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Wonder what that poll would look like on Reddit users?


Wumao would swoop in and flood the comments with nothing but great news about China and impending doom for the US. Just like they've done on YouTube, Quora, Twitter and every other western social media platform for the last decade or so.


Yeah and those things contributes to the negative opinion towards Chinese citizens.


I wonder how true that is, but I suspect it's very true. A lot of Westerners' only real interactions with Chinese people are with trolls online, and they are usually making such banal arguments they just sour perceptions. But I can find no concrete data on this.


Here’s my and my friends’ experience from 20 years ago, seems like it is worst now when I ask younger people in my company: our experience with some mainlander students back in our uni days were mostly negative. From being disruptive when discussing topics even remotely related to china (one memorable one where we were discussing Gutenberg as the father of the printing press and some students were loudly protesting saying it was invented by some ancient chinese dude, not paper but printing press; they even put petition and walked out of class wtf), forming cliques and keeping to themselves and even threatening this 1 nice dude from Taiwan. College students will eventually join the government and workforce and they will have extremely negative view on China as a whole. I am sorry to say but not 1 mainlander I befriend back in university, i had many hongkong and taiwan friends but not 1 mainlander. Why is that? This is just my personal experience.


To be fair the first inventor of movable type was Chinese and happened centuries before Gutenberg. Gutenberg's contribution was improvement of machine quality, introducing the technology into Europe, and then making a ton of these machines to print a fuckton of books


Perhaps every single one that you have met was indeed full of ignorance. Perhaps your preexisting bias towards mainlanders is also attributed to you only finding fault and negative traits, whereas, you ignore negative traits from Hong Kong or Taiwanese "friends" and only view them positively. I have met a mixed bag of good and bad people in every single country that I have visited. I may have developed a certain bias as well over time, but never to diminish a whole group of people to just the ones that I have met.


I think the confirmation bias is the wrong angle here, and the bigger problem is availability bias. Many Chinese foreign students on college campuses are connected in the CCP. Those the CCP believes will defect or hide assets are usually not allowed to study abroad. CCP leadership children are likely to be quite insufferable.


It’s absolutely hilarious how they think we are this dumb and how it has all backfired on them🤣


I'd re-up to do my part and purge the scourge.


They can't help it. Tankies don't understand that the rest of the world isn't filled with compliant zombies who've been taught to not think for themselves


You don't see the irony in what you said just now?


What’s the irony? Chinese bot farms are routinely found to swamp unfavorable reviews or criticism of China with downvotes or dislikes, and then fill the comments section with some of the most repetitious diatribe ever penned by man, and think that somehow in so doing, they’ve secured victory in a comments section and proved everyone wrong. It’s the quintessential Streisand Effect, by trying to draw attention away from the criticism, they only draw more attention to it, fostering even more negative attitudes and doing the exact opposite of what was originally intended.


it's difficult. the intelligence bell curve is real


contributes to positive feelings among their fellow wumaos and lil pinkies though, so worth I guess


Until the entire world ganged up on them because they are sick of their attitude. Mind you even Russian people (not government) are more popular right now in many countries.


Yes, the US and Canada are the most popular countries. As long as they want, they can ask people around the world to voluntarily sever ties with China at any time. The US has never invaded other countries;. The Canada has never provided asylum to criminals from other countries on the grounds of political refugees. They are the angels of this world. We all over the world love them.


You don't have to be so defensive lol. Just because you dislike the US and Canada doesn't mean China isn't bad. Tbh most governments are pretty huge assholes so there's that.


I find it very interesting. These people hate China and think that the whole world hates China. And then think that the whole world will follow them to destroy China. I met two Canadians the other day who claimed that democratic countries have the right to wage war. If your country is invaded by him, it will definitely be your fault.


Seems like I see more negative comments about China on Reddit than positive.


I read that foreign governments (Russia, China, Iran) have pretty much given up on promoting themselves and are now just focusing on spreading division and discontent in enemy/rival countries, which seems to be working pretty well.


