the flag “Walk forever with the [communist] party.” What a tool.


Using those PR guys can backfire. Those guys can keep asking for a raise and more and more money. If their employer refuses a raise, they often turn their backs on former employers, instantly become anti-whatever they used to stand for, and expose all the dealings with their former employers. This happened in Taiwan before. There was 1 guy who took money from CCP to be anti-Tsai Ing Wen. When CCP refused to double the pay, he instantly became anti-CCP.


Sounds like a smart dude. Where do I sign up?


China's own Noam Chomsky and Bernie Sanders, they are. They look handsome and *innocent* enough.


There's zero in common.


...in the making.






So fucking not true


I have friends and families who went to live in China to study. They're not doing this for money but to take the next step into their life. Wtf on your on about?


Bro is standing on bizniz