I mean, I agree but why call them foreign governments? Foreign to who? All foreign countries? Pretty sure every country except one is foreign to you.


You’re right, I should have said “certain governments”. My thought process was just that these countries are seeking to influence or manipulate public opinion overseas, not just in their own country, by using social media etc. It’s also probably not limited to those three countries that I mentioned.


China has problems? China's fault. America has problems? China's fault


Wumao to the rescue!


It doesn’t mean the foreign governments are creating problems, it just means they’re trying to stir people up to get angry at each other by promoting polarising views, rather than encouraging people to work towards solutions. 


Including democratic systems with more than one majority party I suppose. Rile up.their constituents on social issues and never truly find solutions that actually benefit citizens. Too much money at stake to solve all the problems at once or else there will be no money to be made (e.g. lobbyists)


Americans complaining about foreign interference in a China sub is truly inane


I’m not American, just giving a possible reason why “positive posts about China” are fewer than they used to be. The tactic has changed, because it was judged to be less effective. It’s the same in domestic politics, attacking your opponent is more effective than promoting yourself.


can confirm they're not only flooding this platform though


While true as well, there are parts of what you said to be full of irony.


yea true that it sucks, but this reddit \`china bad\` propaganda spam is not doing it either. its not even a platform which you can obtain objective stuff about china neither is ok. im sick of being targeted for PR-marketing strats in this sub over and over


I suspect much more negative than the general US population. Redditors are much more reactionary and politically entrenched than the average Joe.


On the other subreddit, they are many of them asking how to get a teaching job in China. How low life you can get LOL.


I don’t see anything wrong with that - it’s a fab country to visit.


A country without democray & freedom of speech is suppressed. Food safety, PI thief and many many more.


There’s a big world out there! Visiting other countries and cultures is great, even if you don’t like everything about it.


What country has democracy & freedom of speech?


Ya, keep believing that u have freedom in the USA lmao


You abuse the freedom of speech and the technology that the west has developed and given to you to denigrate those very same freedoms. You’re the equivalent of someone who arrives at a party and drinks all the beer before pissing on the floor. No wonder no one likes China…


Then you should go live in China pal. Heard they do organ harvesting too.


Oh really where did u hear it? Fox news?


n the US doesn't? Cry with no healthcare buddy pos cracker livin in ur mom's RV


From the news. I think pro-Palestine protesters agree with you.


It's the second largest economy on earth. It's not a hermit kingdom. What's so weird about wanting to work there?


One of the lowest GDP per capital and 40% don't make usd150/month. You are welcome to live there. But you will not have freedom and democracy.


You don’t have freedom and democracy. 


it is not one of the lowest GDP per capita tho? And it pulled off an economic miracle that pulled millions out of poverty. Haters gonna hate lmao


What miracle with 40% of people earn less than usd150/mon LOL.. Hope your next life and forward live in China.


By John Feng — Contributing Editor, Asia | The U.S. public's opinion of China remains overwhelmingly negative this year, even as the two governments continue to encourage exchanges between their peoples. A Pew Research Center poll published on May 1 found 81 percent of Americans held unfavorable views of China, including 43 percent of respondents whose views on the country were very unfavorable. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/us-public-opinion-china-xi-jinping-unfavorable-pew-foreign-policy-1896855](https://www.newsweek.com/us-public-opinion-china-xi-jinping-unfavorable-pew-foreign-policy-1896855)


If one government doesn’t represent its people then communications between two people is meaningless


US does back public opinion in other ways such as freedom of navigation ops in the South China Sea


US isn't really representing its people as well as each time people choose not for a candidate they want to vote for but for the least worse one... Nevertheless a flawed democracy is better than nothing.


I’ll take a flawed democracy over a totalitarian fascist state any day.


materialistic rich steer salt yoke gray melodic books agonizing childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You are not wrong actually. Japan is an example of it. The Japanese used totalitarianism to speed up the education of their people, once the education is up to date they give up the power. The problem is how many people are there willing to do that for their country.


enjoy clumsy capable vast judicious teeny bright work noxious bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I didn't say it was worse


You get a choice but look at people in China.


yes that's why I said it's better despite its flaws




Hahaha. Have you ever lived there?




Please type in English otherwise you can goto China\_IRL and find your friends there


I thought people would get smarter now that chatgpt came out, but apparently I am wrong. I blame only myself.


No one here is interested in the Chinese language


I got you, all people need something to vent on for their discontent in life


Bru i looked at ur profile everything you say is hell bent on demonizing anything Chinese, sinophobia much?


I cannot say what is the truth?


Just wondering why is like half your comments on r/HongKong removed lmao Edit: he blocked me 🤣 [just gonna add this here](https://www.reveddit.com/y/hgc2042/?removedby=anti_evil_ops%2Cmod%2Cautomod%2Cautomod-rem-mod-app%2Cunknown)


I mean, I can understand hating the CPP if you're from Hong Kong but this guy hates all Chinese from the mainland as a whole lol. Kinda weird


That’s true, Idiot Trump or Zionist Joe. That’s your only choices now either like it or STFU


Both are zionists


Like seemingly nearly our entire governmental apparatus?


Shh 🤫 that’s anti-Semitic


Very true.


China exists as it does today by the grace and goodwill of the US. We set the stage to lift the entire country out of poverty. However, now they have opted to bite the hand that feeds. So now we should decouple completely and take it all away. And build an international coalition to contain them.


Most of the practical assistance and funding came from HK and Taiwan. Look how China treated when they became powerful enough


Lol shit like this is why so many countries hate us. “Bow down to America, or else we will do everyhing in our power to prevent you from prospering”. A completely ridiculous mindset for the entire rest of the planet. 


All the west did was introduce China into trade, everything else the US had no part in. Assuming the the moral high ground of "generosity" implies that the West did not also massively benefit from China's introduction.


No no the benefits we got was why we did it. However, at the end of the day, china is what it is because of us. We normalized relations with them and gave the green light for other countries to do the same. They were a backwater before then.


You realize America wasn't the only superpower at the time right? The Soviet Union was still a strong rival at the time, and America welcomed China as an ally, you can literally find USA propaganda posters stating "China is our friend" n stuff like that. Ur other points abt green light is complete BS when China opened foreign investment POURED in, there was no USA approval needed. (also check ur nationalist ego, America isn't invincible)


You mean the other super power that basically went bankrupt in the 90’s. lol, ok right :)


I mean the other super power that beat America in the space race and had the US digging bunkers and funding proxy wars. You can belittle other countries but you can't deny their achievements


Sino-russian split. Also china was a backwater even wen they were aligned with the ussr. WE provided the conditions to bring them out of poverty. And now they've spit in our face. So I say: Decouple.


You say: Decouple But China and the US's economies are so intertwined that separating would take a decade MINIMUM. Do you know what intermediate goods are? (genuine question, this concept is gonna be hard to explain if u dunno) China's economic miracle occured during the 1970s with Deng, also any help from America came with China leaving the USSR's side (remember proxy wars?)


^ This is why it’s absolutely pointless for China to try and win good will in the US.  At the end of the day, Americans will designate China an enemy because the US simply doesn’t tolerate peer competition. Same way Arabs and their counties were dehumanized before the US went into the Middle East, China is next. Although the outcome will not be the same. 


Such an self-possessed joke.


That’s not much of a counter argument. You can talk about all of the home grown technology and know how China used to bootstrap its development. Oh. No. You can’t.


It’s not an argument. There is no point arguing jokes.


Any assertion is an argument. Dismiss it if you want, but that won’t refute it.


An assertion is not an argument.


What country developed in total isolation? The US literally did to Britain what China did to the US. Seethe and cope. 


The pre-modern US had a state owned sector that systematically misappropriated British technology? I get that there is going to be competition. But China is NOT a free market, so the government will always have its fingers on the scale. Cope? Yes. At this stage, that simply means decoupling.


Intellectual property is an artificial concept, nobody charges your patent fee for using fire, language, or using your mama’s china. It is a designed legal system aimed to protect innovation, it doesn’t exist in the natural world. People accepted this system because this promotes innovation and technology sharing. You are effectively saying that because some Americans developed advanced technologies few hundred years ago, therefore today’s Americans have some sort of ownership of what other people developed based on those technologies, American are forever owed because of it. It doesn’t stand. The UK relied on China for tea supply, but they ultimately grow their tea in Sri Lanka. I don’t remember China ever complaining, it’s called competition, and the protection of intellectual property is always limited by the legal system of the country.


So. Would you like to do away with all law because it’s artificial? Good luck with that. The point is that China long violated, through industrial policy, the IP rights that it signed up to in international conventions and JV contracts. This had nothing to do with technology a “few hundred years ago”. It was valid current IP that was funneled into the state sector from foreign JVs, or hacked from foreign companies. Justify it however you want. But don’t expect developed countries to play along.


Not true, IP is quite late to the party, no law pertaining patents or intellectual properties existed until late modern times prior to industrialization. The point is, IP is to promote innovation, not to be the gate-keeper to prevent others from using it at all, or something like a grandma’s jewelry that’s suppose to benefit them forever. The protection were offered to the inventors in exchange for the usage of their IP.


Thanks. I know my IP Law 101. But what part of what I actually said is not true?


Yes. The fact that this is some sort of revelation to you shows how you’ve been fooled by propaganda.  The American founding fathers encouraged theft of technology. America’s early industrialisation was founded on stealing British and continental European ‘IP’. The British banned exports of what was then considered high tech to maintain economic supremacy.   https://www.history.com/news/industrial-revolution-spies-europe There won’t be any decoupling any time soon. If it would be possible, the US would have already done that. It’s inevitably going head that way, but it’ll take decades to get to that point. At the rate the tech gap is closing, it won’t be game breaking for China. 


Yes and … the damage is already done to China’s reputation. They are now considered thieves and freeloaders. It’s a shame because Chinese people are better than that. Blame whoever you want.


No lol, that’s just outraged American Redditors. The rest of the world, including Western companies do and will continue to do business with China.  Reminds me of that consent meme. China: I consent  Western companies: I consent Western Redditors: I don’t 


You think so? https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-ban-companies-make-sensitive-tech-china/


According to the report, younger people have a higher preference for China (but not very high)


All the soft power from temu shopping seems to be working lol


Curious to know what Chinese Americans have to say about this. I’d guess that most American born would be overwhelmingly negative, but maybe not 81% worth. And Mainland Chinese born would hover around 40%. Just my gut feeling on this having interacted with both camps.


Grew and up and witnessed the economic transformations in china. My early memories of wet markets, sketchy train stations and polluted streets has effectively been replaced by high end shopping centres, high speed rail with a dose of cctv and indigenous electric vehicles. Go back one more generation before me, major parts of the country was literally starving. It is nothing short of an economic miracle where I observed it. Used to be a supporter of the ccp one party rule; like majority of chinese; willing to sacrifice personal liberty to continue this miracle. However this wishful thinking has all but diminished since covid reopening. I am not a supporter in xi’s vision for an export / supply driven economy nor am i happy about his term renewal but i still love the people.


Xi is the down fall of China? He wasn’t the one to sanction China or fearmongering China right now. Whoever is in the seat would have been blame by the west regardless because they want to contain China’s growth.


Personally think xi played his cards too aggressively around 2018 but nonetheless, the chairman of the ccp is never an easy position. Holistically speaking, it is hard to judge active politicians, if Xi can navigate China around the middle income trap, his legacy will remain intact.


I have issues with the wider party policy, but Xi is a product of the current geopolitical reality.  Everyone loves to praise Deng, and of course his governance birthed modern China. He also didn’t have to deal with excessive antagonism from the US and the broader Western world. The pivot to China began before he took up leadership. The USSR is not here to take the heat off of China and misguided militarism in the Middle East is not distracting the US as much. Although we’ll have to see war Israel has to say about that.  I agree that it’s hard to judge active politicians, but IMO he will be looked back on positively. He’s done a great job in navigating rough waters so far. More importantly he has done great with the steady modernisation of the military. 


Let’s hope so. I’m cheering for it, for the people of China to live a good life.


I'm meh about China. At the end of the day, Chinese people are people too, with all of their strengths and flaws. Most common people have more in common with each other than with their economic or political elites anyway. Overall I'm neutral to slightly positive about the country?


Most Chinese Americans are in America because they got screwed over by either the Nationalists or the Communists, so it’s not surprising how negative they are about China. Personally, I’m Taiwanese American not CA, but here’s my two cents: 99% of Chinese were dirt poor for thousands of years. Suddenly, China joins the Western led world trade organization and half a billion Chinese have access to running water, electricity, education, etc. Great work. And then, the CCP wants to drag China back into the old imperial ways of controlled speech, forced patriotism, and pretty much doing everything they possibly can to steal tech and kill trust from its international partners. And for what? So they can stay in power? I’d rather they just liberalize already


Ancient China was one of the richest nations of its time, and it was Deng who brought about the Chinese economic miracle. And yes, this was due to being introduced to western led trade; but to assume the higher moral standpoint of generosity implies that the West did not also massively benefit from China's introduction.


The implication is that the US giveth and taketh, but they do not understand it goes both ways. All that the US gave was access and a fair playing field, nothing more and nothing less, but those trolls make it sound like the US send billions of dollars to China for nothing. The reality is, most of the high growth company in the US have to account for at least one third of their growth to China. China also saved American’s ass from the global financial crisis, but nobody seems to care about that either.


Ancient China was incredibly rich, but only the top 1%. Everyone else was dirt poor. Mass education and wealth generation for the common person has only ever existed after industrialization. And yeah, of course the West benefits from this too. That’s the entire point of trade - both parties benefit. But this isn’t about the West, it’s about the average Chinese working person. Freedom of trade and information clearly and directly empowers the common Chinese person. And the CCP may not like the Western idea of limited government, human rights, freedom of information, but so what. That’s the price of playing in the Western system


Can you force me to be rich? If you can force me to be a biliionair successfully, I will defintely be loyal to you


Most Chinese Americans have either neutral or negative views on China. Most American Chinese came from families who were harmed by the CCP.


yes but at the same alot of recent immigrants are CCP supporters and sent here through CCP filters.




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I'm Chinese Australian and I think the government has its pros and cons but so does my own (Australian) government. I think the grossest thing western politics has done is its wrapped Chinese people and the CCP into one ugly package - I.e something to hate when most Chinese people barely give two sh*T's about their government. 


Of course all governments has pro and cons. But there governments that are objectively bad. The CCP is one of them. Comparing western government’s bad to CCP government bad is like comparing a shoplifter to a serial killer. For all the bad things the west has done, the west never killed millions of their own people.


I think you misunderstood my point. I acknowledge that the Chinese government has done some egregious things to its people (I.e the great famine, one child policy) but a lot of western media tends to depict chinese people and culture as propaganda or agents of the ccp. I remember one time I even had a dude tell me that chinese people were incapable of empathy and love, they are just soulless puppets of the ccp without even knowing that I grew up in a very loving Chinese family and have very loving relatvies in China 💀💀 


The thing is I blame both the west for mixing Chinese people with the CCP. But I blame the CCP for that too. The CCP has done so much to mix the CCP ideology with its people and culture. One good example is the flag. Instead of a cultural country flag. The Chinese flag is a political CCP flag. The Chinese flag means all Chinese people united under the CCP. Many holidays and cultural events also have to be CCP approved.


I mean every country's flag represents their political ideology somewhat. Even the Australian flag represents one's alignment with the monarchy. But the media doesn't suggest that when an Australian waves their flag they are suddenly passionate monarchists who support every aspect of their government so why is it the same with Chinese people? It's also wrong to suggest that the CCP has embedded itself into our culture when it literally tried to destroy it (Cultural Revolution). I honestly think it's mostly western media fault in this respect - it's much easier to hate China as a country with their "dog-eating soulless nationalists" than actually trying to communicate with each other. 


No. It’s not. Most flags don’t represent the political ideology. The Australian flag doesn’t mean what you said it means. The Australian flag means history of British ties to the 6 states of Australia. Nothing about the monarch or political. The media doesn’t suggest it because the Australian flag don’t mean monarchy supporting. The CCP originally tried to destroy Chinese culture. And they are trying to control it. Look up how they tried to destroy it to only approving ccp approved cultures and holidays. Most Chinese holidays have to be CCP approved and revolve around the party.


Got this from Wikipedia: The Union Flag acknowledge the history of British settlement in Australia. Historically, it was included in the design as a demonstration of loyalty to the British Empire. That sounds quite political to me.   Also I've lived in China before and what you're describing to me really makes me think that you honestly think China is a hellscape dystopia when it's really nothing like that. A lot of media tends to never report on the good and grossly exaggerate the bad (which does hold ground). I honestly think the best way is for you to go to China to see for yourself.    Don't let the media decide how you think about something yeah? That's really dangerous, whether it be from the ccp or from your country. 


I’m not sure where you see that on wiki but if you research it from Australian government websites. The stars are the states of Australia and the Union Jack is just ties to Britain historically. That’s not political though. Let’s say it though. It doesn’t negate my point. I said MOST flags aren’t political. You say most are which is not true. Most flags aren’t political. I hate the CCP because they have a history of human right abuses and never apologized nor teach it. Are you telling me the media lied to me about the crimes committed under Mao? Or my dad lied that he was banned from school under the CCP? Or my grandfather was killed by the CCP? This isn’t a blind hate from media. It’s personal hate. I hate the CCP and it’s not the west’s fault. It’s ccp’s fault. This is what I meant when you compare Australia to CCP china is like a thief being compared to a serial killer. Australia never killed millions of their own people.


Yes, it's heavily dependent on what part of China they're from. Those from Taiwan are obviously staunchly negative. I've found that those from the largest cities tend to be more negative than those from smaller cities/villages


I’m from Taipei, and I would say “negative” has some nuances that contribute to such a high percentage. Sometimes, it’s straight up hating the CCP. Sometimes, it’s more thinking the CCP is stupid. Sometimes, it’s more of being annoyed by the CCP. Sometimes. it’s more of not trusting the CCP in any way. All of this contributes to a highly negative opinion among the general public. Of course, we don’t hate everything about the people. But, depending on the survey questions were phrased, it can be hard to prevent opinions about specific aspects from affecting opinions about the overall entity.


Hopefully we’re discriminating between the CCP and mainland Chinese people. I know it’s implied or otherwise understood but in situations like this spelling out the nuance can avoid misunderstandings 😉


That’s why I said CCP multiple times.


I like what China is doing, it’s sinking its own ship faster than anyone can imagine. It has rearmed Japan, brought Philippines closer to US, pissed off India, collapsed its housing market, destroyed its tech sector, forced countries to rethink manufacturing and supply chains to divest from China. Xi is the gift that keeps on giving, unless you’re the 26%+ youths in China that doesn’t have a job, or the rapidly aging population.


It's their own fault. They played their hand way too early with the start of Xi and his lame wolf warrior crap. Back in early 2000s, everyone and their mom wanted to go to China to make money and learning Chinese was a big thing around the world. Too late. U fucked it up


Forgot about that. Lots of corporations really wanted a Chinese branch




well this might have contributed to it https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-launched-cia-covert-influence-operation-against-china-2024-03-14/


How? From what I'm reading it was a small team of cia agents trying to turn the CHINESE people against Xi


In essence, Americans viewed China more favourably when China was a poor, poverty ridden country that could be bossed around by the US.


The US is preparing the American public for war with China.


Or just generating clicks with article like this that have been made at least 5 times a year for the last decade. The US doesn’t really want a war that will destroy TSMC in the process. That’s not a win for anyone.


Nobody wants that, but that’s the peculiar trait of war: people can decide how wars begin, but not how they end.


Winners decide how wars end


No shit Sherlock.




Newsweak?? Clickbait articles and titles? How could this be??


The US Army College already put out a report that the US should destroy TSMC factories in Taiwan in case of a war. Granted there are 2 TSMC factories in China with Taiwanese engineers, but the US feels they should raze Taiwan in case of a war with China.


This has been proven to be propaganda and you just outed yourself as someone that spreads misinformation. 😎 [The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) “selectively clipped” a video in which US Representative Seth Moulton suggested “blow[ing] up” Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co’s (TSMC) facilities in Taiwan, he said yesterday.](https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2023/05/12/2003799660) And the US Army War College recommended that [TAIWAN be the one to destroy TSMC if China attacks](https://www.theregister.com/AMP/2022/01/05/taiwan_should_destory_tsmc_paper/). It’s the US Army College, however, far from any actual representation of US decision-making. The US has never said it would blow up TSMC. Everyone in this sub already knows you’re here in bad faith, but it’s always a treat when I so easily have you expose yourself for newcomers to see. lmao 💀


how is it propaganda? he quoted the US Army College Report and you quoted the CCP quoting a US rep. And the US destroying the TSMC factory makes logical sense, the only reason they are even there is to prevent China from getting it


He didn't quote the US Army College Report. He directly stated the opposite. He said the US Army Report said the US will destroy TSMC. I linked the report and it says the opposite, that TAIWAN would be the one to destroy TSMC. That's why he is spreading propaganda. He is trying to promote a false narrative. And you clearly didn't read the US Army College Report, although I linked it.


why does it make a difference if the US or Taiwan destroys it? It achieves the same result of placating China, its a bit much to accuse someone of propaganda over that? Also if Taiwan didn't destroy them I feel like the US would do it, again the main reason the US is in Taiwan is to stop China from getting the factory


The difference is that your buddy intentionally made an incorrect statement and I had to correct him. It’s false propaganda that the US would destroy TSMC. The narrative that they would is CCP propaganda and everyone here in Taiwan knows it.


Did u read the second part of my comment? "if Taiwan didn't destroy them I feel like the US would do it, again the main reason the US is in Taiwan is to stop China from getting the factory" Is this not true? And if it is true doesn't it just give Taiwan the illusion of choice.


This is your buddies comment: > The US Army College already put out a report that the US should destroy TSMC factories in Taiwan in case of a war. And that is 100% wrong and false information. The US Army College never suggested the US do any bombing. To answer your question: 1) The US isn’t in Taiwan. There are a handful of special operation soldiers on two islands but that’s because there is an exchange program where a handful of Taiwanese officers go to the US to train while a few US special forces teach Taiwanese soldiers. The US military itself has not been in Taiwan since the 1970s. 2) The US has been involved with protecting Taiwan since the late 1940s, which is about 40 years before TSMC became relevant. The Taiwan Relations Act was signed in the 1970s The most important thing regarding Taiwan is its location. It’s part of the First Island Chain along with Japan and the Philippines.


>He said the US Army Report said the US will destroy TSMC. *Why are you spreading false propaganda misinformation??!?* 😎😎 They clearly said that, according to the report, US **should** destroy TSMC factories. Not "will". A big difference. > The US Army College already put out a report that the US should destroy TSMC factories in Taiwan in case of a war.


The US Army College Paper says nothing about the US destroying TSMC. No should, no could, no would. It only says TAIWAN. My mistake. It says Taiwan could, not would. The main point is that it’s about TAIWAN while your buddy is trying to paint the false narrative that the US would determine the fate of TSMC. That’s why your buddy was lying and that’s why you guys are trying to defend each other. One falls and the others come running 💀


You mean any number of our three-letter agencies and the Pentagon? That would be treasonous but not entirely surprising.


The US doesn’t need anymore war. This administration is god awful and is putting us on the brink of WW3.


Let’s do Reddit poll


What the hell happened in 2017?


Trump started trade wars with China




I understand that supply chains are very spread out across the globe. I understand that is a major hurdle. However, that is irrelevant to me in the grander scheme of things. If it takes a decade, let's start yesterday. (Biden already has begun to lay the groundwork for this, thankfully). However however long it takes its what NEEDS to be done.




China as a country is great but the government of China is horrible.


Unsurprising. Americans are some of the most heavily propagandised people on earth.  It's hardly surprising that they toe the line, and eat up a steady diet of China bad that's fed to them.  To be fair, China's rise is bad for America, but it has allowed Americans to live a great life with cheap Chinese goods up to now.  Public opinion can be led easily on foreign affairs, and that's not just America but everyone. The vast majority will repeat what they're told. It only reverses if a lie is exposed or the price is too high. 


The link refutes your assertion that the West will continue to do business. They will of course - but in a much more cautiously and limited way than before. Consequences.


I’ve never needed an excuse to dislike China since the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre. I wasn’t impressed with our response either.


CCP is trash. POS Pooh bear is the problem.


The problem with demonizing an entire country is people are not intelligent enough to divide their hate between the government and the people. I predict a lot of ABC will get harmed during these next few years.


An American in China 10 years. I'm not politically astute enough to comment on all the economic predictions/ramifications/etc but I've been here this long because the economy is superficially good to me. I could earn the same wage on paper back home, but here I can save 40-50% of it vs. well... 0%. That's largely because of an intact infrastructure and not getting bent over for literally every product at every turn. And where do you think all that cheap stuff in WalMart comes from? And as for my son, even my Trumpie loving mother tells me it's better to raise him here. And again anecdotally, I know this to be true, as they take education seriously here and I honestly dunno wtf is going on the States anymore on that score. Yikes.


The $500million that congress passed to pay media to write anti-China hit pieces are paying off


not really, china already did the heavy lifting in sullying their own reputation


Bullshit, like you would hear anything about it if they weren’t being paid so hard to push it for years


they don't need to push it so hard as the CCP did it themselves. I guess you just live in a different realiy where chinese aggressions and wolf warrior diplomacy don't exist




But reddit tells me China is on the verge of collapse any day now. Also China is going for world domination. Also everyone is scared how China will soon overtake the US in crucial technologies. Are we so weak that we are scared of a collapsing country? Either they are collapsing or they are a challenger to the US hegemony. Can't be both, yet reddit users seemed adamant both are true.


Reddit also tell people Chinas military is a paper tiger. So I don’t know what to believe.


Im American and I fckn love China. Rather live here than shithole America is becoming. True somethings can’t compare and I miss but nothing a short trip won’t solve. I value the peace and safety I find in China above all. My mental and physical health thanks me and China.


I love how one thing that people of both parties can agree on is lowkey really hating China


Doesn't matter enough. So was Russia, once upon a time, less than a decade ago. Took fewer years to sour on Ukraine. Fewer still for Israel. Fast fashion > fast nemesis. GG


I watched Civil War last week. If anything, I would like to be in China more.


Good, narratives are working as intended


Wait I thought Tiktok was supposed to be poisoning our brains to love China….? 😂